The Federal Reserve and Illuminati

Hi there, 


I am only just starting to learn about these areas and I am keen to learn more, as I know I'm only just scratching the surface.


So, all you seasoned conspiracy-theorists: can you direct me to any particular websites, youtube listing etc which you have found to be reliable and useful sources of info on the Federal Reserve and illuminati agenda/activities?


I am working my way through Zeitgeist, and this has sparked my interest.


Also, does anyone know how typical the Fed is of banking systems in other countries? ie is it usual for governments to pay interest to their central bank?


Thanks in anticipation


from Merryn

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  • Hi Merryn , Im glad that you search for the truth
    The Federal Reserve is an private owned company.
    If you wan´t then read about the Rothchields and Rockefellers who together own almost the whole bankingsystem.

    • Will check this out too, thanks Peter : )
  • You can check out G. Edward Griffin's 'The Creature from Jekyll Island'. It's all about the Fed and its origins.

    Also Alex Jones' 'Obama Deception' and 'Fall of the Republic' talk about the Fed too and integrate it with the bigger globalist picture.

    Fall of the Republic HQ full length version

    The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

    • Thanks Teddy, I have added these to my list : )
    • Thanks everyone for all these great links. I have my homework for reading now.
  • i was never interested in money politics, and how money was made...
    but i think the "Fed" system is only in USA... (in my country Greece, they dont have "Fed")...
    and its a smart way that some guys thought of, so that they can control the world...
    as long as they have printing machines, sheets of paper and :)))
    when u understand how money is being made, u will see how childish and crazy this thing is...
    i didnt know before i see "Zeitgeist Addendum", that money is created out of debt...
    that means that if we pay back all of the debt that we have, there would not left a single dime in the pocket, or bank account of any citizen...
    and still would not be enough, because of the interest that money have on
    we will ALWAYS OWE MORE than what we matter what...hhahaha....YOU ARE BORN and you are ALREADY in much more stupid things can be)....
    Money was good in the old times when the people used to barter things to each instead to carry with them a sack of apples for to trade with lemons, it was much easier to carry a few bucks...
    but in the current society, money is the stupidest way that exists, for the operation of society....
    If anyone has more knowledge on the matter, or want to correct me in something, please share....
    • you have banks in your contry?ill asumed that yes u do..then you are getting screwed like the rest of us m8 ..even in greece.....
      • hahaha...yes we are escape from the prison....
        Barron thanx alot for the links and info....
    • I hope you're right that it's only US, I know we have a Reserve Bank, but as of yet, I'm not sure how it works, only that it's supposed to be independent of our govt.
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