goldenlight252822529.jpg?w=187&h=242Blossom: Good morning to you and I hope that all is well in ‘your world’.

The Federation of Light: And greetings to you. It cannot be anything other than well … for this is the space in which we reside … in wellness for all … to all. We understand from your energy Blossom that you have more questions to ask and that you are feeling a little unsure about asking such ‘big' questions. Is this not so?

Blossom: Yes … correct. Yet I have had a chat with myself and know that I can only TRUST in you and that which you choose to give out, is that which is only of TRUTH and that which you feel beneficial to reveal. So shall I just shoot for the stars?

The Federation of Light: That would be something that we desire all of you to do. For it is in KNOWING that only the very best of everything ... is there at your fingertips. All that is required is the TRUST in yourselves. TRUSTING IN WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU KNOW. It would be wise to understand yourselves in a deeper KNOWING. For you touch only the surface.

Blossom: Yet we are all trying very hard to ‘find’ ourselves. We know there is so much more to us … just can’t grasp it in human form … and mind.

The Federation of Light: Yet you are getting so very much closer. The more you understand WHO YOU ARE the more ease shall come to you in that understanding. Maybe we could suggest not trying so hard! For it is by letting yourselves BE who you are … just by BEING YOURESELVES and letting go of all that confuses and maims the thought patterns … that the LOVE OF THE DIVINE … THAT YOU ARE … can flow through you .

Allow your LOVE to flow like a babbling brook with inside of you. Visualise the stream of LIGHT/LIFE flowing through your Being … and then visualise it emanating from you … wherever you are … whoever you are in company with. If you let this be a natural form … as natural as your very breath … you will soon ‘see’  the difference within yourselves … and you will FEEL very differently also.

Blossom: Thank you. OK … if it’s ok I will ask another question from one of the translator team?

The Federation of Light: This is agreeable for it is also a lesson for you Blossom in your TRUST in US and yourself. It is most fitting to serve this team you speak of … many are unaware of all that they do ‘behind the scenes’ and the time they offer amongst their busy lives. Yet from where we stand … and those in other realms … we desire them to understand that we are with them every step of the way. Their importance is as great as our messages for they assist in allowing those who speak in a different tongue to receive our knowledge also. For this … we are in much gratitude. … Fire away.

Blossom: OK … The one I have chosen for today is … There are so many different scenarios going around regarding our origins. In YOUR TRUTH … what would be your explanation of how we humans were created?

The Federation of Light: First of all we would say that which you already know. Your TRUE origin is the ENERGY of LOVE. From this, all things were born … all things were created. Long, long before the human race was even discussed you have been ‘alive’ … for LOVE is life! You had many lifetimes … or perhaps we should say ‘experiences’ upon many other planets and expressed yourselves in many different forms of species.

Blossom: Would you say that every human that has ever lived has been ‘around’ for ever?

The Federation of Light: No. There are what you know as’ ‘old’ souls and ‘new’. Remember that ALL is creation … as to timing of each atom of energy transforming into something new … that can vary greatly.

Blossom: So then …back to ‘our creation as humans’.

The Federation of Light: What an involved topic and we doubt we can cover the entire subject matter in this session and also endeavour to allow your mind set Blossom to ‘compute’ with ours in order to be clear.

Blossom: I’ll give it my best shot.

The Federation of Light: And so shall we. From our perspective … it was decided that life on Earth would be a new game. That is the wording we choose to use … although many may find this an offending statement. Your world was not created overnight  ... nor was it created in seven days. For there is no time. You were a thought … that took much preparation and consideration. You were to be a different form of species … in that YOU WOULD CREATE as you went along. You were given free will … to do as you please.

Blossom: Is free will not present on other planets then?

The Federation of Light: Not as individuals. There is free will as a consciousness… an overall combining of thought that creates. Therefore … on some planets when thought patterns are one … there is not the conflict of individualism. We choose to keep going on the subject matter as we could divert into many, many separate chapters.

The main ‘reason’ was for a human to express themselves ‘individually’ as LOVE. This had not been put into practice before your race. Of course there was not the KNOWING of how this would turn out … yet it was a grand experiment that is still ‘experimenting’ even to this very moment in time.

Blossom: So … who created us? … GULP!

The Federation of Light: There were a great many involved. It was not that those of Higher Light imagined the image and BOOM! … There you were! When you consider the complexity of the workings on all levels of the Human Being … you can well imagine the vast input of thought that went into ALL functioning.


So much excitement was encountered by all involved and so much LOVE sent by the ‘bystanders’. 

Before a ‘model’ could be ‘conjured up’ … there was the process of discovery regarding how thought could ‘work’ in action. The process was unique and intensely complicated. For many other species the ‘inner workings’ are nowhere near as multi connected. Other species have a far more ‘simplistic’ make up. Many teams involved themselves on separate issues that then had to ‘blend’ and add to this creation of the Human Being.

We would say that the structure of yourselves is far too complicated to go into at this point. Yet we would say there were many trials and errors in the ‘making of’.

Ultimately … there was much excitement about YOU. The purpose was to see how an individual expression of LOVE could become itself in fullness of the whole expression of LOVE. To be given choices for the selfmind and to deal with them as they arose within that mind was our intention … and still is … yet we have expressed to you before Blossom in our early communications that … this was indeed an experiment … and there is much that we and you would say ‘went horribly wrong!’

Blossom: Do you really mean that? For you say there is reason in all things. When you say it went horribly wrong … do you mean because of the way it turned out? Surely there must be species on other planets that have ‘blown it’ too! In ‘The Bridge’ you said that we were created in order to express Love … for that is all we knew to be … and through self-development … things changed ... for you were not aware that we would so easily ‘turn’ our needs in to greed, jealousy … hate etc
The Federation of Light: This is so. And as we stated also ... at first there was no great concern … we thought things would quickly get ‘ironed out’. It may interest you to know that there have been many times when it was deeply considered to allow the entire experiment to ‘blow itself up’ and that be the end of it. For the effect it was having on EVERYTHING … not just your planet … yet ALL THAT IS … was and IS being greatly affected by the Earths energy.


If you have an ailment on your little toe … everything else in your body is affected by it … it cannot be otherwise for it is one Living Light contained within the Human body … as an individual … yet that LIGHT can only come from THE ONE BALL OF LIGHT … for there is nothing else.

We know too that the questioner was interested in Atlantis regarding origins. Therefore we would lead into say that this was a typical example … to start with … of how the experiment was working exceedingly well. We would also throw in … that at the same time there were other ‘experiments’ taking place in other parts of your planet. Little segments of tribes shall we say … Each came with the same agenda … as LOVE … yet it was decided to give opportunities to different ‘levels’ of creation and see how they worked out . So this may help you on realising that there may not just be the ‘one answer’ as to your creation … for indeed there may be many ways that were being tried out all at the same time.

As many of you have become aware … the downfall of Atlantis was of the souls own making that resided there.  This was the part of the deal … that there was to be no interference and that they were ‘on their own’. 

Blossom: Can I interrupt here and ask … you say that much went on to create the body and workings of etc. … yet at what point did the soul become involved … did you just ‘slot it in’ at the end as the final Pièce de résistance?

The Federation of Light: We knew from the start that the creation would need the LOVE energy in order to exist. Much like a toy needs a battery to ‘make it go’. This was the most exciting part of all.

Blossom: So how did you ‘individualize’ the LOVE energy into separate souls?

The Federation of Light: That was easy. Through thought. The BALL OF LOVE literally IS LOVE … NOTHING ELSE ... so to ‘break it up’ into sections for different uses was not difficult. It was COMPLEX in its ‘how’ … yet we come from a place of KNOWING that EVERY thought can be manifested. And once the thought has been agreed upon to transform into matter … then the ‘desire’ allows the ‘HOW’ to take place.

It is so vastly complicated in trying to tell you each part …each new phase as it took place … yet … it was not that a ‘piece’ was taken from THE BALL and put inside a human form you understand. There were many, many, many, many processes that were engaged upon in order to ‘whittle it down’ to the individual that you are now.

This would also help you to understand the connection one may feel with another or many individuals … a connection that feels stronger to certain souls than perhaps to another. This MAYBE because you are from the same ‘piece’.

Blossom: Piece sounds so ‘wrong’ … yet I know what you mean. White Cloud expresses it as ‘petals from the same rose’ … sorry! But he gets the prize for best expression on that one!

The Federation of Light: 'HE' gets the prize if there were one … for oh so many things! This soul 'is as he is' to each one. Yet this soul is far more than you, Blossom … or anyone recognize … yet.

Blossom: I just LOVE HIM and that’s that! So … back to the lesson!

The Federation of Light:The destruction of Atlantis was man made. There was a separation of souls … perhaps you might say by those who ‘got it’ and those who ‘didn’t get it’. Yet as we were unable to interfere … with much sadness we accepted the experiment for what it was … and indeed much was learned from it .

One cannot go against LOVE … and expect the story to have a HAPPY ending. Indeed there were those that ‘escaped’ … both in human form and soul spirit. We explain more fully this statement by saying that some literally escaped and sailed to further shores to carry on IN LOVE … others may have had their life in that particular body removed … yet to be replaced inside another’s … somewhere else on the planet. Again … a separate chapter and the book is never ending.

We wish to tell you … that after certain events that have taken place on your planet in terms of self-destruction … NEW LAWS were made … for YOU WERE CREATED IN LOVE … FROM THOSE THAT LOVE YOU … and as your times passed by … it was necessary to implement changes.

We do not RULE YOU … You are not our puppets. WE CARE FOR YOU … FOR YOU ARE FROM US AND ONE OF US.

You are at a most prominent time in the LIFE that is NOW.

We watch you … as you watch out for us. This that is to come … ‘THIS EVENT’ that you have heard us speak of … is indeed LIFE CHANGING … IT IS WORLD CHANGING … it is UNIVERSAL CHANGING … IT IS CHANGING EVREYTHING. For as the biggest shift of all commences … the effect of LOVE that it shall have upon ALL … cannot in anyway ‘leave things as they are’.


All that has been … has been an experiment … that YOU WILLINGLY CHOSE to partake in … with all its ups and downs. When an experiment is undergone … one can never be sure of the outcome … until it is tried and tested.

 Blossom: Well we’ve sure been tried and we’ve sure been tested!!

The Federation of Light: Plans were put into place long ago … for that which has been learned and understood throughout this entire affair ,,, has brought us ALL to the place at which we now find ourselves. It was decided LONG AGO that ‘your story’ would have a ‘Happy Beginning’ and a ‘Happy Ending’ … although that is merely a statement … for there is no end.


You have had your trials and tribulations … You have served more greatly than was ever asked of you …




Blossom: Well I am sure there are many questions arising from this chat … yet I am aware we simply cannot contain it all in this one session . One quick one though … as I know you are ready to go. You mentioned a few chats back that our necks were elongating. Why ... Are we turning into Giraffes??

The Federation of Light: It is for the purpose of conducting LIGHT.

Blossom: Why do we need longer necks to do that? … Wouldn’t ‘bigger hearts’ do the job better?

The Federation of Light: No.

Blossom: You’re not surely going to leave it at that are you? Just a smidgeon more of an explanation would be satisfying to many of us with ‘short necks’.

The Federation of Light: Are not many of you experiencing neck discomfort? Indeed! … Again it is not to be secretive … it is just sometimes too much to reveal … for one to take in all at once. We would leave you by saying with LOVE … that when you have an elongated supporter of the head, which is attached to the rest of your body … you will find it most useful to use in its many forms … for it shall be most pliable .
We have enjoyed this conversation immensely. We TRUST that what we have chosen to ‘give’ is of use to many … It can be rejected or immersed within the self … depending on the thought and ‘position’ of each individual that reads of these words.


Blossom: And don’t think I will be opening up that little can of worms again in a hurry ... About the many aspects of what is the REAL TRUTH … It nearly blew my head off ... and my computer up!! Yet you never know how courageous I might become. WOW we have gone over the hour today … it flew by.

THANK YOU SO MUCH my friends. We are all TRULY Grateful.


Blossom: You’ve gone … until next time … in Love and Thanks …. So very much!!!


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