someone once said to me, "Trust what you feel and not necessarily your eyes" I didn't quite understand what this starseed meant, but now years later that was some of the best psychic advice I have had. I have come to learn that things present themselves energetically how they are.......if there is something that is governmental it will feel like the government, if someone is angry it will feel angry, if it is a hungry ghost it will present itself as a hungry ghost, if someone is a person of justice then they will feel just, an animal feels like an animal, e.t's like e.ts, happy pleasent situations feel like happy pleasent situations, messed up scary stuff feels just like that.....
there is no disguising energy and the truth to situations
if someone is angry at you and they are smiling in your face, the truth energetically is something that is and you can trust it at face value, now the energy might change, but then you will know it as it is currently......
I once had a dream with a rumbling dietie and I was writing someone about it, and I almost wrote that it was a ghost, or something other than how it felt. I thought to myself that it felt like a dietie and so that is what I wrote. I knew it was a dietie cause that is how it felt in my dream. It did not feel like a ghost or an alien, but a dietie.
I think a lot of the times we are confused by what we see and what we feel, because what we feel is discord or anger, but the smiles are lovely and the people are polite, and so we distrust ourselves. This goes for the same with all abilities trust your gut and your abilities!! Psychic information comes sometimes in pictures and images, trust what you are recieving and know it as such. People will swade you and not believe you but you know what you feel and you know what you see. Trust your dreams. TRUST YOUR INTUITION!!
FEEL IT!! TRUST IT !! You will be happier for it and less confused and filled with doupt.
Trust what you feel and not always your eyes.
love and light
Some refer it as a 'gut feeling' I believe that intuition is more - it's a inner knowing without involvement of any thoughts or logic or any rational explanation, a true perceptive insight, or as you said a feeling, if practiced on daily bases i believe that is where our guidance is coming - within, well it helped me, but i guess being analytical and stubborn i didn't always give in, which proved me wrong all the time ;) 'i should've listen' ... always comes later ... have you notice ;)
Good post tentinyturtles ;)
thank you!
i think that saying "gut feeling" is just one of those things we say and it is psychic language that has made it into the mainstream. a glazed over term that we don't think about, but in reality there is a deeper meaning to the term...if you say gut feeling then it is acceptable, as opposed to saying I was reading her mind and I knew that was going to
we are all stubborn at certian times and i have had situations where my intuition was saying "no" but I didn't listen, then I think back to the situation and think man I should have listened. I think that we are taught in lots of respects not to trust ourselves and our inner knowing. we have to embrace it.
i am half way through this book now, well the first book ..................................
it is a great read! enjoy!
i have not read the book in awhile but did see the movie a few months back