Is it not wonderful to experience the love coming from all of the creatures of the earth? And we would have you now, as you go and find yourself in various places of nature and as we said earlier, yes those things (trees, clouds etc.) also get in touch with the animals and the birds and all of this life, all around you. And experience the love that is incarnate within all of this. And certainly your animals, your pets, are the prime example for you of unconditional love. For in many respects they have already moved ahead of you. They are in many respects already in higher vibration; higher dimension here and they are waiting for you. And you thought you were the dominant species here! You thought you were at the top of the chain, the ladder, whatever you say. Not so much. Not in that respect anyway. We release here for another. Be right back!


I am St. Germain. We come before you at this time to assure you that all of these things you have been hearing of, all of the things in terms of your financial movements and changes that are coming, are already here. It is not that they are coming, they are already here. They are just now being prepared to be able to come into your understanding and your knowing. You actually can see these things happening.

But all of these things have been in the works for a very long time. Going all the way back to the founding of this great nation. So, know that this that you have been waiting for, this global currency re-set accompanying the revaluation of your currencies, all of this is here, now and about to be acknowledged by the entire planet. It will be in varying levels. It won’t be all at once. But it is a massive change that is coming and in many respects it is going to accompany that which is called the event, the Tsunami of Love. All of this is coinciding together.

You have to understand the immense undertaking that has been involved here by many people across the planet. Many have been working on this and they have known for a long time now that the system you are working under now, the financial system that you have now, could never work for any length of time. Yes, certainly it would have been much more balanced across the planet if it had not had been taken over and utilized only for that which you call the elite of society. But, know that because of all these things happening, preparing, many people have been preparing this and bringing this out into the public knowledge.

It is time, my brothers and sisters, it is time now for what you have known of as this nation, this United States of America, to be founded once again, as of old, as it was meant to be. You here are going to experience that and even now are experiencing even the very beginnings of it.

If you have those currencies that have been spoken of, from the other countries, if you are holding those currencies, they are going to have value. But it is not to make you rich. It is not to make you wealthy. It is to bring about a balance between all people. That is what this is for and in some ways it is the reason for some of the delays here.

But even though there are delay after delay, change after change, it is all still going to happen. And it will be as if one minute you are living your lives just as you are now and in the next moments, everything begins to change.

That is the message I wish to leave with you. Certainly, do not lose hope. Keep that “hope-ium” going because it is important. Because with any expectation you will feel the joy in the moment. Keep that expectation going. Keep that joy going.

All my peace and love be with all of you, my brothers and sisters. Thank you. I am St. Germain.


Greetings to you once again. I am back with you again. And at this point we will not continue on with any messages or discourses of any kind or diatribes, whatever you would call these things but we will take questions if you have any. It can be about most anything at this time.

Question: The night we watched the movie (Celestine Prophecy) I had a dream. All I remember was that it was about New York. Do you think it is going to happen?

New York? As you know it now will not be the way it is now as the center of the financial system of the world. It will not be this, as your Wall Street and all of this, as all of this is a product of the old ways, the old program and the old 3D paradigm and this is going away. So if this Is what you are experiencing within your dream, that the New York City was disappearing in some way, than in some respects this is correct.

Beyond this we cannot say more here but do not think that New York City is going to disappear under the ocean, no that is not going to happen.

Question: The information we shared earlier from Elizabeth Trutwin, from your viewpoint was that valid information? Is it something we should pay attention to?

Very much so because that was our brother, Sananda, and when he speaks, people listen (laughter). Understand that it is always necessary to use discernment in any of these types of situations, any of these types of channelings or any information that comes to you. It is look beyond the messenger, look at the message. And does the message work for you? Does it resonate within you? Then you will feel the message talking to you. And if you do, then you know it is accurate for you. It is truth for you and truth for you is not necessarily truth for another. So, where one might hear a certain channeling expression occurring and believe that it is not accurate or it is false or it is made up or all these things, for another it will bring about a wonderful message no matter where it is coming from, you see?

This is what we wish for all of you to understand. For there is much on your Internet that comes from many different sources, many different directions, many different expressions. But all of it does not resonate to you. And you can understand this by looking at the Internet and looking at all the various doom and gloom coming from  not your mainstream media but your alternative media like the ones that are focusing on the physical changes happening in the world. And as you look at that, you see all that is talking about war, or preparing for war or talking about war, about all these things. As you see this, do you not turn away from it and say, “I don’t want to hear any more about this!” See that is what we are talking about. It is not your truth. It is another person’s truth, maybe, who has not awakened yet to who they are. But it is not your truth. Let’s focus on your truth.

So through this particular one, we are speaking about, has very much accuracy in many respects. A hundred percent? No, no one is ever one hundred percent. You see those times that were given in this, were also very accurate in many respects. Can they change? Yes, they can change. Where it says April now, it could be June or July. You see? But it is very accurate at this moment now in expression. That is the way you need to look at it now. Have an expectancy of joy about it! You see?

Question: A lot of my spiritual growth and what I learned came from Hollow Earth Network and then this week, Elizabeth Trutwin came out and said that it was from the dark funded by George Bush Sr. who was paying all of Hollow Earth Network and it really made me cry to think I was deceived by the dark. Because I have heard Sananda, Mother Father God and St. Germain, Lantos and everybody and I grew so much from that. I am not sure what to do.

You have just answered you question exactly as we were just saying. You grew from it, did you not? You got the message from it, did you not? It matters not again, the messenger here. You see?

But is it coming from the dark and do I have to protect myself from it?

No, not in your understanding of it, no. Not in that respect.

Is it OK? Is it St. Germain we were hearing?

You must listen to what we are saying. Please understand. Discernment, discernment of all that you hear and experience. What is right for you is not right for Susan. And what is right for Susan is not right for James but what is right for James is not right for Cynthia and so on and so on and so on. It is whatever it is in whatever moment you experience it but if you grow from it, like you said, you grow from all the wonderful words that came through, the wonderful messages. And that is what is important here. For we are not going to stand here or sit here or whatever we are doing here, we are not going to sit here and say, “Do not listen to that one because that one is of the dark side. Only listen to this one because this one if of the light.” We cannot do this. We cannot do it for you. We can only nudge you along in various ways. You must do it for yourself.

If you grow from it, accept it for it is important. But if you listen to it or read about it and it does not resonate then turn away from it. But that does not mean that the next time it won’t be resonating for you. You see? This one that was asked about, this Elizabeth Trutwin, we are speaking in terms of through the James now, and in his experiences, sometimes he thinks these are wonderful expressions and various accurate and others he has looked at it as, “Oh, what is going on here?” See? So it is the message that is important here.

The time is flitting, flitting, is that proper? Oh, you will enjoy so much when you are out of time! We do not mean out of time like you may be thinking here. You may be thinking in terms of when you are no longer in a time crunch or time frame. You don’t have to worry about being late for this and late for that. Being two minutes late for your job or all of these things. No more time clocks if anyone has to punch a time clock here. You will no longer do that.

With no more questions we release channel now.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.

Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated



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