Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source
Hello Son,
The Foundation of Actions, Vibrations and Consequences
Life as we know it, is the result of our actions and the decisions we make.
Consider for example, a cake is on the table, we have several choices; to eat the cake, or not to eat it. But we could throw it away.
If we just consider these three examples, we all agree that they are different consequences the person will feel. This could be amplified further still if there is another person; for example, the same three scenarios.
We share the cake, or refuse to share the cake and not eat it ourselves and the final one, to throw it away without letting the other person have their say.
In both of these cases we create different outcomes or vibrations in the ethers of the cosmic energies. When we talk about vibrations we have to consider the thinking processes too and what effect it has on the surroundings.
Whatever we do, say, think and carry out an action. We feed the atmosphere and Mother Earth. The energies feed the planet's ethers; we call it the universal energy.
Many are aware of this, but do many put things into practice and abide by these rules of wisdom?
We constantly say and many have said the same thing, to silence one's mind; but why is this?
When we silent the mind for meditation, thinking or contemplation, we reduce the actionable energies we feed to the atmosphere, the consequences will be reduced to/from other people's actions and remarks.
I will explain further.
If we go back to the second scenarios, when we do not share the cake; we invite the consequences and anger from the person. There are many things he could think about and for a longer period. He could even hold a grudge and this could be for weeks.
It is the very reason that all the prophets have all said, in many different ways to ‘love thy neighbour’ or not to cause ‘mischief in the land’. In the spiritual sense we actually cause harm to ourselves by lowering and limiting our own vibrations; or we could hurt another person and lower his vibrations as a result of his anger or hurt; and the last we could taint the ethers of the planet.
When we tread on the path, it is full of Divine love from the Creator who feeds this energy constantly. It has no lower vibrations but only higher revitalisation and rejuvenation.
There are many people around the world at this time that are beacons of light, for which they send energies to the planet, if they are aware or not.
There are others who make an impact on what they say or do and feed the cosmic energies of the planet too.
Finally there are many by their presence, a shining example for others who create positive vibrations in others, for example athletes or footballers.
Vibrations can be created or destroyed in others in a single second, our actions and what we do or say feed the surroundings
Your mother; with love from the Divine who cares for your welfare every second of the day and night.