If it is in your hearts to do so, please sign the petition and share it forward. Scroll to bottom where it says "Arrest Petition" Janis ONLY LOVE PREVAILS From: Russ Michael [mailto:age-reversal@aon.at] Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 7:44 AM BREAKING GOOD NEWS!! The Galactic Federation of Light Requests Our Permission to Arrest Leaders of the Cabal Feb. 7, 2012 09:49 PM PST Telepath, Greg Giles "The Galactic Federation of Light has requested the permission of the people of our world to begin arrests of members of the Cabal / Illuminati, which will open the door to open contact with our family of light and the beginning of a new age of freedom, peace and prosperity for every being on the planet. Please follow the link and sign our petition. You do not need to leave your full name." ***NOTE from Russ Michael - I signed this below 'arrest' PETITION immediately, and in addition, I ask my 3,000 or more daily Message from Michael - Newsletter subscribers worldwide, as well as those on the email lists of more than 70 worldwide Light workers LIST HOLDERS (one dear lady who has more than 100,000 members) . . . that I AM forwarding this Newsletter to . . . to gratefully, individually and collectively DO THE SAME. FURTHERMORE, I know we each can add very great MOMENTUM to our collective Family of Humanity on Earth to speed up this process . . . by each and all of us, mentally calling out several times day and night to the Galactic Federation fo Light . . . our deep desire and sovereign permission for them to begin these worldwide Cabal Illuminati arrests IMMEDIATELY. So be it. I AM, Russ Michael ARREST PETITION (Click here) http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/galactic-federation-of-light-permission-to-arrest-members-of-the-cabal-illuminati/

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  • wow the et's not going to hurt them the karma they done is only lessons to undo, they will sort themselves out, but the et's just going to move the problemati ones out of harms way. Any way i got this from janis on another website.

  • granted i got my area secure and will help with my ham radio and food and questions

  • You have my permission. Joshua A. Fater also I can vouch for all members of my family they would all give their lives to make this world a better place. Personally if it meant I had to experience torture for eternity I would undergo it for the sake of every being in the universe. Tell me where to arrange this and so shall it be done.
    • I see, maybe..  LightSync, I need to understand your views of things.  If we could meet at another point of time, that would be good - I am not sure what to make of this, but we need to discuss it.  Choose wisely.  I'm not *that* stupid.  

      • I've decided as I have nothing to lose here is my email. Joshfater@gmail.com If you wish to contact me it's the best way short of giving you my phone number.
      • I sent you a friend request as ot is the only means I had to message you in which I included my direct email.
  • I've signed it, too. ZaZuMa!

  • i don't think its a cause of running to the galaxy for help. its not like the main dark ones in power have their origins from earth so its only fair getting outside help on this matter. its time to get together accept help from Et's&Ed's as well as including Earthlings to join in and do their part in it all if they want to. but only for the ones in the right frame of mind.

    I welcome all the help we can get at the moment. the Dark ones have UFOs and technology way beyond are understanding because their have dark ET's&Ed's on their side so. why shouldn't we accept help from light ET'S&Ed's whom have UFOs and technology we could really do with. Makes a fair fight in my understanding... but maybe that's just my understanding... ??? x 

    • As it so happens I am a Human and I Live on this planet, so it is something that I am also responsible to do something about just like the rest of us.


      Because of the Power I will very shortly wield... if I was to do this sort of thing it would probably happen for each individual involved in one of 3 ways.

      There would be no personally identifiable evidence left behind, and all the security systems would suddenly go offline and their data would have been mysteriously erased.


      ** They simply disappear. Nobody knows what happened, and the body is never found.


      ** There is a very large explosion that ends up killing that person, probably destroying their dwelling and everyone else near them. The remains would likely not be identifiable except potentially for dental records. If it happens on a boat, then the boat probably just disappears.

      It would probably be in the 1000-5000lb explosive equivalent range, except it would be caused by remote pyrokinesis (supernatural fire) so there would be no bomb residue.


      ** They would be found dead along with anyone else who was with them who might resist. The resulting injuries would probably be a combination of slashing and blunt force trauma. It would look like they got in a fight with a very strong creature (eg, werewolf, vampire, superman, etc).

      Or the intended target would have been shot to death by one of the weapons they or their bodyguards owned (and one of the bodyguards would also turn up missing).


      A Fourth contingency involves taking out all of the Illuminati members at once. I would have to make double sure of the targets though, and would likewise need to work with some other people "in the know" who can name names for the hit list.

      Then all of those people simultaneously either Explode or Spontaneously Combust no matter where they are (it would be about as strong as a grenade, enough to shatter the human body)

      • you're really worrying me. i think you may need help your way of thinking is evil and wrong on so many levels. Please try and look within for light xxx

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