I was just wondering about these type over powered aliens. It fascinates me that they are supposedly artifical in nature really, cause they keep on cloning their bodies and some how keep on transporting their mind into new one(a technological way to say immortallity). Many consider them demons due to the way they look, and if one gets pissed or someone mess the timeline, then I bet it would be the best example of a pissed of demon. I had also heard they are from the future, and constantly time traveling back and forth. 

Now to me, seems like some race made them to make sure no one f***s with sumthing for all time an eternity seeing as they are supposedly artifical and that they have such power and mastery over such fields. So to me, they seem like time cops or sumthin.

Any thoughts or opinions plzé

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  • Reptilians are one, in a of a group of races, that are the oldest in our galaxy; Greys are a lesser race, though ancient and advanced, they teamed up with the Lizzies, to dominate our little world and turned it into a slave planet. The lizzies are genetisists(sp)  and were instrumental in our creation. We have lizzy dna. (Kundalini/ double helix)  Greys in this case are drones that have no soul, and are programmed to serve the lizzies and commit Dna experiments ( abductions ) on us wee humans.  The group of ET's that control humans kind  are rouges, that have taken our race hostage, and are waging a fierce war that has spanned the eaons. ( sound like starwars? )   this is where AC comes in,   and the light being sent to earth from distant stars, to break through the ESP forse-field thats preventing us from evolving and learning  who we are. there is a massive armada circling our solar system, thats waiting for marching orders. Ufo reports hav been growing in numbers exponentialy during the past year or so, because the end is so freaking close. The proton belt will mark the end/ beginning.

  • i don't know much about these guys except that i've always heard that if you are a negative person then you will attract a negative alien to you and if you are positive then you will attract a positive alien to you if you in fact wish to meet with an alien in the first place.  drunvalo melchizedek has spoken in one of his videos that is up on ashtarcommandcrew some of the different alien races and mentioned that the greys are going to "...be no more."  because the lack of dna differentiation i suppose. he did say that they will live on, in a way, because they have created a hybrid race between us and them. i'm sure this has been the reason for the abduction phenomenon.  this race is suppose to utilize our hearts and emotions and there brains. 

  • LoL, we do taste really bad I bet. I heard that Crocodiles and Anaconda's have been known to eat humans on Planet Earth when dealing with different parts of nature, but not sure how many they have eaten either 

    That isn't even an ET Being Reptilian, just some Reptiles that are living on Earth lol

    Bless the Nite,


  • Hey Prometheus. I would have to be honest here in something about the Greys. Whenever people freak out about them, and say ooohhh look the Greys, and look how bad they are, and look at this or that or the other thing. I personally have never ever felt anything bad or horrible about the Greys period. Reptilians yes, Greys no. I haven't really felt anything saying that Greys are horrible creatures, and that they do things to humans that most people blame them for to be honest 

    There could be some positive and negative ones out there, but over all I think that Greys are a pissed race, that keep on getting a bad rep lol

    Some Reptilians are good to, so I'm not sure if we are all going to have answers on this, until the time comes for Earth to know these answers, as of now though. I think a lot want to control thought processing on how an ET being would be like, if they were in contact with other Earth Humans 

    Bless the Nite,


  • don’t know if you’ve heard about it Prometheus, but this gives some ‘interesting insight’ well at least in theory as we don’t have any ‘proof’ …. ;)

    http://www.alieninterview.org/ or read here http://exopoliticshongkong.com/uploads/Alien_Interview.pdf

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