Hi All......

Magnetic Emotions

Thismonth the group gave us a very clear and strong signal that it was safeto moveforward. The channel had a different energy, very direct and even a bitforceful. They said speak your mind in all thingsand letyour voice be heard. It’s time for each of us to let ourvibration outinto the universe. The example they showed me was not only complainingwhensomething was wrong, but also speaking your mind when something isright. Havewe ever thought to write a note at the bottom of the electric bill thatreads,“Thanks for doing a great job this month!” My first thought was that nooneimportant will ever see that note. But the group quickly reminded methat it wasnot even important that any read it, only that I write it. Basically,they saidthat all of our vibrations will be felt more at this time.
Theyalso mentioned an effect we will be feeling for years to come. In thischannelthey specifically spoke of forms of emotional instability that can betriggeredby the magnetic fluxuations caused by the solar flares. They havementioned thisbefore in the Magnetics in Motion channel, but this time they gave usthe figureof 76 hours after the flare. From the SpaceWeather.com site I can tellyou thatit does not take that long for the magnetic wave to hit Earth after asolarflare. However, I think they meant this as the time it takes todestabilize ourinternal systems and for us to feel the effects. It does not happen toeveryone,but right now is a time on Earth when a new vibration is beginning andanythingout of synch with that vibration is coming to the surface. Morerelationshipsare experiencing stretches than ever before for that reason. It is atime to getright with YOU and be heard!
Have a greatmonth!
Greetings fromHome

Making Space for Empowered Humans
Dear ones, you have taken this day and altered every part of it. When this particularday wasset into motion by the sun coming over the horizon, you had nothing butpossibilities. You have altered everything that you have walked into inorder tomake space for your spirit to have a human experience. Now you arebeginning toalter the entire universe to make space for empowered beings on planetEarth.
We have spoken of the tremendous respect and honor thatnotonly we have for you, but also the way the other beings of the universelookupon you.  They see Earth as one of the highest possibilities to learnfromand to emulate in many ways. Yes, you look at your daily newspaper andsee wars,challenges, problems, tsunamis, earthquakes and more. But we tell youthat it isyour evolution and expansion into your proper place in the universe thatisopening up the possibilities for you to change every single day. That isthebeauty that now stands before you, and the possibilities that you didnot haveeven yesterday. Every day possibilities are starting to build for you,and weare asking you to simply become aware. There is nothing you need to dootherthan to begin to use this information, and use the higher capabilitiesthat youhave been hiding from yourself for so long. Your constant work tocontain yourenergy field has been needed to bring and hold in your energy, to defineyourself as a human. Now you are starting to let go of that restrictionandthere are some of the possibilities starting to take place. You will nowhavecapabilities that you never have before, so let us share with you anoverviewand what to expect and how you can work with it.

Beyond Field Theory
We have mentioned before that the year 2012 will reveal exposure to a type of radiation that you arealreadyfamiliar with in many ways. However, you have never defined thisradiation, foreven your scientists are not completely comfortable in theirunderstanding ofwhat happens to a physical body inside of a magnetic field. What happensif youcreate a magnetic field around your body using very simple techniques? Actually, humans do this every time they have a thought. The energy ofeachthought merges with the energy of all the other thoughts you hold astruth.  If the new thought successfully merges with your existing field,then the physical attraction process begins. This is the same way thatyoucreated your experience this morning when you first awoke and saw thesunlightas the first possibility of this day. When you have cosmic events thatchangethe magnetics of your planet, every one of you feels that shift and doesnotquite know what to do with it. The upcoming exposure we are talkingabout mayconfuse or interrupt this process for some of you, especially those whoseem toalready have a natural sense of direction.
Thisexposure to magnetic radiation is taking place with what you call solarflares,CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections). Your sun is beginning to eruptagain;there is a new cycle it is starting to move through. Your scientistshave knownabout this because it happens frequently—roughly every 12 years the sungoesthrough another cycle. Now the Earth is evolving and the Sun is helpingEarth tochange. What is taking place is that you are receiving magneticradiation fromthe sun all the time, yet when you receive these big influxes from thesolarflares there are many ways you can be affected. They change the groundthat youwalk on, so you suddenly start walking down the same path you have beenon andnow feel queasy, uncertain and like you do not quite belong. This isbecause theentire environment is beginning to change beneath your feet. Even thoughyou areevolving, your physical and emotional bodies are having difficulty withthis. Wetell you this because you are the healers and the teachers of planetEarth.Although each of you will experience some of these things, you are alsothe oneswho can help other people to walk through this. You have agreed to behere firstso that you could open the door and hold it open for others tofollow.

Magnetic Emotions
So, what is taking place exactly? This magnetic radiation will hit humansemotionally—very strongly. It already has occurred and now youarestarting to feel it.  You may feel as if you arebeingpushed to the edge, emotionally raw and spiritually exhausted.Watch whathappens to your emotions when a solar flare erupts and 76 hours later.We willsimply give you the number: 76 hours after a solar flare. . . This timelapse has probably made you feel disconnected, but every human on planetEarthis likely to experience a roller coaster of emotions while this magneticradiation is harmonizing. There is nothing wrong, nothing you need toworryabout or fix. Simply be aware. Payattention to whatis taking place in your environment, for you are much more in control ofit thanyou ever thought. It is when you are unaware of things that they catchyou bysurprise and quite often you cannot deal with them. Be conscious of thefactthat as you walk outside and feel the sun, it is more than the heat,gamma rays,and x-rays that it sends. It is a compilation of magnetic, light energyand yourexposure to it over the next year and a half may have a direct impact onyouremotions.
Now, the question is, what can you do about it? Whataresome tools to support you while walking through this changingenvironment? Eventhough the ground is shifting beneath your feet, you can stay on an evenkeeland get from Point A to Point B rather painlessly. This is something wementioned before and wish to revisit today. It is called lightgrounding, whichis simply a way for you to ground light energy in your physical body. Ithasbeen something each and every one of you have worked with and learned todo on asmall automatic scale, much like the way you have never learned how toconsciously breathe. We will teach you how to take this particularreaction outof the automatic realm and make it a conscious act, which will make itmucheasier for you to evolve past the upcoming changes. There is literallyan energyfield that each of you can create rather quickly a neutral field for youwhereyou can catch your breath during these intense times. 

Light Grounding
Envision that you have a filter around yourself that protects you from the magnetic shifting. It is heretoaffect the Earth and needs to. Although it will still affect you as youfilterthis energy through, this could be the first form of light grounding wewillteach you. Keep in mind that what we call “light” is something differentthanwhat you do. You consider light to be a very small part of theelectromagneticspectrum; we call it the entire spectrum, plus a great deal that humansdo notyet see. This is much bigger than what you consider light, becausemagnetism isa part of light and one of the pieces we have never learned to ground.There aremany circuits, techniques, and devices that will protect you frommagneticfields and shield you from EMF radiation. Even though those approacheshaveworked well before, very few of them will be effective at this levelbecauselittle of what you have on planet Earth will protect you from what we iscoming.Rather than protect yourself, we ask you to learnto groundand use the energy. Adapt and harmonize rather than resist.
It is not that you need to run for protection either,because you are the masters of the Gameboard.You arethe little gods pretending to be human. Because of that you can do itall withno problem, but we also want to tell you what is coming and share whatthecapabilities and why you set these in motion. So why is the Earthradiating? Whyis it important to change the magnetics of Earth even further than whattheyoriginally thought would be necessary? It is because of you. You haveevolvedpast what you had as the highest potential even five years ago.

Harmonics Are the Trigger
It is now possible to start working with harmonics. Harmonics are very simple. If you hit anote on apiano keyboard and look at the strings inside the piano, you will seethat eachone of those is vibrating.  We have shared this with you before. Now youare learning how to straighten out the wave. You are learning how to fitharmonics to reach levels of vibration you have never been able to reachbeforeand extend distances never thought possible. They were always just outof yourreach. Now, through harmonics, you can reach and effect change in yourownenergy much easier than ever before. It is something you areunaccustomed tousing. So even though it has been in your world for a long time younever knewyou could control it, but you can control the amount of magnetism thatreachesyour physical body. Similar to that you know the sun can do damage soyou usesun block on your skin that only allows certain amounts of radiationfrom thesun through. The same will be true with the magnetic filters you placeonyourself. Before we give you the xyz on exactly how to do it, play withit andfind it yourself. Even if we give you a modality that shows you exactlyhow todo this, it will not be as effective as if you find it yourself. Listento thatinner voice; it will tell you how to harmonize and pull this through.That isthe piece we are working with not only here in these rooms, but in everymessagewe give you.
You have been walking onthisplanet pretending to be separate from each other, and that is about toend. It is starting to take place because as you begin to expand,thereis no room for the separation anymore. It is magical. You start tounderstandyour connection and harmonics with another person or a group of people.It ismagical and simple, yet it is always going to take the people who do itfirst.It will always take the people who stand in front and dare to make themistakes,as you call them, who dare to push, to try something new and work withit. Thisis the beginning of something we are calling “light grounding,” andthere willbe much more coming from it. Much of your experience here on this planethasbeen how to evolve and ascend. We are the first to tell you to stay hereonEarth. Anchor that piece of you on the planet firmly, then you canexpandwithout the problems because there will be all kinds of challenges ifyou beginexpanding and moving into a large energy field without clear definitionorwithout grounding. The grounding part is what allows you to pretend tobe ahuman. That is what allows the beauty of Home to shine through your eyeswhenyou smile, and to be seen in everything that you do. It is why you cametoEarth. Welcome Home. Now you know that this is going to be a journey.Each andevery one of you is going to find slightly different answers and whenyou startconnecting the whole, you will get the bigger picture. It is the wayhumanityhas always worked.  Let us pull back for just a moment. We will workpersonally on light grounding with you and give you much moreinformation astime goes forward. Let us speak of the emotional changes that will beoccurringon planet Earth.
You have a disorder you labeled depression,whichis liable to run rampant for a time on planet Earth. Magnetism is likelyto setpeople into this emotion and when they get into a specific groove,whatever thatis. That groove is very difficult to move out of, because depression is one of the energies that feeds upon itselfand it isbasically a lot of light grounding. Many of you have dealt withthis formuch of your lives; you often can call it clinical depression or causaldepression. It is an energy that has existed here and is equated to whatyoucall dark energy in the universe. It is not bad. Do not call it bad, foryouplace yourself in duality the moment you do that. Instead, take what youhaveand learn to use it. There are ways of being able to use it, and you canprotectyourself from the cause of it. Watch the sun, paying special attentionto the76- hour mark after the explosion although the actual magnetic waveswill startcoming in before that. You will be able to see the Aurora Borealis inunlikelyplaces such as Arkansas and Texas, or in different places in theuniverse thathave never experience these anomalies. It is also happening in your bodyas yourbody starts to adjust and change. The easiest way to cope is to reachout andhold somebody’s hand, because every one of you is going through thistogether.Yet, when you go through it, the first thing you do is pull back yourhand andthink that this is all about you. That is part of the naturalcontraction of anenergy field during these times. We tell you, dear ones, that you have achoiceas do the clients that each of you is going to work with. There aretechniquesthat will make all of this a bit easier as you moveforward.

Physical Changes
Humanity is changing. It seems you do not even fit in your physical bodiesany more.Your bodies are beginning to evolve to make space for the new andempoweredhuman, but so are a lot of things including many of the social andeconomicstructures you have on your planet. Here is the challenge. You havetypicallydefined success as being able to repeat something over and over again.So, youbecome very comfortable in your little ruts. To be human is to typicallyfindyour own rut, because that is where your comfort or safety zone is.However,that is now changing. Many of you will start moving beyond your comfortzonesyet not knowing where you are going, for that is the beauty of thisexpansion.Everyone is beginning to expand because you were holding your energyfields inall that time. Now you are returning to an expansive field that is morenativeto your soul. The social and economic structures will attempt to try tothe oldways and may even cause more difficulties before finally adapting. Theproblemis that some of them think they are in charge and can determine yourfuture.

Change the Structure
Even if you have an economic re-set like you have recently, the economic and social structures aregoing togo back to playing the game exactly the way they did before, for theyconsiderit successful because it worked before. So, they are going back to thesestructures until they hear from you that it will no longer work. If youaredepressed or wondering who you are, we ask you to become comfortablewith yourtruth for now is the time to start speaking your truth and stop holdingback. Ifyou have ever wondered who you truly were or if one person could make adifference, now is the time to act. It is the time for each one of youtooutgrow the ruts that your societies, economic structures, schools andotherinstitutions have been stuck in. Now is the time to change, because thatis whatwill help your children, the next generation, to move into this energythat wasso difficult for you to evolve into. It is time to get angry and fed upwithyourself and your environments, and to create the new structures thatsupportempowered humans. The world has been toying with this whole idea of warfor solong, so why has it been so difficult to get rid of war? War became awonderfulbusiness, a rut that has been successful for a very long time. Now weare goingto ask you to wage war on yourselves instead. Kill with love. Share withkindness and do everything you can to go in the opposite direction, butlet yourvoice be heard. It is time.
You are not going to represent allofhumanity, but you can certainly represent yourself. What does and doesnot workfor you? It is time to start grounding your needs, wants and desires,becausethe moment you do that--even though you may not make a difference overhere--youhave clearly defined your world and started building a new energy andmagneticstructure around those thoughts. That is light grounding. We tell you,dearones; it is time for you to speak out about what you are feeling. Everytime youconnect with that energy, you are creating heaven here on earth. It istime fora new kind of war, it is time we kill each other with kindness and love.You canbegin that today.
Dear ones, there are so many changes happeningsoquickly. We wish we could give you the answers so that you could be inthe rightplace at the right time. We know that many of you have intentionally setyourselves out of sync so that you could do something very important,and all ofyou are going to have that chance. So, no matter where you find yourselfnow andover the next few years, know that you are being guided. Know that ifyoulisten, you will receive that information directly through your ownheart.Ground that light into the most beautiful energy on Planet Earth, for itwillanchor you in all the days to come. Together you can hold hands and walkintothis next evolution.
It is with the greatest of honor that wegreetyou this day we ask you simply to treat each other with the greatest ofrespect.Nurture one another every chance you get and play welltogether.

The group
Steve Rother

Steve Rother is an American citizen, currently living in Las Vegas. He used tobe anentrepreneur, until he became a Lightworker and an author. 5 books havebeenpublished so far, which have been translated into 11 differentlanguages. Hischange from entrepreneur to Lightworker happened following a spiritualexperience on new year's eve 1996. That night, he started saying thingswhich,according to himself, did not originate from himself, but came from "thegroup".A group of 9 'energetic entities'. These 'messages' brought by 'thegroup' werebundled in books.

Together with his wife Barbara, he travelsaround theglobe, spreading these messages from the group and putting them intopractice.His activities are managed by a non-profit organisation called'LightworkerCorporation.' 

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