The Russian Navy reports that the U.S. created the earthquake in Haiti
> >
> > The Russian Northern Fleet indicates that the earthquake thatdevastated Haiti was clearly the result of a test by the U.S. Navythrough one of its earthquake weapons and drew up a diagram of linearsuccession in relation to earthquakes reported to have occurred bychance to the same depth in Venezuela and Honduras.
> >
> > The Northern Fleet has been monitoring the movements andactivities of U.S. Marines in the Caribbean since 2008 when theAmericans announced their intention to reestablish the Fourth Fleet,which was disbanded in 1950, and that Russia responded a year later,with the Fleet led by the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great "bystarting its first exercises in this region since the end of the ColdWar."
> >
> > Since the end of the decade of the 70's in the last century,the U.S. "advanced a lot" in the state of its earthquake weapons and,according to these reports, they now use equipment with Pulse, Plasmaand Tesla Electromagnetic and Sonic technology together with "shockwave bombs."
> >
> > The report also compares the experiences of these twoearthquake weapons of the U.S. Navy last week, when the test in thePacific caused an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 to strike in the areaaround the town of Eureka, Calif., causing no casualties. But the testin the Caribbean caused the death of at least 140 thousand innocentpeople.
> >
> > According to the report, it is "more than likely" that theU.S. Navy had "full knowledge" of the catastrophic damage that thistest earthquake could potentially have on Haiti and had pre-positionedits Deputy Commander of the Southern Command, General PK Keen, on theisland to oversee aid work if needed.
> >
> > As regards the final result of the tests of these weapons,the report warns that there is a U.S. plan to destroy Iran through aseries of earthquakes designed to overthrow its current Islamic regime.Additionally, according to the report, the system being tested by theUSA (HAARP Project) would also create anomalies in the climate causingfloods, droughts and hurricanes.
> >
> > According to another report, coincidentally, facts existestablishing that the earthquake in Sichuan, China on 12 May 2008, amagnitude 7.8 on the Richter scale, was also caused by HAARP radiofrequencies. It can be observed that there is a correlation betweenseismic activity and the ionosphere, through the control of RadioFrequencies Induced by force fields, which is a HAARP feature, and itcan be concluded that:
> >
> > 1 .- Earthquakes identical in depth and linearly on the same fault are caused by induced frequency linear projection.
> >
> > 2 .- A coordinated satellite configuration can generateconcentrated frequency projections targeting specific points (forcefields).
> >
> > 3. A diagram shows that earthquakes considered to be artificial propagate linearly at the same depth.
> >
> > -Venezuela, on January 8, 2010. Depth: 10 km.
> >
> > - Honduras, on 11 January 2010. Depth: 10 km.
> >
> > - Haiti, on 12 January 2010. Depth: 10 km.
> >
> > The rest of the aftershocks occurred at depths close to 10 km.
> >
> > Soon after the earthquake, the Pentagon said the hospitalship USS Comfort, which was docked in Baltimore, summoned its crew andsailed to Haiti, despite the fact that several days would elapse beforearrival in Haiti. Nevertheless, Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman ofthe Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the U.S. armed forces were preparing anemergency response to the disaster.
> >
> > General Douglas Fraser, Commander-in- Chief of USSSOUTHCOM,said that Coast Guard and U.S. Navyvessels in the region were sent tooffer help even if they had limited resources and helicopters.
> >
> > The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson was sent from the navalbase at Norfolk, Virginia, with a complete consignment of aircraft andhelicopters. It arrived in Haiti early on the afternoon of January 14.Other additional groups of helicopters will attach with the CarlVinson, said Fraser.
> >
> > The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),operated in Haiti before the earthquake. President Obama was informedof the earthquake at 17.52 on January 12 and asked his staff to ensurethat embassy officials were safe and began preparations to provideneeded humanitarian assistance.
> >
> > According to the Russian report, the State Department, USAIDand the U.S. Southern Command began its work of "humanitarian invasion"by sending at least 10,000 soldiers and contractors, to control Haitianterritory, rather than the UN, the after the devastating "experimentalearthquake."  
> >
> > Translated from the Portuguese version by:
> >
> > Lisa KARPOVA
> >
This may have a bit of truth in it as in the celestine prophecy james redfield discribing china which may have similar weaponry technology too.
You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
these are non-humans - ...
this is not a fear-card
when you know that hey made exercises to save haiti after any catastrophe
just days before he earthquake
when you know that it is near venezuela
when you know that beneith haiti there is one of the largest il fields....
wake up dear
we all are with ashtar
but humanity has to wake up and not wait for the knight from the universe who will come to save them
the best thing is
to clean yourself of all things within from each and every life
so that your frequenciy is on-line with source....
then you are the knight who comes to save yourself with the help then
Love and light in unity,
words of a coward..
finding the cause is very important as future events could be stopped if we were not all cowards like you...
and all the meditating and praying will not shut these weapons down...its up to us...get it???
and if 200 000 lives taken is irrelevant to you,well it aint to me
remember this mofo....inaction = complicity
Here again, it's all about conditioning, conditioning, conditioning. Don't you dare say anything "negative" about this "great country". Hogwash!!! The great "american dream" was all about many immigrate to this country thinking to improve their "Life conditions". I can recall a time when immigrants had to study and pass tests on speaking the English language, learning some history of the country, the constitution, etc. before they were considered "legal". No more!!! In the city where I live the stores, casinoes, and even the streets are rife with "illegals" who don't speak English. You know, if I were planning to move to Mexico, I would have the common sense to learn Spanish so that I could communicate with the natives. Now there is a sense of "entitlement" among the Mexicans who move here illegally...."I refuse to learn English.....can't make me." And the way I see it is that it is just adding more confusion and chaos to an already confused and chaotic state in the world.
Here's another point of "vexation" to me. Why is it that certain countries are "allowed" to have atomic weaponry and others are not.
I used to say that I would trust people until they proved to me that they couldn't be trusted. My motto that I live by these days is that I definitely DO NOT trust people until they PROVE to me they can be trusted. Is this wisdom or is it cynicism to NOT TRUST anything the politicos say?
I question EVERYTHING anymore and am generally NOT pleased with the answers I am coming up with.
But, the only solution I see to our problems is the expansion of consciousness in EVERYONE!!! I heard several years ago that we had reached "critical mass". I'm not seeing evidence of that. Are you?
Another thing is the use of the word "democracy". This country was not established as a was established as a Republic. A democracy is where the rule is by the few, i.e. government, corporations, etc. A Republic is where the masses rule.....or rule of the people, by the people and FOR the people. Use of the word democracy is just more of the conditioning.
When one simplifies, simplifies, simplifies, it all boils down to Spirituality......dark vs. Light. Is this ever going to change, or is it an eternal dilemma?
i just want to point out that you obviously are misinformed about the definition of the word
"Democracy"...Democracy does not mean that the country is ruled by the few, i.e. government, corporations, etc. today's so called "Democracy", this is what we see...
But this is not a "Democracy"....
"True Democracy" is when each and every one person living in a country can be heard equally from ALL...
But this is not happening today...and neither has happened anytime before in all the ages so far...
We never had "True Democracy" in this world.....
"Democracy" comes from 2 words in ancient Greece:"Demos" and "Cratos" -"Δημος" and "Kρατος"...which means "the People", and "the state"...
"Democracy" means the 'State" is run by "the People"...
I also believe that a lot of what is going on is to perpetuate fear in us. I have no doubt we are each and everyone of us sovereign citizens of the Universe and if I hold that knowledge and stay in the Light, how can any harm come to me. I don't need the protection of men, for I have total and absolute Divine Protection. Can any man defeat that? I think not!!! This is part of the "disguise" that is being used to bring us under "their" try to make us think that what they are doing is for our "protection". No thank you!!!
Has anyone given any thought to the word "government". It means to "be governed". Is that what you want, or do you want True Freedom? The world governments are not interested in giving us our freedom, which is a gift from Creator Source......we are Free Spirits and all we need to do is KNOW THAT!!! without any doubt.
I can recall when I was "growing up", I used to listen to the politicians' speeches, and after they were done, I would ask myself, "What did he just say"? Someone later informed me that it was all political rhetoric. Thankfully, I can now see through the political rhetoric, and the way I can tell they are lying is if their lips are moving.
I've asked myself many times, "Who died and put the US in charge of the world"? Still don't have an answer to that.
And, tatjana.....when one has Divine protection, then who else do we need to protect us? It's all in the knowing, isn't it? one else can KNOW IT for you. It's a personal job.