Urgent Warning: The Hebrew Scriptures Give Us The EXACT Day Of The End


Israel Ben Barzle


Yehoshua Ben Barzle


The information I am about to put forth has never been put into print to my knowledge. It is groundbreaking information pulled from the pages of the Hebrew Prophets that will impact you and your family in the days ahead. My suggestion as you read through the following paragraphs is that you spend some time in very sincere conversation with the Creator of this world. 

On a personal note, I am not a date-setter kind of guy. In fact, I usually go out of my way to debunk the date-setters, as I believe when the date that has been set does not come to pass, it harms the name of the G-d of Abraham. However, in a pure biblical sense, it is very difficult to analytically refute what I am about to share. So please understand dear reader—it is with earnest, G-dly fear that I impart, not what could be, but what WILL BE, one of the most important days of our collective lives.

Israel Ben Barzle


In recent weeks we have seen a series of critical Hebraic dates and events converge. We have witnessed the end of a Shemitah that did not clear our biblical debt; the final series of Blood Moon Tetrads announcing an upcoming, final war in Israel; the blatant, public rebellion of the Western Powers on Yom Kippur 2015; the all-important commencement of the Seventieth Jubilee cycle; the invasion of the Middle East by Russian forces; the beginnings of a final intifada in the land of Israel. All of these events have come together all at once. And, if you are scripturally sensitive at all, you cannot help but realize that something big is getting ready to happen on the prophetic horizon.

But the big question has always been: so when exactly will the final shoe drop? When will all these prophecies actually culminate in a tangible, climactic way? 

Folks, like most things in the Hebrew Scriptures, the information is there. It is simply a matter of us putting aside all the disinformation we have been taught by the so called experts, and focusing in on the very plain speaking messages the Creator has provided for all of us to see and understand for ourselves—not just from the paid professionals trying to sell books.

Think about it. Why would the Creator of this world give us information regarding super critical issues that could only be understood and disseminated by the overeducated, religious elite? Last I checked, G-d chose common, ordinary people to understand and share His truths. Moses was an adrift Levite baby who became the greatest prophet of all time. Abraham was a lowly sheepherder who became a chosen nation. Joseph was a slave and prisoner who ultimately ascended to Second-In-Command of a world superpower. David was a mere shepherd who became a king, the youngest in his family, and so insignificant he was initially overlooked.

So, as we venture into the subject matter, please keep in mind that G-d most often uses the small, irrelevant, everyday people like you and I to understand His great mysteries. And most often the answers to these mysteries have been there all along, waiting for us to put aside the preconceived ideas, and to be discovered in a humble desire to really, actually know the One who gave us our very existence.


Hidden in Plain Sight

When it comes to prophecy, we all want to know “when”. This is especially true as we begin to see factors greater than ourselves coming together in a prophetic, perfect storm. As thinking, breathing creatures that want to keep thinking and breathing, all of us want to know when something big might happen that would potentially impact our lives, and the lives of our loved ones. This becomes especially true when it is on the scale of Creator versus Mankind, something warned about over and over in the prophetic scriptures. So does the Creator give us this level of critical intel in these Scriptures…for real? Does He give us something we really can sink our prophetic teeth into, something so absolute that we can take it to the bank and deposit it under our “ultimate fate” account?

Yes, He quite literally does. And folks, it has been hidden in plain sight all along.

Haggai was a prophet to Judah during the time shortly after Judah had returned to the land of Israel from Babylonian captivity. Haggai was a critical player used by G-d to prophesy during the after-exile Temple restoration process. Haggai, along with Zechariah, and possibly Malachi, also finalized the Hebrew Scriptural Canon—the Old Testament.

Most often overlooked, the Prophet Haggai was given some absolute key Last Day prophecies. These prophecies are connected to five primary issues:


The Final Temple

The Redemption of the Twelve Tribes of Israel

The Final Overthrow of the Gentile Kingdoms

A Great Geophysical Shaking of the Planet

The Restoration of the Davidic King-line through a Messiah


All five of these issues are “the” primary issues of the Last Days. These five prophetic issues form a baseline of Old Testament prophetic understanding, elements of which are found in every single prophetic book of the Hebrew Scriptures. The prophet Isaiah in chapter 13 regards this time of the great shaking of the heavens and the earth, both on a planetary and geopolitical level, as the “Day of YHWH”. The Prophet Joel in chapter 3 connects this exact time of great geophysical shaking with the liberation of Jerusalem, the destruction of the gentile enemy, the restoration of the children of Israel. The Prophet Habakkuk in chapters 2-3 ties together the restoration of the Tribes, the restoration of the Temple, the overthrow of the gentile kingdoms, a great shaking of the earth, a pole shift, and a loud noise emanating over the whole planet. And the list goes on and on. 

But where other prophets unfold various details and nuances of these five critical issues in creative fashion with colorful terms and narratives, Haggai the Prophet gives us a full course meal of meat and potatoes. His words are blunt, provocative, and to the prophetic point. 

At the conclusion of the Book of Haggai, he summarizes his prophecies using terms that are uber-clear. 


Haggai 2:18-22

Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the Lord‘s temple was laid, consider it.

19 Is the seed yet in the barn? yea, as yet the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not brought forth: from this day will I bless you.

20 And again the word of the Lord came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying,

21 Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth;

22 And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen (gentiles); and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, everyone by the sword of his brother

23 In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the Lord, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the Lordof hosts.


In the prophecy of Haggai we see all five of these primary issues of biblical prophecy. I do not care if you are Jew, Christian, or some derivative, any biblically seasoned person will agree that these five issues are the core of OT prophecy, however someone may slice and dice them together theologically.

But notice something strange. Haggai gives us a specific day: the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month

It gets even more provocative when we look to the ancient Hebrew and view the first sentence of Haggai’s summary in its literal meaning.


“Consider now from this day and upward…”


This phrase in Hebrew is “suwmev na lebeb-com men hayom hazah vema’alah”. Unfortunately, what we have here in these words in our English Bibles is a rather feeble translation. This phrase incorporates a sturdy “Hebrewism”, the use of phraseology that is commonly recognized by a Hebrew reader to have a very specific meaning when used in a sentence. In addition, the phrase here even adds a special word meaning to implore important attention. In other words, what it is saying here to the reader is: “PLEASE! Take in the importance of what is being said here.

The phrase “suwmev na lebeb-com” means literally to “please set your heart on this”. The phrase “men hayom hazah vema’alah” means “from the day—of this (day) –and higher”. In essence, what it is stating here in proper Hebrew, in a comprehensible paraphrase is:


“Please! Set your heart on this day, and even more so, to the same day later on which will have a ‘higher’ implication.”


Dear reader, this is absolutely clear in the Hebrew. This day, the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, had some meaning in Zerubbabel’s time. But, according to the prophecy, it has an even higher ultimate meaning in a prophetic sense, and this is what the Hebrew here is telling us.

In fact, the prophecy of Haggai is doggedly determined that the reader zero in on this specific day. The twenty fourth day of the ninth month is stated no less than four times in the last chapter of the Book of Haggai, and it is precisely outlined by Haggai as “the” day to prophetically watch for.

This is astounding. 

And, if we read the entire chapter of Haggai’s prophecy double checking for context, we will see that the Temple of which he is prophesying can only be the Latter Day Temple (vs 7-9), a Temple that will be much greater than the original. He speaks of the “desire of all nations to come”, a direct reference to the coming King Messiah (vs 7). Haggai also clarifies upfront that this is no ordinary earthquake we’re talking about—all the gentile nations will be shaken (vs 7). 

Thus, we can see why the Prophet Haggai asks us to set our hearts on this particular day. And if we take the time to break it out, we see that Haggai gives us a time sensitive, very well-defined summary of these five core issues using specific idioms and terms that are very well documented as to their meaning elsewhere in the Scriptures.


The Final Temple

“Consider (set your heart on it) now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the Lord‘s temple was laid, consider it (set your heart on it).”


The Redemption of the Twelve Tribes of Israel

“Is the seed (all of Abraham’s seed) yet in the barn? yea, as yet the vine (House of Israel), and the fig tree (the House of Judah), and the pomegranate (the Davidic King-line), and the olive tree (the final restored Israel), hath not (yet been) brought forth: from this day will I bless you.


A Great Geophysical Shaking of the Planet

“And again the word of the Lord came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying,

Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth;”


The Final Overthrow of the Gentile Kingdoms

“And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen (gentiles); and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, everyone by the sword of his brother”


The Restoration of the Davidic King-line

In that day (the twenty fourth day of the ninth month), saith the Lord of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the Lord, and will make thee as a signet (the king’s ring): for I have chosen thee, saith the Lord of hosts.”


To drive the point home leaving absolutely no doubts, we must ask ourselves: “is Haggai speaking Latter Day prophecy here, or is this just Old Testament history that already came about?” 

OK…did ANY of these five issues come to pass in Zerubbabel’s time? 

They did not. None of these events in Haggai’s prophecy occurred in Zerubbabel’s time. A final Temple, perpetually blessed, was not built. All of Israel, all of Abraham’s seed from all Twelve Tribes, were not restored; nor are they still. The planet did not experience a catastrophic, world-wide shaking in Zerubbabel’s time. All of the gentile kingdoms were not overthrown, and, as of today, are still in control. Since the fall of Jerusalem in Jeremiah’s time a descendant of King David has never held the official title of “King of Israel” with the official royal signet—never. In fact, Zerubbabel was merely made a vassal governor under the authority of a foreign power, never a king of Israel. The prophet Zechariah, Haggai’s contemporary, states in detail that Zerubbabel was not a final prophetic product, but was a foreshadowing figure symbolic of a coming king who would be involved in the final restoration of the Temple.

None of these prophecies have come to pass. But we are told throughout the Scriptures that these events WILL HAPPEN in the future—and according to Haggai’s words these prophecies will come to conclusion on the twenty fourth day of the ninth month on the Hebrew calendar.


The 24th of Kislev

The twenty fourth day of the ninth month is the 24th day of the month of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar. It is a fascinating day in history, as it is a day we are given some precise, prophetic shadow pictures leading up to the final Great Event.

In 167 BC a portion of the Jews in Israel revolted against Greek rule in their land. This revolt was led by a family: the Maccabees. They were a family of rural priest-warriors from the tribe of Levi. The Maccabean revolt was eventually successful, and it was in 160 BC that the Jews retook Jerusalem, liberated the Temple, and threw off their foreign conquerors in the land.

The specific day that this occurred—the liberation of the Temple Mount from the pagan Greeks? You guessed it—the twenty fourth day of the ninth month, the 24th of Kislev.

This great day of liberation is memorialized in Jewish historical tradition, and is still celebrated today, although many of us may not know some of the more fascinating circumstances. 

When the Jews and the Levitical Priesthood reclaimed the Temple on the 24th day of Kislev in 160 BC, they searched for the proper oil to burn in the Menorah lamps in the Temple. This particular Temple oil had to go through a very specific process in order to be pure enough to be used for G-d’s sacred service in His house, as outlined by the Torah. Finding only one day’s worth of oil, the priests decided to go ahead and burn what they had until proper Temple oil could be produced, a process that took about a week. Miraculously, one day’s worth of Temple oil lasted for eight days. These eight days are incredibly special days in the Jewish tradition. These days are celebrated as the Jewish “Festival of Lights”, known world-wide as “Hanukah”.

Thus, the 24th of Kislev, the twenty fourth day of the ninth month, is the literal origin of Hanukah. It is the day that signifies the release of the Temple from foreign domination.

Flash forward to December 9th, 1917. Prior to this date, Jerusalem had been under Turkish Muslim domination for centuries. It was General Lord Allenby of the British Army who successfully liberated the Holy City from Muslim control. The day the military offensive concluded, and Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were free once more was….

…The twenty fourth day of the ninth month, the 24th of Kislev.

Folks, there is just way too much coincidence going on here; and coincidence is a non-kosher word to a religious Hebrew. There is just no such thing when you are dealing with a G-d who is a master at controlling circumstances in such a clear-cut fashion. On both occasions, G-d liberated the Temple Mount on the 24th of Kislev.

So what we see in these events leading up to the final Great Event are shadow pictures that the Creator has perfectly provided to us to validate and establish the fact that the twenty fourth day of the ninth month, the 24th of Kislev, is “the” day that the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will intervene permanently on the present fate of the Temple Mount and complete the restoration of the Twelve Tribes of Israel to their Temple. According to Him, it is on this day that He will shake the geophysics of the planet like never before in history. It is on this day He will bring about the end of the supremacy of the gentile nations in our world with intention. And it is on this day that He will officially reestablish the destiny of the Davidic King-line.


So What Does This Mean?

This is where the rubber meets the road.

There will be spectacular events—mind-blowing prophetic events leading up to this day. Pieces of the End-time puzzle will fall into place systematically, as the course of human history comes to a climax. However, the Creator through His Word points to this particular day as “the” watershed prophetic day that His Divine plan is implemented in full measure.

For His reasons, the Creator has chosen this day, the 24th of Kislev, the twenty fourth day of the ninth month, to be the day that He universally shakes the heavens and earth—and He states this in clear terms. You can biblically count on the fact that on the 24th of Kislev, at some point in the future, there will be a catastrophic, geophysical event, across the entire planet, the likes which we have never seen before. There will most likely be surreal, earth-shaking events leading up to this day as the prophetic birth pangs heighten, but the result of the geophysics of this particular day will be decisive, putting into play the final scenes of the prophetic scenario.

Does this all sound just way too good to be true? I mean, is G-d being this forthright with us as to give us a precise time as to when the End is to finally come about?

Yes, I know, we are all used to hearing from the experts that we just cannot figure this whole thing out without buying their latest book.

But the Creator Himself puts these money-driven charlatans in their place. It states in the Hebrew Scriptures that G-d does nothing of any prophetic magnitude without personally providing a prophet to tell us exactly what is about to occur.


Amos 3:6-8

Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?

Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?


Haggai is that Prophet, and he has given us a straight forward, concrete point of timing to work with. And, by the way, notice Haggai does not ask for any financial compensation.

This leads us to the prophetic nitty-gritty. Understanding that we are in the final season of biblical prophecy, as we have entered the Seventieth Jubilee cycle, here are the upcoming dates of the 24th of Kislev, the twenty fourth day of the ninth month on the Hebrew calendar:


The 24th of Kislev in 2015 is December 6th. This is just a few short weeks away.

The 24th of Kislev in 2016 is December 24th, on Christmas Eve. 

The 24th of Kislev in 2017 is December 12th.


In conclusion, please hear me. This idea of a specific day is not coming from some fringe lunatic writer telling you to sell your home and gather on a remote hillside somewhere to await a rapture. The details we have included in this article are coming straight from the ancient prophets themselves. The conclusion that the 24th of Kislev is the Creator-given day that five core prophetic issues of the Old Testament are decisively concluded comes from the data, from the analysis of what the Hebrew language states in the prophecies of Haggai in crystal clear Hebraic terms.

So you decide….

Please take this information and make a hard evaluation of where events are right now, and where they are most likely going. It is getting late in the game. Many prophetic factors are converging, and things look to accelerate in the weeks ahead. We have brought the 24th of Kislev to our readers’ attention because we believe it is time to come to grips with where we are at in the prophetic timeline. Reality is bearing down on us. We are in the final cycle. 

And the Creator is giving us real answers.

Please feel free to reproduce, publish, and post this article in any appropriate website, publication, or venue. We give full permission as long as authors are cited and none of the contents of the article are changed or modified—Israel Barzle


For more information please see our website:www.houseofisraelreturns.com and download our Free E-Book regarding these and other very pertinent issues.

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