The Herd Mentality

Sheeple: Signs That You Might Be Part Of The Herd....

By Giordano Bruno

May 3, 2010

Millions of people from countries across the world have begun to wake up to the very real threat of repressive and engineered Globalism, or what the financial elite and the politicians who work for them often refer to as “The New World Order”. The movement against this centralization of economic and social power has gained traction in nearly every sphere, to the point where even the mainstream media has been forced on occasion to acknowledge its existence and prevalence. Those of us who have been working more than a few years in this activist organization, what many of us call the “Patriot Movement”, or the “Liberty Movement”, have seen incredible leaps and bounds in the fight against disinformation and the spread of unadulterated truth. Our work has gone viral, and our membership has skyrocketed, however, the task of diluting ignorance in the overall populace is far from over.

Every researcher, writer, and filmmaker who tackles the New World Order issue will suffer the unfortunate experience of running into people who are almost criminally uninformed, and this will happen on a regular basis. For a long time, our frustration was magnified by our inability to specifically define what it was that made these people the way they were. Were some just mentally inadequate, and unable to effectively process the facts? Were they so indoctrinated by the MSM
that there was no turning back? Was there an innate difference in intuitive faculties that made some people quick in picking out a lie, and others slow? Many theories abound, but one thing was certain; in our quest to inform the masses, there were always going to be those who were incapable of hearing or understanding what we had to say, no matter how factual, rational, and refined our arguments. We now call these wonders of intellectual rustication “Sheeple”…

Sheeple can be found in every country, every ethnic background, every religious organization, and every subculture. After years of examination and experience, it has become much easier for the Liberty Movement to identify and categorize the various forms of sheeple, and come to terms with the triggers in the human mind that cause some to willfully ignore logic and wisdom. I have written in the past about some of these triggers, including my article “Sheeple: Why They Are The Way They Are”:

I believe it is important to cover this issue once again, especially in light of recent attempts by the MSM, along with the ADL and SPLC, to demonize our movement and paint us as villainous cartoon characters in the minds of the general public, which will make things even more difficult for us in the near future if we are not prepared. For those in the movement, knowing when you are dealing with sheeple, why they function cognitively the way they do, and how you might be able to get around their mental blocks, is of utmost importance today. Every new person who is awakened to the abyss they are about to plunge into could tip the balance away from tyranny and establish a cultural foothold for free-thought. Every person counts. With the world on the edge of financial and political ruin due to the manipulations and mechanizations of elitism, we must work harder than ever before.

Identifying Sheeple

Not everyone who is unaware or uneducated on the intricacies of Globalism, Central Banking, and the NWO, is necessarily “sheeple”. All of us, at one time or another, were nearly clueless as to the real workings of our government and our economy behind the proverbial curtain. I have found that many people are quite open to the information I make available as long as I make it available in a way that is not immediately overwhelming for them, and as long as I present solid evidence to back every claim that I relate. It is very important to be able to make the distinction between those who are brazenly dim-witted, and those who simply have not been adequately exposed to the facts. Below, I will list my observations on the various ‘types’ of sheeple, and how to recognize them. Keep in mind some people might fall into more than one category.

The ‘Happy-Go-Lucky’ Sheeple: Also known as the “Yuppie”. Life is a party for these folks. As long as they are not affected by the immediate circumstances of the troubles surrounding them, they
couldn’t care less about politics, economics, war, or governmental deceit. They may even be aware of the terrible facts behind a certain issue, but as long as the routine of their mundane existence remains intact, they will have little motivation to effect changes in their thinking or their world. In fact, some ‘Happy-Go-Lucky’ Sheeple ENJOY a random catastrophe or two, because it gives them conversational fodder for the small-talk around the water cooler that they love so much. Their primary drives are unchecked consumerism (the accumulation of useless things), and emotionally empty sexual exchanges (the accumulation of false self-confidence). Most of what they know about
the world they derive from watching fifteen minutes of mainstream television news a day. They often parrot talking points they overheard on MSNBC or CNN, and rarely have an original thought.

I have found that these men and women are normally from upper middle-class, white collar families. They have likely been coddled and sheltered from the suffering that goes on outside of the affluent
bubble they were born into, and have probably never had to truly struggle for anything in their lives, giving them an audacious sense of entitlement. Plenty of these people break out of this one track
thinking pattern on their own. I have known quite a few. But others will refuse to see the obvious unless confronted with the prospect that they personally might lose something if they do not take action.

The ‘Quasi-Intellectual’ Sheeple: My favorite kind of sheeple. These people hold themselves in very high esteem. Some even see themselves as part of the elite (though most of them are not).
Normally from the “professional class”, they often hold positions as Doctors, Lawyers, Bankers, Investors, Professors, Scientists, etc, though some have not yet left the university setting, and are simply getting a head start on their superiority complex.

Quasi-Intellectual Sheeple believe in the world of academia as unerring, as opposed to true scholars, who always have the wisdom to question the conclusions of academia. To me, an Ivy League degree is little more than a $100,000 piece of paper; it tells me nothing of the true intelligence of the person holding it. One need only look at the thousands of mainstream “professional” financial analysts who blindly supported Keynesian economics and refused to acknowledge the bubbles being facilitated by the private Federal Reserve’s artificially low interest rates and free money mentality. Their expensive education counted for nothing, and the economy is now on a ruinous downward slide. At bottom, most “higher education” is really indoctrination. People attaining degrees in economics learn what the financial establishment WANTS them to learn, and nothing more. The same goes for any other field of study in which information is extremely centralized and filtered. Yet, Quasi-Intellectual Sheeple have such misplaced faith in the ivory tower that they assume through the system they have reached the pinnacle of knowledge. Those who have not assimilated themselves into this system as the Quasi-Intellectual has are to be ignored or ridiculed when presenting an opposing view.

This type of sheeple is driven by the desire for respect, power, and sometimes sycophantic admiration. Actually being intelligent is less important to them than having others believe they are intelligent without question. When asked to prove their intelligence, they often respond with indignance. They rarely if ever consider the possibility that they may be wrong on any subject, especially if it’s a subject they received a degree in. When they find themselves facing someone who has a better grasp of an issue than they do, they will not relent. Instead, they will turn towards subversive debate tactics to confuse the discussion, go off on tangents to avoid direct confrontation, and when he is really cornered, he will throw out barrages of obscure vocabulary in an attempt to impress others and distract them from the fact that he has no idea what he is talking about. Quasi-Intellectual Sheeple are easy to identify by their arrogant demeanor. They tend to distance themselves from FOX and CNN and read periodicals like Forbes and Foreign Affairs, which are still
propaganda, just of a more complex nature. They respond to most arguments with a smile, due to overconfidence, until they realize they are being soundly outmatched, and then they tend to lose composure. It takes a lot of public embarrassment before they will mend their ways.

The ‘Working-Class Idiot’ Sheeple: Otherwise known as “the good ole’ boy”. (Special Note: I came from a parallel background, and am highly familiar with these sheeple.) You would think that people who fancy themselves as hardcore conservatives would be aware of the push towards global government and the fact that groups like Al-Qaeda are a fairytale distraction away from the real threat: Socio-Corporate Elitism and overgrown Federal bureaucracy. Apparently, they would
‘love’ to hear about it, but the football game is on and their wife is in their ear and the rugrats won’t stop eating all the damn frosted flakes. Such is the life of men without valid priorities.  These folks are usually Neo-Conservative lapdogs, an ideology suspiciously identical to Socialism with a corporate twist.

Mussolini had a name for this combination, though the term escapes me… Its not that they LIKE big government, Socialism, and the loss of liberties, it’s just that they are too ignorant to realize that that’s what they are supporting when they support the current Republican Party. These sheeple are very competitive. Sadly, however, they are often not accomplished in much of anything, which forces them to live vicariously through the exploits of others; like sports teams, political figures, and soldiers sent to third world hell-holes to blow up “bad guys”. Winning, regardless of whether or not the fight is legitimate or justified, is at the top of the Working Class Idiot’s list. They like to believe that they have a deep relationship with their conscience, which adds pain when attempting to explain anything to them. These men are vindicated in their own minds by a set of logical fallacies that would boggle the likes of Freud. Being rational is not important to those who are vehemently self righteous. They ARE the “good guys”, anyone who disagrees is a “bad guy”, and that is that. This mindset makes them very easy to dupe, and very easy to lead.

The Working Class Idiot worships television. More than a couple of days without it and he shivers like a starving drug addict. He watches FOX religiously, and not intelligent commentators like Andrew Napolitano. He’s a much bigger fan of frothing psychotics such as Bill O’ Reilly, spewing baseless nonsense like a third grader’s baking soda volcano spews foam. When cornered in an argument, this type of sheeple will try every trick he knows to degrade or intimidate his opponent.
When that does not work, he has no problem resorting to violence. How to get through to this sheeple? Find a sports figure, prominent Republican, or military man who talks openly about the NWO (there are some out there). Only then will he take the blinders off.

The ’New Age’ Sheeple: Otherwise known as “unabashed collectivists”. Not to be confused with people who do legitimate study into mythology, spiritualism, and the teachings of the ancient past.
These are the folks who read Oprah throwaway books like “The Secret”, and think they have actually learned a secret.

You don’t have to walk on egg shells with New Age Sheeple when it comes to the NWO. They are just as likely to approach you about it. The problem is, they think it’s the best thing since patchouli sticks! Why? Because their vision of a one world order comes from an overexposure to Gene Rodenberry-esque fantasy and a subversive form of propaganda I like to call “Positivism”. Most ‘New Agers’ are people who have at one point or another in their lives met with serious struggle, unlike the ‘Happy-Go-Lucky’ sheeple. However, instead of holding steady through this struggle, they gave up, curling into a ball never to put any real effort into anything substantial again.

They often make elaborate excuses for themselves, and adopt Eastern philosophical concepts they don’t really understand. Zen becomes an excuse to ignore the rest of the world and focus on
something pointless like underwater basket weaving. Karma becomes an excuse and vindication for any unfortunate event. Self awareness gets confused with self-centeredness. While Happy-Go-Lucky sheeple focus superficially on the outside world, New Agers focus superficially on their inner world.

New Age Sheeple do not set out to actively and physically fix problems. They follow the Positivist view, which is to ignore bad things and hope they go away, or make them go away “with their minds”.
No, I am not joking. Every New Ager I have ever met holds stubbornly to the belief that if they think happy thoughts and wish hard enough, their invisible “mental energy” will change their surroundings for them. “If only everyone was blindly optimistic about everything,” they think to themselves, “our society would be perfect…” I hate to break it to them, but no amount of ‘happy vibes’ will stop an inflationary dollar implosion, or stop people who have deliberately chosen to ignore their consciences from doing terrible things.

I have spent over two decades in the martial arts, so I am well aware of the mental and spiritual energy idea. However, in the martial arts, you are taught (rightly I think) that priming ones inner focus
only prepares you for struggle, it does not make struggle disappear. What the New Age really boils down to is an attempt to cut corners and slap together easy answers for the very complex and intricate problems of life. It is a lazy man’s methodology of denial in which there is no concrete reality, only “point of view”. This breeds hive-mindedness, because the search for individualism is in itself an exhausting marathon, one they would rather not undertake. Overt collectivism is much easier. All you have to do is follow the swarm. And because New Agers force themselves to become so mutable, over the years they will mindlessly adapt to any horrifying circumstance. If reality is only a “point of view”, then why not rationalize wars and holocausts as illusory blips in time? The only way to get through to New Age Sheeple that I have found is to show them succinctly that the New World Order the Global Elites are constructing is not the same as the one they like to imagine. Making them read through UN white papers on global governance and federal documents like PDD 51 and the Civilian Inmate Labor Program can help. They will still probably think a one world government is a good idea, but at least they won’t support the Elite’s version.

The ‘Quasi-Activist’ Sheeple: Also known as “the rebel with too many causes and not enough knowledge”. At least these sheeple are willing to leave their houses and fight for something, even if they know little to nothing about what they are fighting for or over. The problem is that their lack of insight and in-depth understanding on most issues makes them highly susceptible to manipulation. These are the “useful idiots” we hear so much about; the people who support  Anarchist groups that promote Socialist ideals (uh, Socialism is contrary to the tenets of real Anarchism, guys…), the people who believe everything they are told by the CRU on global warming even though the CRU has never released original source data proving that anything they say is true, the people who blame Capitalism and free markets for the economic collapse even though we haven’t had legitimate
Capitalism and free markets in over a century. Without knowing the facts behind these issues, how can one effectively involve himself in them?

Quasi-Activist Sheeple protest not so much to change the world, but to FEEL like they are changing the world. Being a part of something greater, even if it’s a sham, is a major motivator. These people are under the impression that they have an inside track on the workings of politics and culture, but the information sources they use are ultimately narrow and biased. NPR for example is not a reliable news source, and just because they speak in a monotone voice with a British accent does not mean they are educated on social undercurrents or that they are objective. Most “progressive” journalism is merely the leftist equivalent of FOX; highly saturated with disinformation and emotional button pushing. This helps to create a subculture that sees itself as “alternative”, when it is actually the flipside of the same old false paradigm coin.

The advantage of dealing with Quasi-Activists is that they do realize something is very wrong with the world. This is more than most other sheeple accomplish in an entire lifetime. The key is showing them the inaccuracy of the information sources they are too dependent on, and breaking them out of the fake left/right mental trap. As long as they continue to blame all the problems of the planet on “the right”, as long as they continue to blame generalized and fictitious opponents that were designed for them by the media, they will never understand why America continues on its self-destructive path despite all their civil discourse.

Common Sheeple Arguments

Below are listed some of the most often uttered sheeple arguments, as well as the rational responses to them.

1) The NWO is just a “conspiracy theory”: Set aside the fact that politicians and leaders of finance talk about the New World Order constantly in speeches, books, and on nighttime television. The temptation here is to push the sheeple label and start a battle of insults. When someone accuses you of “conspiracy theory” what they are really saying is that you are a liar, crazy, or both. Of course, calling someone a liar or crazy does not negate their arguments. Hollow character attacks like this are meant to interfere or defuse legitimate and logical discussion. Force the sheeple to address the information you present instead of allowing them to make your personal character
the subject of the debate. This rule goes for you too. Don’t just call them sheeple without backing up your claims and pointing out the inconsistencies in their beliefs.

2) I’m well informed and have never been a “sheep”: Most human beings, regardless of the time they live in, think they have it all figured out. Even men in the dark ages thought they had reached the summit of understanding. They are able to perpetuate this illusion because they are rarely challenged to prove the accuracy of their information or the wisdom in their perspective. Challenge their knowledge on specific issues, and show them there is always more to learn.

3) I’m not the “sheeple”! You are because you believe in conspiracy theories: Yes, full grown adults still use the rubber/glue tactic. Remember, one of the main threads linking all sheeple is that they believe what they believe so that they can belong, so that they can be a part of a majority. Delving into NWO research is the last thing anyone does to “fit in”. Just mentioning it can alienate friends, family, potential hot dates, etc. No one follows this information because they expect to
feel accepted by the masses. They follow it because they know it is the truth.

4) The NWO is not possible because it would involve too many people. Someone would let the cat out of the bag eventually: Actually, the Global Elites themselves let “the cat out of the bag” constantly. They speak openly about plans for world government, world financial control, population control and reduction, and they write bills and legislation that are designed to limit or erase our civil
liberties. The proof is hidden in plain sight.

5) You’re connecting dots that are not there: Neither I nor any other researcher needs to “connect dots” when we have the public admissions and documents of the Elites themselves.

6) You’re just fear mongering to get attention: The term “fear mongering” denotes the use of lies to induce hysteria. If the information we present is true and supported by tangible facts, then
how other people are affected by it is not our problem, it is theirs. Frankly, learning the truth should make a person feel empowered, not hysterical.

7) Everything is just chaos. There is no such thing as an organized conspiracy to control the world: The events they see as chaos make perfect sense to us because we have an insight into information they do not. It’s that simple. The numerous movements in a complex time-piece might seem like chaos to someone that doesn’t know what a time-piece is, or the purpose of a gear, or second hand. Try to explain the concept of color to a blind person. Without a full accounting of the facts, it is very hard for one to know a thing. Also, a quick glance through any encyclopedia, even those with heavy editing, will reveal numerous “conspiracies” throughout history by small groups of men to rule the known world at the expense of the rest of us. Why was it perfectly plausible a hundred years ago, or fifty years ago, but not today?

8) Yeah, I know the NWO exists, but who cares! We can’t stop it, so just live your life and have fun while you can: Nihilism is the worst kind of mental illness because it allows a person to constantly fulfill his own prophecies by doing nothing. When it comes to cultural progression, there is no such thing as the insurmountable scenario. Anything can be accomplished with the right amount of intelligence and effort. Nihilists make no effort to fix the problems they are confronted with, then claim they were right to be nihilistic because nothing changed. We have a responsibility not just
to ourselves, but to the future. We have a responsibility to deal with the problems of the present, instead of pawning them off on the next generation.

9) Its all our fault that Globalists get away with murder. Most of us are just stupid: This is only partly true. The average person does share part of the blame for not educating himself on circumstances, and for not taking action, however, ultimately it is the Elites who initiate the crimes we are then forced to either face or ignore. They are the ones that literally spend billions of dollars on propaganda designed to keep us in a fog. In the end, it is they who carry the principal culpability,
not “the people”.

10) What’s so bad about a one-world government? It would be the end of war, right?: Global government designed around a collectivist structure and ruled by men who believe themselves to be “genetically and philosophically superior” to the rest of us would not fix anything, it would only make
our current problems much worse. War would be perpetual, because there will always be people who fight to be free from despotism, and even planetary governments need to create fear to manipulate the citizenry towards certain goals. Our economy would be equalized; meaning it would be equally oppressive and feudalistic for everyone. And, the liberties we hold dear today would be a distant memory tomorrow. Anyone who truly thinks that more government makes them “safer” is not just
extraordinarily naïve; they are sheeple…

Breaking The Sheeple Barrier

Sheeple can change. I have seen it with my own eyes on numerous occasions. If the sheeple you are dealing with at any given moment is a stranger, or mere acquaintance, you may not feel that it is worth the immense effort necessary to enlighten them to the problems at hand. But, if said sheeple is a family member or loved one, you might have no other choice but to push forward. There is nothing worse than seeing the people you care about suffer because you were unsuccessful in
warning them of impending danger.

The above sections can help in easing through the process of waking up a member of the herd, though the best efforts will be wasted without patience and persistence. In every person there are barriers and doorways to truth. The trick is finding the unique keys which open those doors and break down those barriers. There are some who will claim that it is futile to make the attempt. That we should leave well enough alone. That many are too far gone to be helped. I beg to differ. If that was true, then the Liberty Movement would not be making the tremendous strides it is today. We did not get to where we are now by giving up when the waters became choppy, and I believe when this age is chronicled and spoken of, it will be our perseverance above all else that defines us. It is a grueling task to defeat an opponent who cannot be dissuaded, who cannot be made to give up. It is nearly impossible to defeat that same opponent when he is also right. To those in the New World Order, we are such an opponent. As long as we do not falter, the sheeple will grow thinner in number, replaced by cognizant vibrant individuals, and the warped ambitions of Globalists will not come to

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  • I probably exist as no more perfect man than Arnold A.S., The 'Famous' Austrian, California & e.g. vice versa, so my good news still gives me no idea, whatsoever that I can try & understand God's IT Mind That's often An Extremely Big Secret from me, anyway, whatever God can get away with it or not, it's still my best case to let you receive yet another & relevant message, mine that there is something peculiar about, how The Corrupt behave to me, especially God, whatever I ever find out, what it is or not, it's still my pleasure, after all, to testify to being happy to exist as etc., which goes beyond, whyever ITs 'Good' News exists, Utah, so I can find out & so on, I don't believe in any idea, whatsoever that I can stoop to existing as myself without sharing with you, whatever IS my good news, greetings, 'J.A.,' e.g. to exist as a righteous man, forever to be, because my righteousness goes beyond, whatever God's News is, It's often likely to contradict myself, which is totally irrelevant.
  • oh wow that felt really negative and judgemental to read, just thought i would share that :) we all have different understandings and are all in different phases, so why not show compassion towards your fellow man that lacks knowledge?, where have they come from? what have they experienced that has made them who they are, what did their upbringings teach them?who taught them? until you understand people and accept differences, you are pointing your fingers straight back at your self. It totally sounded like a dictators speech..."if you don't show your efforts the way I think you should then you are a _ _ _ _ _sheeple" that resonates with a totalitarian approach in my view...baaa...

    Shared with love
  • Interesting article - made some good points.
  • "somehow we all need to find a way to eventually come together in unity"

    The only thing I know that can bring people together is love. It crosses languages, cultures, borders, and even war zones. It is the connection between all of us, it connects us with the Prime Creator, with our planets, with every physical manifestation of energy that we perceive as solid. It is all just frequencies/vibrations through love energy from the source.

    Every person on this planet has a desire for love. Yes we have been manipulated, but we helped in the creation of these limitations. Even with all the regulation and illusions we live in, people will always search for love. The illusion has to trick us into believing that the love we search for can be achieved through multiple means, so we will freely choose evil over good, thus closing our crown chakra, and limiting our love. We lose the connection to the Prime Creator and thus lose our connection to each other. So would the correction not be opening love channels to ourselves and creating brotherhood?

    Why not just remove the need for love? Would that not make controlling us easier? It is impossible, we are part of creation, So why downplay such an important aspect of us all as "fast and quick emotional feel good easy answers". ?

    "Choice itself is an illusion" Free will doesn't exist in your perception?

    "Words don't mean what you think necessarily" If I can use the words to effectively pass on information and emotion, what does it matter what a secret meaning of the word is?

    "You don't just come out of a lifetime of a traumatic mind control job all of as sudden from a few meditations, reading a few channelings and having an interest in spirituality" Does not every journey begin somewhere?

    "There are a lot of people living in lala land thinking they are some kind of spiritual when they are absolutely not." How does one achieve spirituality in your perception? Is it not moral life choices? The intent to create positive choices in individual lives, if a person can receive spiritual lessons from religions, regardless of which, and decide to live a more moral life, is that person not moving towards awakening regardless of dogma? Is that person not searching for truth and peace, love and brotherhood? What is spirituality to you?

    "Nothing seems to make any sense and they wonder why"

    "not understanding each other in a sea of chaos and confusion of controversy and drama. Though they just happen to call it their lives."

    "You can truly believe all you like, though most people have not looked at the abyss of darkness,"

    "People talk of paradise but they don't understand the necessity of hell."

    "Emotionally dismembered and divided to be conquered"

    "The truth will set you free, though the truth will also hurt you and we don't need to take the mind controlled sheeple down that road right now at this critical stage in our history."

    "duality is not paradise no matter how many ways you try to slice it or paint it. Who are you kidding, this is prison planet earth"

    "because we can't do it on our own. The forces against us are far too great to overcome by ourselves. The incompetence level is too high"

    "There is not one thing that is not a lie except for the fact that you are a powerful sentient being"

    "First of all, no one can truly love themselves when all they have known is a complete lie from hell on earth."

    "Even though it is a lie and an illusion, there is no getting around it."

    "That is why they are considered incompetent demoralized sheeple slaves who are hopeless and helpless to be able to do anything about anything "

    "We need big help, we cannot ascend to a higher level in unity on our own as it is. A very few can - though not the masses"

    "The incompetence in our societies is too great"

    "I have not found my paradise on this earth and I don't happen to like the definition of yours, because you don't sound very convincing with the conviction"

    "If you believe something, you don't know it" And what is knowledge to you? Is knowledge not communal? Do you not believe in something? What about all that knowledge you just shared with us. You believe that, but you don't know it? Or you know it and don't believe it? So everything you just said, seeing how you don't know it, that is if you believe it, is open to change. All that is required is a different perspective....

    I am trying to help people find the balance, embrace the all. True power. True love. True being."
    "This is about unity and coming together for a meeting of the minds with each other, so we can co-create,"
    This is your focus.

    "We all need to take the responsibility to first heal ourselves, so we are then in a position and capable to help heal the world around us" So the journey begins inside self, this is the first step,

    "In order to help people find balance and their true power, you first have to understand the lie in order to know the truth, there is no way around it." the second step is identifying the lie that is causing your lower frequency emotions,

    "We cannot just wake up out of bed one day and decide based upon our 3D indoctrinated mind control programming, that we are going to use our free will to make a choice to believe that we now live in paradise - when it is not paradise in any way, shape or form, it is an illusion."

    I can promise you friend that this is a lie. My life is living testimony to the power of freely choosing to create a beautiful,exciting adventure for myself. My awareness and love grows exponentially and it all started with me deciding to change. You have a lot of good information here I am familiar with everything you said, but there are areas that are heavily burdened with emotion that needs to be healed, and I know you have a good heart. I only look to help, the days don't have to be so dark. The problems of the world don't have to be so big. You don't have to be helpless.
    • David, you are correct, love of course is the answer and all there is. We know this, we just don't know how to behave like it. We are learning to do it. I understand what you are saying. I wish it were that simple in bringing us all together at this point for a meeting of the minds to co-create in a unity consciousness.

      Unfortunately it is not that simple because it is not happening right now at least until the galactics can help us come together. It is just a dream right now, though a good one. I can taste it. Not many people can come together right now. You are not going to be able to do it typing words on a screen alone, that is for sure.

      It just can't happen this way. Divide and conquer still rules the day. You are going to have to eventually get on the telephone and start talking and sharing with many people for long periods of time, at least to progress at this rate. That is what the overlighting from the galactics is going to help resolve to make it much easier to do. So everyone will be in a more receptive place - so they will be able to handle all of the bad news they are about to receive about all the lies. Society has too many issues separating themselves to come together to overcome the tyranny by ourselves right now.

      There is too much misinformation disinformation information and far too many misunderstandings to sort out communicating in this venue with text alone and there is not enough time to do it. It is too slow going. Just as in the way you have perceived what I wrote.

      Divide and conquer, no two people can actually come together for a meeting of the minds, it is rare indeed. Only the elite thieves have agreed to do the stealing against us - though they don't have to necessarily like each other to do it, because they all agree to agree to screw everyone over.

      Only for example like professional sports teams, or movie actors on a stage can co-create, because they get paid big money, though they don't have to like each other, because they are getting paid big money. You have to pay money to watch and see people co-creating together, to any high degree and level that actually can accomplish anything to change the world you see. You don't know how to do it with me right now you see, everyone was trained to be separated. The illuminati wants you to get married for example, though they also want you to get divorced too.

      This is a good start, however limited in its nature, better than nothing certainly. Most people are too distracted with too many preoccupations in their busy lives to be able to come together right now. They are just waiting to be saved like religion has taught with an incompetent mind set, not understanding the inherent power we each have to change the world with the power of thought projection alone. No one can hold still long enough and stop what they are doing and start being. It is next to impossible, you would have to change your whole life around and no one is going to do that without a great inconvenience to their lives to make any significant difference, otherwise you are just blowing into the wind so to speak.

      Everyone got lazy in their minds, they are not serious enough to take their lives back from those who have stolen it from them. That is why we are in the state we are in. Everyone got too comfortable and they don't want to be inconvenienced, they just want to be saved and everything to be fixed and they don't want to have to give anything up for the price of freedom to actually own their minds, that is why most people are out of their minds, because they are not actually in their minds, they are somewhere else, trained to be that way on purpose, it is no ones fault.

      Everyone is getting to learn this aspect a little bit right now with the ascension material available, though it takes a very lot of practice which might even include giving up a lot of things that appear to make your life comfortable, things like having a j-o-b and chasing the money. It's just stealing your time, while you are made to think you are being responsible and doing any good for the world. There are other ways to get things accomplished that our world is about to learn.

      The indoctrination from the mind control upon us has been tremendous, beyond your wildest imagination. Love is just fabulous of course, though it is not going to help if you totally misunderstand what I am trying to convey and if we have to go around in circles on a screen unable to have a meeting of the minds with a few simple ideas. You are misinterpreting what I am saying along with adding a few of Leila's quotes, which I did not say, I was simply stating her quotes in my reply to make a point.

      You would first have to agree and understand that you have been severely mind controlled and I don't see you comprehend the nature of what we are all dealing with here. Everything is a lie. There is not just one thing that is a lie, your whole entire life as you have come to know and understand it is a lie from hell, it is a nightmare extravaganza - no matter how you try to paint it. You have to acknowledge that, you have to know and understand what that means to a very high degree and you don't. That is what the galactics are going to help you with.

      You have to understand that first before you can move to 5D, once again, that is what the galactics are going to help you learn in a more gental way that will be easier for everyone to digest - so you can know the truth about all the lies. You just happen to call it your life. It's just not a pretty picture.

      Our understanding of love is a lie, because it is mixed with too much misinformation in your unconscious mind that causes you to doubt what it really is about. You hardly know who you are, how could you ever expect to know who I am if we are all suppose to be one, everyone has a lot of work to do so we can co-create together in 5D.

      That is what the galactics are going to help with, because as it is right now, it will be a very long time before it could happen otherwise. I say 10 to 15 years of psycho therapy. It will take a whole generation to re-educate everyone in the interest of defending themselves to protect themselves and their families to a level of competency.

      You just can't do it on a screen, you have to pick up the phone and start talking and people won't do it - they are still hiding out and covering up their dirty laundry and are afraid to expose themselves and come clean - it's much easier being an armchair lightworker from behind the screen - so good luck brother - it won't happen with text on a screen, no matter how much love you can manage to convince yourself of you still are unable to behave like it so you could come together with others - outside of this screen.

      You would need to pick up the phone and start talking and sharing with people, not many can do it. They can hardly type more than a few words in a chat box on a screen at one time to string a complete thought together. Who are you kidding!

      The illuminati decided everyone's fate before you were born. Unless you are serious enough and are a rare individual and have what it takes to snap out of it, it just ain't gonna happen like this. The incompetence level is too high to overcome with a few simple words on a screen.

      When you try to define something you are defining it with a fiction language, which was intentionally made up of lies to trick you while you think you are telling the truth. It is too complicated, the illuminati did a number on everyone's mind and we absolutely must understand what we are dealing with and that is what the galactics are going to help resolve, because we don't have time to go down that road right now, for everyone pretending they are in love with life, when this is not life or any kind of paradise either. People are kidding themselves in LaLa land.

      If you read the channelings they have explained this time and time again - it is called a nightmare - prison planet earth. Just try to get in a good mood and stay their, that is all they are asking everyone to do.

      As the saying goes, you have to intimately know the evil in the world, before you can intimately know the beauty in the world and people don't have what it takes to go there with their distracted busy lives to understand the complexities of a psychological nightmare from hell on earth, in which they have been living in order to get to heaven on earth. Everyone just wants to sweep it all under the rug, because it is way too unpleasant and too uncomfortable to face, so they could actually have a chance to come out of what they are in.

      Walking through the valley of the shadow of death. Fear was the selected weapon used against us and you don't get rid of a lifetime of grave psychological problems and a traumatic mind control job done on your subconscious mind to keep everyone in a state of terror and fear, by pretending your life is about love and light and is a paradise all of a sudden.

      Though don't you worry, the galactics are going to help fill everyone in on how we have been screwed over on the grandest of scales unimaginable, most people have absolutely no clue in the world what has been done to them to steal their very valuable precious lives out from under their noses right in broad daylight.. It is nothing personal, it's just business, their business and you never had a snowballs chance in hell to figure it all out - unless you were extremely lucky to go down that road and paid the price.

      Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose - Janis Joplin? - You would have to lose everything you have in order to gain it back - just to find out you never needed it in the first place. You are made to chase something there is nothing of - money.

      It is a trick used to steal your life to keep everyone separated from being able to come together with our brothers and sisters on planet earth. If everyone could come together - we would not have a problem with the tyranny from the dark freaks running the world now would we - because we would have over-thrown their asses and kicked them off the planet along time ago. Why do you think this has not happened? Because mankind has been divided to be conquered and is resting comfortably sedated in his coma of apathy and indifference. It just keeps getting worse the more you look at it and we don't have time for it with the short time left before the ascension wave comes..

      It is a race against the clock to the finish now. It is all anyone can do to just raise their vibrational resonance frequency rate to try and sustain a good mood. If you read all of the channelings for the last number of years that is all the galactics are asking everyone to do. They don't bother confusing you with a bunch of other stuff they know would just create more problems in everyone's mind, because our society has been emotionally dismembered.

      Once again, that is one of the main reasons they are coming to help with our ascesnion process, so we will all be able to learn to come together in harmony. Right now not very many can do it or do they even know how. Everyone still behaves and acts like considerate polite mind control slaves, happy smiling depressives stuck in the consensus trance.

      If you say something the wrong way, people go sideways on you, most people are so sensitive it will hurt their feelings, because everyone is not understanding what we are actually dealing with. It is nothing personal but you are made to take everything personal on purpose and you don't understand why - everyone has been demoralized through psychological warfare, a violent brutal attack on our unconscious mind done from the time of our birth. You have to understand this, or you don't - either way does not change the fact.

      It is absolutely nothing personal, the illuminati made you take everything personal, that is why the court system gets over on everyone like a herd of sheep for example. You might be standing in front of a judge, but he is not actually talking to you, but you think he is - because he is looking at you - while his lips are moving - and sound is coming out of his mouth - while speaking to you, when he is NOT talking to you at all. Who is he actually talking to?

      You need to figure that out or you will forever be lost in a sea of chaos and confusion. Can you say Identity theft? Your identity has been stolen. You are not who you think you are! You must understand that first before you can do anything about it. Otherwise, you are in denial of the facts! Love all you want, it is a great thing certainly, though your life is still a total and complete lie from hell on wheels brother, make no mistake about it! Everyone's!

      That means me too! I accept it, I understand it better than most, because I can explain it. It's too much for this space - but I try none the less because I happen to care. I don't have a herd mentality - that is why the lie is not easily digested or very well accepted by most. The truth is stranger than fiction. The more they do to you, the less you seem to believe they are doing it.

      Those gangster freaks running the world are not going to lay down just because anyone says a few meditations, they are deadly serious about stealing your very precious lives. Until anyone can get serious about taking their own lives back, someone else is gladly taking it over for them without their knowledge.

      Until you can understand and appreciate that fact and what that means, you are still an incompetent slave on prison planet earth and you will never be able to come together with another human being in harmony to make any significant difference in the world. It is the first step in your recovery and the galactics are going to help you do it. You need to turn on your lights of love to get to that place there first, just so the galactics can help you know the lie - before we can actually know the truth about who we truly are as powerful sentient beings.

      Before anyone is going to be able to actually get anywhere with all this they have to learn to get past their fear and insecurity of having to know where their next dollar is coming from, so they can eat and live. Money has been the main control mechanism for subjugation of mankind. It is about to go away - so we can learn critical things so we can ascend to a place that doesn't have anything to do with that stuff called money - something there is actually nothing of.

      That is one of the major things that is about to take place on planet earth like never before - so humanity will be able to ascend into the higher realms - so we will be able to co-create in 5D. That is why the galactics are here now to help us - because our race is too incompetent otherwise. I hope you can see this.

      David, as you have stated, your life is a living testimony to the power of freely choosing to create an exciting beautiful adventure for yourself. Unfortunately, this is not about you - because you just happened to forget about the rest of humanity who needs to share this adventure. You have been divided to be conquered and this is the heavy burden you are faced with along with most everyone else You cannot do this by yourself any longer. Everyone must learn to find a way to come together. It is critical for mankind to evolve out of the wheels (cycles) of Karma.

      You are not getting the lesson being taught by the masters. This is not about you. It is a unity thing now. No one cares about your exciting adventure - until you are able to convince anyone else they want what you have you are just another self righteous self centered individual stuck in the consensus trance as a happy smiling depressive. The problems of the world ARE huge. Everyone needs to rise up to the occasion. All of us together in harmony of unity.
      • I am sorry. I know it is not comfortable and I can understand why you feel the way you do.. I have no intention of pushing this issue. I just want you know that we are friends. If you want to talk about anything just mail me. Evaluate your reaction and see the truth in what I said.

        "until you are able to convince anyone else they want what you have "

        I could not have said it better myself. Namaste

        Katt ~ kisses*
  • Leila, you make a lot of sense, but then you don't in ways, because there is alot of built in controversy in the language we use in how we are left to communicate with each other for intentional misunderstandings and mixed messages creating confusion and it is much too complicated to break down on this screen for clear understandings. I am not saying I understand it all either, though I want you to know I do appreciate you and what you say as we all help each other learn and grow so we can evolve out of this mind controlled mess.

    Choice itself is an illusion. Do I do this, or do I do that for example – all of that is confusion. I can only choose when I’m confused, you see. When I 'know' clearly, there is no choice. It is kind of like humility for example, if you think you are humble, you are not. If you don't think you are humble, then you 'might' be.

    There is a big difference between believing something and knowing something. If you believe something, you don't know it. Be-lie-ving is a lie - because we were taught and trained nothing but lies for our entire lives. There is truth certainly, though difficult to find because of the confusion.

    For example, we are using a fiction language intentionally given to us to communicate with so everyone would lie to themselves and to each other, though the fraudulent use of the conveyance of our language, simply by default, without anyone's knowledge of it ever taking place and that is why most everyone is terribly confused about the world around them Everyone is talking out of the side of their mouths lying by the use of the language itself, you just can't help it. I'm lying to you right now just by trying to communicate with you, It is no ones fault of course.;o(( Those illuminati boys are tricksters.

    Words don't mean what you think necessarily, though yes words are powerful. For example, anytime you see the word "order" on a piece of paper, it actually means = "contract". On your bank check it says - Pay to the Order of: - It actually means, Pay to the "Contract" of - because everything is a contract in commerce, the matrix. That is why our Gregorian Calendar was installed by the way, in 1582.

    The government has to get our consent to steal from us and they are doing it through contracting with the sheeple. That is what they are doing every single time you sign absolutely anything - because it is your name they are stealing, because they are the ones doing the identity theft on the people without their knowledge making everyone think it is someone else, when it is actually them doing the stealing against us.

    Nothing seems to make any sense and they wonder why. Absolutely everything works in reverse of what we were taught and trained to think. That is how the Annunaki warlords tricked everyone. The lie is the truth and the truth is the lie, for example.

    That is why the court system gets over on everyone every single time without fail, because they don't use webster dictionary, they gave that to the sheeple to use so everyone was speaking a different language, walking around not understanding each other in a sea of chaos and confusion of controversy and drama. Though they just happen to call it their lives.

    Certainly, you don't want to contribute to the darkness - as you put it, only to observe it, to recognize and acknowledge what is taking place, so you can then release it, then you would understand more of what to do about making the adjustment to correct the negative patterns.

    We are still in 3D so it is just a game to be played out and enjoyed, to learn and grow, to evolve out of the wheels (cycles) of Karma - which is the actual feelings produced from the experiences that have gone unresolved over millennia. Everything is all coming up and out right now through each of us - so all of the timelines for billions of years can be leveled to zero point, a time of no time.

    You said; "I truly believe each and every one of us has looked into the abyss." - You can truly believe all you like, though most people have not looked at the abyss of darkness, because they have been mind controlled beyond belief with a distraction we happen to call our lives, away from being able to do so, on purpose, in order to keep everyone confused from being able to have any emotional, mental and spiritual balance and stability.

    Emotionally dismembered and divided to be conquered. That is why the galactics just need everyone to try to get in a good mood, there is no time to drag everyone through the mud of a very severe mind control job from hell in order to steal everyone's lives on the grandest of scales unimaginable. The truth will set you free, though the truth will also hurt you and we don't need to take the mind controlled sheeple down that road right now at this critical stage in our history. The galactics are going to help make it much easier for everyone, we don't have a whole generation to do it.

    It is no ones fault of course, though most everyone is living in Alice in Wonderland and only know to a very small degree the problems we are faced with. It would be far too devastating for most people to get the download on the travesty of how our lives have truly been looted, raped, pillaged and out right stolen from us, in every area of our lives without our knowledge and there is no time to learn it all right now.

    It would take 10 to 15 years of psycho therapy to resolve as it is now and that is one of the main reasons our galactic brothers and sisters are coming to help us with. All in order to help get humankind ready for when the wave comes - should anyone decide they want to be a manifestor in 5D. Right now you can't be a manifestor, because the veil is still in place and this density is too heavy and slow so we can still live in the illusion.

    You don't just come out of a lifetime of a traumatic mind control job all of as sudden from a few meditations, reading a few channelings and having an interest in spirituality. Not many understand the nature of the beast we are dealing with. You would literally have to stop everything you are currently doing in your life and shut it all down and start over. Go live out in the woods away from all of life's distractions stealing our attention.

    To go live away from all the distractions in order to get ahold of yourself is just not possible for most people trapped in the illusion. There are far too many distractions and preoccupations put into place to keep everyone living the illusion to keep everyone from finding out the knowledge of who we truly are as powerful sentient beings.

    It is a sad story we are dealing with and certainly there is no time to dwell upon it or go down that road at this time in our history, only to understand it as best anyone can for the moment, to make the small adjustment for now and turn on our lights of love.

    It is no small thing that can really be discussed with a few words on a screen. Mind control has been a beautiful thing for the illuminati, that is why we have big problems in our world and why the galactics are going to help save the day and help us and mother earth come out of it, because we are unable to do it on our collective own, otherwise, you can kiss your ass goodbye, at least in this lifetime. Mankind has been divided to be conquered from coming together with himself - let alone anyone else.

    You said; " There will always be 'evil', 'pain', 'abuse', etc. I believe. People talk of paradise but they don't understand the necessity of hell. We are trapped in a duality of self made illusions. I am trying to help people find the balance, embrace the all. True power. True love. True being."

    To intimately know the beauty in the world, you would have to intimately know the evil in the world and it is just too uncomfortable for most people right now to learn. Understandably so. The galactics are going to help everyone with that. There will not always be evil, pain and abuse in the world, only for a short amount of time left until the train leaves the station so to speak, upon earths ascension to 5D. Everything in the universe is getting kicked up a few notches like never before.

    All of the negative evil 3D stuff is in the process of going out the door upon earths ascension forever for those choosing to ascend, should anyone decide to make the leap in consciousness at this time. The souls that choose not to make the leap, will be continuing to evolve through cycles in their own 3D realm somewhere else - only it will be without the Annunaki dark aspect involved, like we are dealing with now.

    All the ones causing the problems on our planet are being rounded up by the galactic police and going on permanent leave and will have their memories erased and rebooted into the system to start all over. The darks ability to cause anymore problems will be gone from everyone's lives who might be living on a parallel earth and they will have an easier time evolving for a few hundred years while working through their Karma they are presently unable to do in this period, before earths ascension to 5D.

    If they are unable to do so in a few hundred years, the new earth will be too far advanced and they will have another round of 26 thousand years or so to try again, whatever, anyone's choice and there is no judgment of course.

    In order to help people find balance and their true power, you first have to understand the lie in order to know the truth, there is no way around it. It's just not pretty and no one cares to look at the ugly evil truth. Right now there is no time to do it, so all the galactics are asking is that everyone just try to get in the best mood they can, so everyone can raise their vibrational resonance frequency rate to help the planet.

    There will be an easier softer way when the galactics arrive because of the time constraints so we can raise our collective consciousness. Our psyche's have been screwed with on the grandest of scales on an unconscious level, so the choice of our free will is only as good as anyone might happen to understand the lie, so they could know the truth - due to our very limited understanding, because of our indoctrination - from a very traumatic mind control job, which took place starting at our birth.

    You said;" - I choose to manifest love and light. So that is what I share with others" - Good for you, this is progress for humankind certainly and we appreciate your service, as it is desperately needed at this most critical time in earths history.

    You said;" I don't need to manifest the reality that is dark and nasty... I don't need to even acknowledge it." - If the dualistic aspects of the polarity are not acknowledged and released as these cycles of Karma come to a close - then it will be difficult to evolve out of those wheels of karma as they will have not been observed in the past history in order to be released - so anyone could make the leap in consciousness so they could actually co-create to be the manifestor in 5D.

    You said; "I have found my way to paradise. I am living it now. I am in my heaven. I am in a life full of love and light. I'm sharing that, and how I found it. I found it be creating it. By being it. is the abyss still there. Oh yes. "

    Then you said; " In fact. I live with horrible debilitating pain every day, yet, I'm in a state of joy and love. Terrible things happen around me all the time, and they pain me. I cry. I hurt. Darkness is everywhere. Yet still. I am in heaven. I am filled with love, and I am happy, despite it all. Why... because I have found the secret within to creating my own happiness, love, light.

    I understand what you are saying, though duality is not paradise no matter how many ways you try to slice it or paint it. Who are you kidding, this is prison planet earth - just try to hang on until you can pick yourself up off the floor and catch the wave to 5D when the wave comes.

    Then you can have paradise without the duality aspect you so eloquently mention that your paradise is. It can be rather confusing I do understand. I have found a few secrets too - though this is not the paradise we dream of - because this is still a 3D illusion with a veil intact.

    You said; "I would love to see people unlock their own... " - It is not too likely to happen before the galactics can decloak and overlight this place. Your consciousness is about to be raised a whole half step in upliftment, which is worth a few hundred lifetimes of Karma and you will feel much better at that point in preparation to better help many people unlock their own hidden selves, who are still sleeping into a much greater understanding of themselves, before ascension who are currently resting comfortably in dreamland.

    That is going to be the real work for all of us in the short amount of time we have left, so take especially good care of yourself and get your rest and try to sustain a good mood.;o)) For most people learning the truth of the lie right now would be too much to take and would drag everyone down into the dumpies, and we don't have time for that.

    So everyone just needs to get in a good mood and practice for their bliss. Then the truth will be revealed and everyone won't take it so hard, though they will still be pretty pissed off for a few minutes none the less, upon learning about the greatest deception of all time, about how everyone's lives have been stolen beyond their wildest imagination.

    At least with the overlighting we won't be so devastated upon learning how our lives have been screwed over on the grandest scales unimaginable. Most people have absolutely no idea what has taken place to subjugate our entire lives, there is nothing nice about it.

    When the galactics arrive everyone is going to get to learn the truth about the lie that our life actually is. Most people are going to have a very ruff time with it, naturally. The half step raise up in consciousness from the overlighting will help everyone deal with the screw job from hell we have all been given.

    We absolutely must know the lie, before we can know the truth, there is no way around it and this is what is about to take place before mankind can move forward in a unity consciousness - because we can't do it on our own. The forces against us are far too great to overcome by ourselves. The incompetence level is too high and everyone is far too busy with their lives working their jobs to stop what they are doing, so they could have a fighting chance.

    The truth about our lives has been hidden, covered up and buried from us ever being able to know and understand it so we could actually do something about it. The knowledge of the lie that our lives have been is critical to know and will help tremendously in our awakening process so we can understand what has happened and then move on in a rather quick manner from there.

    Right now, it is all anyone can do is just try to get themselves in a good mood to turn on their lights of love, to raise their vibration - despite the ever increasing negativity being brought upon us to keep everyone in a mental prison, because the dark freaks running the world will not give up on their own.

    Our whole entire lives as we have come to know and understand it, is a total and complete lie from hell on wheels, everything about it. Duality - 16.4 billions years worth. There is not one thing that is not a lie except for the fact that you are a powerful sentient being and we forgot that part - because of the 3D veil over our eyes by choice in order to play the game and live in the illusion - it is about to end.

    We cannot just wake up out of bed one day and decide based upon our 3D indoctrinated mind control programming, that we are going to use our free will to make a choice to believe that we now live in paradise - when it is not paradise in any way, shape or form, it is an illusion.

    You said; " There is nothing to buy, no rituals, no trick. Just love yourself, listen to yourself, trust yourself. You can ignore me now... :) Pretend I wasn't even here. I don't have your answers. I don't know a thing. It's all in you, waiting. Nothing here to see."

    First of all, no one can truly love themselves when all they have known is a complete lie from hell on earth. If I spend the kind of time I am here in carefully and considerately responding to your post I am not ignoring you, I cannot pretend you are not here.

    You do have my answers and you do know everything there is to know, you just need help in remembering just like me and everyone else. We just need each others help in remembering. No one can love themselves or trust themselves if they first won't acknowledge that something is terribly wrong with this picture called our life we are all dealing with, which has gone unrecognized and unresolved as a total and complete lie of who we truly are.

    We have to get this 3D illusion right first or we don't get to evolve out of it, we can't just look the other way, that is why we are in the mess we are in. Accepting responsibility for what we all have took part in helping to create, we call it our lives, the world around us. Even though it is a lie and an illusion, there is no getting around it. There are no fast and quick emotional feel good easy answers that everyone is used to getting in our fast food society, so they can feel better about getting screwed over.

    It is not about just you and your own paradise, we are all one with each other traveling together and somehow we all need to find a way to eventually come together in unity - so we can co-create, because it is not happening right now and this is not heaven on earth just yet, no matter how many times you chant and try to tell yourself. There are a lot of people living in lala land thinking they are some kind of spiritual when they are absolutely not. What has been done to us to keep everyone separated on all levels is tremendous.

    That is why they are considered incompetent demoralized sheeple slaves who are hopeless and helpless to be able to do anything about anything at the present time. It is all anyone can do to just try and get in a good mood and stay there until the galactics can overlight everyone with their love and light and your 3D paradise will turn into tears of joy.

    This is about unity and coming together for a meeting of the minds with each other, so we can co-create, because we have been divided to be conquered - left to just typing words on a screen and right now its just not happening to the level where we need to be, so we can raise ourselves up as a collective consciousness. We need big help, we cannot ascend to a higher level in unity on our own as it is. A very few can - though not the masses. The incompetence in our societies is too great and would take many years to overcome with a serious full time effort.

    If we are all one, when one is harmed all are harmed, when one is healed - all are healed, then your problems are no longer just your problems, they are mine too. We all need to take the responsibility to first heal ourselves, so we are then in a position and capable to help heal the world around us. You can't keep your paradise to yourself and expect to ascend out of this illusion.

    It is not just about me or you anymore. I have not found my paradise on this earth and I don't happen to like the definition of yours, because you don't sound very convincing with the conviction needed to be the manifestor to make the leap to 5D just yet of what I would call a paradise. It is nothing personal, we just need to work this out. Why don't you come over for dinner so we can talk about how you can help make my life a paradise, since you seem to have found yours already, because I need some help getting there.;o))
  • ~ ;0) ~

    I would love to see people unlock their own... There is nothing to buy, no rituals, no trick. Just love yourself, listen to yourself, trust yourself. You can ignore me now... :) Pretend I wasn't even here. I don't have your answers. I don't know a thing. It's all in you, waiting. Nothing here to see.

    nice. so true & it's so happening...
  • I'm just using one little quote from your article, "Self awareness gets confused with self-centeredness"

    Your topic is interesting and a very deep and critical one indeed and I feel much over looked and I can understand why. As the saying goes, you have to know where you have been, in order to get to where you need to go. I rather like to know what I am dealing even as ugly as it might be, if it is, so I can then know what to do about it, so I can then know and understand myself better, so I will be able to come together with you better. SInce we are all one, the better I can know thyself, the better I can know yourself. Aye?.So I feel our psyche needs serious investigation to help the world -

    Unfortunately, I realize it is entirely too unpleasant and too uncomfortable for most to look at, because it is just not a pretty picture and our societies have been given far too many grave psychological problems to overcome before they could really do anything in order to come together in their own minds, let alone come together with anyone else for any kind of true awareness with the many available distractions for escaping the self.

    It is just not something you would necessarily stay home to do for example on a Saturday night to investigate. Facing ourselves and our fears is not a fun thing to do, because we have been severely emotionally dismembered and divided inside of ourselves to keep us separated from ever coming together with ourselves or anyone else was the plan -

    The mind control upon our lives has been tremendous in order to keep us all locked up in a mental prison of our very own making. This took place upon our birth without our knowledge and from then on we were schooled to believe that the lie was the truth for our entire lives.

    The illuminati gave everyone sit-coms and comedy clubs so we could laugh it all off operating as happy smiling depressives stuck in the consensus trance, instead of taking anything serious and figuring out and knowing what we were are actually dealing with. It could be a full time job if you wanted to overcome the tyranny that is being perpetrated against you.

    You don't become free and competent in your mind by simply spreading love and light and saying a few meditations and reading a few channelings. It is anyone's choice of how they use their free will to spend their time, certainly. Though it just happens to be that it is your time that has been stolen in order to steal your life, just so you did not have your very valuable precious time to use for yourself, so you could actually live your life, because we were living it entirely for someone else.

    The illuminati know that you are only led to believe that you have a life, the fact that you don't have a life, is only apparent to others. To take your life back from those who have stolen it from you, you would essentially have to actually stop everything you are doing in your life and start being. And unfortunately, that would mean quitting your job for example and not too many would be able to wrap their minds around that concept. So the illusion continues.

    That is why the galactics are just asking everyone to just try to get in the best mood possible that you can muster up, because there is no time otherwise to rearrange your life, so you could understand how it is being stolen from you at every turn of the corner, from the time you get out of bed in the morning, until you lay your head down on your pillow at night.

    A violent brutal traumatic mind control job from hell on wheels has taken place on our consciousness in order to divide mankind to keep him conquered from ever being able to come together in unity, so he could actually be a force to be reconned with, so he could do anything - about anything. The demoralization process to produce incompetent sheeple slaves has been tremendous, make no mistake about it.

    Typing words on a screen is not good enough, though it is a start certainly. Somehow people are going to have to find a way to come together in unity, so they will be able to have a meeting of the minds, so they will be able to co-create to be the manifestors in 5D.

    For example, 2 million people involved themselves together last September 2009 marching in Washington DC, who took part in protesting about the income tax and were rendered unsuccessful at producing any significant results and essentially failed to do anything - except to waste their valuable time and energy. They could have torched that place to the ground if they wanted to and ended the income tax altogether, though in that case of course, it would not have been what you call a peaceful protest.

    Though none the less, a force of 2 million people in anyone's book should have got the job done, whatever the job was. Ask yourself why not. The illuminati love protesters, because they know when you are out protesting, you sure as hell aren't home figuring this stuff out.

    Where divide and conquer rules, there can be no meeting of the minds - so that you can do anything - about anything. You cannot have a meeting of the minds if you are out of your mind, involved in taking some kind of action protesting for example - instead of being in your mind taking no-action. Everything is in reverse of what we were taught and trained to think.

    You cannot be in your mind if you have lost it from a lifetime of mind control done for the sole purpose to get you totally out of it - always taking action doing dumb things wasting your valuable precious time and energy giving your power away to energy vampires.

    The illuminati thanks you from the bottom of their blood thirsty ritualistic sacrificial hearts for your blind obedience to be good and polite considerate slaves acting on your best behavior, so you don't scream too loud when they ask you to bend over and grab your ankles.

    If anyone desires to take their life back from those who have stolen it from them, you really and truly have to get over your politeness It is nothing personal of course, it's just business, their business. They are very serious about anyone figuring out who they are and who they are not. If anyone did, then they would have big problems and their game would be over in a heartbeat.

    Now for example, 2 million people is a lot of people, and they could have saved themselves all that time, energy and money from having to carry signs around all day long, far away from home and stayed home in this case with a collective definite purpose in mind, with a conviction, and they could have moved the mountain right from the comfort of their own homes - right from the chair they were sitting in. The game would have been over.

    The 2012 time period is about one thing and one thing only - the transformation of consciousness. You don't have to go anywhere to transform your consciousness, though if everyone is busy doing things in their daily lives for big daddy and company, they certainly don't have time being who they were intended to be as powerful beings for themselves now do they.

    If you don't take your life back, then someone will gladly take it for you and that is what we have all been involved with for as long as we care to know. You take your life back by taking your time back, because that is what has been stolen, your time, all of it. Until next time my lovely sheeple friends;o))
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  • I am not so much judging PEOPLE in this article, as I am judging BEHAVIORS. There is a difference. But I do find it interesting that some folks get so defensive after reading it. Maybe they see a bit of themselves in my descriptions, and this upsets them. If that is so, they should be far more worried about their personal conflicts, and less worried about my judgments. As I say in the article, people who are open to new truths are not sheeple, even if they are uninformed. I’m speaking more of people who are exposed to the truth and willfully ignore it…

    and to show that I'm not against spiritualism in general, there is a film created by neithercorp press called Sons of Darkness, Sons of Light found here:
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