Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of Creation.


This means to seek and demand the Truth be shown to you so you must develop that ability to discern and judge all information, actions and behaviors with self and others which go against the Laws of balance given forth by GOD and The Creation. this also means that when information is put before your attention, you must ask the FATHER within you to show you whether or not it is true and ask for the Father to give you the verification you need for understanding the truth in all information and situations which HE puts before you.  THIS means you must have the courage and the determination to conquer the fear,apathy and ignorance within your altered ego to ACHIEVE THE WISDOM OF KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH!




You shall honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for HE is "the king of wisdom".




This means that you must recognize that your soul existence and your life on this plane is only possible by the wondrous grace of God, your Creator.  You must recognize and honor HIS HOLY PRESENCE within you and ALL THAT IS, because it is HIS HOLY GRACE that you shall be able to recieve His guidance and instructions for WHAT your service is to God and The Creation to maintain the glory of light and love and life in constant unfoldement of the glorious mystery of The ONE.

In other words, YOU  will learn to understand and be always connected with the ONENESS of ALL THAT IS in Creation.

Now, to remember and understand this, THE LAW of ONE, you must realize that ALL beings AND creations are EQUAL OR EVEN in reflection of and importance TO THE ONE God, only that each is simply DIFFERENT in abilites, talents and beingness AS AN EXPRESSION OF THE ONE ALL THAT IS.

Contrary to perhaps your own "opinion" ,You as A HU-MAN (Higher Universal Man) are not superior or inferior in importance to the tree, rock, the bird or ANY other being or creation OF THE ONE.

You are simply ONE of THE HOLY FATHER´S vehicles of motion for expanding and experiencing the JOY of continous unfoldement of THE CREATION.

You see, there cannot exsist any separation, ALL come from the ONE great Source of all THE CREATION and all will return to our Source, THE ONE.


Also you must understand the true nature of the Laws balance given forth by our FATHER as it relates to HUMANS granted with the GIFT of FREE WILL.

For example: If ALL humans were removed from this planet, do you think that the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms would remain in balance?  The correct answer is MOST DEFINITELY YES!

Because they belong to the kingdom of God which was created to maintain a wondrous Planet in balance. You as humans who were given FREE WILL and reasoning ability to choose to balance within the laws(or not), were also sent to GOD´S CREATION as guardians. What have you done to her by choosing to live in the lie of destruction which is the ANTI-Christ? Are you proud of the pollution you pour into her waters, and soils and airspace? This is the very soil,water and airspace YOU depend on for your physical survival. WHERE is the REASONING for this sort of corruption?

Why do you crowd out and not honor the right to Life of others of Gods Sacred Kingdom,such as the trees, the minerals and the animals? What have YOU CHOSEN with your GIFT of FREE WILL?


Most of the mass consciousness of humanity have chosen death and destruction to themselves and the planet because they BELIEVE and are blinded by the lies of the ANTI-Christ. They are possessed by the blindness and ignorance of their own "altered" ego.


So now that you recognize that that most ones have chosen, with their wondrous free will, NOT to Maintain the Balance of the Laws of God and The Creation, you might ask yourself; "so what happens now"? There is a point where God must decide whether HE will preserve and RETURN BALANCE to a Kingdom of His that is lost in the darkness and ignorance of the Anti-Christ,or whether He will allow the Anti-Christ to consume itself AND the planet it is sustained by.


We will give you the example of THIS Kingdom of God,beloved planet Earth. She is called "the Emerald" of this universe; she is a most glorious Creation and SHE IS ALIVE, A BEING OF GODS LOVE. She is a part of the human experience, and the human experience is a part of her. All of the pollution of the thoughts, words and deeds from the humans here is now a part of HER, as well as exsisting within the humans who created them.  She has been raped, pillaged and plundered by those who were to be her guardians. SHE has allowed YOU to make her the playground of HELL and she has CRIED OUT TO GOD FOR HELP AND MERCY. As have many of YOU who now KNOW your only HOPE will come from the LOVING Grace and Mercy of Our DIVINE FATHER!  And God has answered HER plea in His Infinite Love,Compassion and Mercy.  The promise: She will be allowed to cleanse herself from within and without of ALL the Anti-Christ pollution smothering her...


And so too the humans, WHO choose to align in balance with the Laws of God and The Creation will also achieve graduation into the Kingdom of God in the Higher dimensions of Life within the DIVINE CREATION. NONE will be spared the ultimate choice between the Kingdom of Light and Love that is GOD´S Kingdom, or to remain in the kingdom of THE ANTI-Christ.... which is desolate, hollow darkness and lies, deception and destruction.


What we are describing to you is that YOU each NOW have the opportunity to move your soul awareness FROM UNCONSCIOUS(current 3d dimensional experience) TO CONSCIOUS(New God 4th and 5th dimensional experience) IMMORTALITY.

Meditate of that meaning of that statement of Truth!

May you wisely choose the glorious FREEDOM of the CONSCIOUS IMMORTALITY OF GOD,TRUTH LOVE AND LIGHT!  journal 27

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  • Beautiful!!! This is the truth. Who have eyes, let them see. Those who have ears, let them hear the sweet harmonics of Creation. Those with a brain please understand. This is God"s planet and He will not be denied. Mother Earth is calling out to all of Her children to humble themselves and see all belongs within the Creators Body. This is His design, His Living Painting .He is the ultimate Artist and He will paint on His canvas as He desires. I only wish all people could see!!  Selah
  • I think it's pretty clear that the words written here, are the truth! But I do understand why people would be turned off by the presentation of it, because apparently, anything that isn't just absolutely sweet and loving can't be the truth. Well this is the truth, and people might not like the way it is put, but I'm sure they know...they know...that it's the truth.
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