Well this was interesting! I was wondering about what Sheldan Nidle ment when he mentioned inner earth. I though he ment that we are in inner heart and the aliens in space?! But somehow I just did not understand it. So I started a little research and came across something very interestesting that I think you all should look at!
So, when i started to read about inner earth I thought it was veri interesting and then I understood a whoul thing...I mean...If aliens lives in hollow earth and not out in space...Sure there can bee aliens out there in other planets of cause...but what if they have allways been with uss, closer than we think... I can the understand the Aliens want uss to come to or ultimate consiossness...Because we are used with what we see here abow inner earth, that a thought of living in inner earth sounds terrifying...But for me I do not mind living in inner earth at all...Then i do not have to bee scared of eny disasters at all like comets, astroids,tzunamis,earthquakes, etc etc...
The aliens can come to get me alredy to inner earth alredy...I am redy to go back home to edin... ;)
Well as long as I can have goat cheese in my sallad I think I can gladly skip eating meat! And with Xzai-On with my side i think I can pretty much do what it takes. He is vegetarian by the way, but when meats is offered he eats it! Let´s say he is vegetarian like the buddist munks you could say...
Well at the moment I am on clencing diet witch do not allow eating meat to beter get rid of unwanted toxins...have been without meat now for 5 days...the meat tooth is aching like crzy after a chunk of meat...I was raised in my family to eat meat. However I do eat vegetarian food more oftem that I did earlier...
A lot of these claims and theories, I think, are based in other than than the 3d world of ours. If there is an inner Earth Eden than it exists in 4d or some type of magical dimension or should I say more magical than 3d. I think 3d people may have crossed over somehow to go there or have been there in spirit form in between lives.
What´s this? Do I realy have to stop eating meat!? But I love meat? I do not kill animals,but I do love to eat meat... Some of this videos is getting me confused...
Sorry in Inner Earth animals are treated with great respect and not eaten up and soon in the near future there will be no animal killing allowed in the 5th Dimension New Earth...it has been predicted that 2/3 of the population of the surface will die from eating meat and already you can see it is contaminated and those who continue will find they will get disease or early death...because of the new energy coming on this Planet more are becoming vegetarians
stick to a diet that involves eating red meat