The following message channeled by Meredith Murphy was transcribed verbatim from:
23 June 2010
The Holographic Reality of the New Earth is Within YOU
Message from the Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Terra Nova Transmission, 23 June 2010
My little glorious one…! You are really soaring…how cool is that to find you awakening so broadly and with an opening to knowing that is keenly beyond that which you understood and seen in the past! Wonderful.
Going forward this knowing will continue to overlay layers of your non-physical being-ness with the parallel lifetimes which inform your current focal point and the blending will be fantastic! You will find that you know more specifically what to do; that you learn techniques and practices from your other lives and likewise share them and inform across your existence—radiating your well-being and perspective with clear focus and intent across the Universe. Cool huh!
As things continue to intensify this summer there will be increasingly a clarity which pervades your experience and allows you to share and lead with confidence and courage. There will be signs of the ease and meaning which is unfolding in your existence and which will give you a bounce in your step and peace of mind!! Nice huh! It’s time dear one! It’s time for joy and happiness to abound! For those of you who have opened fully to light and to your experience unfurling in alignment with the planet there is no need for difficulty or trial; you have let go of so much already the time has come to begin harvesting. And for starters this harvest will begin with a richness of understanding and with information that will extend your knowing in ways which empower you and naturally activate others.
This is the sequence which will continue in the near future; you become clearer and empowered. You begin to live this newly clarified understanding of self and expressing and sharing it as inspired. You activate others by your very vibration.
The living library of light, which for you is your crystalline DNA, allows you to access your greater reality. This is what is awakening within you.
As you engage with this larger knowing you are shifted; you move beyond your past holograms and begin to engage with the emerging hologram, which is the hologram of the emerging new earth. And you are directing the light which comes into you, through your perception, into specific thoughtforms. You are like a lens which directs the light you are radiating into energetic structures and when you harmonize with all that is, great things transpire!
The core of the Earth KNOWS what you have discovered integrated and amplified, immediately and thus your knowing radiates out to all of humanity, across timeliness and parallel dimensions immediately, thereby liberating freedom and clarity, understanding and light to ALL. It’s a time of powerful shifting and retrofitting of your bodies to accommodate your new being-ness which will carry you forward into heaven on earth existence in the higher dimensional states of awareness as well as powerful and rapid manifestation within your own domain.
Glory be!
As above so it is below. And now it is time for us to speak more of holographs and of the emerging holographic Earth. It is increasingly important that Lightworkers understand how they contribute to this template for the new earth and to be able to consciously utilize this innate technology of the universe to cooperate and co-create with Source, with All-That-Is in its ultimate purpose of expansion and creativity and in this aligned intention: the new earth made manifest in form.
The universe is holographic in nature; meaning that every aspect of the universe contains the knowing, the information of the whole-each aspect contains something greater than itself.
Those of you who have entered into a new and harmonious relationship with all of life, with a sense of the unity of life, are participating in the alchemy of creation—your thoughtforms, your intentions and beliefs are the cooperating with and co-creating the new holographic Earth!
We live in a world where there are abundant symptoms of a disintegrating hologram. The old holographic system is not able to integrate the cosmic light particles and synthesize and organize the incoming and elevating frequencies of the planet. The collective reality of the planet is shifting.
The way you view and experience things is a creative aspect of reality. Your ability to move into a cooperative and harmonic alignment with the new holographic Earth is the quantum harmony that will take the new earth from template to form.
The holographic Earth has already shifted. So what you are waiting for-- those of you who say “When…is this happening!” is for the perceptual capacity of the human mind to be able to integrate this shift. As you can perceive, understand, resonate with and be in alignment with expansiveness, moving beyond limitations and prior structures, you have the capacity to blend and merge with this quantum energy pattern and provide amplification of these thoughtforms, thereby easing access to them for those in parts of the world where these ideas have not yet gained visibility or acceptance.
Your ability to embrace your own creative powers, to realize that what you give your allegiance and focus to becomes reality, allows you to merge with the existing new earth, to stabilize this thoughtform, this holographic template and to co-create the new earth!
You cannot create the new earth on your own. This is not like creating a new house, or a job you desire in your own world—a hologram solely dependent on your own focus and alignment.
You can however, align with the holographic new earth and participate in the creation of this template in form. Entering into a blended state of oneness with the cosmic mind, through meditation, peace, love and unity, brings your energy and focus into quantum harmony with the holographic new earth.
Spectacular, is it not?
So first of all do not concern yourself with anything which is disintegrating and recognize that the Earth and all you experience exist as holographic forms sustained and enabled by thoughtforms and energized by those. As light is entering the planet and has been anchored in abundance, the old holographic earth which was oriented around consumerism and in older cultures upon survival, cannot integrate a template which is foundationally oriented to co-creation, and which inculcates experience with the cosmic principles of love and unity.
Sadly and in great difficulty there are those on the planet who as yet are still focusing on the instability of the planet which will only increase in the coming months—as the thoughtforms associated with this are focused on what is falling apart and higher and more powerful frequencies are withdrawn and focused increasingly on the emerging holographic template of love and unity.
If you wish to be of benefit; to bring peace and ease this transition--focus on the world being in harmony. Focus on love and oneness. See things in balance. Know with every aspect of your being the Earth in her new, love-filled, compassion-filled, co-creative form.
Things are in, as you sense, enormous flux. Disintegration, chaos, unraveling--this is happening on a number of fronts within the planet. What you do not realizing is the existing holograph is NOT being restructured; that it IS disintegrating, and new form is being made of the energy which gave this matter life.
Behind the scenes Lightworkers, those whose DNA is coded to stabilize and support the shift to the new holographic reality are already in place holding and stabilizing the hologram of the new earth as the old earth unravels and migrates toward the black hole of nothingness. Yes. This is a startling image.
Be not afraid, for this is not something to worry about! We're having fun here creating new things! It's the aspiration of source to expand options for creativity and this is a collective experience in which we receive, integrate and participate. So again-- attune yourself to the cosmic sense of oneness which is emerging and amplifying, and orient to that within you which guides you perfectly to harmonize, to co-operate to participate in our collective creation and shift to the new earth.
Going forward Gaia will continue to express her transition requirement through earth changes.
In terms of relating to one another; chose love.
Each being chose their activation point based on their aspirations for this lifetime and their sense of what would best serve their soul and the collective intent to ascend. It is essential that you not become distracted by this or other aspects of conflict, but that you focus your energy and orient your perceptions to oneness. You are a soul group that functions as receptors for the emerging codes and directives that carry forth this astonishing transformation and your role is vital. Play your parts well!
You are mirrors for this light and love entering the planet; flow and broadcast it with confidence and a profound sense of your grace and purpose in the whole.
Do not doubt, question, challenge or negate the path of anyone else. Look only within the mirror of your own life.
Enter into an ongoing dialogue with that most expansive and wisest aspect of your being--all that you need lies within you my beautiful and amazing creatures of light.
Awaken to truth that has always been: YOU ARE EVERYTHING YOU NEED. Your landscape is within you and will sustain you through all changes you encounter. You are the hero of your own lifetime and your story, your journey your purpose and mission are of the utmost importance to you and to All-That-Is. You are essential and your placement on the planet is essential. Your frequency is part of the light grid of the planet, which, like the acupuncture meridians in our bodies organizes and flows the energy of the planet! This ascension is a process in which you are involved!
Participate and orient to this dynamic story!
Live it with gusto and passion and total confidence. This is how to be a master.
I AM forever at your side and in your inner being aligned with all that you desire. Call upon me for anything. Protection, strength, clarity come from knowing you are source energy in form. Claim this knowing. Know that you are profoundly loved.
We are ONE.
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I thank you from my heart for your protection and your strenght.
55 is a beautifulll number.
Glory is.
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Code L O V E that is the only thing that matter in all that is.
With me deepest Love I bow to you.
We are One