The holohoax

Ok , I couldn't answer anymore on Malcolms holocaust propaganda.4

It's illegal to deny the holocaust in several countries.

Ever wondered why?

This is the only historical event that can't be denied.

Does it ring a bell?

Researchers scanned auswich after sarin gas but have not found any trace at all, even though they agree that it absolutely would be left in the walls there.
The Red Cross has registered all the Jews who died, and none died of gassing.
Starvation (after Roth Shield constricted food deliveries) and a part of typhoid.

This is maybe the biggest lie in history and many here on AC is FEEDING the lie.

Now , do your homework and learn how this World works.

Some Reading to begin with here:

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  • "Researchers scanned auswich after sarin gas but have not found any trace at all"

    Well they wouldn't since the gas of choice were Cyanide (Zyclon B), which is a poison that only stays in the air for a few minutes before it is absorbed, broken down and rendered harmless. After that the only traces you can find are the traces of how the vicitim died.

    • Sarin gas is 26x more potent than cyanide gas. It would have been a better choice. There were gas chambers at Auschwitz with wooden doors, and this is where clothes were deloused with the zyklon-B. That's why these cans of zyklon-b were there; there were no containers of sarin gas to be found at Auschwitz.

  • Its interesting how you wanna make us think Androver, this is a hard

    'believe'  to transform.. and Iam not sure yet...

    The first time I heard a gas chamber (on telly)  as a child I completely freaked out and saw the images with it..

    so for me it always felt true..... but maybe it was only the fear based stories I heard so many times and my imagine   toke over...

    Not sure how it works  (the rabbit hole)


    the Truth is Transparent

  • AsAbove


    ( ( ( The Light of Darkness ) ) ) 
    by Paul Levy

    In my article "The Sacred Art of Alchemy," I contemplate how the unconscious part of ourselves becomes the raw material, the prima materia,out of which the alchemical gold, the philosophers' stone, which is none other than the enlightened mind, is refined and revealed. The art of alchemy has nothing to do with turning base metals into gold, and everything to do with transmuting our lower, primitive, instinctual selves into a more purified state. The goal of the spiritual art of alchemy is to unite the opposites -- to integrate the conscious and the unconscious, to unlock the light encoded and imprisoned within the darkness. The light within the darkness itself is known as the lumen naturae,the inner living light of primordial, ever-present, non-dual awareness itself, which is the light of nature that literally lights-up the whole of creation in this and every moment. To see the light that is hidden in the darkness is to become conscious, which, alchemically speaking, frees the spirit that is hidden and trapped inside the materialized world.

    The art of alchemy itself is an expression that hidden in the darkness is light. The alchemists, Jung says, "discover that in the very darkness of nature a light is hidden, a little spark without which the darkness would not be darkness...the lumen naturae is the light of the darkness itself, which illuminates its own darkness, and this light the darkness comprehends" In contrast to a light that, as the Bible says, "shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended itnot," the lumen naturae, the light of lights, is a light that the darkness intimately recognizes as its own nature. The lumen naturae is the luminosity within the darkness recognizing itself as it illumines its own darkness. This archetypal experience of the luminescence of the divine being found in the translucent darkness is referred to in various mystical traditions by names such as the luminous darkness and the black sun.

    A light that doesn't go out, the lumen naturae pervades, infuses and animates the physical world. Everything that arises in the materialized world is inseparable from and a modification of the lumen naturae. At the same time, being the light of non-dual awareness prior to consciousness, the lumen naturae inspires, e-lucid-ates, il-lumin-ates, and en-light-ens consciousness itself. Being non-dual, the lumen naturae non-locally and synchronistically con-figures co-arising events, bothin the physical world and reciprocally within the landscape of our minds, as a way of revealing itself.

    The lumen naturae inspires our unconscious and animates our dreams. Alchemical texts say, "He ‘learns' the lumen naturae through dreams," and "As the light of nature cannot speak, it buildeth shapes in sleep from the power of the word (of God)." The Logos, the creative word of God, is also equivalent to the lumen naturae. Not limited to giving shape solely to our night dreams, the lumen naturae also interpenetrates and materializes itself into and shapes our shared waking dream, literally orchestrating the situations we find ourselves in during the course of our life. Because it is not bound to the laws of linear time and third-dimensional space, the lumen naturae is always extending and expressing itself everywhere.

    The lumen naturae is not the light that we see, it is the invisible light by which we see, in that it is the non-dual light of sentient awareness itself. It is a light which inspires the world and yet it has no objects separate from itself. The lumen naturae is not a light separate from the darkness. For the alchemists, darkness wasn't merely an absence of light, but a quality that was an expression of the indwelling light of being that has no opposite. Shadows themselves are nothing other than an expression of light; light itself contains and generates shadows. Where there are no shadows, there is no light. Establishing ourselves in the viewpoint that can join the opposites, uniting the shadow and the light is to not only possess, but to create, genuine wealth within the core of our being. As Jung says,"one who can join the shadow to the light is the possessor of the greater riches." Among its many names, the philosophers' stone iscalled "The Pearl of Great Price," to signify its pricelessness, its preciousness, and its immeasurable value in all realms, both visible and invisible, outer and inner.

    "Human consciousness," Jung explains, " the only seeing eye of the deity...God has made man so that he might see in the darkness." We are the instruments through which the lumen naturae illumines and realizes its own darkness, which is to simultaneously realize its light. The lumen naturae reveals itself in, as, and through the darkness. Just like light, the darkness itself is the unmediated crystallization and revelation of the non-dual light of the lumen naturae. We can unnecessarily limit ourselves by mistakenly thinking that illumination only means to "see the light." Seeing our own darkness, our own shadow, however, is initiatory and thereby is another form of illumination. Jung makes this point by saying, "not only darkness is known through light, but that, conversely, light is known through darkness." In becoming illuminated, the darkness illuminates us. In being seen, the darkness helps us to increase consciousness. In being made conscious, the darkness introduces us to the light of non-dual awareness, for without the darkness we wouldn't have realized the light. This is similar to how reflections in a mirror seemingly obscure the silvered face of the mirror while simultaneously revealing it. At the quantum level, it becomes impossible to distinguish where light ends and darkness begins, as they reveal themselves to be indissolubly united, a true conjunction of opposites.

    The opposites, though seemingly polarized and adversarial toward each other, are intimately co-related, as they contain each other and help to bring the other into awareness and into manifestation. Using the image of the soil of the earth to symbolize matter, Jung makes this very point when he writes that the "soil is just matter, the absolute opposite of the spirit, yet it contains the spirit. Without encountering the soil one would never realize the spirit; it needs that resistance of matter in order to reveal itself." The opposites antagonistically co-operate with each other as a way to reveal their inseparable oneness.

    All possible opposites are encoded in the lumen naturae in a state of open-ended potentiality. The natural spirit of the lumen naturae is a quantum form of light in that it manifests either in its wave or particle-like aspect depending upon how it is seen. Because of its divine origin and nature, the lumen naturae deserves our highest veneration and respect. Jung warns, however, "For those who are unmindful of this light, the lumen naturae turns into a ignis fatuus [something that misleads or deludes, an illusion], and the psychopomp [guide of the soul] into a diabolical seducer. Lucifer, who could have brought light, becomes the father of lies whose voice in our time, supported by press and radio, revels in orgies of propaganda and leads untold millions to ruin." When we don't honor a part of ourselves that belongsto our wholeness, this denied aspect constellates negatively, both within ourselves and nonlocally throughout the field. In our current age, this process of contracting against our own power and light is being collectively dreamed up and played out "in orgies of propaganda"on the world stage, with very real potential to lead "untold millions to ruin."...



    Never Give In to the shadows of Darkness... Ever!


  • THERE WAS NO GENOCIDE. The International Red Cross places a death toll at 271,301. Hitler placed Jews in the camps with the intention of transferring them to Madagascar. IT WAS CALLED THE MADAGASCAR PLAN, and it is so well known historically it is even listed in Wikileaks.

    People were killed in the camps, especially if they had issues with Hitler or ranking German military. But the death numbers were inflated for the benefit of the Rothschild family and their push for sympathy creation (to be used against the Nazis who double-crossed them by refusing central banking) and for the creation of Israel as the new transfer place for the concentration camp Jews, as opposed to Madagascar.

  • I Think that to put  the blinkers on Feather , is not what we need on this World..

    How can we reach freedom If a lie Controls VERY much of this civilization.

    I completely disagree with your attitude.

  • Very well said, Feather.

  • Andover:  You are one of the FEW people who know what is going on.  If you deny the holocaust it's like denying God, or denying that the earth is flat, or denying that the earth is the center of the universe in the old days.  You will be VILLIFIED!

    As you may well know, awhile back I just SUGGESTED that some people do some RESEARCH on the holocaust/holohoax and I was ATTACKED and ATTACKED and ATTACKED and ATTACKED.  (I think I was ever called the "r" word for making a SUGGESTION. ) All I basically said that there ARE TWO SIDES TO A STORY and YOU SHOULD  CHECK THE OTHER ONE OUT.  History is written by the victors, and governments LIE.  SOME of the stuff is TRUE, and SOME of the stuff is MADE UP, but people BELIEVE ALL OF WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD as the GOSPEL TRUTH.  They are coming from an EMOTIONAL STANDPOINT and emotion ALWAYS overrides logic.  (I suppose it is a lot EASIER to attack me, than to do any RESEARCH.  If I remember correctly, I listed some videos that people could look up, but to no avail)

    You may now begin the attack.

    • Thank's Darkstar for your kind post.

      Well the zionist octopus has arms everywhere.........

      Many INTELLIGENT people tries to prove this hoax , but as the zionist Khazars owns the media and Controls education and politicians , the lie is kept alive.

      Children are brainwashed with this lie from early age to serve their agenda.

      The talmudistfamily of Rockefellers Controls the educationsystem of the western World.

      I'm sure that Putin is fully aware of the holohaux , aswell as many other nonzionist countries.

      Russia with Putin is preventing the NWO , among with many other countries that allies with him.

      Achmadinejad did question the holocaust aswell , and got ridiculed of course. 

    • People of all religious and non-religious persuasions were killed at the camps, but a lot of the numbers were seriously jacked up for purposes of creating sympathy and then being used so that the Rothschild family could have their own little country in the Middle East. And yes, this country is armed to the teeth in the name of "anti-semitism" (SO WHY IS ISRAEL ALLOWING THE PRO-EURO/PRO-DOLLAR NEO-NAZIS TO GOVERN UKRAINE??? Clue: I already said why in the previous question).

      Here's math that proves you can't cremate 500,000 Jews at Auschwitz per time-frame allowed, no matter how many times you call me an anti-semite. The truth is in the numbers: 

      From the Cremation Resource Guide

      Questions and answers on cremation

      Q.) How long does it take to cremate a body?

      Cremating at the optimum temperature (1400 - 1800 degrees), the average weighted remains takes 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Several more hours may be required before the cremated remains are available to the family.

      Q.) Is it true that the bones are crushed after cremation? I've heard you don't get ashes back -- what do you get?

      A complete cremation is a two-step process. Firstly, the actual exposure of the deceased to several hours of intense heat and flame; after which the remains are mostly ash except for certain bone fragments, then the entire remaining ash and fragment volume is gathered and run through a processor, creating a uniform powder-like texture.

      There's 8,760 hours in one year. A cremation takes 2+ hours, so one oven, running 24/7, 365, would be able to possibly cremate 4,380 people in one year, if it didn't shut down for maintenance or to clean out the remains. Auschwitz reportedly had 15 ovens, and without maintenance of the ovens (i.e. cleaning or cooling down) it would take 7.61 years to cremate 500,000 Jews on a constant basis with 15 ovens, with no cooling off or cleaning of the ovens. Auschwitz was built in May of 1940, SO THE CLAIM OF 500,000 JEWS BEING CREMATED AT AUSCHWITZ IS BULLSH!T

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