I have embarked on a totall hulkout journey and there is no letting up. It has become an addiction of sorts but at the same time an essential function. Perhaps this is where our potential for addiction finds it's purpouse.
I joined Gold's Gym and am feeling more golden everyday. Pretty people and motivation make for better living. It just does.
The galactic counsel said to the DNA initiates that they should be getting around an hour or cardio everyday to keep the body in top form. This includes the light body and all of that. along with mindfullness work everyday.
I totall see what they meant when I get to about the half hour mark of my cardio sessions I become like a ball of energy. I don't feel my body, I just feel myself as a spark or something. It's quite surreal and blissful and empowering.
I lift weights to help ground me and always finish up with yoga for movement and praises.
i can't begin to describe the awesomeness of the hulkening and how much it has done for my consciousness and experience of life...
lols, yes I can definately vouch for getting fitter, I started cross training fitness about a month ago and now really starting to feel heaps better, although I feel I am morphing out!! arrrrr.