I do not have a lot to offer on this subject, and it may be deep in the archives or something, but in light of a lot of darkness I have read in the past month, I wanted to get a fresh point of view here.
In my opinion, hell does not exist, and neither does heaven. There is only existence. I have read about people saying things along the lines of people being left behind in ascension, to be killed and punished. I have read people saying that those who do no ascend go to hell.
Heres my question, or point spoken questionably..Is not the idea behind ascension that we are here to learn, and to chose our next step? Were we not told that the strength of the light is that fact that is never destroys, only promotes more light? That there is no punishment, only patience and love?
Perhaps its the fixation on instant gratification that causes people to see a line drawn in the sand somewhere, but alas I do not comprehend such a thing. Duality once conquered, creates the belief that everything is.
My favorite word, response, or belief system is.... Yes!
This is just a bit of my opinion, that I had to speak as Im pretty sure people who study scriptures and such can tell that somewhere are 500-600 AD hell was created. There is no hell, its a control mechanism. I read a quote here on this forum and I like it. "Existence is a lesson, and you judge yourself"
Last note, a shout out to another thread on the forum. If you have not checked out the discussion on water and the scientific stance on the consciousness of water, please do! It is truly amazing stuff, and with a little research you can see some things that (at least to me) prove the power of intent. So many people obsess over the physical, believing everything must be done by hand. One has way more power than hands, the ability to push and pull. One has more power than words, the ability to convince or convict. The power of intent, the ability to love or not love.
Much love
Here's a concept: what if there is no "positive/negative" energy? Instead, it's just energy, and by focusing on something you give it energy?