There is simply so much information coming at us these days from so many different directions/sources... that learning to be focused or centered is becoming more and more important, so that we don't get lost in confusion. There are too many data sources to keep track of and cross reference... and we're being 'fed' so many lies, and truths... all jumbled up... It's like trying to put together a giant jigsaw puzzle of 1,000 pieces, but we have 100,000,000 pieces to choose from.
The only way I see to navigate through all this material successfully is to find a place of balance/focus within ourselves to start with... by deciding what kind of person we wish to be... what kind of energy do we want to be a part of. This will make it so we have a clear place/foundation within, to begin with... that we will carry within ourselves from which to maintain our balance. We may also want to meditate, take a walk, play some music, sports, draw, dance, etc... daily... So that we can give our minds a break from over-thinking, over-analyzing.
We will just have to accept that it may be a while before we 'know' what is 'really' going on 'behind the New-Age curtain'. In the meantime, I feel it is most important to work together and show each other respect for where each one is on their paths... or as the old saying goes... "Love thy neighbor as thyself"... Because after all, we're All in the 'same boat'... Right?
Love & Harmony to you All...
AsAbove... SoBelow
AsWithin... SoWithout
...Nice Message Tally....Yes.....This Is How I Feel Too.....So Many Different Jumbled Up Views.. Over Anal-Izing + Over-Thinking.........Its Good To Escape All This......+ Get Back To Your - Self..... With Peace.....<3....
Ah... Thanks for that 'breath of fresh air', Sky...<3
It is hard to respect other people when you have no respect for yourself. This is not a time to force ourselves to respect and co-operate with others when we can not even co-operate with ourselves.
Being able to have 100% respect for yourself takes many experiences and high level of cognitive abilities and consciousness. People may be imaginative and have good wishes, but they are not necessarily very conscious individuals. You can find people that seem very angry and disrespectful, but they may be very conscious and aware. Maybe they are acting from a level that you cannot understand, therefor you find it disrespectful, because it is hurting your ego? Finding a balance/center will not happen over night, otherwise it would not take "the beginning of time up until today" for us to reach the "enlightenment" we have today. It is too much respect that have kept us in amnesia. Nobody have dared to speak! Only a few, they were all killed and haunted for it. We should respect life enough to let it live and die by itself, but life must respect that you can speak what ever you will whenever you will, without it taking it personal or negative, even though the intention of the speaker may be negative. Negative is not good nor bad, neither is Positive. Its just two electromagnetic energies charged differently.....different pull, different density. One feels lite, one feels heavy. You kind of contradict yourself. I can understand that you went for a positive charged message here, but it is not a conscious/aware message. Your words do not seem alive, it is not up to date. If people found the balances/centers that you so gently advise people to find, then nobody would care if they were respected or not, so again people would do as they pleased as long as they didn't kill life. Are you kind of really saying, force yourself to co-operate even if you don't want to and wait for the answers to be shown when the curtain one day gets pulled? What if you can pull the curtain right now just by going "No mind".....By being aware of everything, you know you are none of it....If you are aware of respect, then you are not respect...:) Your post stinks with fear......... What is it that you are waiting for so passively? You are missing out on life by trying to make rules for it...Be the lone wolf...forget everyone else. They will not join you in your grave...So I don't need their respect either..An old saying is an old saying. there is no room for old in a "new age":..Love is never old or will always be, so no need to follow old sayings for that...
All this is a process. It do not depend on us and our balance. It will go its own way, we are free to do what we want. It is OK to not be in balance also. It is just as much crucial to know this. It is VERY MUCH OK to not have a center, to not be in balance. If you are aware of balance, then you are not balance.....Be here now....if disrespect is a part of now, then it is OK :) Being aware of disrespect, you are not disrespect.
Thanks for sharing, Hopi... and for giving me plenty more data to ponder on. : ) I will admit that I wrote this rather quickly and could have chosen different/'better' wording perhaps... but you seem to be rather aggressive towards me and my offering. You say it is "not conscious", and act as though you have greater consciousness. Are you trying to start a fight/quarrel with me? Are you 'mad at the world' and trying to take it out on me? Would you like to take a walk together and share a 'peace pipe' and talk it over peacefully? How would you act towards me if we were to talk this over in person?
Just because I said what I said, do not mean I am aggressive or mad :) I would love to go on a walk with you and smoke a joint :) I was simply speaking my words...that's it. Ask yourself, why would someone like Hopi who speaks about consciousness have a reason to be "mad" at me? When we are sitting behind a PC, online and writing stuff....What use would it be to be mad online? Have you ever considered that I am just being straight forward and that is why you might take it as aggressive? Or because you are reading my words with your own voice inside your head, you read it the way you want it to be read? Because what a joy if Hopi is mad, then I get to shine and show myself off with my calmness and "enlightenment"? Maybe your ego gets a little bit of shock? Did you write this so everyone would agree with you or just accept and be silent? If me and you were to talk over this in person, I would look you/stare you in the eyes, I would not take them off a second, I would meditate on every single word you said and listen. Then I would share with you my opinion without any regards to your comfort. I am not here to comfort anybody... Or I would just go on with my own business, not even bothering to notice you (if it was in person:) If I was to do the same online, why the heck am I even here then? I get online to be active, I do not get online to read "enlightened" words, (I have books for that) one here is enlightened. They have a had a first experience with transendence and from there on they think they are God and spiritual. No one bothers to try an go on from beyond this point....That is the difference between me and you. I am very mad at the world and I took it out on you. I did it, it was not something I tried to do. I did it. But thats it, I just took it out on you. I was never being aggressive... You are a part of the world are you not? Did you die? Was it the end of you? You simply picked yourself up and you wrote me back...Was it that big of a deal? Would it make any difference if I wrote it with tons of smileys and agreed on everything you said and did not give you any bit of intellectual challenge?
It's not so easy to tell what your mood is just with these words on the screen, so I asked you questions rather than assume your intentions. I see that you're just speaking your mind/sharing and offering your 'views', which I can appreciate. I feel your energies now that I tune in and there is great purity. It brings me no joy if you are mad, because I'll feel that in me then and I don't like that feeling. I can see that you are used to people reacting in anger to your bluntness, but I don't enjoy being angry. I guess I'm different than you, in that you say you have no regard for my comfort. If I do/say something that triggers another into anger/discomfort I feel that unpleasant energy in myself, so avoid that situation. I never understood why people can enjoy another's anger. I'd much rather trigger someone into joy instead. : )
All along, I have been looking for a reply or reaction like the one you gave here. Now I feel that I am talking to someone with consciousness, someone with awareness. You asked me questions, I cherish that. I value it beyond what you can imagine. Now I am able to be soft, to be gentle, to have an intelligent and "alive" conversation from beyond the mind with you (Not that we have to continue, I am just saying :)..its what floats my boat. Some people may call it over Analyzing + over thinking, but wherever I look..I see people lost in deeper and deeper levels of mind game, even the "spiritual" ones. Even a million words cannot describe what is beyond "no mind" it is easily seen as overthinking and over analyzing, but they have missed the point.
But as you say I am used to them reacting based on fear and mind. Because I am blunt as you could they not. they are afraid to lose self respect :) So I get more frustrated, I poke them even more, and more, and more until the bubble bursts and some lessons get learned. I do not care if I make a fool out of me :)..I dont care for your comfort, because I can never give it to you. Only you can give it to you. I dont care for your comfort, because my caring do not matter, it really, really doesn't matter. Only by not trying to give it to you, will I give it to you a 100%. By having no rules. 100% freedom.... That which you really, really, truly are... needs no ones respect or comfort :) I know this...therefor I do not waste energy in trying to give you comfort. If you say anything to me, and I get mad or sad or angry. it is my mind. Not you....end of discussion.
But I can see that you with awareness and based on deep reflection choose to go for a "happy" charged is very well. It is no must. But it is what it is :) I respect you for it. You took the time to explain instead of judging. I feel Wow.....I feel so humble towards you. I may have acted unaware, but you you acted with awareness. What a great gentleness you have....I wish you tremendous amounts of stillness.
Thank you, my friend... For joining the conversation, being yourself and exercising your Awareness... Tears of joy are almost traveling. You're quite a beautiful one yourself... But who would know unless they stepped outside the reactionary mind?
Let me tell you this: My ego felt so good after your acknowledgement of my beauty. It burns me from inside, this hippocracy, This double standard of being. It is schizophrenic. I should not care a bit if I am beautiful or ugly. But I watch it silently...This one time I decided to write it for you to show an example. Revealing this and talking about it, is true "exercising of awareness" is the path that wil get you to need to wait for the curtain to be pulled away one day...this is what I think we should do together instead of writing crap from our is truly an adventure to leave the mind more and more. A part of me wants compliments, but a part of me don't want any of it, it is poison. I find my comfort in that I am anonymous here. I am not here for any credibility. You put a very good word on it. "exercising of awareness" was perfect. Revealing the mind more and more, everyday, is like lifting 1000 tons in Bench press for the consciousness. The compliments go straight to the ego, only the ego gets thicker...the true self (which is no self at all) have no use for it... If anything about me is beautiful, it must be what you see and you see it only because you must have a beautiful imagination. It takes one to know one.. From my viewpoint, I see only disturbance and chaos in me (which is OK), I am not with love ( I am made of love)...I yearn for it, I long for it, I have tasted it for a single second..But I cannot find it on command...I find only temporary pleasure. which is like drinking Coca Cola instead of water when you are thirsty. 5 minutes later your throat will still be crisp and dry and thirst for water, you will even be more thirsty...I feel like a desert. I am cut from my source, can you blame me for being angry at the world when the world is doing nothing to reconnect? This world without the human mind is ecstasy. with the human mind, it is the depths of hell....I long for the day I die, everyday is a preparation for that day..every moment is one step closer to departure. It is inevitable..
"From the beginning of my life
I have been looking for your face
but today I have seen it
Today I have seen
the charm, the beauty, and
the unfathomable grace
of the face that I have been looking for
Today I have found you
and those who laughed and scorned me yesterday
are sorry they were not looking as I did
I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty
and wish to see you with a hundred eyes
My heart has burned with passion and has searched forever
for this wondrous beauty I now behold
I am ashamed to call this love human
and afraid of God to call it divine
Your fragrant breath like the morning breeze
has come to the stillness of the garden
You have breathed new life into me
I have become your sunshine
and also your shadow
My soul is screaming in ecstasy
Every fiber of my being
is in love with you
Your effulgence has lit a fire in my heart
for me the earth and sky
My arrow of love has arrived at the target
I am in the house of mercy
and my heart is a place of prayer"
"My heart is burning with love. All can see this flame.
My heart is pulsing with passion, like waves on an ocean.
My friends have become strangers and I'm surrounded by enemies.
But I'm free as the wind, no longer hurt by those who approach me.
I'm at home, wherever I am. And in the room of lovers I can see with closed eyes
the beauty that dances. Behind the veils intoxicated with love, I too dance the rhythm
of this moving world. I have lost my senses in this world of lovers.
- Rumi