The Infinite Light that We Are

Gerardus was a very wise man. I've enjoyed his writings for several years now. His collection of writings can be found here:

We are a fuzzy bit of stuff that vibrates... Matter is more than 99.99999% emptiness!  There is nothing there but a fuzzy bit of stuff that vibrates like crazy and makes us believe that matter is solid. How come?  Another question is - why can't we see through matter if it is more than 99.99999% emptiness?  Why do we see and experience solidness?  On top of all this, in all the years we go to school - why aren't we told that matter is an illusion?  What is the secret? Why keep us dumb...??

We are not color blind - we are dimension or density blind... One of the secrets is - our body is a lens - a filter. It experiences a specific physical reality only - which in and by itself is not actually there - it is an illusion. There is no objective reality out there! We create it on the spot in our head. It is like only seeing the color red in a picture that contains a myriad of other colors and then say: I see a red building - it's all red! Possibly we only see one part in a million of the Total Reality that surrounds us. This one millionth part we call Physical Reality. All other realities are filtered out by our awareness system. We are surrounded by all these other realities, but they are not experienced or noticed by human beings. We do not even suspect that they are there! What a surprise...

All Things are Energy-Force-Fields... Another remarkable thing is, that there is no objective reality separate from the observer. The reality we experience is self created and we select it from the Absolute Reality that surrounds us. We only experience our own perception of that Reality! So, again - in actuality - physical reality as an objective reality does not exist.  Our perception is the reality we think we experience and it is formed from the Infinite Reality we look at. All of us, individually, create our own reality on the spot - by means of our perceptions!  Yeah, this is hard to believe - I know!  Further more, all things (read energies) in creation are aspects of each other and one aware energy can experience other energies. These other energies not necessarily are as aware as human beings. Some are less aware and others are more aware. There are different densities of energies with different levels of awareness...

The universe is a Relationship of Energies... These energies are actually energy force fields (awarenesses) and the one energy responds to the other. This response or reaction is what we call perceiving or experiencing it!  For example, human energy can experience tree energy and tree energy is also able to experience human energy. We could use any combination of energies, and as long as they are within a certain range, they can experience each other. The universe is a relationship of Energies... or Awarenesses. It's an energy or awareness in relationship with other energies! It is all very simple. This is why we can sense the quality of other people for we are able to feel their energy. Charismatic people feel nice to us and some others just make us feel out of sorts. A few give us the creeps...

Nothing is outside of ourselves... We all create our own individual reality out of the Infinite-Holographic-Absolute-Reality that surrounds us and in which we live.  We live right within it and are it!  We could also call this reality the Reality of God!  Also - actually only God exists... only Spirit exists... only Consciousness exists!  We are One with this Infinite-Holographic-Absolute-Reality, but we only experience a fraction of its Unbroken Wholeness when we are Human Beings. This Absolute-Reality is like a palette from which we select our realities like a painter selects the paints from his palette. What we see and experience as our physical reality is a specific selection or vibration of the essence of the universe. The Absolute Reality in which we live is also called the Universal Mind... 

Creation is always new... The universal mind is and contains consciousness as well as the so called unconsciousness or the Non-Being. The Universal Mind and its manifestations is a Dynamic Energy that changes continuously. Creation is always new! There is nothing outside of this universal mind for all things and beings live within the Unbroken Wholeness.  We are this unbroken wholeness or the Universal Mind.  It is our mind, but we are tuning out all realities except the physical!  The sages of the past used to call this Absolute Reality or Quantum Soup --- the Void. It indeed is a "Nest of Nothingness" out of which all things arise or manifest. From this Absolute Reality all things are created by the directed energies we call thought or mind.  The more we are able to focus our thoughts - the more we are able to create. To learn to do this is what the school of earth is all about. We are apprentice creators! Please pass the Cosmic Cookies. I want strawberry ice-cream with it...

Note about the Cosmic Cookies... Cosmic Cookies are small metaphysical compositions that are created by directed thought energies and they are manifested on your screen for free. They are aspects of the illusion, yet they are real!  They are mind expressed in the form of words and they are read by many Cookie Lovers. These Cookies are monologues for the entire universe is a monologue! There is nobody around but the Almighty and this Force speaks to no one else but itself. Always did and always will!    The Cosmic Cookie List...

We miss more than we see or experience... Because we experience life in matter through the body or filter, we are fooled into believing that matter is the only thing around. Our matter body and our conscious mind are in synchronism with the perceptions we create from our surroundings. We do not experience all the other energies or realities because we are out of sync with them (We cannot perceive them right now). They are from a different dimension or realm. Since we experience only a fraction of what's going on - we are deceived by our human awareness system. Our awareness system is very limited, but on the other hand, it is a brilliant masterpiece of creation for it is only aware of certain aspects of creation. Quite the feat, for all this is done on purpose! The great Co-Creators are very very crafty...

We all create our own unique perception from the reality in which we swim... Similar things happen when we watch TV.  There is no picture there - we create it while we watch it. The same happens when we watch a movie. There are no moving pictures on the screen - we create these moving pictures while we watch a sequence of still standing pictures. It is similar with the ordinary reality of the matter world - we create it while we live in it. Our senses, brain and conscious mind are responsible for this. What is actually out there is the Absolute Reality that contains all realities.  All things exist within the Absolute Reality or within the Universal Mind. The only things that are not already existing within the Absolute Reality, are the things we create anew, from minute to minute. Even this is debatable for all of Life is a simultaneous affair. From the perspective of the physical level though - we are always on the leading edge of creation... 

Human Beings are Miniature Universes... We could call the Absolute Reality the Infinite-Holographic-Quantum-Soup and it contains all realities or illusions (they are the same).  From this Quantum Energy we create the physical universe and our world -  including our computer monitor!  All beings and things created from the Infinite-Holographic-Quantum-Energy are but temporary aspects of the Whole. Meanwhile, we are a complete miniature universe and a fully working duplicate of the Original. Actually, we are the Original - but we are unaware of that! We have the same qualities as the Force we sometimes call the Almighty! So, we are the Absolute Reality and could see ourselves as a Holographic Duplicate that exists within the Absolute Reality. We create our perceptions or realities, illusions, personal truths and universes by means of the power and qualities of the thoughts we entertain. We therefore are - the Living Truth! We create our World and our Truth while we are experiencing them. They all are unique creations... 

We do not learn very much in our Halls of Learning... We as human beings (Souls in matter) have limited ourselves to but a few octaves of total reality while the spectrum is infinite. Now, here follows a very important point: the entire scheme of delusion and illusion is maintained and re-enforced by the rulers of our world! There are no schools or institutions in the world, that tell us about our illusive existence, yet we spent about 12 to 15 years in these great halls of learning. What a joke! Why is this so?

Most Human beings are brainwashed Robots... The rulers of the world want mankind to exist in a conditioned or brainwashed state of mind. It makes us easier to rule and control. It makes us believe and respond to all kinds of fiction or nonsense. These concoctions or fictions, include all present philosophies, religions and political concepts as well as the ordinary things of life. Like our financial systems, the medicare systems and the deluding perpetrations of the media. They all keep us busy believing in stories from the most mundane to the ridiculous. They even make us go to war and kill our brothers and sisters. What a game! We are brainwashed from the day we are born.  The rulers of the world want us to believe in the reality of the conscious mind only! This mind tells us that things are as we see them. They are not! The reality we experience is the result of a mental habit, we are stuck in a mental rut! Because of this we are forced to be reborn again and again. We are asleep! To awaken to 'what is' - is an individual task. There are many more and better realities than the reality most people are experiencing and believe in presently...

It enters the Father's House... The entire physical universe, including the world in which we live, is an illusion. However, it is real for those who appear to exist in this illusion and believe in it. When our body dies, our soul-energy departs for energy realms of a higher dimension or density. It automatically floats to its proper level in our universal mind. Or as Jesus assumed to have said: it enters the Father's House and is welcomed into its designated Mansion. There we meet other Souls with a similar state of mind or vibration. We all return to the appropriate Energy Vibration Level and review our trips to earth. In the mean time consider this: I hope that you've eaten all your Cosmic Cookies. For once they are eaten and digested - you go straight to Heaven. I'm kidding naturally...

The human mind is kept closed... The main reasons why marijuana and LSD are illegal is the fact that they are mind-expanding drugs and they give us glimpses of the true reality we live in. On the other hand, beer and alcoholic drinks are legalized for they limit the human mind and keep it on a lower level of awareness. All this makes it easier to control us. No enlightened or free thinking human beings are desired by our rulers. They either put them in prison or get rid of them! This not only used to happen, but it still does...

We can see it happening all around us... The rulers of our world extend all the way up into higher levels of the universe and mankind has been controlled by negative oriented Alien Forces for many thousands of years. As we know, it created a hell on earth, from which we will transcend in the years ahead. The world is run by Fear instead of Love! The energies of Fear and Suffering are Food for these Aliens. The world is struggling dysfunctionality because of this. That's why there are so many wars! Meanwhile, in the near future, our third dimensional way of life will be abandoned. We can see it happening all around us. Meanwhile, many of us wanted to experience the phenomenal finish of this period and that is why so many of us are here. Mother earth is a bit overloaded because of it, but it will not be for long. Time is running out...

We have programmed our mind with an illusion... Our illusive existence on earth is a creation by the creator within us, which is directed by the minds of the population of the world. All of us (more or less) agree on the reality we see and experience, while in the mean time the reality we see is a virtual reality which we reinforce by believing in it! We have programmed our mind with an illusion. We are deceiving ourselves and we don't know it! In the mean time, nobody teaches us what's going on in actuality.  We have great institutions of learning and all of them are teaching us to keep believing in the world of the senses only - the world of the Rulers who are in power. These Rulers are very pleased with themselves. Meanwhile they themselves are controlled by the Negative Aliens and we are deceived left, right and in the middle. Life on Earth has become the result of Fear and Lies... 

Great Souls entered Earth... These Rulers include all world leaders, all religions and nearly all politicians.  Religions are inspired and originated by the Negative Alien Forces who have their bases on and off the planet. Originally, the religions were instituted by Advanced People from other planets in order to help us become civilized. Great Souls entered Earth. Krishna, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad are the most well known. There were many other great Souls who came to earth in order to assist us.  However, slowly but surely, the religions went sour on us and they were taken over by the power hungry males of the world. They rewrote the bible and it resulted in the ugly history we are familiar with. Religions do not come from God... God is Creation! God does not initiate Religions... God IS! Religions are Man-Made control systems...

A world of cooperation, sharing, understanding and love... Sure - truth is stranger than fiction! For example: certain off planet forces are able to create so called miracles, like the Lady of Lourdes and others. Thousands of so called miracles are happening all over the world. All faked! See this... By means of Holographic Phenomena and other technological means they create Figures of Light that seem real. The ordinary Churchgoer is deceived by nonsense. The world can only change when we see through the deceit of the forces that rule us. We are the creator of our destiny. It's up to us. We have to undo the old world and re-create a new and different world. A world of cooperation, sharing, love and understanding that will replace ambition, competition, aggressiveness and greed. This can only come about when our level of awareness has risen. A higher level of Awareness recognizes that understanding and love are the answer...

We teach our children nonsense... There is no objective physical reality out there without us and what we experience is an illusive world of our own creation - that exist in our mind only! It does not exist out there - there is no objective reality.  We have accepted the "world in our head" as real and most people believe that this is the only world there is!  Within this subjective and illusionary world we have created all kinds of belief systems, philosophies and institutions of learning that all reinforce the Big Lie!  Do you see what the problem is?  We are in a dilemma! We teach our children nonsense and many become teachers who teach others more of the same. The world has become an affair of the Ego and its senses, while the reality of Souls and Spirits are not recognized by the masses. As of late however, the movie industry is trying to help and educate mankind. Movies and many TV shows are in the process of changing Humanity's thinking. All this take a long time. Lies are easier to believe than truth...
                  Meanwhile, we need to remember that...

Physical Reality in and by itself is A Valid Construction in Consciousness by Consciousness.

I like to come back in 1745 and be a King... Since there is no objective reality out there without the observer who creates it - means that our future and our past are undetermined realities. This also means that we could incarnate into the past and create a completely new reality which would be independent of what we think the past was like. In actuality we all master time and space! The concept of reincarnation within a time and space environment is like a movie on tape. We can play it anytime - any place. So, when we jump back into the past we create a new tape! Please Kalinda do not play your tape backwards - it baffles the historians. History is nothing more than: his-story. The trouble is that Historians and masses of non-thinking humans believe in it... 

Let's move up to the Fourth Dimension or Density... So again, all religions and philosophies are models or fictions of our mind. Concoctions of our conscious mind that we use as temporary rules. This includes the greatest philosophies of the world! The only thing that is not fiction or a concoction of our mind, is what we are able to grasp from what is behind these words, plus what the Teachings of Detachment tell us about the matter world. We must see through this matter world, we must see through this illusion in order to become free from it. We are the ones who have created it, live in it, and we are the ones who need to transcend it! Transcending this self created illusive reality means entering higher levels of awareness. Most likely Jesus said: you must follow me into the Christ Consciousness - not follow me. The Christ or Buddha Consciousness is a higher state of mind. Sooner or later we will all attain this higher state of mind...

Our souls are suffocating and dying... We live within this illusionary world as Souls or Spirits in matter bodies. However, the matter body itself is an illusive reality. It is 99.99999% nothingness. Our rulers however, teach us from day one to pamper and indulge this body, for the more we cater to it, the more we believe in its realness. This gives them greater control over us.  The body is 99.99999% emptiness and we are indulging it. We are feeding it nonsense, while our spirit or soul is neglected and almost helpless. The body mind, the conscious ego-mind has taken over! Our souls are suffocating and dying!  And this is why - the world is what it is - a great mass of egos catering to their bodies and their empty minds. No wonder these minds create misery! In any case, times are changing and the changes in the near future might be very severe. Not everyone will be able to cope. Possibly many people will leave the body... 

His Soul-Mind was in complete control... It is said that Jesus, one of the greatest masters the world has ever known, rode on top of an ass when he entered Jerusalem.  Why didn't he ride a horse or a camel for example? He was showing mankind that he had conquered the ass within himself - the conscious ass or the ego mind.  His Soul-Mind was in complete control! He saw through the illusion and could change it on the spot! There are many stories about his so called miracles. They are mind over matter activities. No doubt, we will do the similar things in our future. However, don't look at me Kalinda. All I am is an unpaid writer of tall tales. That's possibly why people send me very nice little notes. I love them...

Simplicity speaks... Scientists speak about the bridge between Mind and Matter. Well, from where I am looking, Mind and Matter are a Continuum! Mind and matter are the essence of creation and form the Quantum Soup. The trick is that we have to put on certain glasses in order to experience certain realities.  Mind and matter flow out and into each other and are One. There is only One Real Thing - the Quantum Soup. Because of the type of being we are at the moment, physical reality is our dominant or default reality. Right beyond our matter spectrum, we find other realities that contain different energies creating different environments. Mind and matter in and by themselves do not exist. Mind and matter need each other in order to exist. When we as Spirits live in a human body, we do not see or experience the interconnectedness of all things. That's why our plane is called the Plane of Illusion or Separation. However, do not forget, nothing is separated from anything else. All is One...

We all need a house to live in... Consciousness or mind always needs some kind of body in order to function. It always has to manifest some kind of vehicle in order to be! We could say that the Quantum Soup is the Unconscious Creator - the infinite unconsciousness or subconsciousness - which becomes aware or conscious of itself when it appears or manifests itself as the created. We as human beings, are the manifested creator, and we become consciously aware of ourselves during the lives we live on earth. Our self-awareness is the self-awareness of the Creator within us. This means that there really is no God or Creator as such! No Being or Entity can be conscious or aware without specific energies that function as a vehicle for its individual Consciousness or Awareness. This vehicle is usually called a Lightbody. Matter is Light in form. No doubt there are billions of powerful Lightbeings in our universe. They are the co-creators of solar systems and all that goes with them. They create realities with their thoughts! They use the same Mind as we do when we create a book or a computer. There is but One Mind and this Mind is the Universal Mind - Ours! We as human beings are miniature duplicates of the Universal Creator - we are only apprentices naturally... 

We are in the process of experiencing a 3D reality... The Absolute Reality or Quantum Soup cannot be conscious of itself for it is a mixture of all things.  The entire thing will never make sense to itself for it is not an entity able to understand anything about itself. There is no thinking-self there! There is no self-awareness! The Absolute Reality is a non-self. This Energy - lives in Others - and it become aware in and as Others. All beings or entities who are consciously aware are "specific selected energies" that arise from within the Unbroken Wholeness or the Absolute and become manifested. It's like becoming visible within the invisible. Many of these selected or qualified energies (Light Beings) are of a higher dimension or density than we are.  We have chosen to be what we are in order to experience a 3D reality.  Most likely, plain old curiosity got us going and before we knew what happened, we got lost in our own matter creation. However, being lost within a certain reality is necessary in order to fully experience it!  Welcome to the club of temporary limited beings, who by using their mind are able to awaken and say: "I and the Father are One" - eventually. I'd say Jesus was right - if he ever said that. However, none of us are on the same level of consciousness or awareness as he was then. The Christ Consciousness - Wow! Most of us still have a few more lifetimes to go! Please keep your Love-Cap on Kalinda...

It is time to move on... The Quantum Soup contains everything we dare to dream of. So, the energy of this Quantum Whole is able and willing to become anything we are able to think of. It is Think-Stuff or Dream-Stuff in the first place. We are the creators, who by means of thought create. Our thought is the Source thinking by means of us. Our thinking creates the realities we perceive. Our self-created environment fooled us however and we became lost in a quagmire of so called facts versus theories, sciences versus religions and all kinds of other philosophies. All of them were but temporary fictions or concoctions of our mind and we lived by them. They formed our experiences and it is time to move on... 

What is beyond Reality or Illusion? Reality and illusion are the same thing. Nothing is real within the manifested creation or in any of its densities, dimensions or planes of existences. It is only real when one is subjected by the Laws of those particular levels of reality. The only thing beyond reality or illusion is the Quantum Soup or Quantum Reality. This Quantum Reality carries within itself Awarenesses or Consciousnesses who function as Co-Creators, Cookie Makers and Observers. The Quantum Soup however, never shows its own face! It has no face except what you see around you - like your own face! It stays in the back ground as the "Underlying Absolute" supplying its own individual aspects with infinite possibilities and perspectives. These individual aspects are Individual Consciousnesses or Co-Creators. They create or project their own worlds or realities...

The Absolute Reality or Quantum Soup is The Infinite Film the Projectors Never See.

The Sun is a temporary manifestation of the Quantum Soup... The projectors are the created beings and they only pick certain frames or perspectives for their own sake from the Film or the Absolute. All projectors create their own realities or illusions. However, the Quantum Reality is the only Real Thing and it evolves according to the creative abilities of its aspects!  So, we all are "created finite realities" and this includes the mightiest Beings in the universe. There are billions of them and we could see them as local Lords or Co-Creators. However, they are all aspects of the Unbroken Wholeness or the Quantum Reality. Our Sun for example could be the local Co-Creator of the Solar System. Possibly its Light or Radiance is its Aura. Just imagine how powerful that is! However, what we see of the Sun is but a temporary manifestation of the Quantum Soup - The Absolute! All Suns or Stars eventually die...

The Sun might not even be hot... Meanwhile, our Sun is a Multi Dimensional Magnetic Electrical Energy. It is not a controlled nuclear event as the sciences tell us. It might not even be hot!  Our Sun is a specific kind of Light - Energy. In any case, what is actual or manifested in our universe is always a temporary or finite reality or illusion. It is the Real or Absolute in temporary Form. It's the same with human beings. We could be thought of as Aware Observers - all temporary and arisen out of our Infinite Subconsciousness. The IS!  What we become aware of are illusions or realities that are aspects of the Quantum Soup. So, all aspects of the Quantum Soup are all finite! Some of these aspects are Awarenesses that see or experience certain actions that take place within their own Infinite Body or Unbroken Wholeness - for all aspects are the Absolute Reality. The actions aspects become aware of - depend on their level or awareness...

What is Consciousness? What Consciousness is cannot be expressed in words, for we cannot express the Higher in terms of the Lower. Trying this anyway, we might become very semantic and sound very important, but in actuality it does not mean a thing. In any case here some words about it... 

Consciousness is able to diversify itself... Consciousness is God in Action in Creation.  Consciousness is everything and everything is conscious in degrees necessary to enhance the Whole. All aspects of the manifested universe are aware therefore in different degrees. Consciousness is able to diversify itself into conscious aspects and these aspects share their responsibilities within creation. However no aspect ever leaves the Whole or The IS - for the awareness system of each aspect is directly connected with the Whole and is the Whole. There is Unconsciousness or Subconsciousness beyond or parallel to the Conscious Aspects of Creation. Both make up the Absolute Reality, the Infinite Holographic Quantum Reality, the Universal Mind, the Quantum Soup or the Unmanifested out of which all Beings and Things arise.  When Beings and Things arise, they become conscious or aware from there on in, and they participate within the manifested creation. The manifested creation is the Conscious Self and the Underlying Absolute Reality is the Unconscious Self of Creation - or the Infinite Subconsciousness - The IS...

The nature of Consciousness is... Consciousness can divide itself and it also can forget about itself. This is why many of us do not remember who or what we really are. This also means that we can unite and become One with other Consciousnesses. Right now, from a human point of view, we are not One in Consciousness with our Higher Self. However, we are One from a higher point of view! Our Higher Consciousness sustains, and is us, engaged in our semi unconscious journey. This Higher Self is a changing and expanding Self within its manifestation. It is Us! Within manifestation it continually evolves and therefore it is not a static thing. So to speak - it is an Infinite Journey without destination. However, this Journey is a Play of Mind. It takes place in Mind only!  The question remains - is the Higher and Expanding Self or Almighty consciously aware or self-aware?  I feel that it is not, since its self-awareness is present within the Created or Creation - it is present within the Manifested Side of the Self...

We are split personalities of the whole "I" We Are... By living in the manifested creation we automatically will eventually realize that there is but one "I" and that we are this "I" (I AM).  The identity of God or Consciousness is our identity! We can speed up the process of becoming consciously One with the higher Self and this must be done by conscious self development. However it is not a must. We will unite in the so called future anyway. No problem...  In the mean time, we are split personalities of the whole "I" We Are. However, we can never join the Unmanifested - out of which all things arise and be a self-aware Being. We must lose our self-awareness when we join the One. We have arisen out of that Unconsciousness and we are on our way to attain Individual Universal Awareness or Christness under our own steam...

We as Spirits come here to learn... Presently, we are aspects of a Soul, Oversoul or LightBeing. Which all are aspects of the One in the first place. Many people think or feel that they have a Soul - in actuality it is the other way around. The Soul has them or us - we could also say - God has us! A Soul and God are intrinsically the same Force - they are One. We are God's instrument. Meanwhile, we are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience, we are not Human Beings with a bit of Spirit somewhere! We as Spirits come here to learn what it is like to be Human. We are here to learn to love as a Human Being. Earth is a school for Human Consciousness. A place to awaken and grow. We are Godseeds and have come to earth in order to transcend it. The earth is a planet where we as Godseeds learn to grow and fly... 

Words do not mean a thing... The entire multi-dimensional universe is Consciousness! This Consciousness is a Holographic Phenomenon. It is able to divide and project itself into smaller multi-dimensional holograms which are copies of the original. So, all holographic copies have the image of the original but need to develop the vague imprints they contain. This is done in an individual manner to encourage diversity. Sooner or later the entire conscious universe will conjoin, like the pieces of a multi-dimensional jig-saw puzzle and each piece contributes something to the Whole. Again - Consciousness... What is it?  Well let's see.   Oh yes... blah... blah... blah...   Words do not mean a thing!

Have some Alphabet Soup... Here is a analogy of the Quantum Soup and of our life in physical reality. Suppose now that we try to compare our Alphabet to the famous Quantum Soup. First of all, we write the letters of the alphabet, all in a row like this: a-A-b-B-c-C-d-D-e-E-f-F-g-G-h-H-i-I-j-J-k-K-l-L-m-M-n-N-o-O-p-P-q-Q-r-R-s-S-t-T-u-U-v-V-w-W-x-X-y-Y-z-Z and pitch them in the Quantum Soup. In the mean time, we also include all the periods, commas, colons and the many other symbols we use. Further, I suggest that we imagine that these letters and punctuations are the Quantum Soup and from this, we arrange by our thoughts, letters and signs in such an order that they start to make sense to us and voila: we have a book, a report or a screen full of Cosmic Cookies! We manifest our very writings from our own Alphabet Soup. Hand me a W, an O and another W! 

Forget the words - remember the meaning... In other words, the alphabet and all punctuations are the "unmanifested universe" and the books, reports or postings are the "manifested universe". We may write a thousand books from the images of the alphabet and meanwhile we do not even remember that we are using these symbols. Once the letters or symbols are arranged, we forget about the alphabet as well as the words. We might as well forget where the words and symbols came from, as long as we are able to express ourselves in print, because that is our purpose. All these words and symbols are images, symbols or fictions of our mind in the first place... 

Look at it from this angle and it changes... Thus the alphabet is the Quantum Soup or the Unmanifested Creation and the books are the Manifested Creation or result.  And just in case we need books in another language, well we invent different symbols and put them in the soup as well. We can even create different size letters and fonts and they would represents the different dimensions or planes of existence. Depending on what we utilize from this Multi-Alphabet-Soup or from the angle from which we view it, we are able to create any book, in any language, in any size and font we like. All we need to do is use our thought-machine (The Creator within) and we manifest library after library full of books, reports and posts. It's very simple!  Need more cookies? Well, please use the Alphabet Soup and the Creator within!  It's ready and waiting to be used! You are the Power...

We are all swimmers in the same ocean of energy... When we look at a 2D so called holographic picture the angle determines what we see. When we look at the Absolute Holographic Infinity the level of our awareness determines what we see. Now, this is hard to comprehend, but our human awareness level is responsible for what we see or experience. The whole thing is like an infinite ocean of energy, in which we all swim or float and it responds to our thoughts!  While we swim and learn, we grow and our thoughts become more directed and understanding.  This in the long run gives us a greater picture of what we are involved in. We are all swimmers in the same ocean of energy, but not everybody sees or experiences the same things. We could see Mankind as one aspect (one wave or ripple) of an infinite ocean.  Within this wave we relate and in order to relate in a pleasurable manner we need to attain more awareness - which is Understanding or Love. We are all working on this and in the mean time, we are being looked after by higher aspects of ourselves who have learned to function as Guides and Helpers. We all swim in the same infinite ocean or Universal Mind. We are all One Being growing up together...

Our Mind and the Universal Mind... We use our mind to create an unlimited amount of thoughts. Do not forget however, that our mind is the Universal Mind in the first place. There is but one Mind or Consciousness - Ours! All we need to do is get to know it. So we could say that we are mind or consciousness in the process of getting to know itself.  We are slowly becoming consciously aware of what we are all about. We are experiencing our mind or consciousness in a multi-dimensional manner by living Life. Our Life then is a happening within our own Universal Mind and by means of living human lives we get to know our Universal Mind. This is what we are working on. Another thing to realize here is that we actually are "The Awareness" in which the Universal Mind or our Mind has arisen! We are this Silent Awareness or Presence! All Cosmic Cookies help to explain this - but articles are better. Please have some ice cream...

About the speed of light... Scientists tell us that the speed of light is so many miles per second. Really? Possibly light might not have any speed at all. Light just IS! We are living in this illusive reality and think that light has speed. However, the speed of light is an aspect of the illusion. So are time and space! Are we measuring an illusion with another illusion? The point is, how are we going to find anything real?  Within the illusion of our physical universe all things we do - are illusions. The only thing that's real is the Observer - the I AM. The Absolute! The Source!  The Silent Awareness! This IS What We Are! The Source naturally is also a good name for the Absolute Reality or the Quantum Soup. Everything seems to come out of this Source - but in actuality nothing ever does. This means that there is no Inner and Outer either. Pretty soon nothing is left but Consciousness having a dream called Creation. Let's see if this could be so...

Another day - another Dream... The universal mind or the Absolute might be a Dreamer and what it dreams about becomes creation in all its aspects. The Absolute however, must dream by means of Mankind and other Beings. We as human beings are participating with the One who dreams!  We are the figments within the dream.  So, we are the universal mind dreaming and the Dreamer is the only thing that's real - while all dreams are temporary realities or illusions. We as the Source are the only Real and we have our Dreams - what we dream of - is Creation. This means that when we awaken from our Dream, we find that we were dreaming and that we never left the Source or our Home in the first place. We are the Almighty or the Absolute or as I call it - The Silent Awareness! Since this is so - it is possible to dream pleasant Dreams. IOW: we are able to "create" what we want! All Dreams are possible for the Quantum Soup contains all Dreams. Learning how to have pleasant Dreams is Mankind's task. This is what human life is all about...  

About getting closer to God... or the Light... We cannot get closer to the Light or the Absolute - for it lives within us - We Are It!  We are the Truth and the Infinite already, always were and always will be. We just can't get rid of ourselves so to speak. This is what needs to be understood. This understanding or awareness comes about by experiencing Life. We also need to understand, that we must learn to accept the journey. Life is an up and down affair and whatever this amounts to is our self-created reality. Understanding or knowing this - means that we know that we have already arrived. Does this make us enlightened? Well, we could say that "enlightenment" is the complete enjoyment of the Being We Are...


The Quantum Soup Energy has always existed and Big Bangs are local events in my view.  New sections of universes are formed by them. Not the entire thing! There might be billions of universes all independent of each other. The most important big bang happens in our head. Big Bangs in the universe are similar happenings to when we replace a big house or a building in a city or a whole city for that matter. They are so called local events...

The Quantum Soup or Energy infinitely improves upon itself by the evolutionary growth of its inhabitants.  Mankind is one of these inhabitants!  Mankind consists of an infinite variety of Beings most people know nothing about. They include Aliens of different kinds in all kinds of universes. Many great Alien Entities are looking after us and they do things most people are totally ignorant of. Many people still scoff at Angels or UFOs for example. There are also Aliens who are not friendly towards Mankind and many of them are exploiting us...

This Quantum Soup or Energy is an Unconscious-Grabbag out of which Conscious Beings arise. We are created by other Conscious Beings. All of us on earth are "thoughts" of Co-Creators or Christed Beings.  We in our turn can create other Beings as well! We all are able to create our own spooks for example. All things and beings are only our thoughts! There are only thoughts and all things are subjective...

All beings and things together form the manifested or the created, but all beings and energies dwell within the Quantum Soup. Nobody ever gets out - we only think we do - because we have become manifested (have a certain self-perspective) as an entity and we think or dream in our own fashion. So, we have a certain conscious perspective or awareness. We use this awareness to contemplate upon our Total Self and are able to create our own worlds or realities.  What experiences All Things is the Observer - the Essence or the Absolute - the Self! We are this Self but suffer from a lack of full awareness. All Beings and Things are illusionary realities, while the Force that lives within us, is the Real Self - The Silent Awareness or Observer!  The Light Within!   The mysterious I AM...

The Quantum Energy or the Absolute Reality is the only thing that is Real, but this Realness however, cannot become consciously aware of its own Realness or Manifestations.  Also, as I see it, it does not have self-awareness!  Its aspects become conscious or self-aware when they pop out of the unmanifested and become the created. Our Creation is the Manifested Conscious Universal Self! When aspects of the Quantum Soup do step out of the Quantum Soup - they are not the Quantum Soup anymore - they have taken on individuality!  They have qualified or differentiated themselves from the unqualified Quantum Soup or from the Implicate Order as David Bohm calls it. They have become the wave or ripple of the ocean. Naturally, they are still the ocean...

All things within creation, in some form or another, are conscious of their existence in their own measure.  They have a relationship with other things. A relationship is a "force-field-affect" affair or experience. They sense each other!  Like human energy has a relationship with tree-energy and tree-energy has a relationship with human energy. We know of each other. That's why when we speak to plants or trees they grow  better. Our relationship is Love in Action. Creation is Love in Action. Creation is The Infinite Light (TIL) in Action. During this activity this Love-Energy turns a bit sour sometimes and is distorted temporarily. It engages in creating religions, politics and wars. All this is so, because Creation or Love is all Things. Love is an Energy more than anything else. Creation is Love for itself - it wants to be all things and it is all things out of Love for itself - including misleading religions...

Our Spirit or Godsoul temporarily adopts a human guidance system (the conscious mind) and it lives in a world of matter which is 99.99999% empty. IOW: it is a Lie! It is a temporary reality that fools us. The real Force We Are is the Spirit who has agreed to live within this illusion, and in our case it is a human being, with a conscious mind. This conscious mind deludes the soul within until it awakens. So, we as human beings have fallen prey to an illusion by believing in it. We are being deceived by our own creation, for in the beginning and in the end, we are the Spirit and Creator of the entire scenario, as well as the body we live in and its illusionary reality! It almost seems impossible - but here we are! By going deep within we will experience that the gist of what has been presented here is the truth. Besides, the author has never been wrong, except for the times he was mistaken. This happens at least once a week. That's when I take a Cosmic Cookie with ice cream...

We as spirit-beings in human bodies ought to be extremely careful not to reinforce the illusion of the ego mind. The big trick is to accept that the joke is on us and transcend our illusion by detachment of what our senses tell us. We need to understand that we are Spiritual Beings, inexperienced God-Aspects possibly, but duplicates of the Creative Force all the same!  We are the ones who have created this illusion. Naturally it is absolutely splendid and it is time to know the truth about it. It is our mind on display and it could stand a lot of improvements...  

We can make these improvements by accepting our responsibilities and rid ourselves of these Negative Forces who are in control. Some live on the moon and others have their bases on earth. They have been present on earth for thousands of years. They work through the elected and non-elected people in power. Their task was to help create the illusion we needed to experience in order to know what would happen when we lose our God Consciousness. We created a Hell and we got lost in it...

Since we created our illusionary world, means that we can nullify this illusion by seeing right through it. We must take our power back from the forces that have ruled us for ages. We must become our own master and pay no heed to the world and its nonsense. We must let our Soul transcend the illusion of our matter body. We must let our Inner Light radiate and reinforce the GodBeing within us. It's the only Thing that's Real...

We must learn to behave  as ** The Gods We Are ** and always have been. 

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  • This is magnificent....what a wonderful share.  Pulls it all together.  A definite share to save and reread and reread.....Awesome.

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