Dear Ashtar Command members,
A friend of mine is working at "Life Line", a centre that you can phone if you have problems and don't have anybody you can talk to.
We were discussing the fact that about two days before full moon, during full moon and the two days thereafter I almost regularly feel low energies and sometimes are quite depressed.
She confirmed from the statistics she researched, that most suicides take place during this time, that more accidents occur and that more violent acts take place.
Then again, I love full moon - I love to sit outside, observe nature in its natural light of full moon - no artificial lights. I charge my crystals during full moon, too.
How does Full Moon influence these happenings?
Looking forward to your loving insights.
Love and Light
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Because of my knowledge with this, I always thought that the word "lunatic" was used because of the KNOWN FACT that there are people who gets crazy during full moon. Imagine my surprise upon reading in Wikipedia the meaning of lunatic.
From Wikipedia:
"The word lunatic is borrowed from the Latin "lunacus", in turns stemming from "luna" (moon), which denotes the traditional link made in folklore between madness and the phases of the moon. This probably refers to the symptoms of cyclic mood disorders such as bipolar disorder or cyclothymia, the symptoms of which may also go through phases. As yet there is no evidence whatsoever for any causal link between phases of the moon and the progression of mood disorder symptoms."
It seems that in modern science, the scientists have not yet encountered a person who literally gets crazy everytime the moon is full. What I always have known as a fact is just a folklore in modern science.