The International Council of Elders (TICE)

Founder: Nicole Rietmann, 14 Ewing St., Lismore  NSW  2480, Australia, PHONE: +61457244324


If this letter has made it past your office staff, congratulations and salutations,

Dear insert names here all you great souls hi! :)

 Because of your exceptional life-time here and good works, you have been nominated and chosen to be on The International Council Of Elders (TICE), a non-profit Council calling all those with compassionate and wise hearts and minds, to meet together and work together to, at this stage, advise and work with bohemian grove (ie. merchants) to plan a much better future for the 7 billion souls on this earth.

  To be elected to the Council does not depend on whether you are rich or poor, it is about whether you care about having a true heaven on earth or, by 2020, possibly, a mined out dust bowl sodom and gomorrah to live on, a future none of us wants for our children.


An Elder, by our definition, is a truly wise and compassionate soul, who carries the best interests of all the citizens of the tribe, community, country and each citizen of the earth in their being. They can be of any age, nationality, religion, race or creed, immaterial to their monetary worth.


The International Council of Elders has been formed as a response, and at a time, when around 7 billion people on earth, who have worked hard all their lives to make a better world are suffering. The Occupy-99% Movement, the saints, sit at the foot of multinationals and beg for something to be done, something to change, because they know that, with greed and bohemian grove in charge, our home, OUR HOME!, is under threat. They are the children of God and the prophets. Donald Rumsfeld has been warned that, there will not be just 2 prophets coming out of the wilderness, but thousands. They are mothers, fathers children, activists, the indigenous, the worthy, chosen, as you are now being. They really don’t see the sense in all that money being misspent, when it could really easily, at this stage,  be spent on the people who pay their taxes  and give through the nose to charities (that often feed drug multi-nationals-did you know there are already 4 cures for cancer? Oxygen therapy-that saved Ronald Reagan?, Essiac Tea? You will not hear about them, as charities feed money to multinationals, to the point where I would consider the search for the cure for cancer a scam.), and it’s just the same old same old suffering and lack of what you need. Stop making your people suffer!


Hence Solomon’s 4 foundation stones toward a more enlightened, civilized planet. Look toward the Pleiades, the seven sisters; forget about the threat of the feral reptilians and grays. Their fate has been decided; we are free to grow and colonize mars, as terra formers, not terra destroyers, which is future none of us want.


But first we need to do this. As He is your captain, we urge bohemian grove to include these as every Citizen’s of the World’s Rights. And that from now on the International Council of Elders will be able to veto any unwise decisions bohemian grove make to line their own pockets.


Solomon’s 4 Foundation Stones.


  • Free electricity for every citizen of the world -solar, tesla, wind turbine, hidden clean technologies utilized thank-you, no more methane, coal etc, leave it in the ground where it can’t hurt you.
  • Alternative, clean ways to run cars-electric, solar, water-yes water, diesel converted oil.  Citizens choice what they would like, first one paid for by the elders, all children to receive one on their 16 or 18 birthday, as a gift from the Council.


  • Free Education for every Citizen of the World


  • Free Health Care for every Citizen of the World.


This is just the next step; it may take ten years, we may need to organize clean industries ourselves. Everyone still gets paid, more money is available for struggling citizens to maybe put back into the economy as is their want;  everyone benefits-we would have better economists than bohemian grove on council anyway. Multinationals just need to rethink their industries to compensate a crash over this.  We have been slowly waking you up to the idea of your wonderful attributes- Gen Y come from worlds where the 4 foundations are already provided-thus their malcontent. Good leadership garners mostly praise from the masses-criticism and pointers from the masses are a reflection of poor leadership.


Right now, anyone willing to have a change of heart over these issues, and the plan is to mail millions of these invitations, is on The International Council of Elders. This is not about communism, socialism, fascism, this is about sanity. Corrupt leaders ruin good ideas. Every society needs safe harbor for new souls to arrive, please give man-kind (as opposed to human) a break.


It is no good burying our heads in the sands of a good Harry Potter book and saying this issue isn’t happening and that “they should not be named”.


Bohemian Grove and the Illuminati, (the freemasons still try to shun them), have had the reigns, it is now time to hand back to Solomon and be terra-formers, not destroyers.


The planet can self sustain very adequately right now and forever if you so choose, because you are clever enough, and then this would quite a nice place really instead of the planet of suffering.


Yours faithfully,



The International Council of Elders (TICE) ®

-is a non-denominational, non profit organization, to make a better world.-

-Any donations are very gratefully accepted.-

The International Council of Elders (TICE)

Founder: Nicole Rietmann, 14 Ewing St. ,Lismore  NSW  2480, Australia, , Phone: +61457244324

What it means to be chosen as an elder


If you can, we will meet, once a year, in May, (the inaugural meeting will be the 12th of May, 2012 at Uluru, Ayer’s Rock, NT Australia.) If you can’t make it in person, but would like to be their in spirit, video support would be appreciated. We will voice, how we want our future to be with many guest speakers, and music, a week, some may even call it a strike, to show support for sanity in our future, working with the uncorrupted freemasons, in actually getting the world fed, and the 4 rights provided to all. Maybe some of us can set up our clean industries to make this a reality. The potential here is huge- it’s up to you.


An Elder, by our definition, is a truly wise and compassionate soul, who carries the best interests of all the citizens of the tribe, community, country and each citizen of the earth in their being. They can be of any age, nationality, religion, race or creed, immaterial to their monetary worth. You are included on a list that includes, at this stage: Dr. David Suzuki, Tom Hanks, Ed Bagley Jnr., Brad Pitt, Elder Ted, Guardian  of the Sacred Grounds, Queensland Council of Aboriginal Elders, HRH Prince William, Angelina Jolie, Justin Bieber, Ellen DeGeneres, Portia DeRossi, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Oprah Winfrey,  Michael Palin, Richard Gere, His Holiness The Dalai Lama, James Cameron, HRH Prince Harry, HRH Prince Frederik and HRH Princess Mary of Denmark, George Clooney, Marshall Mathers, Ron Howard, Hugh Jackman, Deborah Lee-Furness, Cathy of the Socialist Party, Charlie Sheen, Robert Redford, Whoopi Goldberg, Gwenyth Paltrow and Chris Martin, Al Franken, Alex Jones, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Woody Harrelson, Dr. Phil McGraw, Russell Crowe, Billy Crystal, Shirley Maclaine and many more.


They demonstrate a healthy concern for our future as a race, and also understand that each being on this earth is of equal importance and has the right to live a supported and stress free life.


You, yourself, may know people like this, friends, family, esteemed futurists, humanitarians, Nobel Prize winners, celebrities, wise people and elders from every walk of life and at any economic level.


At this stage, if you know of anyone you feel would also be worthy of this honor, please, enlist them as an elder, passing on this full invitation in all its entirety, or write or email me with your nomination, to forward them an official invitation.


As elders, we recognize that each country has its own unique issues


As an elder, these are the following issues that will be addressed:

That citizens here with the good fortune to have made a lot of money can do business with each other to set up clean industries. Ie. Producing, at cheap cost, proper electric cars etc that work and making them freely available at reduced profit to everyone, as Citizens of the World etc.


That economists need to rethink their economics to allow the Solomon’s 4 Foundation Stones or laws to be instigated sooner within bohemian grove’s timeline, and at this stage we work with them to see them instigated.

That we heed the warnings of visionary James Cameron and guide our future to one of humanitarian care and compassionate, not the creators of nightmares.


That we are terra-formers, not destroyers. Child and human prostitution must end.



Hi, my name is Nicole Rietmann


I’m an Australian, and a mother of two that wants nothing more than some kind of paradise for my sons to grow up in. I have worked as librarian, fund raiser, waitress for many years and now live on a disability pension. Currently, in Australia, 17% of the population (over 1.2 million) can’t pay their electricity bills anymore because prices have quadrupled over the last 2 years, and we are known as the lucky country!-we too have our issues that need addressing - but to whom?


So, I joined the Occupy-99% demonstrations in Australia and camped out, because I could see the problems- but had no clue as to how to attempt to address the issues.


Over the next week, this idea began to formulate in my mind. I say they were Angels and Patriarchs for how I felt, - An International Council of Elders based on unlimited size, men and women to help bohemian grove and the like by setting the example and networking into new industries and charities and speaking for the common man who struggles everyday to survive, through the example set by the Gandhi. If you are a celebrity, there is a golden opportunity to fight back and use the media against the 5 media gi-ants, who depend on you for news. Your involvement as an active proud member of the Council could make a real difference, if we just to organize a little more.


So at this stage, I have a huge task to achieve on a pension, which I’m starting now, and am hoping, by writing to you, that you may be able to see the positive benefits of all of us working together, at a hands on and advisory capacity, to make a better world for our children and the future of the race.


Because of postal costs, I have not included written proof of excellent future time lines that exist nor on the machinations of bohemian grove as I am praying you can simply Google whatever you proof of on the net, and investigate yourselves any terms you don’t understand.


Donations to the International Council of Elders is the only thing that will keep this idea alive right now, to cover postage, website and well, basically all the set up costs-including yearly meetings and events costs.


All members of the Council will be expected to cover their own costs, when it comes to attending annual meetings in May, each year, at least, the month before bohemian grove meets. There is no payment for belonging to the Council; members would be expected not to accept lobby money to influence their decision. It would be a labor of love and compassion. The International Council of Elders is non-denominational, non-ageist, non-class and being nominated depends on your ability to be wise and far seeing.


Love and time nurture life, Not money and power.

You can call me on +61457244324. Please text me first, so we can organize a time to speak.



Therefore, you are most cordially invited to:



The First Inaugural Meeting


The International Council of Elders


12th of May 2012


Uluru-Ayer’s Rock


We will be discussing our future and investing in green industries. How we can support our own countries and communities through the economic crisis’s by setting up clean industries and new charities. Also, discussing Monsanto and other economic giants interfering with our food-are we looking at a future where they need to test their gene splicing and are we the guinea-pigs? We would like to make this a week long event, with world wide bands, if possible. Everyone down tools around the world where you can and listen to the wise ones, everyone has voice, a world wide event; (not quite a strike but maybe), tell bohemian grove what you/we want, for a week. The International Council of Elders hopefully, will campaign for the 4 foundation stones to be adopted earlier. 


Date received 11:11:11


Remember, when the saints went marching in, did you want to be in their number?




The International Council of Elders (TICE)

Founder: Nicole Rietmann, 14 Ewing St., Lismore  NSW  2480, Australia, PHONE: +61457244324

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