The Dark
Cabal wants to sap our love energies, and the GFL wants the opposite. The GFL says they don't want to show themselves, but their work would be appreciated if it were noticed more. The more we notice the good energies coming to us, the more prepared we would be to collaborate with them, and the less afraid we would be of extraterrestrial life.
Many people do not know what is happening to our souls, and it is the GFL's job to spread awareness. We've been told we have potential, but we're not living up to that potential because of what the Dark Cabal is doing.
There are many invisible devices inside us to program us to behave and feel certain ways, because the GFL and the Dark Cabal are very advanced creatures. There's a constant battle of good vs. evil, and this is an especially active time, because the changes (good and bad) are getting bigger. How big an effect will we need to notice that music, films, videogames and everything audiovisual affects us?
Anything could be happening to the energy in our chakras, and unless we're sensitive we won't feel it. The material that clogs up our chakras is invisible, hence the title. That material can get very hard, making it hard to erase. It can cause pain, and reduces our body's natural healing abilities.
Here's an example of music that attempts to get rid of that material:
Ascension is not going to happen before awareness of what we really are and our potential.