The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.[1]:1 These preferences were extrapolated from the typological theories proposed by Carl Gustav Jung and first published in his 1921 book Psychological Types (English edition, 1923[2]). Jung theorized that there are four principal psychological functions by which we experience the world: sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking.[3] One of these four functions is dominant most of the time.
Links with the test:
I took this test some years ago and did it again recently, I think it is a very interesting test one can do that can provide you a lot of answers about yourself. I am an INTJ like Tesla, Newton and even the artist / murder Varg Vikernes (and Calvin as a ficticional figure from Calvin and Hobbes).
Famous INTJ:
This test can be done quickly and other than providing you some answers I think it's a fun thing to do =)
Thank you :D I got INFP at both of the two first tests, really interesting that they showed the same with different questions, I was 80 accurate and 20% random answers I guess.
ENFP here.
I find interesting how so far everyone here is more Introvert than Extrovert, and the one who aren't are somewhere between the two.
LOL the test can't decide which of the two main dichotomies I am, ESTJ or INFP.
I guess I've got the best of both worlds, right now, because it definitely wasn't like that always.
However, I see myself in many of them. I never let anything define me, because this might be something you have started out with, but it is definitely not going to be something I am going to end up with. There is always room for improvement and growth. For definition of self .... divorced from polarity.
I remember when I was working for a law firm we did this test. I got INFP and was definitely the odd person out in the office. This lawyer, showed me he had 50 boxes of specialty coffee in his desk, and showed me where it was in the break room. So I made one for myself the next day and he barges in yelling at me "NO YOU IDIOT! I showed you so you COULD MAKE ME SOME EVERY DAY!!!" lol everything was like that, a little trap set everywhere. pretty hilarious in hindsight.
That's not funny Emmy lol
Thank-you for this, was fun. I had trouble with more than a few, most of those in debate was either or..but it says
Personality type results EI: 10 out of 17 Extrovert |-------------------------------------------------| Introvert | 58%
SN: 14 out of 17 Sensation |-------------------------------------------------| iNtuition | 82%
TF: 13 out of 17 Thinking |-------------------------------------------------| Feeling | 76%
JP: 13 out of 17 Judging |-------------------------------------------------| Perceiving | 76%
Your Personality type is INFP
hahaha ..Excuse me? I'm Male. :)
Love n Light :)