Peace, Love and Light,
Many of you are awaiting extra-terresterials to come down to Earth and clean up the planet. This may or may not happen depending on the vibrational state of the planet: if the global populace ceases to see aliens as "alien" and instead realise our familial connection, we will find life everywhere in the universe.
It has only been hidden from us because of our separatory state. How does it work? If you are open to a possibility then your light cone changes to include that possibility. If you are closed to that possibility your light cone closes too!
The diagram represents an observer tracing a worldline in spacetime. The top triangle is the future, the bottom triangle is the past. The centre of this is the moment you are now, all the dots represent spacetime moments that are posssible, the bold dots represent the moments that you choose to experience. Source: Wikipedia
Likewise, I ask you to open up to another possibility, one that will revolutionise your entry into the next density of reality:
There is a massive disinformation campaign surrounding the quran and its message. This is to scare you away from seeing your true light and so that the dark ones may maintain your power. Many of you use the Ra Material as your primary reference. That text is very accurate but truly the quran is far more just in its description and it encompasses the Ra material and supports the truth of it and removes all the distortions.
[6:115] The word of your Lord finds its fulfilment in truth and in justice: None can change His words: for He is the one who hears and knows all.
There is no aim to separate the people as has been claimed by many. A rift already exists between believers of the creator alone and those who join gods or disbelieve. The quran seeks to reduce all separation:
[5:47] Let the people of the Gospel judge by what God has revealed therein. If any fail to judge by what God has revealed, they are those who rebel.
The correct message of this book is supreme justice and transcendental wisdom. It has been distorted by people seeking to misguide human beings from the path of the supreme creator:
[31:6] And of mankind are they who take instead misleading speech to lead astray from God's path without knowledge, and to take it for a mockery; these shall have an abasing chastisement.
This has all been the way of those who seek to incite fear. But what about the rest of the quran which invites hard working souls to recieve something profound beyond measure: eternal paradise? Imagine all your hopes and dreams in front of you, imagine watching them unfold in supreme effortlessness, wouldn't that be beautiful, entrancing, awe-inspiring, captivating, blissful? This is the promise of God to us all if we should please to walk in His way!
Peace, Love, Wisdom, and Justice to all :)