


The Lion's Gate & Sirian Star Gate Of The Heart Invocations By Anrita Melchizedek


 Beloved hearts, the Lion’s Gate Portal has opened, with many already feeling these highly energized multidimensional timelines converging in this Now as we quantum jump and expand into the higher dimensional timelines, following an intense clearing of lower dimensional timelines and the collapsing of all that is no longer needing to be re-experienced.


The Lion’s Gate reaches its apex on August 8th to amplify this Zero Point Field of Light. This timeline for the Galactic New Year commenced July 26th, and presents in the sign of Leo, with the custodianship of two Star Lions, Sirian Consciousness, as we align to the Golden Sun within our Loving Hearts, the Golden Sun within the Pineal Gland, the Sun in Leo, the Sun behind the Sun, Sirius and the Great Central Sun.


Converging timelines in this Now present for awakened Souls through Ancient Egypt following the Heart Collective integration of the Divine Feminine through Avalon timelines for many. As the Goddess within continues to embody all SHE IS, and Gaia continues to ascend, the Power of the Divine Masculine presents through Sirian Consciousness as the Divine Feminine passes the Sword of Excalibur back to her Empowered Masculine.


This dance of Polarity converges into Zero Point, the infinite Eternal Ever Present Now moment as we connect into the Lion’s Gate Portal energetically through the Star Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow, representing for us the courage and strength to collapse and dissolve old timelines whilst envisaging and drawing to us future probably timelines of Highest Potentiality and our Heart’s Dreaming.


Through the Quantum Field and Crystalline Grid as the vibrating Stargates of Divine Love, as the Unity Grid, we connect into the Heart of Gaia and expand our Soul Light as One Heart and One Love.


As these vibrating Light Codes activate from deep within, in sound, color, sacred geometry, numerology and all within the multiverse, we expand into the next octave of the fifth and sixth dimensions and beyond as the Light of God We Are.


In Ancient Egypt, beloved hearts, as initiates of Light, we utilized the energy of the Golden Sun and Flower of Life, as well as all geometries within this, particularly Metatron’s Cube, to expand our Light from within and connect to our Galactic Higher Selves, and the Unity Grid to experience New Earth.


In this system of energy, we worked with the first nine dimensions, taking us into Soul Embodiment of our absolute Purity, Innocence and Source Light/Photonic Light whilst merging with our Galactic Higher Self aspects.


In addition to this, the primary focus was on our ability to expand into each dimension through the related sacred geometries, sound and color frequencies and expand into the Golden Flower of Life 54 feet in diameter around us, utilized in the creation of our Light Body/Merkaba Field.


This frequency of Christ Consciousness energetically took us into the Cold Flame of the Flower of Life within the Halls of Amenti, essentially the Quantum Field of Plasma Light.


This alchemical process generated the internal Plasma Light, initially through the blood, in the creation of our various Light Bodies and embodiment of our Higher Selves and Multidimensional Selves. Additionally, the Crystalline Sun DNA activated within the original Divine Blueprint as Plasma Light.


At this point, beloved hearts, we embody, activate and expand the Plasma Light within, and as these filaments create interconnected lines of Light that link us into the Unity Grid, and the Nodal Points along the Unity Grid through the Sacred Geometry of the Stellated Dodecahedron, we would join as One Heart and connect into the Crystalline Grid.


Working with the Andarian Beings, the Andara Crystals, we would tune into each Nodal Point, Gateway and Sacred Site, starting from the axis point in Cairo, Egypt. For the Unity Grid is anchored by its axis at Cairo, and at Moorea, in the French Polynesian Islands near Tahiti.


As Gate Keepers and Grid Keepers we fine tune the frequencies within the Unity Grids, multidimensionally and holographically. With this, we create harmonic frequencies that uplift the consciousness of all Life, so that all can ascend.


As expressions of consciousness and energy, we are the Christ Consciousness Grids, the vibrating Stargates of Divine Love, traveling our journey from Star Seed to Soul Seed to Star Being and then Source Light.


As we experience this deep sense of Unity Consciousness, of interconnectivity, we further deepen into Physical Body Ascension, the ability to take our physical body into New Earth free of 3D and 4D densities and karma.


To reach this level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness beloved hearts, requires the frequencies and energies of New Earth to be activated within our body and energy field, and this Now moment offers an unprecedented opportunity to activate the Lion’s Gate to Zero Point collectively, to the fifth dimension and beyond as the Beloved I Am That I Am, living New Earth and mapping our Highest Potential and trajectory as Co-Creators to the Divine, as our Universe.


We use a technique from the Ancient Egyptian timeline called The Golden Sun and Flower of Life Zero Point Activation. At that time, and Now, we start by activating the Stargate of our Loving Heart by visualizing the Golden Sun, Christ Light, as a single point of Light. On each in-breath, we visualize this Golden Sun from within the center of our Heart Chakra.


As we hold the breath, we visualize numerous hues of Diamond Crystalline Light activating from within the Loving Heart, aided by the Andarian Crystal Beings, and on the out-breath, we expand the Golden Sun around the body and energy field. We do this breath seven times, each time to the count of seven.


As we then deepen into Zero Point, through the expansion and feelings of our Loving Heart, we move into activating the Pineal Gland, initially visualizing the cerebrospinal fluid moving up and down the spine, into the brain and placing pressure upon the Pineal Gland.


To visualize the Golden Sun within the Pineal Gland, we focus on the convergence of three energetic lines connecting through the Pineal Gland.


The first point of intersection is activated through the Antakarana, as it travels from the Soul Star Chakra into the Crown Chakra, into the Pineal Gland, down the spine to the Perineum Center and then into the Earth Star Chakra.


The second point of intersection activates from the Third Eye through the Pineal Gland and out the back of the Third Eye.


And the third point of intersection crosses from just above the left ear to the same point on the right ear, and into the Pineal Gland. Where these energetic lines converge and intersect in the Pineal Gland, we visualize the Golden Sun and then expand this as a Golden Halo around the head.


Following this, we visualize the Ankh and utilizing these same points of convergence from within the Pineal Gland, connect to a portal of Light known as the Sirian Portal 2.4 feet above the Crown Chakra, activating once more the Golden Sun energy as the Sun behind the Sun, as well as activating a ninth dimensional portal 24 feet above the Crown Chakra as the Great Central Sun.


The activation of the Golden Sun is the Christed Light beloved hearts, and takes us into Zero Point, where all presents simultaneously. Where we can view, experience and expand into numerous multidimensional timelines to create our future realities in One Unity Consciousness.


In ancient Egypt, we expanded into each dimension, from the fifth to the ninth respectively, visualizing the Golden Sun, and related sacred geometries as well as merging with our Galactic aspects.


Each dimension beloved hearts, requires from us the ability to lift our consciousness into the corresponding field of Light, sound, color and sacred geometry.


When we expanded into the ninth dimension, we further created and activated the Golden Flower of Life, within a Diamond sphere, 54 feet in diameter around us, which served as our Ascension Vehicle to New Earth.


Additionally, we utilized this Flower of Life sacred geometry, now embedded within the Golden Sun, to raise our frequency, elevate our consciousness and release density from within the body and energy field.


Further to this, we utilized this as a Healing Tool to assist our brothers and sisters in their Ascension Journey simply by visualizing the Golden Sun and Flower of Life activating and moving this into any body part, organ, and chakra as well as around the energy field.


It was, and is, a most powerful tool and one we can draw upon to elevate consciousness and quantum jump multidimensionally as well as heal and release lower densities, false beliefs, judgments and discomfort from within the physical body.


And as we connect into, and as the Unity Grid, as the I AM AVATAR Consciousness, we can expand the Light upon this sacred earth using this Golden Sun and Flower of Life Zero Point Activation.


So join with us in this powerful Now moment beloved hearts, as we connect into the 08-08-08 Lion’s Gate. Together we are creating our Heaven on Earth, and New Earth from the Heart of the Great Central Sun, with beautiful invocations, activations, tools and healing energies we can utilize for ourselves, for others and for all Life upon this sacred earth.


Video Link: Lion's Gate - The Sirean Stargate of The Heart Activation



Beloved hearts, the Cosmic stage illuminates for the next wave of Soul embodiments on Gaia Sophia through the hearts of all awakening and awakened Souls and the embrace of the Divine Mother. Within the stillness of our loving hearts, timeless and infinitely patient is the energy of our multidimensional Selves.


Merging timelines of Golden Ages embodying Soul purpose, direction and destiny activate through the Lion's Gate. Set for the next level of our Soul's Forward Evolution - the expansion of Cosmic Christ Consciousness - the 08-08-08 Lion's Gate invites the remembrance of KNOWING all is Love through the Stargate of Sirius.


As we release remaining veils of illusion, we bring a focus to the Soul's desire for sovereignty, truth and financial freedom Overlighted by the nurturing Love of the Divine Mother. With this, we step into a renewed dance of vision and purpose, unity and community.


Through the HEART OF LOVE, the Sirian Archangelic League step forward and link us to the Sirian Living Library as it aligns with the Center of the Galaxy, bringing in to this Now the original Soul purpose, direction and destiny codes of freedom and sovereignty through our multidimensional Selves and the collective I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light. Our sense of KNOWING amplifies. ESP gifts activate. Clarity arrives with renewed vigor; a compass of celestial navigation, Divine synchronicity and serendipity.


We are the Flames of Divine Love and the Light of God upon this sacred earth. Realignment to our Highest Potential and timelines of Self Mastery ignite through the original Divine Blueprint, shifting all that we no longer need to experience to know ourselves as Love as the New Earth Templates of Abundance, Sovereignty and greater Financial Freedom activate through the DNA, the Unity Grid and the Sirian Stargate of Divine Love.


To receive the Lion's Gate Light Codes, we are wrapped in the beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, the Silver-Gold Flame of Highest Potentials and the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Abundance as we create our Sirian Stargate of the Heart.


The Sirian Stargate of the Heart creates a toroidal field of light emanating from and pouring forth into our Loving Hearts the sweet nectar and nurturing aspects of the Divine Mother.


As we received the energy of the Stargate of the Goddess, of Divine, Unconditional Love and the ascension codes of Galactic Christ Consciousness, this donut shape torus field activates, and folds in upon itself and all points along its surface converge together into a zero-dimensional point at the center called the Vertex.


From within the Vertex, our Loving Hearts, we see two spinning vortices, with the points converging at the heart chakra. Initially, the top vortex spins in a clockwise direction towards the heavens, and the bottom vortex spins in a counter-clockwise direction into the earth. As these vortices converge, they activate into a funnel through the heart chakra, releasing old false beliefs and programming's through the lower chakras and changing the spin of the lower vortex into a clockwise direction.


As we step into and through the Sirian Portal that opens the Stargate of our Loving Hearts, our minds empty and the Cosmic Consciousness awareness that deepens in the witnessing Presence of Divine Love illuminates the truth of our lives. Additionally, we stand together as One Unified Field of radiating, Divine Light, Stargates of the Heart, in unity, community and Love.


So we start now by setting our sacred space, as the Flames of Divinity we are, ready to step into the next level of our Soul's blossoming, magnificence and Light.


Focusing for a moment now on your breathing; breathing deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out.


And just bringing your awareness into the body, letting go of distraction, of things that have come, things that are yet to come, bringing simply the knowing of the soul consciousness of yourselves as these sacred Flames of Divinity, into the body in conscious awareness with these deep rhythmic breaths. Breathing in Love and breathing out Love. Breathing in through the nose and breathing out through the nose or mouth.


You have a sense now of being wrapped in a beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, a Silver-Gold Flame of Highest Potentials and the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Abundance. Visualizing now these beautiful Flames ignite as the Three-Fold Flame through the Heart Chakra, and now through each one of the chakras and into the sub-atomic particles of the body, starting to spin the subatomic particles into a frequency alignment of Unity Consciousness and Divine Love, as you continue to breathe in Love and breathe out Love, or hold the breath, and breathe out all that is ready to be released.


As you start to expand your own energy field in these beautiful Flames of Light, you have a sense of connecting to one another; connecting at this Higher Light level with all those awakened Souls listening to this transmission with you, your soul brothers, soul sisters, and soul family of the Light and all those gathering through their own ceremonies at this time. And now, you are joined now by the many Illumined legions of Light from On High through the Overlighting of Mother/Father God.


As you deepen now into the Unity Grid of Divine Love and into the New Earth templates, you merge with your Beloved I am Presence, into the glorious magnificence of the highest aspect of your Soul Light that YOU ARE embodied upon this sacred earth.


You have a sense now of your beautiful multidimensional body of Light, your I AM Avatar Body of Light ~ how the sub-atomic particles within the body are spinning in this increased Crystalline frequency, how you are coming deeper into this resonance of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.


Having a sense too of how your energies are starting to activate into the collective resonance of Divine Love, as you place your hands upon your heart chakra, and as you say to yourself, "I love you," giving your full name now, "I love you, I love you".


You take a moment now to ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, visualizing this grounding cord of any color of your choosing coming from the sacral chakra, and taking it into the energy of Gaia Sophia, wrapping this cord around the diamond and crystal light clusters, as Mother Earth sends you her Love back up your grounding cord and into your body and energy field. Wonderful sweet ones.


As you deepen now into your purity and divinity and innocence, sweet ones, a diamond sphere of Light 54 feet in diameter activates around you, enabling the activation of your Light Body/Merkaba field and the templatings of the New Earth geometries, fractal geometries, sound, color and numerological sequencing.


Within this sphere sweet ones, you now see the Golden Fruit of Life, Metatron's Cube, and the Tree of Life ~ and as these geometries, Light Codes, templatings, numerologies, and New Earth frequencies activate within this diamond sphere of Light, you further have a sense of these New Earth Templates activating within the Unity Grid of Divine Love.


Wonderful sweet ones. You are now ready to experience the Sirian Stargate of the Heart. Comfortably relaxed, you bring your focus to your Loving Hearts, as you now state:


"I call upon the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light to activate my Sirian Stargate of the Heart.


I am ready to experience my highest potential and

the next level of my Soul's blossoming, magnificence and Light.


I am ready to experience the merging timelines of all Golden Ages of Light.


I am ready to experience Soul embodiment through the merging and integration of my multidimensional Selves,

my Higher Selves and Beloved I Am Presence.


I am ready to release all levels of victim and persecutor consciousness, to know myself as Love,


I am ready to Love All That Arises.

I am ready to embody my Soul purpose, direction and destiny.

I am ready to embody deepening levels of sovereignty, truth and financial freedom through the Overlighting of the Divine Mother.


I am ready for Soul embodiment as the Light of God I AM.

And so it is. And so it is".


Good sweet ones. You now bring a focus to a portal of Light, called the Sirian Portal, 2.4 feet above the crown chakra. As this portal activates, you are now surrounded in a beautiful silver-gold sphere of Light 10.8 feet in diameter around you.


You now experience a toroidal field of Light emanating from and pouring into your Christed Heart sweet ones as you start to experience the Stargate of the Goddess, the Love of the Divine Mother and the ascension codes of Galactic Christ Consciousness.


This donut shape torus field now activates within this silver-gold sphere 10.8 feet in diameter around you. It now folds in upon itself as all points along its surface converge together into a zero-dimensional point within your Loving Heart.


And now sweet ones, you see two spinning vortices activate and converge within the heart chakra in a vertical alignment. The top vortex now spins in a clockwise direction from the heart chakra towards this Sirian portal, aligning you deeper into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.


The bottom vortex initially spins in a counter-clockwise direction into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, grounding you into Sophia Gaia, as you focus on what you need to release within the cellular memories to Love All That Arises.


And now, sweet ones, you have a sense of these two vortices starting to activate into a funnel shape through the Loving Heart as you deepen into your magnificence and Light as this Flame of Divinity. Wonderful.


Just have a sense of how you are feeling now, through the Heart of the Divine Mother, the heart of Love, as you breathe in Love, hold the breath and breathe out all that is ready to be released.


What is further being experienced sweet ones, through the higher dimensional fields of consciousness and the Galactic Center is the collapsing and speeding up of time and space, as you deepen into the ever present Continuum or Zero Point.


These "future" time-space fields of Light are assisting you to access and anchor the higher dimensional templatings and dimensional octaves, as you merge with your "future" selves, your multidimensional selves and your Beloved I Am Presence, as well as experiencing a deeper sense of the collective I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective Beloved I Am Presence of all awakened Souls upon this sacred earth.


As you move up in octaves or frequency sweet ones, this recalibration and integration is experienced on all levels of your beingness.


Within the lower dimensional octaves, merging timelines require you to work with frozen miasms, karmic imprintings, artificial timelines, the prison matrix and the like, in order to dissolve these lower timelines.


And as you do this work for yourself and others sweet ones, you move into the next dimensional frequencies or octaves of Unity Consciousness.


As you draw upon the New Earth Templatings within the Unity Grid, current timelines and Solar Grids, future timelines, you integrate the planes of polarity through loving all that arises. This in turn brings with it greater levels of manifestation, freedom, truth and knowing that accelerates Soul embodiment and destiny; the merging and integration of multidimensional aspects of Self into this Now moment.


Through these gateways and frequency shifts, along with solar flares, photonic rays and cosmic rays or radiation sweet ones, you are further experiencing a re-patterning of the physical brain, as well as a deeper activation of the pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus and thalamus glands and an increase of your ESP gifts.


As the wounded Soul aspects are embraced within your Loving Heart, judgment of self and others are released as higher perspectives come into being, along with a deepening sense of non-attachment, surrender and timelessness.


You now have a sense of this beautiful Golden Sun ignite within the Loving Heart sweet ones, the Gateway of the Inner Christ, and now, through each of the 12 chakras, as you align to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.


And now, the 12 Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs ignite and activate within and around Gaia Sophia as the 08-08-08 Lion's Gate Light Codes of sovereignty, truth and financial freedom ignite and activate through the loving hearts of all awakening and awakened Souls. And now, through all of humanity choosing the path of Love. And so it is, and so it is.


Love reveals all, for truly, Love is all there is sweet ones.

You now affirm:


My Loving Heart is One with Mother/ Father God,

My Loving Heart is One with all my emotions, thoughts and feelings,

my Loving Heart is One with its inner family,

my Loving Heart is One with its outer family.


My Loving Heart is neutral,

my Loving Heart is patient,

my Loving Heart has no expectations on this journey.

My Loving Heart trusts in life,

listening to the universe,

and hearing the call of the One Heart of All That Is.


My Loving Heart takes a leap of faith into the arms of Love,

and surrenders to the stillness within.


My Loving Heart takes me ever deeper into my blossoming, magnificence and Light.


My Loving Heart is able to separate its emotions, thoughts and feelings from each unique experience it has,

through embracing the inner family still needing its Love,

while honoring all who appear within its outer reality to know itself as Love.


My Loving Heart says to the universe "bring it on!"


Whatever level of discomfort I may still need to experience to know myself as Love,


I know that forgiving and loving and letting go of old energies, people and places through loving all that arises,

takes me deeper into the One Heart, into conscious relationships,

sovereignty, freedom and clear communication with others.


My Loving Heart knows that all is Love.

My Loving Heart sees the value in others;

My Loving Heart appreciates every single person within its reality,

everyone is revered, respected and loved,

as brothers and sisters of Light.


My Loving Heart knows how deeply it is loved.

How deeply I AM Loved.


I breathe in Love,

I breathe out Love.


I hear the gentle hum of Love,

I feel the sweetness of my Soul.

I experience the embrace of the Divine Mother.


To my Loving Heart,

all is Love,

and all are Loved.


I Love You

Anrita Melchizedek



Video Link: I Am Presence Light Codes Activation - The Eye of Horus and ESP Gifts Attunements - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUMxocdOLCs




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