The Masters of Light
As Received by Ruth Ryden
March 1, 2011

March is traditionally the Lion who roars in with the indefinable weather, but this year the Lion will become an elephant, trampling down the young grass. The storms, tornadoes, floods, even earthquakes, will continue to make themselves known as the Earth continues to go through its growth spurt. This is not pleasant to hear, but at this point in time, we see all of this continuing for at least another three to four weeks. North America and the northern climes all around the world are caught in a swirl of heavy frequencies that are affecting the atmosphere to the extent of washing clean the outer space elements that are hitting the planet now. The good news is that after this elongated period of terrible times, the atmosphere will calm down and a really beautiful spring season will come into play. The southern half of the globe will be experiencing unusual weather elements too, of course, getting ready for their fall and winter seasons, which will be strongly unusual, with tremendous earth tremors as the plates struggle to fall into their new positions. The Pacific plates have been opening the vents to deep magma deposits that are racing upwards to let off their heat and steam through the thousands of new and old volcanoes. March will see many more eruptions and quakes in the island nations, as well as the accompanying music at the Arctic and Antarctic. Even the areas that are considered “safe” that so many of you are trying to find, will experience sometimes drastic weather patterns this month, so don’t be too surprised when heavy rains, snow, etc. hit even there. Toward the end of the month, Mother Earth will finally calm down as the "birth pains" ease up and the plates settle themselves for several months ahead. This is not good news, of course, but it is needful to keep prepared with the fuel, food, etc. that you will need. The revolutions all over the world are following these tremendous frequencies as the Sun vents its flares into the solar system. As they gradually calm down, so will the consciousness of humankind find its way to peace and a better way of life and understanding of universal truth.


Questions to the Masters

Question: What is causing the widespread dying of birds and fish all over the world at this time?

Masters: This phenomenon is not a man-made problem of misplaced chemicals or electronic mishaps, it is the very high frequencies that are being thrown to the Earth from the Sun flares permeating though your atmosphere. These creatures all have much lower body frequencies and cannot withstand the harsh powers of these flares when they enter their life zones. This will be happening more and more during the period you are now experiencing, then die down again as the flares die down. Even as it appears that this will decimate many species, do not worry about that. The sometimes thousands of die-offs will not affect the species themselves; life goes on.

Question: Has HAARP been able to affect, or indeed, promote, the extreme weather patterns we are having?

Masters: The powers behind the HAARP systems, and there are many of them around the world now, have tried for decades to manipulate weather patterns to suit their own purposes, which include sending huge storms and/or even sand storms, to intercede in wars between the people of your planet. As hard as they have tried, however, their puny efforts have been largely ineffective. Your solar system has its own laws and the orbit of your world is being directed by powers that make HAARP look like kindergarten children playing with their little towers. Despite the uproar about these acres of towers and electronics, don’t worry about what they can or cannot do. It is the inner directive of humanity to explore, learn, and find new ways of doing things. You found a way to use chemicals to bring on rain in dry areas when it is needed by “seeding,” but the weather was there to begin with, just needed to be moved a bit. HAARP cannot create weather; it can move it sometimes, but not without being observed by your electronic sensors. The “harp” cannot be played without a universal “hand” plucking the strings!

Question: How much will the sun’s current large flares affect our world, weather-wise, with electronics and satellites, and human emotions?

Masters: Observations by your scientists are now able to “see” the huge outbursts now taking place on your Sun, and the effects being observed al over the world are becoming a little frightening. The reality is that yes, there will be some interference of your satellite communications on and off during these disturbances, but not so much as to destroy them, for the most part. Occasionally there will be a few satellites burned out; those who are dwelling in the international space station have been protected from the flare energy by heavily fortified armor to begin with. It is dangerous now for space-suited astronauts to be outside of this protected element. During the next month, you will probably experience some glitches in internet reception, so be patient; just wait a few minutes and try again. We do not see any serious outages that would really tie up world communications. Human emotional patterns are another thing entirely. The uprisings around the world have been immensely helped by the additional energy that is being felt by human energy patterns. It is a matter of feeling energized and determined to rise above unmentionable situations that have existed for far too long. Governmental meddling in laws that protect the rights of employees are being challenged, sometimes violently. Asian nations are rallying against the shooting and assaults of protesters, as world-wide horror at what is being done will bring it to a stop, one way or another. The fear this inspires in the despots is also being raised in their minds and energy patterns as they come to realize their decades of ruling are about over. People who are having emotional problems will find them exacerbated to some degree and should be aware that this is not of their making, but an energy surge; be quiet, rest, and let the inner Love calm you. When you feel the extra energy plucking at your heart strings, use it to do something you have been putting off, or something you would really like to do. You are part and parcel of this universal energy, so take it into yourselves and enjoy it if you can!

Question: Will the volcanoes erupting in Japan lead to the sinking of these ancient islands? I was told a long time ago that the island would go under eventually.

Masters: As most of you know, Japan is a nation of volcanoes rising from the bottom of the sea. The islands are the remnants of volcanic explosions of many centuries ago. The current eruptions are just the beginning of many more, as the shifting in the South Pacific is moving those ancient hot spots of magma far below to form open vents again. This will not happen overnight, of course, but investing in a new Japanese company, for example, might not be a good idea. Many islands are finding their beaches under water in these seas and you will be hearing of small islands disappearing in the coming months and years. The sea beds are shifting and changing their contours quite rapidly now, causing frequent quakes and volcanic ash flows.

Question: Where and how many earthquakes do you see in the U.S. in March? New Madrid fault becoming more active? Time to issue warnings? Large quakes around the world?

Masters: Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will be increasing around the world as February comes to a close. New Zealand and many islands are being effected by this trend, as you have heard by now. The Pacific Islands will be hit constantly, and many of the smaller islands will have to be evacuated in a matter of weeks or months as they become uninhabitable. The destruction is very bad, but even worse will be the problems of finding new homes and new societies for very many displaced people. The destruction of centuries-long traditions, etc. is very hard on so many people, who will have to start all over again. As to movements in the U.S., the New Madrid Fault is becoming more active and we do see small quakes becoming a daily event in many states on both sides of the faults. At this point in time, the opening of this fissure will proceed in a leisurely manner, not in a huge quake. The Middle East will be hit with several large quakes in March, or early in April, that will make a huge difference in the governmental policies of many of the small nations and tribes there. The intense uprisings happening now are directly related to the unrest in the earth below these countries – the vibrations are fueling the determination to rid centuries of slavery from the minds of their rulers. March will see the continuation of 4+ quakes along the western coasts of the U.S. and Canada, and the volcanic ridges that have piled up over the centuries will be seen to send rocks rumbling down as the pressure from the Pacific plates push them upwards again to a small extent. Be careful if you are doing some climbing in those mountains.

Question: Will the uprisings in the Middle East be able to be as successful as the Egyptian one? We hear of their armies shooting down the demonstrators. Those who are considered Kings of their lands are not going to give up or change their ways easily. Can you see any outcomes yet?

Masters: Some of the governments are already firing many of their esteemed employees and racing to implement new laws and rules for their people, trying to save their own skins and ranks as leaders. All in all, this will take a long time to sort out, as many more cities, towns, tribes and countries are coming to the realization that human beings have rights given to them by the Creator, and will now demand they be recognized and legally sanctioned.

Question: The New Zealand quake has been a disaster. The question in my mind is will these movements impact the southern Australian coasts? What more should be expected on this island kingdom?

Masters: There are huge plates shifting that will impact the Antarctic; you will be hearing of more large areas of ice being broken off and drifting into the seas. Australia is being hit with harsh storms that are caused by the strong frequencies that are arising from these movements.

Question: Will you please do an article relating to the effect the higher frequencies will, or are, having on our dreams? Are people having prophetic dreams? Or seeing future events much more than usual? Explain how, etc., and the need to record such dreams immediately upon waking.

Masters: Over the centuries the dreams of humankind have been a connection to the world of spiritual understanding, even if the dreamer cannot remember the dream after awakening. At this time, dreams are becoming much stronger, full of spectacular images and meanings that are still largely unproductive as the dreamer disregards them in the morning. Yes, the higher frequencies have a great deal to do with this. It is a matter now of each individual to recognize that there are messages being sent, prophecies being given, etc., along with the ordinary dreams reflecting the current emotions and needs of the dreamer. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that are making the news at this last part of February produce powerful frequencies themselves that will invade the dreams of people around the world. When this happens, most people shake off the dream of such happenings, not wishing to remember them, which is understandable. However, those of you who wish to be part of the changing world as it is happening, to understand it and watch for possible dangers, would be well to keep a note pad next to your bed with a good pen and, upon awakening and realizing what you have been experiencing, write it down immediately with as much clarity as you can. These notes will come together in a short time to bring a clearer understanding of your own place during these changes and help to give you a clearer feeling of assurance that all is in place as has been decreed by the Ruler of the Universe, or whatever you wish to call this eternal energy.

As the hundreds of books relating to dreams testify, there are indeed certain symbols that are used by most spiritual entities to convey messages to the dreamers. Some are particular to the individual, some are almost universal. Our “secretary” here, has found that when she dreams of moving into a new house, etc., it means a change in her life of some kind. Animals in a dream pertain to the primeval emotions of love and survival – sometimes a warning to be careful or of danger around the corner. Seeing the particulars of an earthquake, a volcano erupting, storms, etc., are powerful warnings to some, and to some just the higher awareness of the dreamer as to what is actually happening, either immediately, or in the near future. Many people have dreamed of plane crashes that happen a day or two after the dream. These dreams are the ability of the dreamer to “skip” into the future because these happenings produce such intense frequencies in the ethers around the world. Yes, the future can be foretold, but it takes a very advanced soul being in human form to be able to sense and “see” the future. To us, past, present and future happens all at once, although it changes constantly. Nothing is sealed in concrete, as the needs, actions, and determination of the human race and the millions of other races and species in the universe determine those images of the present or the future. Relating simply to each person, however, are those message dreams that your own Higher Self slides through to your unconscious mind during your sleep. Although they usually relate to the happenings in your life, sometimes reflections of your own pain or pleasure, they are still important to record in the morning, however, as there are always little bits of guidance or love that are meant to help you through this lifetime. The older generation will often re-live important events from their past in an all-nighter. This kind of dream is a gift from the Higher Self to remind the dreamer of the fine points of the lifetime, and is usually quite enjoyable.

In other words, dreams can, and should be, an important part of your lives. As you read over the notes you have taken, you will find the reasons for what you do during the waking times. The paths you have chosen to follow in the present lifetime are guided and helped by your spiritual soul mates, and sometimes the guidance does come in dreams to those who recognize them. A small journal of dreams can be a focal point to find where you are going when the going gets difficult. As we are constantly trying to get through to you, the help you need during this lifetime is within – your spiritual self, your soul, the Higher Self, whatever you wish to call it, is there all the time, and sometimes contacts the seeker through dreams. Listen, remember, and write them down. See how much it will add to your sense of self and the security of being who and what you really are.

Ruth Ryden

Access Ruth Ryden's latest channelings on weather predictions and Earth changes. Read answers to her questions to The Masters of Light regarding current events and pertinent issues in the world today. Ruth also provides a series of special feature articles channeled on specific subjects of interest. Ruth is renowned for the quality and accuracy of her channeling. * * She has published two books that are very basic teachings about our role in the universe. They are both still available at Amazon and other book stores. The books are: “The Golden Path” and “Living the Golden Path”. Go to: and enter in the “seeking” place, “The Golden Path by Ruth Ryden.” * Easy to find and deal with – some used books there too. * If you wish to express your appreciation for these messages and can afford to donate a few dollars occasionally, it would be a great help to me. Please do not use Pay Pal. Personal check, cash, or money orders are just fine. Please, Please!! Make sure to include your e-mail address so I can thank you personally.

I am still accepting requests for personal spiritual readings. Your Spiritual Teachers and Guides are contacted for this purpose. Please e-mail me for information. She can be reached at: Ruth Ryden * 2806 N. Apple Lane, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona 85541-7328 USA * (928) 474-3515 * *

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