I am making this post as some of my facebook friends are posting and debating, more often than not, their ancestral origin as being a specific race with a specific origin and "tinfoil" conspiratory theories surrounding that race being in eternal conflict with another race of different origin, in the process giving their own racial heritage the value of "good" and the other as "evil".

I have this to say to you: Your posts and debating this matter is nonsensical and stupid on borderline retarded. Here is why:

Life which evolves continuously on rare planets such as our own also evolves in the spiritual world, through each reiteration of the soul in physical form, and since the e.t/alien/sky-god "Greys" made the ancestors of the people with blue eyes and blonde hair quite recently (in a historical perspective), that makes them the most evolved or "latest updated version" of humanoid races so far.

The Greys seems to have perfected the human being (homo sapiens sapiens) further in stages as the original "humanoid 1.0" (negroid & aboriginal) was made by the reptilian Anunnaki's 225 000 years ago, but what exactly did they perfect? Is being human being an godly creation or an abomination?
Is the human the "good" in us or the "bad"?

It is likely genetic make-up can work for or against you whether you are a "humanoid 1.0" or a "humanoid 4.0" when it comes to ascension process and becoming a "good" or "bad" being. And I am pretty sure there are ascendancy potential within all versions of humanoids; asian, african, native american, european, middle eastern, maori, aboriginal etc. The issue is just that there are forces working against this from happening; both on an individual level and a collective.

There is little evidence to suggest race or genetics has much to do with higher consciousness and environmental oriented values present in religious and/or spiritual writings, as such encompass a large number of different races and are mostly held by prominent individuals within these different races. Yet the average human jump to these conclusions that genetics determine behaviour, values and level of consciousness. If you're sitting on this kind of evidence feel free to share them.

We could all do what we like with no morals or ethics like modern Satanism and the Nag Hammadi tells us, but that would be chaos and anarchy; a state where it is harder for everyone to survive and evolve, thus making it a non-desireable state, i.e Evil, which btw the Nag Hammadi also mentions in its own way.

That is basically what modern society is today, except for the laws and judicial systems, which are a joke when it comes to protecting Earth and the multitudes of lifeforms on it.

We can't do whatever we want to to comfort our traumatized psyches and nurture our egoes, like some humans seem to think. Well, we could but when we do actions and think thoughts that are in conflict with the continuation of life and other lifeforms existence and prosperity it goes against the principle of physical and spiritual evolution and ultimate ascendancy, thus making it Evil; a path towards physical and spiritual nonexistence, which is the ultimate judgement of your character/spirit.

Debating race and racial origin is nonsensical when it comes to good and evil. The most "Good" race/people (most desireable) are simply those people that evolve the fastest towards ascendancy (an eternal spiritual existence instead of a multitude of ephemeral physicial/virtual ones) while also promoting the same thing for/in other lifeforms.

The most "Evil" race/people (non desirable) are those who won't evolve towards ascendancy but remain stagnant while also stopping or hindering the evolution and ascension process of other lifeforms by destroying or weakening them and/or their habitat, thus making them the most heinous criminals to ever exist, according to the principles of ascension.

I do see a problem with the staggering amount of individuals falling inside the trap of living egotistic lives, becoming susceptible to greed, stealing natural resources that belong to us all, collectively, for themselves to live lives of luxury and overabundance, engaging in various acitivities labeled "work" or "career" that have a negative effect on the health of all lifeforms, be it physically, mentally or spiritually. More often than not they do this "work" just for materialistic gains and not rarely to ensure the success and "status" of their progeny. And the way the organize themselves, collaborate and conspire together is also worrying.

I think Ron L. Hubbard was right when he wrote that "enemies of mankind, the planet and all life" are "fair game" and ought to be granted auditing process R2-45. That is what he declared some dissenters of Scientology back in '68 so we don't mean the same thing obviously.

I mean the ACTUAL enemies of Mankind, the Earth and all Life; the fake elite, zionist conspirators, the globalist capitalists, the bankers, the big industries and corporations that operate under highly questionable ethical guidelines, the bought media and the police and military that are enforcing this oppressive rule by people who aim for the total desolation of the planet etc. They should all be made to pay for their crimes.

Religious oppression should be fought by criminalizing their practice and teachings, especially the most influential like Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

To divide everyone and everything into "good" and "evil" is the epitome of judeo-christian mythology and mindset - on the only premise that they are the ones who decide who is what and vice versa. If someone else has another opinion or critize what the say is good & evil they're evil nazis and antisemites.

The relevant question to pose must be why we, or the majority of humans, are content to live as slaves in an oppressive system that slowly destroys our planet and promotes destructive egoism in almost all professions, on all levels? And more importantly: How do we fight and destroy the system? I mean, doesn't most people realise capitalist consumerist society is a pyramid scheme aimed to enrich and empower a select few who we then later can blame if/when things go sour.The responsible thing would be to fight it and organize yourself in any form of resistance movement, but nah 95% of us don't want to be responsible or risk our lives in the process, not mentioning doing something aggressive and violent to Mankind was originally created as a slave race and has yet failed to break the bonds of that definition. When our first masters left us we wanted and created new ones, some fake and some came and then left, then we recreated those hierarchical slave systems with select few of our own as masters. If we want to break these bonds of slavery we must fight it actively and aggressively, with the risk of our own lives as well

Anything else is futile and only strengthens the comfortable position of having the possibility of putting the blame elsewhere than yourself if/when things go bad. In our past when we put the blame on the elite for things being too bad they had to pay with their lives and their childrens lives, but in modern times these hazards to the elite has become nonexistent, so we've stopped creating the oppurtunity for any changes to the system by our docile compliance with it. This must change if we want to be free to create a system that isn't slavery, and isn't leading to the apocalypse and fall of civilisation.

Take Responsability & Organize yourself Now! Map the Enemies of the Earth & Their Activities! The Elites must Pay!

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  • Hey, it is first impression, not expression. Maybe use your own language properly you would make a better first impression.
    Please share how you deal with real alien and nordic et's daily, do you meet them in person or hear voices inside your head?
    FYI, on the pic I was fit and did exercise, otherwise I wouldn't show it to anyone. But you might be right, some girls would perhaps run away from me and some would not, apparently, as "females want nice body". If you don't judge ppl based on body and looks, why then make a bitchy comment like that which suggests you do?

  • Why one human or any other physical being should be considered superior to another (ILLUSION IN ITS PUREST FORM) ... There is a spiritual side to the ‘slavery’: that this is the way to become master … just look through our history …

    People can be prisoners and slaves of their own concepts and ideas. They can be slaves to their own selves. That along divides ... and the race continues ... one day hopefully to Unity.

    • Finally a decent comment on the post and not my avatar!

  • Sometimes it is better to chose an avatar carefully, lest it be prone to member critique, which takes minds off the topic you seek to cover...Be private...Keep discreet.....OK, friend Maniel.....??

    • Yeah, didn't think there were so many prudes, a-holes and douchebags on this site, but some apparently crawled out from the woodwork to critize me instead of commenting on the post.

      • Dear friend you're beautiful just the way you are don't worry bout us we love to have fun. I know drekx and I do.....

    • Also goes for girls who try to show off on a spiritual sight love you babe

      • Yes true I know what you mean......Love you too, honey....

  • I think he's may be trying to show us he has Mother influence like some of the Hindu yogis who worship the Mother Goddesses-when men get old this happens not to young men usually-push ups help-

    What Causes Gynecomastia?

    The enlarged male breasts associated with gynecomastia are caused by a hormonal imbalance
     This explains why the condition occurs in newborns and during puberty. In newborns, gynecomastia is
    an aftereffect of the mother's estrogen in the infant's system. Commonly in these cases, the hormones
    naturally correct themselves and the male breasts diminish.

    The Testosterone and Male Estrogen Balance

    Specifically, enlarged breasts in men occur when the balance between testosterone and male estrogen is drastically
    altered. While mainly considered to be a female hormone, every man possesses low levels of estrogen to regulate sperm
    production, bone density and mood.


    • Nice inputs, pro tips you got there Shrek, but doing lots of push-ups won't make your tits smaller as there is both fat and gland tissue which simply won't be easy gotten rid of. Thats just spreading misconceptions.
      Another fact is 30% of males suffer from gynecomastia and in most cases it's not due to any disease or illness, just genetics coupled with consumption of cheese, milk and other dairy products which contain female hormones.

This reply was deleted.

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