By presence a being reveals his being in this world.
It works not preliminnary by will or desire, but by itself as being in this world.
Presence is determined to tell the story of a being exposing itself by presence.
Thus presence is the universal expression of a being having part of the flow of life.
The story presence is about to tell depends on the kind a being is living and thinking, on how a being is perceiving itself.
That tells all.
By presence we can bring peace into this world and life.
By nothing other than being present, consciously present.
Conscient presence is the only kind of presence making sence.
Some are present in body and absent in mind.
That is like sleeping, like having no rest.
Presence is the rest of conscience in the NOW.
Thus in resting in the NOW we fulfill presence by getting aware that even an enemy is part of us.
By doing so we can no other than love, presence is the sense of love, the stream-bed.
And love can also say NO...