A bizarre memo that appears to prove that aliens did land in New Mexico prior to 1950 has been published by the FBI.
The bureau has made thousands of files available in a new online resource called The Vault.
Among them is a memo to the director from Guy Hottel, the special agent in charge of the Washington field office in 1950.
In the memo, whose subject line is 'Flying Saucers', Agent Hottel reveals that an Air Force investigator had stated that 'three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico'.
The investigator gave the information to a special agent, he said. The FBI has censored both the agent and the investigator's identity.
Agent Hottel went on to write: 'They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter.
Finally, disclosure is upon us though the news is being released in a subtle way. Still this is good news. Spread this news to as many sites and contacts as you can so that those still looking for proof will finally be convinced.
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When I was 8 my uncle told me about plans of a UFO that was controlled by two hands with 6 digits and a head band, and in the book Cosmic Top Secret this was in the book. Fiber optics were the control with the fingers breaking the light in the indentions to switch a control on the ship, it took them a long time to back engineer that one!
The Roswell crash involved two craft, that looked like a manteray version of the SR71 Black Bird, they bought the UFO's down using high power rader, I suspect a HAARP device was involved.
I included the link to the FBI website. The story came from that website. Check it out.
Here is another link from the FBI website: http://vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO%20Part%201%20of%2016/view
Check out page 22. The memo talks about the aliens as human-like but much larger in size and that they came from etheric planet that interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us. The memo was written in 1947.
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