by Allen H. Greenfield


from BrotherBlue Website

recovered through WayBackMachine Website

Spanish version

 Excerpt from 'Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts'

ISBN 1-881532-04-6
Illuminet Press

P.O.B. 2808, Lilburn, GA 30226

 In 1947 the CIA was organized and the first UFO cases burst upon the American media landscape as "flying saucers." In that year, also, the first modern visitation by the infamous Men in Black took place in which a witness, one Harold Dahl, was silenced.


From that point on, a pattern began to emerge. 

The Men In Black legend is perennial; that it shows up in connection with the UFO lore should come as no surprise.


UFOlogy bizarro chronicler John Keel ("Disneyland of the Gods", "Jadoo", etc.) observed in his "UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse":

" The records of demonology are filled with striking parallels... the general descriptions of the vampires themselves are identical to the 'men in black.' The dark skin and angular, Oriental-like faces were commonly reported ..."

"The Autobiography of Malcolm X" described Malcolm's encounter with an MIB in prison:

"He had on a dark suit I remember. I could see him as plainly as I see anyone I look at. He wasn't black, and he wasn't white. He was light-brown skinned, an Asiatic cast of countenance, and he had oily black hair..."

It is interesting that the celebrated film "Malcolm X" chooses to imply that this figure was Nation of Islam leader Elijah Mohammed.


While Elijah Mohammed and his mysterious teacher Wallace Fard (who vanished without a trace) had come out of High Degree Prince Hall Freemasonry, and certainly knew some of the esoteric secrets, the being Malcolm X described is more in accord with Aleister Crowley's description of the praterhuman intelligence Aiwass than of Elijah Mohammed.

"In the shadows, the Men in Black had long lurked, biding their time, waiting. Here and there, now and then, some people thought they had seen them, but they weren't quite certain; perhaps they more sense than actually regarded them...

"Fourteen years earlier, the shadowy visitors had shown themselves openly. Then they had descended upon flying saucer buffs, threatening and terrorizing them, hushing them up... 

"Al K. Bender, a UFO researcher, had been the first known victim ...he performed a certain experiment and the lurking horror came. It began with glowing blue lights. Then came the stranger with the luminous eyes in the darkened theatre, and later on a dusky street. It culminated when the Men in Black, three of them, paid him a visit ...." 
Gray Barker

"The Silver Bridge"

UFOlogist Gray Barker got his one and only best-selling book in detailing the Albert K. Bender story and the world-wide wave of silencings.


"They Knew Too Much about the Flying Saucers" was an international success. It was widely assumed that the Men in Black were either government agents or extraterrestrials, but as researchers Wilgus and Keel have shown, the eye in the triangle was sometimes their only insignia, while my own research showed startling parallels to certain black magick rituals in medieval times which provoked visitations by what was often called "the Man in Black" - widely understood to be the Devil himself.


Even Barker noted that Albert K. Bender's experiments were more like a magical conjuration than an attempt at extraterrestrial communication. Any initiated magician reading Bender's accounts would recognize the elements of magical conjuration immediately. 

Maybe, I mused, we were dealing more with magick than with Martians. 



The Black Lodge

"Mathers, of course, carried on; but he had fallen. The Secret Chiefs cast him off; he fell into deplorable abjection, even his scholarship deserted him. He published nothing new and lived in sodden intoxication till death put an end to his long misery. He was a great man in his way..."
Aleister Crowley

"What I am out to complain of is what I seriously believe to be an organized conspiracy of the Black Lodges to prevent people from thinking..."
Aleister Crowley,

"Magick Without Tears"

Often when a person or institution allied with the historical Great White Brotherhood approaches success (variously defined) or comes into possession of certain aspects of transcendent wisdom, Something Intervenes.


That something has been defined as the Man in Black, the Men In Black, the black lodges, or The Black Lodge.


The latter term most nearly accommodates my own view. That they need to do this, and that they often fail in their efforts, is itself an indication that,

(A) the Black Lodge is opposed by Something Else, equally as strong

(B) they are afraid of something we might find out - about them, about their opposition, about ourselves or all three

The story of our interaction with the UFOnauts begins with the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and the Chakra system of the body. 

According to the primal occult and frequently secret and subversive view, the manifest universe emerges from an Ultimate NOT-Thing, a Consciousness or Beingness beyond words or expressions sometimes referred to as the Unmanifest or The Limitless Light.


This Unmanifest cannot be understood in the external sense, but can be Known in the Gnostic sense by the initiate or perfected sentient being, the Ubermensch. It can be plugged into. 

For reasons equally inexpressible, this uniqueness unfolds itself in manifestation. Thus, the limitless light becomes a series of emanations or expressions or Intelligences that devolve increasingly toward our material form of existence and thus towards accessibility in the conventional sense.


But the manifestations also increasingly become subject to subdivision into arbitrary concepts such as "good" and "evil" as these are commonly understood. And they also become closer and closer in form and content to our own mundane reality, though in the relativity of things, these Higher Intelligences may seem unspeakably powerful, mythic and divine. 

The Gnostic view has tended to be that what the external world of the conventional person understands as god, devil demon, angel or, more recently, extraterrestrial beings are, in fact, such emanations of the unspeakable ultimate. Indeed, the ancient Gnostics saw the 'god' and 'devil' of conventional theology as an ego-maddened entity under the delusion that it, indeed, IS the Ultimate Being!


The late Phil Dick, in his last Gnostic allegorical fiction, eventually settled on the name "V.A.L.I.S." or "Vast Active Living intelligence System" for this being or Demiurge. He wrestled through his literary career and secret life as a Christian Gnostic philosopher with whether VALIS was a benevolent, if machine-like deity of a sort, or an insane extraterrestrial supercomputer. 

Throughout recorded history, and, from the evidence of primitive objects and works of art, for aeons before, certain humans have had the capacity to tune into or channel various of these Higher Intelligences with varying degrees of accuracy.


These humans have been our Seers, Oracles and Prophets. It appears, in fact, that much of the source-material of all religions comes from such channelings, including, arguably, "The Book of Revelation", "The Book of Mormon", and "The Book of the Law". 

Concurrently, and not coincidentally, the two great initiatory bodies, or orders have been generated and regenerated throughout history.


The so-called Great White Brotherhood, when undistorted, appears (according to legend) guided by Intelligences associated with the dual star system Sirius or Sothis in some manner (see "The Sirius Mystery" by Robert Temple for a discussion of the Sirius connection - also Kenneth Grant's "Outside the Circles of Time" discusses the matter from a magical perspective).


This brotherhood also seems to have the purpose of uplifting human character and initiating biological and social evolution designed to move towards identification with Ultimate Being.


What is sometimes called "the Black Lodge," which we may associate with the Gnostic Demiurge or Phil Dick's VALIS, is generated to keep humanity in a state of materialist trance and evolutionary stagnation. 

Mystics generally consider that understanding the motivations of either of these Sources may be beyond our knowledge or even our capabilities. Existentially, however, it may be stated with confidence that one is dedicated to keep us in subjugation, misery and stagnation; the other to our betterment and enrichment though both at times have made claims to being our saviors. 

There are keys for decoding which is which - for example, rituals that have been generated or handed down to the magical lodges of modern times which refer to a star or the stars directly or indirectly tend to be transformative and thus of the Great White Brotherhood.


Ciphers for decoding messages between the black lodges and their alien sponsors have always existed.


But confusions of a deliberate nature exist; the ancient Gnostics uncovered a cipher which clearly indicates that the story of the Garden of Eden in its conventional form is turned on its head.


The Serpent is clearly the symbol of Knowledge, Wisdom, the Kundalini Yogic force, the Will-current - that is, it is the symbol of Liberation and Self-Mastery. The jealous "gods," as read in the original manuscripts, are clearly the forces of blockage, self-denial and repression - which is to say, the Intelligences governing the Black Lodge.


This Knowledge of Good and Evil and Life and Death has been the Terrible Secret of Initiates throughout history, recorded in ciphers and myths, and passed on through ritual. 

The Black Lodge may be defined as the organized institution guided by VALIS for the purpose of holding back human evolution and keeping a slave mentality in place. Its human leaders are the "black brothers" who are not to be mistaken for mere black magicians.


Indeed, Aleister Crowley observed that,

"the 'Black Magician' or Sorcerer is hardly even a distant cousin of the 'Black Brother.' The difference between a sneak-thief and a Hitler is not too bad an analogy..."

The Black Brothers are highly advanced adepts of the Art who have simply, as the popular phrase goes,

"been seduced by the dark side of the Force."

At certain times and places in history - for example, medieval Tibet or, in more modern times, Nazi Germany - the Black Lodge as operated more or less openly with characteristic occult symbols of human skulls, lightning bolts, etc. out in the open.


But like the Great White Brotherhood that it actively seeks to subvert and overthrow (as it did in the time of the Knights Templar), the Black Lodge has generally communicated by cipher and myth, in silence and secrecy, often within religious, fraternal and political institutions dedicated to the status quo. 

In the West since at least the early 18th century, the Black Lodge has tended to operate along crypto-Masonic lines, and its development has tended to coincide with and mirror that of the Great White Brotherhood.


This development may, in fact, be attributed to a cosmic principle of "equal generation of forces."


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  • Kelley-I worked in a retail store for awhile in 1989-1991and some days had to work alone.  One afternoon a man dressed in a black satin long sleeved shirt, black jeans, black cowboy boot-the old style with the extreme points- his hair was jet black combed in a 50's style duck tail and he had deep lines in his face though he didn't look older than mid 50's.  He walked in from the back door/parking area and bought 1 quart of high gloss red paint and after I gave him his change he counted it slowly. I can't remember our short conversation but he said something like have a good day then walked out the door.  At that point I remember seeing guys dressing in that style from the southwest and I ran down the isle to check the license plate (no more than 30 seconds after he left) and he was gone!  No cars in the lot -no cars at the stop light leading onto the avenue-this happened maybe months after my first serious abduction experience

    • Hmm, interesting, did you feel anything from him?  I'm getting a shaman energy from your recollection...? 

  • Thank you, Mikeil.  It's a bit to think about, I've always thought there was much more to the story of the elite than we have been led to believe.  I don't want to go tilting at windmills... On the other hand, I don't feel there is anything to fear from these entities, they are players as we are.  

  • You have free will to believe whatever you like, no worries.  

  • I don't believe you have been dealing with the authentic MIB described in the article, there is no mention of them being connected to the moon in any way,nor being artificial constructs but you are free to believe what you like.

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