The Merging of Soul Partnerships -Sirian High CouncilOn behalf of all Sirian civilizations of light, we applaud you in your efforts to transcend human limitations on the path of righteousness. We acknowledge your challenges and offer insight on your journey of exploration.Surely tough times fall upon the planet and her people...times that will certainly require new ways of thinking and interacting with the intelligence of the universe.For it is indeed the holy time of global resurrection through the pulsing of Adamantine particles... a noble venture that requires every human participant possible to act as a collection vessel for divine love. (for more information on adamantine particles visit The New Holographic Matrices by the Pleiadian High Council)What many are experiencing during the ascent into higher consciousness is the scientific struggle between particles of light and dark, matter & antimatter... or in more esoteric terms, the struggle between higher and lower levels of consciousness.It is in this struggle that those on earth will find the true path of oneness and it is on this path that the virtuous will begin to rise and lead humanity to its destination among the stars.Those on the path to the total fulfillment of full human potential are beginning to awaken to the divine splendor of particle creation and it is in the process of awakening to this greater potential that much darkness rises up seemingly to engulf you in its mire.But we assure you that this is not the case at all. What is truly happening is happening around you, not to you, and its basis is purely energetic.There is no right or wrong here, not good or bad, only the process of integrating higher levels of light. In this, it is required that all lower levels of consciousness be transformed… or transmuted… or realigned… or reconnected at higher frequencies to ensure the survival of the planet and her people.This process, however temporary, can account for the seeming disconnection that many have been recently feeling on earth, and in personal relationships. This process is not nearly for the faint of heart, but we would like to remind you that all is well, on schedule, and waiting for your arrival at the next stage of your evolutionary journey... that of reconnection with your divine counterpart.What does this mean you ask, and we will offer that the reconnection to your divine counterpart is the merging of polarities within you, the proverbial male rod and female staff that will create the force field of divine creation both within and around you. This is the merging of the twin flame energy as held by those of you who have contracted to accelerate the awakening process with your soul partners .We realize that it is a jump to consider that all of the discord you are experiencing is in fact a good and beautiful process, however, we would like you to consider this notion…for surely on a higher level and by divine decree, your intention was and is to go through this transition while still in human form.You are of a giant brigade of warrior souls who decided that you would come to earth to unveil your true essence as a master of creation and assist the world in the great ascension of human consciousness.That time has long passed you by, for you have been making these changes on a spiritual and cellular level for quite some earthly time. But what you are now beginning to witness are the changes in your physical environment that are a reflection of your new and higher connection to source.In this we will add that though you may be experiencing many levels of discord in your physical lives, know that this is only the result of a recalibration of energy surging and redirecting the atomic components of matter to align with your new intentions.This is a very natural and very necessary part of ascension and though it can seem rather frightening to witness these changes, we assure you that the outcome is for your highest good and that which you have intended for a very long time.Rest assured that once the finalization of these energies completes itself you will be well aware of why you endured the uncertainty and that strife was only a matter of resistance to what will be.If we could assure you of anything, it would be that you are well looked after, and well cared for in many dimensions and that everything you are experiencing is in divine and perfect order.In fact, chaos is merely a reflection of reorder and reorder is the order of the day!All of life on this planet are undergoing an arduous restructuring process at this time ... from the very cells that make up your human biology to the governing systems of every nation.This includes those who join you in the conscious brigade and those who do not.Regarding Soul PartnershipsWe wish to assure you that any temporary feelings of disconnection from your sacred love and soul partner that you may experience now and again is in fact, vibrational, for your electro-magnet-ic energy field is so rapidly being upgraded and re-attuned to higher levels of love.During this expansion process it is very natural lose the magnetic attraction to one vibrational field as you enter into the next. This loss of connection to your soul partner creates discordance, disagreement and an inability to see eye to eye, but this vibrational clash is temporary and waxes and wanes throughout the journey through the upward spiral of evolution. And as you increase in vibration, so too does each and every life form in and around your field alter to match your newer and higher frequency.Are you beginning to see the value in your commitment to love? It is much bigger and more profound than what meets the human eye, we assure you.This attunement process also ensures that the love you are soon to experience in your partnership forms a divine and sacred union. Soul partnerships have two purposes in this lifetime… to assist each other in the ascent of consciousness, and to collaborate in new earth endeavors as a united team of co-creative efforts.As you are undoubtedly witnessing, any obstacle standing in the way of these efforts will rapidly dismantle. On the exterior this may seem catastrophic or less than enjoyable to experience…but again we draw your attention to the fact that this is purely energetic and as the elements align to lay the foundation for your new earth’s experiences, you will come to know the rewards in extraordinary ways.This process of dismantling is nearly complete and though we would like to tell you what this means for your next steps, we really couldn’t say. This is because the next steps will be of your choosing, and from a place of pure consciousness. Your role will be to create the new earth with the combined gifts of your sacred labors in union of divine love.The elementary way to create life was to be in physical control of your earthly endeavors while managing the rising levels of discontent each step of the way.The masterful way to create life will be quantum in scope and of your choosing. This next step on the rung of your evolutionary ladder ensures that you command the elements of your reality to match the frequency of your desires and for your highest good.And this will become the second sacred purpose in divine love…as the polarities within you merge to become whole again, so too will the polarities in your sacred mate merge in unification to collaborate with you in higher ways of love.What a joyful time awaits you...For several years you have endured what we would term a trial period, for you were asked to achieve the impossible and have succeeded well.Now we ask that you raise your sights to see a new horizon and to accept your destiny as one of fulfillment, sacred love and lasting joy.There is nothing left for you to do, for without your interference, all elements will fall perfectly in place and surrounding you are a team of beings to ensure this process goes as smoothly and as effortlessly as possible.Hold steadfast to your inner knowing that all strife will soon dissipate under the magnificent light of new creation. The world around you will continue to crumble in many divine ways but you, benevolent ones, will remain securely fastened to the foundation of new earth should you choose to see life through the eyes of divinity.Be at peace knowing that you are fully protected and supported through this and every change. All that is love is of divine order and all that is in divine order would be impossible to destroy.Eventually, all arrive at truth. All this you deeply know.We are the Sirian High Council applauding your endurance in the face of adversity and already celebrating your success.Stay centered in your knowing despite all external appearances for in the blink of an eye, a new day will dawn!Farewell from home commanders.Telepathic Transmission thru Lauren C. Gorgo at

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  • Om, namaste...They're didnt much hurt me, you know.......
    Another way of passing time......Spirit is always far and near....
  • feels good to read this
  • Encouraging words, hope they are true to what will happen in the future. Thanks for sharing this, it is uplifting.
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"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
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