Often I've heard and read that one should put aside the mind and tune into one's intuitive side. Many say that the mind can be a hinderance. So I'm thinking, 'huh?' Seriously? I just don't buy into that. I'm thinking that some have it confused, imo. It's not the mind that is a hinderance, it's the ego. Ego is the problem. Perhaps that's what many are talking about when they say to set aside the mind. Personally, I love my logical mind and have successfully used it in situations that most would use intuition to handle. Which takes me to the idea that Indigos are supposedly right brain oriented.  I've read this often on the web.


So if indigos are supposed to be the next step in human evolution, wouldn't being mostly right brained oriented be a hinderance? I don't know, to me it would be more advantageous to possess a healthy balance of both hemispheres. That is something that I personally strive for. I couldn't imagine being mostly right brained. Yeah, it has its advantages but if I were an inventor, I would need the left side. The creative side could come up with something great to invent, but it takes logic to flesh it out. So could it be that being mostly right brain oriented is actually a devolved aspect of Indigos?  If so, what does that say about us?


Should I or any of us Indigos strive to be more right brain oriented?  I just don't see how that's working for me.  Angels are logical, Ascended Masters are logical, the universe is logical, the Goddess is logical and yet some say to shut down that side of my mind.  I don't think it's supposed to be like that.  I feel that balance is the way to go.  The universe often demonstrates the need and importance of overall balance.  I think that the educational system should emphasize the importance of balance in the usage of the hemispheres.


Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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  • What I think has gotten a "bad rap" are the lies, illusions, delusions that our minds come up with.....or is that the ego?
  • I agree it is not one thing or the other but unifying and aligning all aspects of ourselves so we can ascend. You can't throw out the baby with the bath water. There are times to sit and just feel something deePly as in rolling back into ecstasy that is where rational thought is not in play. Then there are times when you sit with yourself pondering your life, god/goddess, society, healing. A healthy balance is needed, as in right brained painting, creating to being more logical.....

    Our society is mostly.......well at least our schools are left brained dominated which is a suppression of the divine feminin, because the right brained is seen as mostly female, or feminin. Which I think isn't good because again the schools are missing out on so many other aspects of Learning.

    I think if I am like other indigos mostly shooting for balance and higher consciousness.
  • I believe that today's humanity is heavily, excessively so lead by left-brained people. The point of this is that not enough people tune into their right brain. It's a left-brained world where anyone ''right-brained'' is ridiculed. To balance this out, we need more ''right-brained'' people out there.

  • I know that I am right brained oriented, and sometimes my lack of left brained logic gets in the way of things, and how I figure things out is a little different than other left brained people.....I have to poke it with a stick until I figure it out, while left brained individuals have figured it out long time ago....


    I know someone is who both right brained and left brained and she is amazing to watch figure stuff out......you can see the eyes moving back and forth as she figures stuff out.....

  • I have read about this quite a lot,so I have information that the most intelligent people that lived on this planet used the left and the right part of the brain equal.For example Albert Einstein.So I think that we should use the both parts of our brain because the both of them are very beneficial.We should use everything we have,that's why we have it.And need to stay balanced.If you use one part of the brain more that the other,are you balanced?Balance is a lecture we learn in our life.They are books about how to keep your brain balanced and how to develop the talents from both side of it equally.

    Me,myself am right brain oriented but I constantly practice mathematics and other logical things so now I developed logical and analytic thinking and keep balanced the both sides.

  • As an Indigo Starseed myself, I can answer some of these questions, however i am shocked that there is so much misconception about us. That really blew my mind, I thought most people understood what the term meant.

    Indigo's are not the next step in human evolution, an AWAKENED HUMANITY is the next step in our evolution. We as Indigo's are a group of beings like everyone else on this planet. We are the wayshowers, the forerunners for helping the rest of humanity wake up and remember who they are. We are neither rightbrained or left brained, We are equally adept at using both hemispheres of the brain. We are highy sensitive and intuitive beings who came with a specific set of blueprints and gifts to serve humanity and help them evolve. 


    You're either Indigo or you're not and from most of what I read in this thread, those who don't get it or understand it are definately not Indigo's but that doesn't matter. Each person here on earth at this time has a unique set of gifts and blueprints to help that individual evolve into all they were created to be. Most of the indigo's on planet now are much younger as I am an Indigo Scout, I am of the first genration of Indigo's to hit this planet. Talk about feeling ALONE!!! Until I figured out who and what I was and found others like me, tliving on this planet SUCKED.

    Now that I understand my role, I also understand that this playground we are here to play in is LIQUID and moldable and can be morphed and recreated into whatever we desire. Living here now is FUN and EXCITING because I now know that HOME is within me and not "out there" somewhere.

    Most of us Indigo's are transitioning into Crystal beings who are now traversing the 5th, 6th and higher dimensional energies and working with them for the highest good of all creation. We are ALL moving out of thinking consciousness into heart centered feeling consciousness. The human mind has a built in ego that is needed while living in the dream of the illusion known as 3d life. Once moved out of the head and into the heart, the true essence of all that you are can shine through. If I were stuck inside a 3d left brained mind I woulld go insane!!!!!!!

    I knew what I was doing as did each of us when we agreed to come here and play this game of life on earth. The whole point of the brain is to remember that you are God in a body experiencing life through you. How can life not be fun once we know the truth???

    In love and oneness I AM


    • perfect!8115883488?profile=original
    • YaMa'EL,


      Beautiful explaination, my g-son is a INDIGO and he and I have the deepest conversations about GOD, since he was just a little boy of 2 and started to speak. I feel like I am speaking to a grown up instead a child. The insight that this boy has are so interesting.

      He is very sensitive, high intellect and very lovable.........Love's Yoga, Sports and I watch over him and his evolution..




      • Thank you Ananta... actually.. your g-son feels to also have very strong crystal energies as 2 of my own 8 grand children do which would better explain his ability to have conversations about GOD. Indigo's are system busters who seek out and find the truth. Crystals have an uncanny connection to God already established. He is very lucky to have you in his life as he has much greatness to bring to the people of this earth and for earth herself.

        Give him and yourself a BIG HUG from me :)


        • Thank You YaMaEL

          He has a variety of crystals that he play's with and pray's with. His G-ma is also a system buster and I sleep on various crystals under my pillow, :-)

          He defently seeks out the truth with his questions. He had a hard time adjusting to school and wanted to go to a Yoga School/Ashram in the mountains, but his mom and dad wanted to have him a normal life,how boring. This year his grades where much better. We make learning fun for him now....

          He loves water and I thaught him how to swim :-)

          How are you g-children adjusting???

          I hope all is well for you and family.





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