Huw Borland, Sky News Online

The Ministry of Defence will destroy all future UFO reports it receives so it does not have to make them public, a previously secret memo has revealed.

Previously top-secret UFO files released by the Ministry of Defence

Pictures from recently released UFO files

Britain's official UFO investigation unit and hotline were closed down at the start of December.

Since then, reports of strange sights in the skies sent to the MoD have been kept for 30 days before being thrown out, the newly released policy document showed.

This stance was adopted so defence officials would not have to publish the information in response to freedom of information (FoI) requests or pass it to the National Archives.

The dedicated UFO hotline answer phone service and e-mail address serve no defence purpose.

MoD memo

The memo, dated November 11, 2009, sets out the MoD's reasons for shutting its UFO unit and ceasing to invite the public to send in details of sightings.

It noted the number of reports the department received soared last year, taking up extra resources and diverting staff from "more valuable" defence-related activities.

The MoD recorded 634 UFO sightings in 2009, the second highest annual total after 1978, when there were 750, according to UFO expert Dr David Clarke.

This compares with an average of about 150 reports a year during the past decade.

The memo said: "The dedicated UFO hotline answer phone service and e-mail address serve no defence purpose, and merely encourage the generation of correspondence of no defence value."

Perhaps where there was a near-miss with an airline, the MoD will say, 'We may have had a report on it, but we've destroyed it.'

Dr David Clarke

The memo revealed that MoD chiefs made a point of not discussing their plans to close the UFO unit with other countries because of fears this could be perceived as part of a global cover-up.

Dr Clarke, a lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam University, obtained the memo through an FoI request.

The expert said the MoD's new policy on destroying UFO reports would make it much more difficult to uncover the truth about incidents in the future.

"Even if something quite serious happened, perhaps where there was a near-miss with an airline, the MoD will say, 'We may have had a report on it, but we've destroyed it,'" he said.

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  • Transcribed verbatim from Dancing in the Quantum, (c)2005 by William Gammill, p.143:

    "Lake Cotter [Lake Coter is a small lake, 5 kilometres northwest of Nuevo Arenal, Costa Rica] is reputed to be perhaps the most active place on the planet for UFO sightings. UFOs have been spotted going in and out of the lake for decades, even photographed beneath the surface on occasions. To date, no one has caught one or hooked one or been taken on board and come back to tell about it.
    Still, there is enough activity to cause several world organizations to be curious. In the early 1990s, the U.S. Government even sponsored an expedition by underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau to search the bottom of the lake and tell them what was going on down there.
    After several weeks of exhaustive research, Cousteau quit the search, abandoned his equipment, and reported that the lake has no bottom. And that's where things stand to this day..."
    • Wow, now that is interesting, a bottomless lake, hummmmmm....can't believe they just left it like that.
      • Marique, here's another one (Thanks to our mate Jason for sharing with us the link to Richard Boylan's fascinating articles).

        The Inner Earth Peoples

        Contrary to what the title above might make you think, this article is not about the Star Visitors. Rather, it is about other races we will be in contact with some day, races which some of our ancestors had contact with. The Zeta have indicated that the time had come that I should make Humans aware of these near-by races, because it is important for Humans to know what is really going on. I refer to the Inner Earth Peoples.
        The following information is from a trusted colleague, with additional information (in an Addendum) provided by a couple other close colleagues.
        The Inner Earth Peoples is a term which can be used to refer to advanced indigenous intelligent species here on Earth for a very long time, and dwelling by choice within the Earth or in domed cities at the bottom of the ocean. They are Species of Earth, originating from here. They did not migrate here from other star systems.
        The best-known of the Inner Earth races are the Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot or Yeti. These are quite tall, large-frame hominids who walk upright and whose bodies are covered with dense hair. In forested regions their hair is brown. In high elevation snowy regions, such as Tibet and Nepal, their hair is white. The Sasquatch/Yeti are highly intelligent and telepathic. Because they can read Humans’ thoughts from a great distance, no Human hunting them has ever captured one. The Sasquatch can use psychic abilities to make themselves “invisible”, too.
        Despite their ability to evade Human contact, the Sasquatch live by preference within the Earth most of the time.
        Another group of Inner Earth Peoples, the Giants, look virtually Human but are very tall, some up to eight feet or taller. They live underground in large, hollowed-out chambers with residences, and travel underground via a system of extensive passageways. I do not have information on all the Inner Earth races here.
        The Inner Earth Peoples got burned on Human folly at various points in past times, including the Human nuclear and energy weapons debacles at Lemuria and Atlantis; and so the Inner Earth Peoples have decided to go underground, literally, to get away from Crazy Humans.
        The Inner Earth Peoples have their own separate communications with Star Nations, and are considered by Star Nations as separate intelligent Earth species.
        The Inner Earth Peoples have mastered space flight, and, with Star Nations’ approval, have traveled to other planets to visit.
        Some of the Inner Earth Peoples wanted to start helping show Humans of Good Will to other planets.
        These underground races do come to us in dreams, visions and shamanic journeys. And the Sasquatch, faeries, elves, leprechauns/Minehune, sylphs and giants do occasionally make an appearance on Earth’s surface. They are approachable for those whose hearts are gentle, open, and unafraid.
        In addition to the Inner Earth species who live within the Earth, there are others, the Ceatallions, who live in a handful of cities on the ocean floor. They travel to and from these underwater cities in very fast antigravity vehicles which can move very rapidly through the water with very little resistance, and after surfacing, can fly above the ocean. Navy sonar operators have spotted these USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects) traveling way faster than any nuclear submarine, but are told by their superior officers that “it’s classified”, and to ignore those sonar readings. The USOs that people think are extraterrestrial starcraft going for a dunk in the ocean are, in some cases, the craft of Ceatallions, who live in ocean-floor communities.
        The seabed-dwelling Ceatallions are extremely upset at “Land Dwellers”, as they call Humans, for destroying the ecological balance of the ocean. The warming of the ocean, the changing marine ecology, and the decline of fisheries is having a direct adverse impact on them now.
        These Ceatallions have been trying to relocate to another planet which they had been allowed to visit, which is mostly water. But Star Nations said No. Star Nations has taken exception to the attitude of Ceatallions towards Humans, for at least one segment of the Ceatallions’ governments is very opposed to any contact with us “Land Dwellers”.
        As for the Ceatallions’ current refusal of Human contact, it remains to be seen if those Ceatallions will decide to lift their Land-Dwellers Embargo, and give Humans another chance at communication and contact.
        At a recent briefing, Star Nations told the Ceatallions that they need to actually help Earth, and not just blame Humans for what is wrong.
        The Cabal is aware of the Inner Earthers, and has tried to reach out to a couple of Ceatallion citizens. Star Nations considered such a development a very serious matter, so has very recently placed a high restriction on access. And while in the past at least one Inner Earth group carried Humans of Ego-Orientation [Cabal] on trips into space, Star Nations now sees to it that this Inner Earth group no longer do so. In fact, Star Nations has also imposed limits on where some Inner Earth Peoples can travel in space.
        So, while the Inner Earth Peoples are a more advanced set of Species, even they still have a ways to go in their development.
        This is not an exhaustive compilation of all the Inner Earth Peoples. But Star Nations felt it was time that Humans moved past ignorance, myths, and disinformation and got the straight picture.
        We are not alone.
        We share this Earth with other advanced indigenous intelligent species.


        The Inner Earth Peoples had to come to the understanding that they had to be very careful in their selection process as to which land (surface) humans could socially connect with them. Because of this, Star Nations has not stopped the Inner Earth Peoples from finding other habitable planets.
        Many of the Inner Earth Peoples already have made homes on various planets. These beautiful beings are more peaceful, and have incorporated very strict laws in their establishments to not become like the destructive Humans of today. These Inner Earth Peoples have set their rules so comprehensively that every blade of grass comes under the purview of some protection and rights.
        The Inner Earth Peoples have become actual Master Species in space voyaging. They have taken their technology and have migrated with this technology to certain planets. There they collaborate with many of our Star Visitors. They are better appreciated there than on Earth. Many Star Peoples, who have not reached the technology to travel, as the more evolved ones have, have come to esteem the Inner Earth species and to seek out their compassion.
        And because of their affiliations with the Star Visitors, many Humans ( surface dwellers ) have come to believe that the Inner Earth Peoples are Star Visitors themselves. But they are not. Their home planet is, indeed, Earth.
        It is a marvel to see their beautiful architectural domes, which they have not just here, but on certain planets which they have found and relocated to.
        The Sasquatch live underground, and wear red-orangey suits. They are extremely intelligent. For a while, they had deep upsets with humans, and conflicts had broken out. Their installations are very technologically advanced. Eventually they fled from the violence of the corrupt Humans on the Earth’s's surface, and nowadays only share contact with Humans who can better appreciate them. The Inner Earth Peoples are very selective in the humans they communicate with.
        There is an Inner Earth sea-based race, the Ceatallions, who actually have gills, bluish skin, and, during the earlier childhood development phase, their legs are fused in a dolphin-like tail, only later developing into separate legs. They are not mutants but their own species.
        There is also a race which appear as having very large “wings”, (which may be a very stiff high cape they wear which allows gliding through the air.) These Winged Ones extremely rarely ever appear around Humans. Their rare appearances in the past have given rise to the Thunderbird legends of the Native Americans.
        Then there are the very tall, human-looking Giants. But they are much more advanced than Humans. They have the following traits: 1) they are generally optimistic; 2) they denounce violence in any form; 3) they are very musically inclined; 4) they are extremely creative, 5) they vibrate (energetically) faster than the land dwellers (Humans); 6) they are very generous; 7) they are natural healers; and 8) they are very telepathic, and can reach others of same frequency very easily.
        The Inner Earth Peoples have over millennia slowly begun making underground communities. They only emerge occasionally to help humans they resonate with who need assistance. They are kind and compassionate. But again, they shy quickly away from violence and will have nothing to do with it. They are skilled scholars, and have libraries of information.
        The Inner Earth Peoples hold the position that we should be honored to be called an Earth Human, because even though many Humans have “gone ballistic” and unfocused in their ways, it is a privilege to be Human. We should never shun our Human traits. The Inner Earthers have taught that one day the Human Race will become a beautiful Race, and honored among the Stars. It has already begun.
        This is why the Inner Earth Peoples have to be very selective They already know in advance that it is their responsibility to be selective in any outreach to Humans. Those Humans that have learned their proper life-orientation (to Source/God) will continue onward in development, and will be greatly esteemed. As was already said, it has already started.
        The remaining (sub-)humans on Earth, the ones that have become Oriented-To-Self, and are socially and environmentally irresponsible, are the ones that are being looked upon sadly.Such sub-humans have unfortunately formed another developmental path of Human traits, a very undesirable one. It is so sad.
        So, yes, the Human Species have become split in two. Those that have learned proper orientation, as opposed to those that have never learned nor wanted to learn.
        The Inner Earth Peoples regard this Earth very deeply with love, and want to salvage their home from those humans that are not learning.
        Many of the Inner Earth Peoples have started to walk among us, only to assist those of their 'own kind'. Their natural environments are as such that they believe themselves to be of a different breed than the land (surface) humans, so it is without question that when they walk among the 'land humans', they 'tolerate' us only, and due to their high sensitivities, can only stay above ground for a small duration of time, as the lower frequencies from the Humans tend to overwhelm and disorganize their natural energies.
        They can easily heal long-distance. They hold great compassion.
        The Star Visitors know quite well about Inner Earth Peoples. They actually work alongside each other in many areas.
        The Inner Earth Peoples feel sad that many 'metaphysical' Humans have been able to 'pick up' on their frequencies and then have tended to 'use them' to build grandiose reputations for themselves, actually distorting the true meaning/definition of what the Inner Earthers are really all about. They cannot help what they truly are, but so many Humans who have been marginally psychically gifted have tended to present the Inner Earthers' energies in a total different light than what they actual believe themselves to be.
        These Inner Earthers are very humble beings, and shy from the grandiosities of people who seek to build prestigious lives for themselves on the Inner Earthers' 'essences', which most of the time these 'channellers' or psychics have not correctly analyzed. A lot of 'mal-information' is circulating around, with people mixing in their own ignorances alongside the purity/innocence of these beings.
        The Inner Earth Peoples only reveal themselves in full when no one is 'watching'. The energy waves are so cluttered with Human seekers that they have become more than ever cautious in their affairs.
        Besides the Inner Earth Species noted thus far, there are additional groups of Infra-Terrestrials:
        the Elfin Folk (Elves, Dwarves, Trolls);
        the Wee Folk, (Leprechauns, Minehune, Gnomes);
        the human-like, graceful, attractive Sylphs and Sprites; and,
        the Fairies; except that the fairies are not like Tinkerbell, with wings, but are the gentle floating luminous-energy Orb Folk. The wings in drawings of fairies were our ancestors' attempt to depict floating hovering beings to a simple people who could not otherwise understand how someone could be suspended in the air.
        The Inner Earth Peoples are united by a governance organization called the Inner Earth Council.
        It is hoped that at a date not too far into the future, that the Inner Earth Council will be joined by a representation council for the Permanent-Resident Star Peoples on Earth, by a council for the Humanoids (hybrid clones), and a Human reformed United Nations Organization, or its successor, so that all of the intelligent species peoples inhabiting Earth may come to understand, communicate with, and interact better with each other.

        - Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

        Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor
        President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
        Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA
        To get on my free email mailing list, send one email to:
        To join my on-line, interactive group of Star Seeds and lightworkers, send a subscribing email to:
        • Wow, this is very very interesting. Thanks so much. Now you got me really interested.....
      • Marique, why do you think the U.S government kept it a secret from the public?

    Phew! UFOs aren't a military threat

    That's the reason that it's decided to shut down its UFO hotline - it's not pressure from the little grays after all.

    Professor David Clarke at Sheffield Hallam University says that he received the explanation from the MoD after putting in a Freedom of Information request - only to discover that the MoD is now destroying all UFO reports it receives after 30 days, just so that it doesn't have to respond to such requests in future.

    "Reported sightings...should be answered by a standard letter and, on the advice of Corporate Memory and The National Archives, should be retained for 30 days and then destroyed, largely removing any future FOI liability and negating the need to release future files post 30 November 2009," says the MoD document.

    It seems the MoD was getting a bit tired of being besieged by UFOlogists convinced it was hiding something. Apparently, they're all a bit busy in Iraq at the moment or something.

    "The level of resources devoted to this task is increasing in response to a recent upsurge in reported sightings, diverting staff from more valuable Defence-related activities," says the document.

    Clarke isn't impressed. "If MoD have learned anything from 50 years experience it should be that UFOs will simply not go away," he says on his blog.

    "I suspect that the next time a near-miss incident involving civil or military aircraft occurs, they will be forced to rethink this somewhat short-sighted policy. Only time will tell."
  • Yo, CoMdr * LightSpeed *; you're absolutely right!...
    I may be watching too many episodes of Doctor Who, but I agree that your dire prediction is a distinct possibility.
    Therefore, what action can we take now to change the probable direction humanity is heading (towards another 'stone age')???
  • hahahaha...thats a good one!!!
    How much more STUPID can they be... :)))))
  • This reminds me of a chapter in George Orwell's novel 1984. Were the ministry of truth distorts and destroys all information in order to keep the population under complete totalitarian control.
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