A lot of people in the so-called "Truth" Movement or "Awakening" Movement is branding the entire elites of the world as the "Illuminati". What's worse is that they define the Illuminati as some sort of shadowy, invisible group that controls things behind the scenes. 

This worldview is very much too simplistic. First of all, we all know who the elites are, as they are the Vatican, Bankers, Royal Families, United Nations, CIA, FBI, Corporations, and Governments of this world. 

But second and most of all, Illuminati comes from the Latin Illuminatus, which means "to illuminate", or "enlighten". That's all it means, which is an oxymoron considering that the elites are not trying to illuminate us, but to benign us, and even kill us all. 

WE are the REAL Illuminati. It's all in the practice of becoming one with Allah, so no taking words out of context and demonizing them. Okay? Peace.

Sheikh Allah I  

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  • The United Nations was created by: United States, Britain, France, China, and the Soviet Union (Russia). All five of those nations were/are controlled by the Rothschilds. The Council on Foreign Relations, and Bilderberg, and possibly others, were also involved in the creation of this monster.

    Yes it is a global governmental system, because it governs (controls) on a global level. 

    And yes, we are one world, but there's other ways of communication and global government is not the answer. Because even if it was for democratic purposes (which is not), then it would still fall because it's hard to govern people on a global scale. 

  • I haven't studied much on the United Nations but it's nothing but evil, period. Globalization as become a detriment to humanity, and so it needs to be destroyed, and even if it was "democratic". It needs to fall and we need to not look to government for civilizing ourselves. 

    Does it matter if the "ascended masters" is the boss of the "humanitarian" wing? No. The United Nations in general is bad, and we should never have a global government.

    Sorry, but I don't want a United Nations.

  • We were told they were highly evolved beings before coming to Earth to take on this role - the illuminati.

    But they agreed that when the right time comes, they will join the light side and together bring liberation to the human race.

    Instead they forgot about their truth mission and still hang on to cause havous here on Earth.

    The Divine Creator should had decree to have them remove but instead put them on containment.

    It seems the containment is not working very efficiently.


    And worst of all, after so much havous and killing (million of people) around the world, you still consider them as the trigger of our light path.  Perhaps, to them or the higher force - dying is not real death but suffering is real.  I even read an article saying Lucifer is our truth GOD and not Jesus - what is happening to the light community?  Did they all got mixed up?  I know all were GOD's creation but if you invoke the killing, you are deeming yourself into the karmic cycle.


    PS : If they done so many killings and we were asked by the higher beings to forgive them, then in this case if Piperon will to speak up, then he should NOT be blame for doing this - compared to their mass karmic.  Hahaha!

    May the LOVE be with you always.

    Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Player.

  • This stems from what I've heard and read regarding this group:


    The Illuminati think their bloodlines to be of a purer consciousness than the rest of humanity, and they attempt to "illuminate" themselves with shadowy rituals that expose them to realms beyond the physical.


    They're quite aware of the majority of the spiritual philosophy people on this site subscribe to, and subscribe to their own Luciferian-based spiritual views that involve the aforementioned rituals. This is the reason for their name "Illuminati" because they think themselves to be spiritually illuminated in a world of people they've branded "useless eaters".


    We all indeed have the power to illuminate ourselves and find blissful realms of consciousness far purer than the distorted yet still metaphysical realms the Illuminati has accessed, and I'd imagine they don't enjoy the fact that the rest of the world is becoming awakened to metaphysical secrets they've known about and attempted to keep under wraps.


    Thanks for this thought-provoking post. :)


    Much Love!


    Wes :)

    • Well put Wes, dear friend :)

    • Thanks for taking the time to read this. 

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