Transformational food for thought...
Love, Light & Respect, Ashtar Massive. Please don't misinterpret this post as a sales pitch for Charles Eisenstein's book, nothing could be further from the truth... I just happen to resonate with his work & wanted to pass it forward for those who might be interested in checking it out. I would just add that I've found 'Sacred Economics' & 'The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible' to be incredibly powerful tools for enhancing 'one's' path of Spiritual Navigation & Multidimensional Healing... 'Inward & Outward'. ~InLight555
A New Short Film
Ian MacKenzie
Charles Eisenstein: 2/13/2015 ~Here is a new short film by Ian MacKenzie. It features my voice but it is much more Ian's creation than my own -- an hour or more of footage distilled into a few minutes. It is a "meditation" as Ian calls it, and it strikes a somewhat somber note -- a place I visit sometimes. Like everything I've seen of Ian's, it is really beautifully done in the interplay of word, image, and sound.
There are a couple things in it I want to clarify, since because of the editing they are a little out of context.
First, when I speak of the audacity of repudiating the "story of a life" that was given me, I am saying that it was audacious for my generation, not me personally, because my generation was so deeply immersed in the old story. So total was its reality that to take exception to it seemed nearly crazy. But I am not claiming any special audacity for myself. This is not an attempt at modesty -- I just kind of drifted out of the old story in fits and starts.
The second thing is a phrase I speak in the film: "In order to find our way, we must get lost." Usually when I quote that, I attribute it to Bayo Akomolafe, who himself cites it as an African proverb. That got edited out of this film. So I want to make it clear that I didn't coin that particular gem. It is something that speaks to me deeply though; both for myself and for our civilization, our maps and guidance systems are so conditioned by the old story that they cannot take us anywhere we haven't visited before. We need to let go. We need to get lost.
Deep gratitude to Ian for making this film.