I've posted mandella effects here and I believe it's due to a universe shift by 100,000 s probably millions of people from 'our' original parallel universe and reactions from a lot of members here has been ho hum when this could be used to awaken others who are mired in 3d struggles and mindsets/negativity which causes neg vibes for everyone-no doubt this has happened before but now we have the internet and other tech to see these changes en masse -what a waste-fubar; (scroll down for Monkees)
6 people in Kennedy motorcade-not where I came from-I also saw a version where the tex gov was wearing a 10 gallon hat;
Blue eyed hitler? nope;
narwhals? absolutely nope;
this guys' a bit paranoid but; alt Universe Prime-3 Monkees!!!-8:10-Do you remember 3 or 4 band members? For me it's 4
~There’s no question about it, the Mandella Effect is a beyond intriguing corridor of the Rabbit H@le. Nonetheless, the Monkeys don’t fit into the category. Peter Tork simply wasn’t in the video… but is, undisputedly a member of the band. I’ve actually hung out with Peter a number of times & can assure you he’s a Monkey ;-)
'The Monkees are an American Pop-rock band originally active between 1965 and 1971, with subsequent reunion albums and tours in the decades that followed. They were formed in Los Angeles in 1965 by Bob Rafelson and Bert Schneider for the American television series The Monkees, which aired from 1966 to 1968. The musical acting quartet was composed of Americans Micky Dolenz, Michael Nesmith and Peter Tork and British actor and singer Davy Jones.' ~Wikipedia
I see it as shifting timelines.....we have known we were doing this for a while now. In fact, we have been jumping timelines consciously.....so, yes, I expect changes...that is why I´m not excited or confused..
Imagine, if you will, two lines intersecting as an xy axis. Each of these lines is a separate linear timeline, call them timeline x and timeline y if you wish. Now, when these two timelines intersect that is the timeline synchronicity where timeline x and y do just that, they sync. They are vibrating on the same frequency for an indefinite length of your linear time, ergo you may experience aspects of two separate realities at once, hence why some will swear so and so died way back when or so and so said this or that when the other party swears they did not. You or someone else is perceiving aspects of the merging timeline which can be at varying degrees different than your familiar one.
It is possible that timelines are syncing constantly and you are generally unaware given that these timelines, though moving through the fourth dimension, are moving in a fifth-dimensional direction from one another and since humans cannot currently perceive a fifth dimension directly, their perceived single, linear, continuous timeline will appear to go on uninterrupted. Your vibratory rate, your frequency will determine which timeline you shift to, if you shift at all.
Also, it is not limited to only two timelines synchronizing it can be many at once and the more that sync at once the more "weirdness" you will perceive.´´
-I know this has been going on for awhile, I realized it when mandella came back and became pres-he died in '91 in prison- my point is the reaction now, as things are changing rapidly, is blase' and could be used to discuss -a major topic-and push this into the mainstream to raise awareness with more people-a paradigm shift in mass thinking-hopefully towers peaceful awareness-then there are always aggressors who would try to make a weapon out of this phenomenon
Wonder if that old hippie in the video is smoking a cigarette or pot. Pretty bad video. The guy seems somewhat paranoid to me from a personal basis.
I do have my hunches that the Mandela Effect is from CERN.
In re to the Monkees: Maybe the one guy was sick that day or whatever.
something odd about the supposed alt vids-there in hd for one thing-and I knew most of the monkees songs as a kid -the music has a different sound/signature style-the old guy even said he ran out of his meds-wonder what kind, Thorazine?