There are places in the world, where you can feel the connection with the divine and ‘download’ cosmic intelligence. Where sensitive people dream strange things, after spending the night there.
Such type of places could give you answers to long asked questions and make you feel the truth of reality on a more spiritual level.
There are dozens of spiritual places like this all around the world. However, we want to know what’s the most spiritual. Where is the place with the strongest energy field and connection?
No, it’s not Tibet!
Some might seem surprised, but the place considered as the most spiritual in the world is Rila, Bulgaria.
This mountain range is one of the strongest energy centers of the world. Not accidentally one of the greatest spiritual masters, Beinsa Duno, has chosen to transmit wisdom in Rila.
The area around Rila’s Lakes in particularly has very strong energy. More sensitive people can easily feel it.
If more sensitive people camp in the area they can receive strange dreams. If you are able to lucid dream than lucid dreaming in this area would give you a spectacular experience.
Here are some images of this BEAUTIFUL and serene place:
If you know of any places similar or better please share with us
KRISHNA: Santa Fe (where I live at now) has an interesting healing energy that attracted a lot of native Americans and which led to the Catholic Church moving here in droves for their "piece of the action." I notive that even now Santa Fe attracts a lot of spiritually oriented people.
But overall, I was really impressed with Sedona, Arizona (which is about three hours driving distance from Santa Fe). The "Kachina Woman Rock Vortex" rock formation got rid of a hangover I had, and there was this "silence of thought" feeling that was refreshing. There was actually an aphrodisiac feeling to it. There were also cactus plants growing on top of the formation that were the only types of cactus of its kind, and these cactus can't be found anywhere else according to University of Arizona students that I met there.
The "Bell Rock Vortex" rock formation literally almost knocked me to the ground with its energy. And on approaching the Bell Vortex rock formation, it seem to produce hallucination "trails" that were very similar to such trails produced by psilocybin mushrooms. The local Apache tribes claimed that "the spirit of the Earth flowed through the juniper trees" near this formation, and I noticed there was a real intense "silence of thought" feeling when one walked by the juniper trees.
The "Cathedral Rock Vortex" rock formation produced a "silence of thought" feeling. It was a different kind of intensity compared to the previous two vortexes. The Cathedral Vortex also reportedly attracts a lot of UFOs, along with the Bell Vortex.
Here's a map of Sedona, for those who wish to travel there. The Grand Canyon is 1-2 hours driving distance north of Sedona, and that is quite a sight to see as well.