To be fit to rule as a Sumerian King, he must have 50 orgasms in a row with a priestess in front of the congregation. This is to act out the story of the demi-god Demuzi and his consort, Inanna, the queen of heaven, who promotes all kings through an elaborate love ritual to herself. the term “Anunnaki” actually means “princely offspiring” or “those of divine blood.”
The idea is that "kings" are really gods, and god kings were created when EVE, the true and original goddess, ate from the fruit of the serpent and sired a royal bloodline of kings. We know for certain that Eve slept with her son Cain, and the punishment of the Serpent was really Cain having sustained an injury to his penis. In Druidic Lore and Esoteric Art, the Tree of Knowledge IS the woman, Eve or Lillith, and the fruit of the tree IS the Serpent. The Blue Boar in Druidism is interchangable with the Dragon, and we find Apples are the favorite fruit of the boar. Thus the Blue Boar, (Gannondorf) or Blue Apple of Genesis (From Final Fantasy Crisis Core) are revealing this truth.
Lillith, mother of Demons. Eve, mother of the living. Lemuria, MU, mother of man. THE ONLY LIFE. "All of natures lives are illusion, they do not continue on. Only Man is Life and Life is Everlasting." Lemuria was the Pre Flood Civilization where the Garden of Eden was, along with it's references to Hollow Earth. The forbidden knowledge of good and evil led to the creation of governments and in our modern world, money, and thousands of pages of paperwork. In the Modern age people are always stressed out over the rat race, and everything has to be done in the most complicated manner.
"Sumer (“Land of the ‘Watchers'”), the first true empire and civilization in recorded history (ca 5,000 – 2,000 BCE), was — according to its own mythology — founded by and flourished under the reign of the “Anunnaki” (Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”), who were the Sumerian equivalent of the “Nefilim” (Those Who from Heaven to Earth Fell”), also known as the “Watchers,” whose progeny were the Rephaim."
Note that the 300 Watchers and their leader Semjaza, along with Cain, the first Mason, led to what is now called 360 degrees of FREEMASONRY. There is a theory about Angels that compares them to Angles. Thus the 360 degrees of the Circle are 300% angles or Watchers, fallen angels, and about 60% humans. Most Freemasons never get past the 33rd degree. I suspect the true higher degrees are reserved for these watchers, offspring of fallen angels, and other aliens.
The 50 Orgasms of the BEL (Lord) is the origin of the 50 names of Marduk, and the 50 states of America are their final manifestation. Marduk is the patron deity of Babylon, thus America is Babylon, but it isn't that simple because Jesus said to the Pharisees "YOU will be blamed for all righteous blood shed on the Earth, from ABEL to ZECHARIAH." Since Abel was slain before Babylon even existed, Babylon is the kingdom of Freemasonry, going back to Cain and Lilith. Revelation 18 "The blood of all slain upon the Earth was found within her." The Babylonian Talmud show how non Karaite Jews are really Synagogue of Satan, and Babylon of the Bible. The Rothschilds, Zionists, and Jesuits. America is Judah, the Messianic Kingdom. Zionist West. In the game Tactics Ogre, Duke Judah Ronway, lord of Amorika, kills his own people in Baramus, because they refuse to rebel against their captivity. He disguises his men as enemy soldiers, so he blame and rally public hatred against his enemies.
Hieros Gamos (“Sacred Marriage”): The Multiorgasmic Sumerian King-making Sex Ritual
The king’s capacity for leadership was tested via the Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage) ceremony wherein he sexually re-enacted with the Priestess the role of Dumuzi, the demi-god ruler of Sumer. Without this ceremony, “he was not considered fit to rule.”
Thus, his kingship depended upon his ability to consummate “his marriage with the goddess” not once or twice… but “fifty times.” That’s right: 50 orgasms, one after the other, non-stop.
“…the high priestess, acting in place of The Goddess (Inanna), had sex with the new king to show the Goddess’s people that the Goddess herself accepted him as their caretaker and ruler of the country. Not only did these two have sex fifty times, but the entire congregation had front row seats to these fifty climaxes….”
And while the above-cited quote has it appear that 50 orgasms were required of each, the ancient texts themselves limit this 50-orgasm requirement to the man, alone. Only the King-apparent, in the role of the God Dumuzi, was required to climax 50 times.
Inanna |
Inanna spoke:
“My beloved, the delight of my eyes, met me.
We rejoiced together.
He took his pleasure of me.
He brought me into his house.
He laid me down on the fragrant honey-bed.
My sweet love, lying by my heart, Tongue-playing,
one by one,
My fair Dumuzi did so fifty times.
Now, my sweet love (i.e., Dumuzi) is sated.”
(excerpt from “The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi,” ca 3000 BCE) (emphasis added)
This multiorgasmic interpretation is further validated in the book “Inanna: Queen of Heaven and Earth” (1983, Wolkstein & Kramer) where this passage is indeed understood as Dumuzi “…making love to her ‘fifty times'” (p. 153).
Only after fifty such orgasms is Dumuzi, her male lover (twice described by Inanna as “my sweet love” in the above-excerpted passage), sexually “sated.”
Should any doubt still remain as to the correct interpretation of this “fifty times” passage, another version of this same event was recorded anciently and can be found online at Oxford University’s “Electronic Corpus of Sumerian Literature“:
“When my sweet precious (Inanna), my heart, had lain down too,
Each of them in turn kissing with the tongue, each in turn,
Then my brother (Dumuzi) of the beautiful eyes did it fifty times to her,
Exhaustedly waiting for her, as she trembled underneath him, dumbly silent for him.
My dear precious passed the time with my brother laying his hands on her hips.”
(excerpt from “A Balbale of Inana and Dumuzid,” t.4.08.04, 12-18)
“Inanna’s powers are prodigious. She is capable of making love through the day and night… The marriage of the goddess Inanna to the king was of essential importance to the people of Sumer. It was by this religious ritual that Inanna, Queen of Heaven, would take the earth-king into the “sweetness of her holy loins,” and by her cosmic powers ensure the king’s powers of leadership and fertiliity.
- “Inanna: Queen of Heaven and Earth“, 1983, Wolkstein & Kramer; p. 155 (emphasis added)
Once the King met with Inanna’s (the Priestess’) sexual approval by proving his multiorgasmic capacity, thus evidencing his possession of this unique Rephaim (Anunnaki) trait, then were the following words spoken signifying her acceptance of him as a “fit” and “worthy” King:
“You, the chosen shepherd of the holy shrine,
You, the king, the faithful provider of Uruk,
You, the light of An’s great shrine,
In all ways you are fit:
To hold your head high on the lofty dais,
To sit on the lapis lazuli throne,
To cover your head with the holy crown…
To bind yourself with the garments of kingship,…
In all ways you are fit.
May your heart enjoy long days…
You are the favorite of Ningal. Inanna holds you dear.”
“The Sacred Marriage likely originated in the Sumerian city of Uruk (which was dedicated to the Goddess Inanna) earlier than 3000 B.C. The Sacred Marriage was between the Goddess Inanna and either the high priest (representing the god), or the king (representing the God Dumuzi), and was performed in the temples of various fertility goddesses for nearly two thousand years. The annual symbolic reenactment of this mythical union was a public celebration essential to the well-being of the community, and since it was the occasion of a joyous celebration, it may have involved sexual activity on the part of the worshipers in and around the temple grounds (Lerner 240). The fact that the king of Sumer ritually married a representative of the goddess Inanna once every year helped sustain the power of the priestesses at least for a time (Stephenson 56). Rites similar to the Sacred Marriage also flourished in classical Greece and pre-Christian Rome (Lerner 240).”
I recommend buying and reading "Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge." Coin money was invented in Babylon, Sumeria, and Mesopotamia for the purpose of sacred prostitution. The men would earn Shekels of wheat and spend them on Priestesses "Sacred whores" believing this was necessary to ensure a good harvest throughout the land. It's sort of the opposite of the Mayan version, where virgins are sacrificed on an alter to bring rain. The COIN was named after CAIN. The Cane is a serpent, and the Coin is an Ouroboros snake.
All money is based on prostitution and worship of the queen of Heaven. Catholics worship Mary. Buddhists bow down to Idols, and believe life is inherently evil, and seek oblivion through the non-exsistence of Nirvana. The Samsara of Souls doesn't have to be constant sorrow and suffering, the real goal is to have Reincarnations without bad Karma which leads to suffering. I cannot agree with the Buddha about removing all passion, since it really just fulfills his first law that all is Sorrow and Suffering, and attachment causes suffering. It does, but it also causes Love and Life. Is life worth living completely alone without any attachments?
The Christians believe in remaining dead in an eternal heaven or hell. One can see how the Woman deceived the whole world, NOT the Serpent. The Serpent, in the sense of royal bloodlines, have deceived the world, but the Queen of Heaven and death is highest in Qabalah, Tree of Life. She sits above Kether, the crown, and above all that is considered God. There is no question that Cabala exalts the Goddess above God. The Spirit of God is understood in Genesis "My Spirit will not remain with man forever," GOD is LIFE. When you die, you lose the Spirit of God, and join the Queen. "The seed of the woman will get victory over the seed of the Serpent."
There is a good side to the Serpent: Kundalini, the Holy Spirit, The Shekinah. The "Dove" symbolism of the Holy Spirit, and the Statue of Liberty, are based on Semiramis, who married her son Nimrod. In Wicca, they believe the goddess is eternal, gives birth to the god, marries the god, then recreates the god. It describes reincarnation of the life principle within the void, akasha, or death principle. Nevertheless, the woman is worthless and evil, whereas, God, the Snake Father, is Holy. The Ouroboros is good symbol for the universe, because the universe and/or Multiverse is the Brain of God. Science has confirmed the universe is a brain, galaxies are regions of the brain, and stars are Neurons, the macrocosmic Atoms. More importantly, the body of God, like the Ouroboros snake, is inside of itself. You see, the Serpent is ONLY Evil with regard to Cain and the Royals... Otherwise he is Holy, knowledge and wisdom are holy. Moses lift up the Serpent, and we are to lift up Jesus, who is portrayed in the mystery schools as a wise Serpent. The Serpent symbolizes Eternal Life, and Snake Venom has profound medicinal uses.
I-Ching Hexagram BO, 23, Peeling off, shows how through wars and depopulation the royals destroy people and ages collapse. In all of recorded history up to 1960 there has been over 14,000 Wars! Line 6 shows its subject as a "Giant Fruit that is Uneaten" In other words, we can't get out of BO, Disintegration, until the Forbidden Fruit in the Garden of Eden, becoming like God, becoming God Kings, is UN-EATEN. The "great fruit" symbol is completely out of place. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the process of peeling off, and only exists to make a direct link to the Garden of Eden. 23 is the sacred number of the Discordian religion who worships the Goddess, who in Hexagram 23 is taken for the Villian and considered Evil. 2+3=5 which is the number of the Priest, Heirophant in the Egyptian System, and Tarot. In Numerology, 5 has the letters WEN, or NEW. This shows the link between 23 (5) the priesthood, and ALL ages of Time. The Bible says "When the mystery of God is fulfilled there will be time no longer." The Un-Eaten fruit will bring an end to the wicked ages.
The people must REFUSE to obey their kings, and their leaders. The Royal Bloodline Governments MUST come to an END. The Red Dragon Bloodline includes Obama, Muhammed, King Solomon, Queen Elizabeth, they are related. Presidents are not elected, they are selected. In Exodus chapter 1, the rulers conspired against the people to kill them. The Georgia Guidestones are the Abomination of Desolation standing in the Holy Place. "Let those who are in JUDAH, flee into the mountains" The 7 continents ruled by the Statue of Liberty. America will end as a nation, "Everyone goes back into his own land and their own people." The 50 States will be dismantled, and "The great city will be split into 3 parts." Which is already split into 3 parts: London, Vatican, and Washington DC. The 50 States MUST END, therefore America will be dismantled and its borders changed.
We have a real problem, because Jesus said "None of the law will pass away until all is fulfilled" and Isaiah 14 says, past tense, "Lucifer HAS made the world into a desolate wilderness devoid of cities." In the next verse "Prepare slaughter for his children, they must not be allowed to fill the face of the earth with Cities." These two verses fulfill Georgia Guidestones 1 "Maintain population at 500 million." Let me make it even more clear: Georgia Guidestone 3, Unite the World with a new Living Language is found in Zechariah chapter 3. The command to never build cities is in direct agreement with Lucifer.
You see, Lucifer merely attacks himself, so that he can rise again to power after his supposed fall. The other interpretation is that the children of Lucifer are the White Race, but to slaughter and enslave an entire race for the crimes of its leaders is just a continuation of Luciferianism. Babylon cannot really fall, if human population is being maintained at 500 million. "ASIA went in the ERROR of Babylon" so the second Lucifer will probably be CHINA, and it's army of the FOUR HORSEMEN. This suggests it will mainly be CHINA who invades America. There are already well over 100 secret Chinese cities in America.
The plan of the Bible, is to depopulate the Earth "Unless the days are cut short, no flesh will be saved. Only for the sake of the elect are the days cut short." Jesus said "They will be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the flood took them away. As in the days of Noah so shall the end be. "Woe onto those who join houses together to be alone in the Earth." God can punish their souls in future lifetimes, but the depopulation of the entire world is literally set in stone. The systematic deceptions engineer humanity to be wicked, to justify it's annihilation in the end times. Why do we even have "End times" because the gods want to kill us all and start over again. There will be a great falling away and great war between the people and their governments. This is the war between the sons of darkness and light.
Is there hope? Yes. "Reconcile the fathers and the sons, or else I will smite the world with a curse." The curse is that of Isaiah 24 "Therefore the curse has devoured the whole earth." Isaiah 24 is where "The world is burned and few men left, because they have changed the ordinance, transgressed the laws, and have broken the everlasting covenant." Oneness, as in uniting the fathers and the sons, the people, otherwise WW3 between the Islamic World and the West, between nations and religions. "The day of the LORD is darkness, not light." It will be upon "The arrogant, all who are proud." Who have remained in darkness, but for the elect of God "When you shall see your captivity reversed before your eyes." A door is opened for the church of Philadelphia "brotherly love" which is the internet, and which no one can shut. The fake Jews will worship at our feet!
Alien men and human women, is this what an alien takeover is really like? Kill the men, wed the women? Or would normal men just get phased out naturally?
Heehee oh I hear ya on that
Sorry been busy getting affairs in order here for the move... I miss ya too... Just think some j I'll be able get there heehee love ya sistar...
Oh I am yes attentive loving caring about its so cute he worries bout me getting sleep as I only get two hrs a night maybe my ex never showed any concerns just wants me healthy happy and at home with him... Everything since my childhood has been pointing to me moving over there I've had countless opportunities to do so but I needed the perfect reason for ve got him and countless friends there now I can't wait...
Oh I am yes attentive loving caring about its so cute he worries bout me getting sleep as I only get two hrs a night maybe my ex never showed any concerns just wants me healthy happy and at home with him... Everything since my childhood has been pointing to me moving over there I've had countless opportunities to do so but I needed the perfect reason for ve got him and countless friends there now I can't wait...
Do you think if Annunaki were allowed to come to Earth, normal men would become obsolete? I mean, would all the ladies want the Multiorgasmic Aliens to where men get phased out?
Hmm good question.... I myself prefer a human....I think it would be mixed emotions amongst the rest but in my eyes no being could ever replace a human man. Sexuality is not just about sex but the heart spirit a connection between two.... To where as I would think with certain other beings its cold and calculating maybe look at it as an act for breeding purposes only....
You know, I was just going to ask you if it was possible for a HUMAN to have 50 orgasms, well, I was just talking to an old friend of mine, and he said that one girl he was with has 48! - so I guess it IS possible!
Yes, there were "sacred whores" in the "old days" - that is a carry-over of why they don't want women power positions in the church (whether they realize it or not).
Thanks for you article. Very interesting and informative.
Yes, I believe that China will invade us - but not in the way we think - I think they'll just buy all our stuff up.
Fear comes from ignorance. Light is knowledge and wisdom, achieved through Love.
This post feels like darkness to me.