Michael Tellinger is the author of "Slave Species of god", a book that presents shocking new evidence suggesting that humans were created as a less intelligent species some 250 000 years ago. Since it was first published back in 2006. Michael Tellinger has started a monthly newsletter, where he sends out information of the latest discoveries regarding the topics he talks about in his book.Michael's site here : http://www.slavespecies.com/index.aspBelow is his three part newsletter article report.harvest_moon.jpgFrom: Michael TellingerWHAT really happened on the MOON? Astronauts reveal encounters with ETs and UFOs.PART1/3After reaching the Holy Grail of space exploration, NASA suddenly and unexpectedly stopped all moon missions after Apollo 17. WHY?While most westerners have in some ways been shielded from UFO stories by the major media groups over the past several decades, the people in the USSR have been far more exposed to these ideas. To the average Russian, UFO and alien stories are not strange at all. Russian television dedicated much of its airtime to programmes surrounding sightings and abductions and other interaction with so-called aliens. It is therefore not surprising that there are more recorded sightings of UFOs and aliens in the old USSR (Russia and its new brothers) than any other country. If my memory serves me right, at the height of its TV exposure and popularity there were an average 90,000 reported sightings per annum in the USSR , and consequently discussed on television. It is as a consequence of this openness towards this subject, that in October 2007 the Russians most likely blew the lid off this dungeon of secrecy so closely guarded by NASA.There seems to be some weird agenda and a completely different mindset in the West regarding the existence or proof of other advanced beings in the universe. Many government agencies in the West have done all they can to suppress such information to the best of their ability. Why? The answer is more complex than we would ever imagine.By the 29th October 2007 astronomers have discovered 251 new planets, most of which were discovered between 2005 and 2007. This means that if this rate persists, these planetary discoveries will grow exponentially to several million new planets in the next decade. So, with the help of science and astronomy, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to argue the idea that we are all alone in this universe.The past two decades have seen a number of US and Russian astronauts confess to seeing UFOs and even ETs while in space or on the surface of the moon. While this kind of information should be making headline news, as it holds serious implications for our safety as a species on a planet called Earth, it has been relegated to the "fine print" of global news. Again we need to ask, why?Gordon Cooper was one of USA 's first astronauts. One of the original seven Mercury astronauts, Cooper orbited the Earth for a record 34 hours, which took him on 22 orbits in the spacecraft Faith 7, in May 1963.In his post-NASA career, Cooper became known as an outspoken believer in UFOs and repeatedly claimed that the US government was covering up its knowledge of extraterrestrial activity. In 1985 Gordon Cooper delivered a message to the UN in New York , during a discussion on UFOs and ETs. The speech was based on his own personal experience of UFO sightings in space and the additional testimony of other Mercury, Gemini and Apollo astronauts. The panel was chaired by then UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim. Cooper died on the 4th October 2004 at age 77."I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which are a little more technically advanced than we are on Earth. I feel that we need to have a top level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over the Earth concerning any type of encounter, and to determine how best to interfere with these visitors in a friendly fashion.We may first have to show them that we have learned how to resolve our problems by peaceful means rather than warfare, before we are accepted as fully qualified universal team members. Their acceptance will have tremendous possibilities of advancing our world in all areas. Certainly then it would seem that the UN has a vested interest in handling the subject quickly and properly.I should point out that I am not an experienced UFO professional researcher - I have not as yet had the privilege of flying a UFO nor of meeting the crew of one. However, I do feel that I am somewhat qualified to discuss them, since I have been into the fringes of the vast areas of which they travel. Also, I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes flying in fighter formation, generally from west to east over Europe . They were at a higher altitude than we could reach with our jet fighters....If the U.N. agrees to pursue this project and lend the credibility to it, perhaps many more well qualified people will agree to step forth and provide help and information."This kind of evidence simply highlights the probability that there is a huge cover up to keep such information from the mainstream population. Whatever the reasons for the cover-ups by global powers, which includes the mainstream media, raises some profound questions.And while NASA has always claimed that the findings of lunar and space expeditions have never been held secret, it is curious to note that Dr. Farouk El Baz, one of NASA's foremost scientists admitted, "not every discovery has been announced".Nearly all the astronauts were military officers who were governed by an extremely strict code of conduct which included being silenced under orders. As time erodes their loyalties and their conscience caught up, along with the inevitable ageing process, these space cowboys started spilling the beans.Apollo 14 astronaut E. MITCHELL had this to say:"I'm convinced there's life throughout the universe. It's just a question of how developed. Are they a few thousand years ahead of us? It doesn't take much."The Canadian reports that according to transcripts of the technical debriefing following the Apollo 11 mission, astronauts Armstrong, Collins, and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin told of their encounter with a large cylindrical UFO, even before reaching the moon. Aldrin officially presented his encounters with extraterrestrials on CNN's Larry King Live."The first unusual thing that we saw I guess was one day out or pretty close to the moon. It had a sizable dimension to it". He further said the Apollo crew first thought the object was the Saturn 4 booster rocket (S-IVB) but he added, "We called the ground and were told the S-IVB was 6 000 miles away."Aldrin described the UFO as a cylinder, while Armstrong said it was "really two rings… two connected rings". Collins added, "It was a hollow cylinder. But then you could change the focus on the sextant and it would be replaced by this open-book shape. It was really weird."But even stranger was the experience of Aldrin and Armstrong after they reached the moon. According a story on the 20th July 1969 published in the San Bernardino Sun-Telegram, the astronauts saw eerie lights inside a crater near the point where their lunar module was due to touch down the next day.Armstrong described a mysterious bright light on the inner wall of crater Aristarchus, located north of their flight path on their first sweep around the moon. "It seems to have a slight amount of florescence to it. The area in the crater is quite bright" he remarked. Aldrin confirmed his description, "That area is definitely brighter than anything else I can see. There doesn't appear to be any colour involved in it. It looks like an eerie sight."On The Oprah Winfrey Show on the 19th July 1991, Mitchell hinted that all information regarding UFOs has not been released. "I do believe that there is a lot more known about extraterrestrial investigation than is available to the public right now…and has been for a long time... it's a long, long story. It goes back to World War II when all of that happened, and is highly classified stuff."In 1978 Gordon Cooper wrote a letter to the ambassador of the Mission of Grenada to the United Nations supporting a UN initiative to study UFOs. Cooper stated that astronauts "are very reluctant even to discuss UFOs due to the great numbers of people who have indiscriminately sold fake stories and forged documents, abusing their names and reputations without hesitation. Those few astronauts who have continued to participate in the UFO field have had to do so very cautiously. There are several of us who do believe in UFOs and who have had occasion to see a UFO on the ground, or from an airplane."Cooper had an encounter with a UFO on the ground at Edwards Air Force Base on May 2, 1957. Cooper gave this account of the incident in 1993: "I had a crew that was filming an installation of a precision landing system we were installing out on the dry lake bed, and they were there with stills and movies, and filmed the whole installation and they came running in to tell me that this UFO, a little saucer, had come down right over them, put down three gear, and landed about 50 yards from them, and as they proceeded to go on over to get a closer shot of it, it lifted up, put the gear in, and disappeared in a rapid rate of speed.""And so I had to follow my directions as a military (officer?)... I had to look up the regulations on who I was to call to report this, which I did, and they ordered me to immediately have the film developed, put it in a pouch, and send them by the commanding general's plane to Washington , which I did. And that was the last I've ever heard of the film."No public report regarding this incident has ever been lodged, and although the event was listed in the Project Blue Book index, a full report and clear photos are suspiciously absent.In a 1996 interview Cooper dismissed all conventional explanations for his experience and this is what he had to say. "Well, I figured it was somebody coming from some distant place to visit us."One of the most compelling pieces of evidence was presented by Christopher Kraft, who was Director of the NASA tracking base in Houston during the Apollo moon missions when he revealed the following conversation, but only after he left his employ at NASA. Kraft stated that there was 1.) a public… and 2.) a secret private A.S.A. radio frequency between the moon and Mission Control and that the conversation below took place during a mysterious two minute interruption in public transmissions.Once again the unexpected hand of technology intervened as proof of this conversation, when hundreds of independent civilian radio-ham operators with powerful VHF equipment reported hearing the transmission from the Apollo 11 crew, independently from each other thousands of miles apart on Earth. It is further reported that Soviet radio operators also picked up the conversation and published it in Moscow shortly after the event.ASTRONAUTS NEIL ARMSTRONG and BUZZ ALDRIN speaking from the Moon:"Those are giant things. No, no, no ... this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!"MISSION CONTROL ( HOUSTON ): "What...what...what? What the hell is happening? What's wrong with you?"ASTRONAUTS: "They're here under the surface."MISSION CONTROL: "What's there? Emission interrupted... interference control calling Apollo II."ASTRONAUTS: "We saw some visitors. They were there for awhile, observing the instruments."MISSION CONTROL: "Repeat your last information."ASTRONAUTS: "I say that there were other spaceships. They're lined up on the other side of the crater."MISSION CONTROL: "Repeat...repeat!"ASTRONAUTS: "Let us sound this orbita ..... In 625 to 5... automatic relay connected... My hands are shaking so badly I can't do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything... what then?"MISSION CONTROL: "Have you picked up anything?"ASTRONAUTS: "I didn't have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film."MISSION CONTROL: "Control, control here. Are you on your way? Is the uproar with the UFOs over?ASTRONAUTS: "They've landed there. There they are and they are watching us."MISSION CONTROL: "The mirrors, the mirrors...have you set them up?"ASTRONAUTS: "Yes, they're in the right place. But whoever made those space ships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out."There is an unconfirmed report documented by Steve Omar, that when Buzz Aldrin opened the door after landing on the moon, he immediately saw a transparent ethereal being staring at him from outside. Another mysterious radio message from the moon was broadcast on French public television only once, after which it was censored. That transmission appeared to be a mysterious, but clearly spoken alien language.Famous French historian and author Robbert Charroux published the transmission which has been covered-up and suppressed in the US . It originated from US astronaut Worden who transmitted it to NASA, but expert linguists have been unable to translate the message since. Or have they?The Moon is truly a mysterious satellite trapped in Earth's orbit. Scientists are still at odds about the origins of this heavenly body. Virtually every aspect of the moon is very curious indeed and forces us to examine it in greater detail and with more of an open mind than ever before – when we consider writings by ancient civilisations of planet Earth before it had a moon!My next article will look at more transmitted conversations between astronauts on various Apollo missions; some Moon Facts; and Russian views on all of this. In the meantime here is a fascinating website to explore.http://www.ufoevidence.orgPART 2/3STRANGE MOON FACTSThe mystery of the moon keeps growing.After months of research and digging up information about our mysterious satellite the moon, I am once again reminded how important it is to keep an open mind at all times. Just when I thought I had a pretty good idea about the moon, its history and its relation to Earth, my research and the relentless work of many other nosey scientists dishes up a real feast of information to consume in small, digestible bite-size chunks.The first chairman of NASA's Lunar Exploration Committee, Robert Jastrow, said that "the moon is the Rosetta stone of the planets." Let's hope it allows us to decipher as much of our human history as the Rosetta stone did for Egyptology. And so far, it certainly seem that it can.I urge you to set aside all you ever thought you knew about this planetary satellite and allow yourself to imagine the most bizarre set of possibilities. As I scratch for historic and new information about the moon, I keep discovering such incredible new material that it forces me to reconsider all I thought I knew. There is certainly a lot more to the moon than meets the eye on the first, second and third inspection. So before we carry on with the story of the Astronauts and their experiences on the moon here are some fascinating facts about the moon – just to shake things up a little.This information was compiled by Ronald Regehr; a researcher and scientist in the defence industry and NASA. His main attribute seems to be that he is an out-of-the-box thinker. I extracted and edited some of the more juicy bits of info to tickle your fancy.1. Moon's Age:Is much older than previously expected and maybe even older than the Earth or even the Sun. Earth's age is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old at the most by some scientists – while various moon rocks were dated at 5.3 billion years old. What's more puzzling is that the dust upon which they were resting was at least another billion years older.2. Rock's Origin:The chemical composition of the dust below the rocks differs remarkably from the rocks themselves. This excludes the possibility that the dust resulted from the weathering rocks themselves. Where did the rocks come from? Somewhere else?3. Heavier Elements on Surface:On Earth and the composition of other planets, the heavier elements are normally found in the core while the lighter materials are concentrated at the surface. But not so with the moon. The abundance of refractory elements like titanium in the surface areas is so pronounced, that several geologists proposed that the refractory compounds must have been brought to the moon's surface in great quantity in some unknown way. They are adamant. They don't know how, but there is no other way for this to have happened!4. Water Vapour:On the 7th March 1971, lunar instruments that were positioned on the moon by the astronauts recorded a cloud of water vapour passing across the surface of the moon. The cloud covered an area of about 100 square miles and lasted 14 hours.5. Magnetic Rocks:Moon rocks are magnetised. This is very strange because there is no magnetic field on the moon itself. And it could not have originated from a "lose call" with Earth because such an encounter would have ripped the moon apart.6. No Volcanoes:Some of the moon's craters originated internally, yet there is no indication that the moon was ever hot enough to produce volcanic eruptions.7. Moon Mascons:Mascons are large, dense, circular masses, lying twenty to forty miles beneath the centres of each of the moon's large maria (dried crater-like ocean beds). Some scientists suggest that these are broad, disk-shaped objects, that could even be some kind of artificial constructions. Huge circular disks would not appear perfectly centred beneath each huge mare by coincidence or accident, they claim.8. Seismic Activity:Hundreds of "moonquakes" are recorded each year that cannot be attributed to meteor strikes. In November 1958, Soviet astronomer Nikolay A. Kozyrev of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory photographed a gaseous eruption of the moon near the crater Alphonsus. He also detected a reddish glow that lasted for about an hour. In 1963, astronomers at the Lowell Observatory also saw reddish glows on the crests of ridges in the Aristarchus region.What is really fascinating about these events, is that they were observed to be identical in their activity and they occur precisely and periodically, repeating themselves as the moon moves closer to Earth. These are probably not natural phenomena.9. Hollow Moon:The moon's mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth's mean density is 5.5. What does this mean? In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated, "If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere."Nobel chemist Dr. Harold Urey suggested the moon's reduced density is because of large areas inside the moon where is "simply a cavity."MIT's Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote, "the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon's gravitational field… indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow."In Carl Sagan's work Intelligent Life in the Universe, the famous astronomer stated, "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object."10. Moon Echoes:On the 20th November 1969, the crew of Apollo 12 jettisoned the lunar module ascent stage causing it to crash onto the moon some 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site. This created an artificial moonquake with startling characteristics. The moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour. This phenomenon was intentionally repeated with Apollo 13, when they allowed the third stage to impact the moon. The results were even more startling. Seismic instruments recorded that the reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and travelled to a depth of twenty-five miles. This lead to the conclusion that the moon has an unusually light, or even no core.11. Unusual Metals:The moon's crust is much harder than presumed. The astronauts encountered extreme difficulty when they tried to drill into the maria. The maria is composed primarily ilmenite, which is a mineral containing large amounts of titanium, the same metal used to fabricate the hulls of deep-diving submarines and the skin of the SR-71 "Blackbird". What is even more puzzling, was the discovery of Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 in lunar rocks (elements not found in nature on Earth). And a further surprise was finding rustproof iron particles. What?12. Moon's Origin:Before the moon rocks conclusively disproved all the common theories about the moon's origins, these were some of the theories.The moon was believed to have originated when a chunk of Earth broke off eons ago (who knows from where, if the materials are not the same?).Another theory was that the moon was created from leftover "space dust" remaining after the Earth was created. Analysis of the composition of moon rocks disproved this theory also.Another popular theory is that the moon was somehow "captured" by the Earth's gravitational attraction. But no scientific evidence exists to support this theory. Isaac Asimov stated, "It's too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the moon then having taken up a nearly circular orbit around our Earth, are too small to make such an eventuality credible."13. Weird Orbit:Our moon does not rotate on its axis. We only ever see one side of the moon. There is what is known as the "dark side of the moon" that we have never seen from Earth. It is the only moon in the solar system that has a stationary, near-perfect circular orbit. Stranger still, the moon's centre of mass is about 6000 feet closer to the Earth than its geometric centre (which should cause wobbling), but the moon's bulge is on the far side of the moon, away from the Earth. "Something or someone" had to put the moon in orbit with its precise altitude, course, and speed.14. Moon Diameter:How does one explain the "coincidence" that the moon is just the right distance, coupled with just the right diameter, to completely cover the sun during an eclipse? Again, Isaac Asimov responds, "There is no astronomical reason why the moon and the sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion."15. Spaceship Moon Theory:As outrageous as it may sound, it is quite possible that the moon is a giant, intelligently designed spaceship, with a specific purpose. The facts lead us convincingly to such an insane conclusion. The only theory that is supported by all of the data, is that the moon is a gigantic extraterrestrial craft, brought here eons ago by intelligent beings, and there is no data that seems to contradict this theory.(Thank you Ronald Regehr)PART 3/3Before we continue with this week's article I would like to remind you of one very important principle. Do not be swayed by promoters of mediocrity and narrow minded dogma. There is no doubt that you will meet hordes of them in your own quest for real and credible answers. Especially on the subject of the moon, because it is such an emotional and romantic symbol in most people's minds and carries countless historic links to activities of past civilisations.This does not change the fact that the moon is indeed a very suspicious celestial body, because it does not follow the simple fundamental principles of the universal law of motion as outlined by Einstein in his space time theory.One very important principle that may have been overlooked by Einstein, but highlighted in great detail by the brilliant physicist Nassiem Haramein and several others, is that everything in the universe spins. The "spinning vortex" principle, as seen at the centre of galaxies is now widely accepted as the motion that gives the universe its energy and allows us to explain previouslycumbersome theories about why things happen in a specifically structured way throughout the universe. It seems to be - for now at least - a very good explanation of the mysterious 'dark energy' supposedly created by the dark matter that makes up about 95% of the known universe.In a subatomic world the electrons spin around the nucleus just like the planets spin around the stars. The solar systems spin around the centre of their galaxies, but they also undergo giant spiral spinning motion as the solar system travels through space.In other words, our sun and planets never return to the same place in space, as they hurtle trough space.In a nutshell, everything that makes up the matter in the universe spins. EXCEPT OUR MOON. It is trapped in a near-perfect orbit around our planet with only one side of the moon ever visible to us. This is a phenomenon that is highly suspicious and requires a greater deal of scrutiny without emotional baggage to distract us. Some attempts have been made to convince the public that the moon actually rotates once for every time it orbits Earth, this has been disproved by many astronomers as a case of "bad astronomy". All you have to do is take the binoculars and look at the moon for a few days and you will soon realise that you only ever see the same section. Whether it is in the shade or in the sun.And while great minds are still arguing about the actual origin of the moon and how it got caught up in Earth's gravitational field, we should be exploring beyond the so-called acceptable realms of science to see what we can find. There are planets in distant solar system of our galaxy that have been found not to spin or rotate on their axis. These are however all gaseous planets and not solid bodies. No other solid planets or moons other than our moon have been found, that do not spin.There is so much compelling evidence of visual and even physical contact between astronauts, cosmonauts and ET's, that we can no longer deny it nor ignore it. It is also quite obvious is that NASA and other government bodies which include the UN, have sent very clear signs that they are not prepared to enter this debate in the public domain. This forces us to conclude that they are hiding something and will not reveal such information to the globalpopulation. This is nothing new and should not surprise us at all since this policy has been followed for many decades by seemingly omnipotent governments who have absolutely no interest in spreading knowledge and information.In the next article we will cover numerous testimonies by cosmonauts dealing with ET contact. If you still have not worked out why the moon mission suddenly stopped with no plausible reason after Apollo 17, here is a fascinating article that appeared in the Russian newspaper PRAVDA on the 3rd October 2007. This certainly puts a whole new 'spin' on the moon mission's sudden demise.ALIENS FORCED AMERICANS OUT FROM THE MOON03.10.2007 Source: Pravda.Ru URL:http://www.ufocasebook.com/aliensforced.htmlOne of Russia's central television channels, RTR, has recently aired a documentary about US astronauts who allegedly came across extraterrestrial civilizations. The film showed Russian ufologist Vladimir Azhazha and astronomer Yevgeny Arsyukhin telling that expeditions to the Moon launched within 1969-1972 allegedly came across UFOs.The researchers state that flying objects of extraterrestrial origin were persistently spying on American Apollos. They said the expeditions to the Moon looked very much like a race and presented a film demonstrating a luminous object closely following an American spaceship. Records of communication between astronauts and the Mission Control Center were also included into the film but they were absolutely inaudible as they had been purposefully jammed by Americans. They expected that the expeditions would find something astonishing on the Moon and with the view of keeping their communication with the surface secret they encoded their messages tothe MCC. When the records of communication were later deciphered it turned out that the US missions came across lunar bases, remains of space vehicles and deserted towns on the Moon.The film stated that lunar creatures would not tolerate the presence of Earth dwellers for long. When Americans brought a dummy car to furrow Moon craters, the creatures living on the satellite began to demonstrate their furious protest against the US presence on the Moon. Filmmakers said that green dwellers of the Moon told Americans to go home as they wanted to keep secret the sublunar bases that they used to observe the life on the Earth. It was alleged that NASA was afraid of conflicting with a highly developed civilization and immediately stopped the program. Does the film sound believable?In a couple of days, Americans demonstrated their documentary about the Apollo expeditions, In the Shadow of the Moon, with records of the flights to the Moon that were specially processed after the video archives of the Moon program had disappeared. Is it true that the archives were lost? It seems that the CIA wanted to wipe out tracks of a contact between US astronauts and extraterrestrials.It is an open secret by the way that films demonstrating the landing of American astronauts on the Moon and Neil Armstrong's walk about the lunar surface were lost. What is more, records telling about astronauts' health during the flights to the Moon, information about spaceships and other 700 messages sent from the board of spaceships launched in the framework of the Apollo program are also missing. Before the late 1970s the films had been kept at the US National Archives then were moved to NASA and later disappeared at all. It took NASA officials a year to conduct searches of the films but they managed to find just not more than ten films. Will anyone believe that evidence of US's biggest triumph may so easily disappear fromthe NASA archives?An expertise of the Moon pictures demonstrated in the Russian documentary revealed that they were no ordinary photos but simply some daub. Deputy director of the Comparative Planetology Laboratory Doctor of geological sciences Alexander Bazilevsky says that experts are from time to time requested to conduct an expertise of this type of photos. The Lunar Orbiter stations shot the Moon surface, then developed films right on board the spaceships and telecast them to the surface. As a result of this film development any unexpected things or elements could appear on pictures, and it explains why one of the pictures showed in the documentary had the word 'spire'. In a word, none of the pictures demonstrated in the documentary can be the evidence of aliens' existence on the Moon.This is strange that films with really important evidence can disappear from NASA. Several years ago, over 100 g of lunar soil and meteorites were stolen from the collection of the Johnson Space Center. And that was not the only incident of the kind there. A former NASA official explained that the unique films had been probably lost after they were several times moved from one place to another within the past forty years.The NASA official who requested anonymity also told a really interesting story. When President Bush announced recommencement of the lunar program the National Aeronautics and Space Administration asked aged researchers who had taken part in the Apollo expeditions earlier to meet experts who were going to start a new mission. One of the aged researchers who came to the meeting had designed a device to measure lunar radiation. The device could measure radiation before humans landed the planet and could transmit information even when the Apollos were back to the surface. In the framework of the program heaps of records were collected. But when the program was no longer financed and stopped the bobbins with ciphered films were discarded. But the old engineer took the films and placed them to his basement where they are still being kept. Unfortunately there is noopportunity to decipher the films as a special device able to decode such records was also utilized when the program ended.NASA is going to conduct another mission to the Moon with a spaceship Orion resembling Apollo and stuffed with steroids. It is planned that four astronauts will fly round the Moon in 2018. If the project goes OK a landing module is to land the lunar surface in 2020.Russia's ambitions as concerning Moon exploration are rather modest. A Russian astronaut may land the planet only as a member of a Chinese-Russian expedition. Chinese researchers are working on this project and invite Russia to participate in it as well.From Pranahome with Love

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  • Thanks for the concise information. That explains a lot of things.....
  • Wow what timely and entirely fascinating information. I believe it and thanks so much for this enlightening post....This is a definite home run in my opinion. Thanks Pranahome.
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