The Mystical Traveler

Hello to all my sisters and brothers! I've been reading up on the topic of Mystical Travelers, and those who have chosen to take on this role. I'm very curious about it. Surrendering one's will for the will of God is absolutely magnificent and I do believe the world needs more of these entities. Incase some of you are wondering, a Mystical Traveler surrenders his will to God's will before entering his/her current life or chooses to do so during his/her time on earth. This means that the Mystical Traveler will go where God needs him/her to be, and follow God's will only. There are many bonus' to being a Mystical Traveler; extra strength and gifts will be placed upon the Mystical Traveler to aid him in his missions. However, to become a Mystical Traveler takes years, dedication and you must ask for each has his own free will. Once you request and recieve the position of a Mystical Traveler, it becomes permanent. One thing which must stay in the foremind of Mystical Travelers is that no Mystical Traveler shall think of himself to be smarter or more advanced than another Mystical Traveler, for this is ego.So my question is, does anyone else know anything on this topic?Are there any Mystical Travelers here? Any who are willing to possibly share some of their experience?( though you may not know the title to be a Mystical Traveler, those who are driven to help aid and care for others to the extent where it is a lifestyle are typically Mystical Travelers; examples are such as the Dalai Lama, and Mother Teresa)

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  • We Indigos are meant to be feeling mopey and a bit unfulfilled-- it's what will catalyze the wonderful changes we will bring!
    • that makes sense, but how do we know where to start?
      • We don't. That's what being a "Mystical Traveler" is all about.
        • Yeah, you're right. It makes it so much harder not knowing where to start.
          • Being Mystical Traveler is NOT all about...not knowing where to start. It is not about being in the dark. It is not about living a question mark your whole life. NO.

            Being a Mystical Traveler is about being your authentic self at all times, in all places carrying out the will of the Divine, taking the High Road....despite what the outside world is reflecting back to you. When you do this, you have already started. Mystical Travelers, are seeking to ever be in their authentic self, with honest feelings and true expression.
            • Thanks! I really appreciate you sharing your wisdom with me. I think thats a very beautiful thing. Its quite the accomplishment to maintain that in this world, where so many get caught up in icons; who they should be; what they should say; how they should act. I think that to be able to keep true to yourself in that way at all times is an amazing thing.
  • Hello April, your request seems sincere, so I will answer you here.
    I was told by a deeply spiritual woman in Australia who has since become my best friend, that I am a Mystical Traveler. I didn't know what that was as I have never put 'descriptions' on my life or purpose other than that I 'work for God'. But she handed me a book 'to read about myself', she said with a smile. And I had to admit I felt like I was reading about myself. I have been in a world unto myself, doing only what I felt called to do for the past 30 years which to me is to be one with God.....again.
    Weeks before 9 11, I was told repeatedly by voices in my head that I needed to leave the country. The voice was so persistent, that I had to trust it. And so on 9/2, I sold everything in my cozy duplex on the water, gave my car to my ex, with plans to leave on the 28th. Then 9 11 happened, and I immediately began pounding the pavement trying to get petitions signed to end all wars of men. People were too depressed to care. Very few were inspired. I left for Greece with 2 suitcases 2 weeks later. The trip was a nightmare due to the paranoia of everyone and aggression of military men everwhere, but I collected my soul and spirit and decided to make every step my feet take a holy step, a prayer.... for peace to surround every living thing in my vicinity. I traveled this way for 6 months around the world. I eventually returned to the states. It took every ounce and breath of integrity and will power to stay above breaking down emotionally with the strain of the energies all around me, being an empath didn't help at all....but it made it clear what I was dealing with. I've been healing from that trip since then.
    One day, I received a call from a man who works with Angels, who was to give me a message for someone else. He told me, the message was for me really, that ''every step I take in public places, like airports, is a stabilizing energy for the people around me''.....and I cried. This man was a stranger and did not know about my trip. He was speaking for the Angels, a message for me to comfort my soul. I thought I had been mistaken listening to the voices telling me I must leave the country for the trip was no fun for me. But it turns out God's Angels were telling what I must do, and when, because they knew 9 11 was coming, and the world needed the power of a dedicated mystic's prayers with every step I took around the world for 6 months.
    To be a mystical traveler is an honor, but no fun . The fun or enjoyment is taken in hindsight, when the job is completed and one returns home only when the job is completed. Then the celebrations may begin.
    • That is an absolutely amazing story, thank you for sharing it with me I really appreciate it. That must have been a very hard time, and it must have made you a very strong person. I'm proud of you. The world needs more positivity and people like you. How does one follow that path though? in such a materialistic world where you need money to survive? I've been doing a lot of thinking about this sort of thing. I've felt like somethings missing in my life and I'm not where I need to be. I'm just not sure what it is I am supposed to be doing though and I feel sort of lost.
      • I feel like you I am 50 years old. This is the condition of many many people on Earth, not knowing what to ''do'' or that they're not where they feel they should be....very common.
        As for your comments....yes it was a very hard time since I also had 2 ''minor'' accidents on a moped with others driving and many other things. Did it make me strong? I don't think so. I was strong already, and this trip did not help but made me ''intimidated''? with the physical world in many ways. I do not interact in the outer world much anymore and have no material desires. I survive on savings, and the grace of living in a house with a 'friend' who charges very little rent. My life is purely a spiritual one, and it is not easy because I have the same concerns about purpose as you still. I want my abilities back, of telepathy, teleportation, psych powers etc, which I seem to have had at some point in my soul journey, but not in this lifetime. But soon we all will. The ''work'' we all do that is most important is to be pure of thoughts and heart. Look into "Anastasia" by Vladimir Megre....those books are the most important message of our times, easy and enjoyable to read. I will post an excerpt about the series here...actually I couldn't help but post more than on the link you will find more.....I can tell you that everything they say below is many people are changing their lives.....I know many of them. Anastasia explains why we feel so lost and empty, it is because we live too far from Nature, too far from the Mother......and she explains how to get back and so many feel heartened.....these books will make you feel better for sure:

        "Over 10 million copies sold with no advertisement!

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        The Ringing Cedars Series contains some of the most important revelations to appear in thousands of years of human history—so significant, they are changing the course of our destiny and rocking scientific and religious circles to the core.

        Powerful, myth-shattering messages in these books reveal profound wisdom grounded in ancient knowledge, expose suppressed secrets and hidden historical fact and offer a whole new paradigm for our planet's future.

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        The same phenomenon is occurring with the English editions. During the just completed, three-year English translation process, over 250,000 copies of these books have already sold across the English-speaking world. What makes these books special?

        You can FEEL the mysterious "energy" encoded in her words…

        These messages are coming from Anastasia, a beautiful young woman, discovered by a trader in 1995, living alone, deep in the wild forests of Siberia.

        She is considered to be a surviving member of an ancient Vedic civilization whose extraordinary powers and knowledge FAR EXCEED anything known today.

        What she revealed to this trader turned his world upside down. As a result he abandoned his business, and agreed at her request to write a book that would change the world!

        She told him she would imbue her words with an energy that would cause his books to sell in the millions. Despite his total lack of writing experience this is exactly what has happened!

        Recession? These books show us another way!

        When you read Anastasia—you can feel this energy "opening your heart" and "rearranging your brain cells", and the result for thousands of readers has been a desire to start rearranging their entire lives—and all their priorities!

        We're not kidding! Her mind-blowing revelations will rock your world and have you re-evaluating everything you thought you knew! Many readers say they can't stop reading and re-reading these books, and each time they do, they feel even happier. Listen to these readers' comments…
        • Yeah, I know its a common thing, of course, I just feel like I don't have a spot for me in the materialistic, economical world. Money doesn't mean much to me and it never has. I know I need a job, and a career eventually, but I'm just not drawn to the type of work I would get being an 18 year old highschool grad. I'm not sure where I should be, what I should be doing, and I'm not sure where to start with it all . I completely understand how you feel with being intimidated by the physical world and it's ways. For many years I had vivid, intricate, and very violent dreams; all so real one would assume they are experiencing something which has actually took place, or will take place. They haunted me, and I still remember them as though they are events which I experienced in my physical body, I would even feel the pain, the sensation of being lost, and alone; the feeling of being on my death bed. The dreams don't come much anymore, but they have left a huge scar on my which makes me fear the physical world, because though it was just dreams, I feel as though it is reality for some. Thank you so much for the link, and sharing with me! I really enjoyed it and i am definitely going to take a look into those books! I really appreciate it!

          Love and Peace,
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