The conjecture that marijuana should remain illicit, is no more than the seeking to rob innocent people of the profundity of a spiritual connection to nature. Trace back every thread and they lead to the people profiting from the destruction of the environment through false reliance on resources for which hemp is a superior replacement.
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~Thanks for sharing your insightful words, Louis. We are biophysical extensions of the Gaian-Mind... our relationship to Entheogen's & Plant Teachers, as significant as the air we need to breathe. Unfortunately, the masses have been conditioned to take both for granted... or even worse, to trivialize their significance in our lives. Much Respect to those Awake enough to honor their connection to our Planet, & with it, the willingness to enjoy & learn from the Spiritual Fruit that She bears. ~TemetNosce365
~ L I S T E N ~
“Life lived in the absence of the psychedelic experience that Primordial Shamanism is based on is life trivialized, life denied, life enslaved to the ego.”... “We can begin the restructuring of thought by declaring legitimate what we have denied for so long. Lets us declare Nature to be legitimate. The notion of illegal plants is obnoxious and ridiculous in the first place.”... “Nature is not our enemy, to be raped and conquered. Nature is ourselves, to be cherished and explored.” ~Terence McKenna
Same goes for Magic Mushrooms which directly awakens the soul within. In fact it's proven that cigarettes cause more harm.
GoB, with utmost respect for your views, please permit me to clarify and straighten what you have just stated...You consider that taking a drug will "directly awaken a soul within..." I must disagree with this statement, as the soul is actually more awake than the person through which it expresses itself......The evolutionary technique is to awaken the person to the Soul's influences....That is completed by keeping the MIND, EMOTIONS and BODY, aligned and healthy......Taking drugs may assist some to develop some semblance of psychic prowess, yet it will be spontaneous and not truly balanced in it's development....However, if using such a drug to assist a shaman to locate game, or natural medicines, than of use, under those circumstances, yet this is simply a short-cut process, which has temporary effects only...Evolution is the better way to contact the spirit and is far more balanced than any short-cut method, which allows astral trips and some aetheric vision, partial and not fully under control...
I agree that cigarettes cause bodily harm, as do drugs....Note that the spirit and it's reflection, the soul, require a healthy vehicle through which to express....a TEMPLE......So, we must respect our temple, our body, as much as we can.....Hallucinogens do not awaken the soul....they dull the mind and body, over time...which could cause other problems for the vehicle, the temple...
Truth of the matter is that the soul is mediating, as we are incarnated.......It is focussed on contact and control over it's physical temple, living in the flesh...On the manasic plane, like a "ten-minute" meditation for a soul, and an 80-year life span for the person....
OK. Hold up a minute here Drekx, I have a question. You say that a "brief awakening" induced by one drug or another is a negative thing. Well, what if that is natures intended function for it, and here's why: Someone who is completely closed to the spiritual reality and morality may one day in the regular course of their debaucheries, partake of one drug or another, only instead of reminiscing egoistically, this time their pineal gland is fully activated and they become instantly aware of the spirit. This could be many things to many people. Hearing voices, hallucinations, a sense of energetic "touch", but the point is you find when someone has had an experience like that it effects them very deeply and usually changes them for the better. The point that you are making defeats itself, through that a brief accidental awakening is exactly what is required by so many people as you would know it is impossible to "wake up" all at once. Endless years of debate from both spiritualists and atheists achieves little in such people, so the only real hope they have outside of divine intervention is cracking open the energetic reality protection shell accidentally. I am not saying drugs are jesus christ, I am saying most people who change their ways do so because of a spiritual experience and drugs induce spiritual experiences as a by product of their existence. Your entire argument actually seems more about addiction than whether people should take them at all, which is a completely different issue and any halfway educated person will tell you that as long as a thing is illicit, kids will think it is cool. As long as it is illegal, black markets will exist and as long as we allow people to dictate health science to us, we will have as much control as mice in a laboratory experiment.
So the idea that marijuana is illegal. You know what it sounds like to me? It sounds like the garden of Eden story. If it is actually the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" maybe that is it's true religious symbolism, the reason they want to, from the very earliest age, steer you away from it. Here is the kicker. If they ever catch you with it, they go to extreme lengths to humiliate you, which one could argue is like suddenly realizing your own nudity and being ashamed. My god, that is so evil and only the Devil himself could have dreamed up marijuana illegality. Bigots of the world simply continue the devil's greatest trick in convincing the rest of us that the spiritual reality does not exist, marijuana is not your bridge into it and you should be injected with snake fang radioactive "medicine" if you either develop a spiritual perspective through marijuana, with which they will label you insane. Should you wish to use marijuana as a medicine, not only will you be labelled insane, but unfit for parentage and then they will most certainly murder the sick person through barbaric medicinal practice that bears no resemblance to any form of historical medicine we ever used at any point in history, except maybe witch doctors who also probably cut up fetuses to convince you to ingest, because that's less evil and more scientific than a plant they will tell you is evil and unscientific. #STOPTHESLOWMURDEROFHUMANITYTHROUGHCUTTINGTHEMOFFFROMTHEIRNATURALMEDICINE
Hi louis, very well said, in such few words.
Not much i can add to that, except maybe that people tend to overlook the fact that your body is yours to do with as you please.
Then again, unless these same groups of profiteering people think they own our bodies.
Which is an even more sickly mindset.
peace love light
"Brevity is the soul of wit"
Not to mention medicinal properties for headache seizures anxiety pain and all natural