The Native American Holocaust
One group of people who’s rights and lives were taken, homes burnt, families, millions of adults and children slaughtered. A group of people who’s world was destroyed. The few that remain their voices are not heard, they have long been silenced. These people do not matter to anyone in today’s America, for if they did, things would be different, better for them and for all the rest of us. These people were the victims of genocide, the victims of the Original Holocaust, the Native American Holocaust, where over one hundred million were killed in America and Canada alone...CONTINUE READING
Hi star, thanks for sharing.
I can't do anything about the past, it is gone, though i can do something now and i think the native american indians ways of life were and are very good for creating peace and abundance between us.
They shared freely with each other and did not have ideas of ownership.
It appears they did have their different tribes, though they had no borders or claim to the earth.
So there was definitely no homeless issues, because people just picked land to use and thrived.
In the native lands today, the US corporation has monetized everything, our bodies, the work our bodies do or will do, the dirt under our feet, all of our stuff, etc.
It sickens me to see and experience these conditions, it reminds me of a virus of the mind.
Once people get indoctrinated into these ways, it seems difficult for them to break out of the programming and realize the harm it is doing to all life, mentally and physically.
peace love light