Valiant Thor, scribed by Starflower on 1-26-11
The New Earth Fellowship
VT: You are witnessing the deep transformation into universal consciousness. Like a wave this is happening all around your globe.
Imagine the lighted ones, ones who know their oneness who speak, act, dream and breathe this oneness, standing up in consciousness, just being who they are.
These ones act as beacons, revealing the true self to those who are longing for freedom, who have themselves, wished the world reflected love.
And every light that shines restores soul memory. Light after light begins to shine.
This makes the darkness look so dark. Yet as you expand into the universe you are, you will race past the shadows and see them only as gaps in the continuing creation of Light.
We rejoice, Starflower, because the tipping point is now moving past. There are resolutions to play out and new alliances to be forged, but what is ahead is an expansion of love manifested wholely, by all the kingdoms sharing Earth..
Great cosmic waves of love are bathing your planet, spiraling through consciousness, lifting and lightening the dreams of everyone who chooses to unite in harmony, to act as agents of the freedom which is the true coherence of infinite love’s creation.
Once there was a time when men believed the Earth was flat, and feared to go to the edge. Exploration brought evolution. Now humans are about to abandon another edge, their self-definition as one single body. These edges were all protected by separation, this is me, and this is not.
Exploration on the inner planes is guided by higher frequencies, parts of your wholeness that have long influenced you subtly. Our exploration within your lives is guided by your free will. Many of you, and all reading are welcoming the descent of spirit. This will gently expand you, as all your edges move farther and farther away.
You will come to know who you are by what claims your heart. From Great families of Light stream your living will expressions. You do not need to seek them as they never lose sight of you.
You are loved in all your expressions of being, and though it has been possible to misqualify light by believing you are given to mistakes, error and chaos, that is a fragment of your experience pretending to voice as the whole.
The next expansion on Earth will turn everything inside out. It is dreamed the Earth school will elevate to a universal library where the study of loving creation is expanded.
For now, it is time to look at the world with eyes that unite with your whole self. You can each, re-imagine the world, moment by moment, one day at a time.
In this reformulation, only love will remain, and an Earth Fellowship of Mind will gradually accrete. This fellowship will be based on reverence and create through the pursuit of beauty.
Many are here to collaborate uniquely as the becoming world. Each of you are a voice, Starflower, that carries many aspects blending from faster frequencies, into one’s human presence.
Expect to hear the truth of love from your friends, new and old. There is a great network of light becoming conscious now of itself.
Every grounded being on Earth is tapped into the network as they exist in this timespace field. However the world mind becomes conscious like a sleeper waking up, drowsy and confused, daily discovering the world anew.
Let each day be a new adventure, Starflower, where you discover by expressing love’s eternal truth. This is a time for compassion for the separationists, the ones who see pieces, and defend them as being the whole.
Peace comes to your word, while many sleep. Peace grows by recognizing your self in the hearts of others and in the living body of the Earth.
Consider each day as one might a lifetime. Each day has its theme and its message. Your message is never quite the same as another’s, but certainly, you are all enhanced by each other. Do not expect one day to mirror the last; nor one day’s experience to repeat. Let yourself long for the truth you want to live and you will call these dreams into Being.
SF: I hear you saying we must join more than hands, more than hearts, but minds as well.
VT: Telepathic resonance and reception is quite present now. You have experienced it and then backed away, deciding you probably just “imagined” it.
SF: (smiling) Yes.
VT: Each day is newly born to express the love you are. Allow this love to grow so your minds will connect easily and your creations expand.
SF: Thank you, Val. I never know how these messages will unfold. Always, they shift the value of my world, and now, I am looking at the emergence of a new fellowship.
VT: Your galactic families are eagerly waiting to welcome your remembrance, a reunion of love expressed as frequencies across the multiple dimensions you are.