The New Energy Wave of AcceptanceChannelled through Natalie Glasson- 07/09/09A great gathering is occurring on the inner planes, within the Temple of Mercy, the Great White Lodge of the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Kingdom and all kingdoms and levels of the Creator’s universe. Every soul is uniting now to absorb a source of light that holds love and sacred intentions, they gather to bathe in the loving intention and qualities of the Creator that are descending now through the level of the Creator’s universe. These energies are increasing in speed, volume and vibration with every moment, accelerating the anchoring process of love into the Earth. The energy is building to create a climax or heightened vibration that will manifest on 09/09/09 and continue to integrate with the Earth at an elevated vibration throughout the year coming, until 10/10/10. The energy and intention extending from the Creator’s soul is known as the New Energy Wave of Acceptance, it holds such powerful and essential teachings for humanity as well as qualities to anchor, to aid the development and ascension of all.Stillness is building on the inner planes as all souls take time to sit, appreciate and bathe within the glorious energy of love that is coming forth in abundance. Souls are waiting and increasing their sensitivity to experience the climax of the energy, to then allow it to settle within their entire beings. The stillness is a result of many souls on the inner planes placing their focus within their beings and aligning on a deeper level with the Creator’s soul, their focus, concentration and dedication is so strong that it is manifesting as a powerful and intense energy and source of peace. The energy of stillness and peace is integrating and seeping onto the Earth, encasing the Earth in a devotional energy that builds the stability of the Earth and its humanity as a new alignment occurs. You may imagine a pure white light encapsulating the Earth and seeping into the atmosphere, holding the energy of stillness and the positive intentions of all loving beings on the inner planes. Imagine, sense or acknowledge the light seeping into your being, bringing to you a deeper meditative state, a new level of peace and the powerful intention of devoting your focus to your alignment with the Creator. The energy of stillness rings so loudly across the inner planes and into the Earth, you can ask during meditation or simply throughout your day to connect with the energy of stillness and peace coming forth from the inner planes due to the anchoring of the New Energy Wave of Acceptance. This will increase your focus and concentration immensely and will prepare you for anchoring the new energy wave of love into your being. It will also release any fears concerning anchoring the level of love, manifesting a greater feeling of contentment and balance. Our dedication is to aid our own spiritual alignment with the Creator but it is also to support all on the Earth as the new energies anchor. We are holding the energies of the Earth and the new energy wave so that both can become integrated and exist as one.The inner planes have been emanating the energy of peace since 03/09/09 and will continue to do so until the new energy wave becomes settled within humanity and the Earth. We are not sitting in expectation of the energy anchoring but are taking joy in this period where a greater alignment with and understanding of the Creator can be gained. It is akin to taking a new step towards home, feeling, sensing and acknowledge the energies of home; the Creator’s soul. Allow yourself to take time to enjoy the energies anchoring, as we are on the inner planes, to experience and accept is all that you need to achieve as this will allow your integration.The New Energy Wave of Acceptance is showering onto and over the Earth now, it is like the most sacred and holy energy shower that is submerging the Earth in light and love. As rain falls onto the soil of Mother Earth and seeps into the ground, the New Energy Wave of Acceptance is also flowing deep into the core and soul of Mother Earth achieving a new level of healing and the release of old negative energies, while also nurturing the positive vibrations of the Earth.Imagine for a moment the light of the new energy wave showering over the Earth, lift your heart, soul and arms up to the heavens to embrace and accept this essential and sacred energy anchoring into your being. Imagine or acknowledge that every soul across the Earth is embracing and accepting the love of the Creator, allowing it to manifest within their realities. The Earth is being surrounded and bathed in the love and sacred qualities of the New Energy Wave of Acceptance. As humanity accepts the love of the Creator you can feel that the era of love is beginning to manifest into the actions and reactions of all. As you open your heart and soul to the light of the Creator and allow the continuous shower of love to flow into your being you can feel your alignment with the Creator and the New Energy Wave of Acceptance growing. The New Energy Wave of Acceptance and its qualities of love are anchoring deep into your entire being and love is building within and around you. Permit the light to begin to heal, awaken, guide and support you as you continue to follow your spiritual path on the Earth. Rejoice in the love within you and the thought that all of humanity are awakening and opening up to the love of the Creator. You can sit in meditation and imagine, sense and experience this fully, we will be here to assist you.The New Energy Wave of Acceptance is a new level of love that is anchoring onto the Earth now helping us to understand more about the love of our souls and the Creator, while integrating with new aspects of the Creator’s soul. The three main qualities of the New Energy Wave of Acceptance are unconditional love, acceptance and balance.The quality of unconditional love denotes that we must love ourselves and others free from judgment, negativity or restrictions, emanating love at all times whatever occurs in our realities or whatever intention or energy another emanates to us. Unconditional love teaches us to accept our inner power and the strength of the love that we hold within our souls and heart chakras, allowing us to manifest our power in the most appropriate and caring way. Unconditional love helps us to communicate with others, our soul and the Creator on a new level dissolving all relationship and friendship problems and allowing our communication skills to accelerate and develop. Unconditional love allows us to connect with humanity, our souls and the Creator free from blockages and fears allowing a new form of integration and oneness to manifest. It is important to understand that love is the essence of the Creator and your being; love is needed on the Earth as a foundation for growth. As we allow ourselves to look through the eyes of unconditional love we will break down negativity, judgmental or hateful feelings and thoughts that humanity holds to each other, as well as allowing loving thoughts to replace the un-programmed thoughts that exist and stagnate within the atmosphere of the Earth. Unconditional love allows us to achieve a major healing process for all on the Earth as we focus on sharing and receiving love.The quality of acceptance is to receive the new energies of the Creator’s soul, the divine skills and wisdom within your soul and any changes that may manifest within your reality with an open heart and a great sense of appreciation. It is important when allowing yourself to accept new energies and change in particular that you do not allow yourself to dwell on the past or what may have been as this blocks the new experiences from anchoring into your life. You may need to accept the negative energies within your reality making a conscious effort to convert them into positive energy as well as accepting the love, teachings and will of the Creator. Accepting the will of the Creator is of most important now as it allows you to be in the correct places with divine timing to aid the growth of your soul. When we accept that change is a nature part of our spiritual growth and the Earth’s evolution then we allow ourselves to flow along our paths with greater ease.Through the power of love the New Energy Wave of Acceptance is manifesting and anchoring the Creator’s quality of balance. The energy of balance is a result of the synthesised light of unconditional love and acceptance, but it also stems from the soul within you. Balance is a neutral peaceful state that allows you to exist at a high vibration of light free from extreme emotions of happiness or sadness, it is to exist as your truth and to understand your purpose in your present reality. The quality of balance will naturally harmonise your energies and bring forth a greater sense of clarity while bringing balance to the masculine and feminine energies of your soul. The energy of balance can help you to feel a greater alignment with the Creator and Mother Earth while allowing you to experience a deeper peaceful and serene energy as you meditate. Balance is needed to help us manage any change that occurs ensuring that our alignment with the Creator remains strong and of high vibration.From a balanced existence you are able to detach from unneeded energies placing greater focus on your goals. Detachment is an extension quality from the quality of balance but it is an essential aspect of the New Energy Wave of Acceptance. Now is the time to take control over our energies and to learn when detachment is needed and when we must radiate our energies as a source of support. Detachment is to exist as a being open and receptive to the energies around you but not allowing unneeded energies to distract you from your truth. Detachment teaches you to decipher or connect with all energies and experiences that enter your life understanding whether they are appropriate or not, whether they should be discarded or embraced. Spiritual detachment is to exist as a radiant beacon of love, loving all aspects of the Creator’s soul while also remaining focused on your own goals and mission, ensuring that you are balanced and centred, not allowing the negative energies or opinions of others to influence you. This existence or acceptance of detachment is very different to the normal perceptions of detachment which holds qualities of unfriendliness, coldness, superiority, lack of sympathy or isolation. Detachment when it is needed helps you draw on your own inner power to enact the will of the Creator for your reality on the Earth. Detachment will allow you to focus on the energy of the Creator with greater intensity and to release your attention from areas or energies in your life that are no longer essential.The qualities of detachment and balance have the purpose of increasing your mastery, which is to gain discipline over your being, emotions, habits, thoughts, actions and reactions. It is to programme yourself to always focus on the positive loving energy of the Creator and to discard all thoughts of worry, fear or doubt, placing your faith and trust in the Creator. Through mastery you dissolve false beliefs to accept the truth of your beings while also progressing to accept a consciousness of an ascended master. Mastery is an aspect of ascension and allows you to access new levels of wisdom from the inner planes. The New Energy Wave of Acceptance holds the purpose of assisting you in achieving discipline and control over your own spiritual healing and releasing processes, understanding when healing is needed and which energies to invoke. Detachment and balance are an aspect of healing because you are releasing all energies to allow yourself to exist as positive loving qualities.The new energy wave of love is anchoring many new challenges into our realities as well as much focus and inspiration, it is vitally important over the next few days to sit within the energy of the New Energy Wave of Acceptance and to experience the new level of love. Think or contemplate the qualities of the new energy wave, as you do so allow or ask the New Energy Wave of Acceptance to bring forth any guidance or enlightenment to aid your understanding, anchoring and expression of the new energy wave. Remind yourself always of the qualities of the new energy wave and allow yourself to begin integrating them into your actions, reactions, thoughts and emotions. I wish for you to focus on accepting the light of the new energy wave into your being, know that it holds the energy of abundance from the 08/08/08 energy wave and so will amplify the light that you hold and the thoughts that you create. Ensure your thoughts are always focused on love so that you may manifest the New Energy Wave of Acceptance as a positive tool within your spiritual growth process.It is time to sit and accept the love of the Creator, opening your heart and soul to the Creator’s love.On 09/09/09 as the energies anchor and climax, I ask that you take time in meditation to connect with the energies and to experience them surging through your being.‘I invoke my beloved guides and all loving beings of light on the inner planes to assist me in creating a divine alignment with the high vibrations of the New Energy Wave of Acceptance. Help me to anchor into my body, soul, aura, emotions and mind a higher vibration of light than I have currently experience that it most appropriate for me. Help me now to gain complete integration with the New Energy Wave of Acceptance, while understanding with clarity the qualities of the loving energies, comprehending how they influence my growth on the Earth.I am open, receptive and ready to accept the light and love of the Creator,I am absolute unconditional love and share unconditional love will all,I am balance, peace and harmony, I now detach with ease from all unneeded energies guided by my soul and the Creator, I am ready to accept complete healing, to exist as love and to accelerate with ease along my spiritual path.I am the positive New Energy Wave of Acceptance in manifestation on the Earth. Let it be.’Allow yourself to sit and accept the energies of the new energy wave before, during and after the climax of the New Energy Wave of Acceptance. This energy wave will be in manifestation on the Earth until 10/10/10.We are here for you now, to support and love you,Archangel MichaelandAll aspects of the Creator’s soul.Best wishes and blessings, NatalieThree New Meditation to assist you connect with the New Energy Wave of Acceptance can be downloaded from the London 05/09/09 WorkshopThe New Phase for Ascension with Natalie GlassonCleansing Light Bath Meditation with Lady Portia, Lady Nada, Lady Mary and Lady Quan Yin09/09/09 Consciousness Crystal with Lord BuddhaAnchoring the Energy Wave of 09/09/09 with Lord Melchizedek and Lady Serene

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