

Dear friends,

Here is some truthful coverage of events in Ukraine.....Which starkly contrasts with the mindless rubbish being presented in mainstream western outlets..


The US admin and EU cannot have it all their own way.....The truth is the truth...Ukraine has been hijacked by murderers, plutocrats, euro-dreamers, nazis and extremists..


Note that these truths have been distorted by western countries and especially the US administration...



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  • Hi Drekx,

    Our fake central bank co-opted governments are irritating beyond believe while the USSA media spoon feeds the masses propaganda and pap( Barbie Doll's 55th anniversary and news of Justin Bieber) Liked seeing Paul Joseph Watson in one of your linked RT Videos.

    How many sheeple are aware of 5 billion dollars used to destabilize the Ukraine by the Oslumo administration;  Oslumo  states merely one billion in "aid" to the Ukraine??  Meanwhile the sheeple consumed 5.5 billion in GMO fast food within the year--Mc Donalds the leader !

    Who will swallow this new cold war being promoting to bolster the faltering, mass murdering "war on terror" ??

    Oslumo just took another swimming vacation in Florida to celebrate the new cold war and vice president "hair transplant" visited Mickey Mouse" in Orlando. Time to bring this administration to justice.

    Peaceful wishes..

  • Tanks but no Tanks, Mr Obarmy......!! Keep your Russophobe propaganda, we don't need it...


  • So the European Union has blundered into supporting the pusche government of Ukraine, financially....Of course, at a time of euro-austerity, the worst time for the EU to pump money, into what is becoming a basket case economy, centred in Kiev...

    LET US HEAR WHAT REAL EUROPEAN PEOPLE THINK ABOUT THIS...Those not hidden in ivory towers like MEPs and eurocrats...

    • EU have had the intention of backing Ukraine financially ever since they decided they wanted them in EU in the first place. It's just how the game is played.

      • Well, the game is corrupt and in need of a re-design...

  • There's no reason to go get all emotional about this, Mr. Goldenmind. ;)

    The world of powerful minds needs to be cool headed right now, and your great warnings and shaite doesn't help things here. If I have to bind all your energies to stop WW3 I will, and you can take those words to the bank.

  • I don't believe a word of it.

    Besides, using RT as source is probably a bad thing since their credibility is gone now, since 2 of their reporters have quit on live transmission due to the channels problems with telling the truth.

    RT has expired as a news-channel I'm afraid and joined the FOX-family of lies instead.

  • Well Avatar, fear is a choice....When I present truths, the intention is to illuminate, not cause fear...If you find truth upsetting, or fearful, that is your freewill choice, as to how you handle it...

    When I learn hidden truths behind global events I become wiser, not fearful, as you have admitted to being.

  • That is a loving message, dear sister Veruschka......You are most welcome and loved here, always... Drekxy

  • My main objective is to get this message out, globally...If being on the number one spotlight helps said process, than so much the better..... ;-) All I suggested to Geon is that he has the right to post his own rival blogs and discussions, here.....Nobody stops him, least of all me...If he has a complaint about my methods, then he can present rival forums that eclipse mine (lol) if he wants... Well, it's up to him, so don't know why you are behaving like his mom...

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