The Next Paradigm Shift


People who are already walking in the light and love of God have as much togain from this web page as anyone else because this site uncovers thestrong delusion that has been at work on us as a species for at least18,000 years. Our history is complex and so too is the tangled web ofdeception that has been so patiently woven in hopes of enslaving thisplanet by putting power in the hands of a malevolent few who have alwaysbeen the benefactors of human labor either by way of laws that demandofferings or by way of taxation. In all cases those with money corruptthose with position making human governance a dicey proposition at best.

First I want you to know what compels me to warn you of this age and thetrials soon to unfold as it draws to a close paving the way for a futurefar superior to anything we have ever known in recorded history. I dothis because I received the Holy Spirit (kundalini) on Jan the 31st ofthis year, two weeks later I began to resolve all of physics as my mindbegan to absorb the information distributed in the aether and recordedin human DNA. As I set out to write a book answering the questions thatpuzzle scientists and curious minds in general I realized that the Bibleitself is a work of physics, cosmology and consciousness.

My book will be fully annotated to support the physics presented here, this website will not be. I leave it to the reader to look up key terms toverify the physics I speak of. As for esoteric sources that makespecific predictions about the future and the metaphysical concepts ofexpanded human capacities, those I will link to evidence so the readercan know that I do not make these things up in a vacuum of an overactiveimagination.

Let the evidence be your guide, follow the links with the true brass to dare yourself to look at the basis for everysingle concept I will present below. Ground yourself in confidence thatwhatever is true with regard to the so called paranormal topics or the"evil" conspiracies mentioned below your safety is secured. All darkplots to cheat, harm or control us fall apart in the light of humanawareness, this is why I am telling you about them now. Only in yourawakened mind can the enemies of your freedom be fully put down.

Those of us who have felt the Holy Spirit (aka kundalini) enter in our bodiesand minds know we are never the same again. Our bodies andconsciousness evolve to perform at levels before unknown to us and amongmankind in ways very rarely ever known. In the condition of heightenedenergy and focused attention we are able to defy the laws of physics toperform so called miracles or magic. In reality there is no such thingas a miracle or magic, there is only the proper use of consciousness.Those of us who realize the connection between mind and matter commandthe forces of nature in initially small but ever growing levels ofmastery.

The greater our focused attention on raising our internal energy frequency the greater our mastery over the forces of naturewhich we were made to subdue. Nothing can be restrained from a fullyenlightened being connected to universal awareness which is universallove. Sounds nuts to some but do not judge until you follow along withthe evidence to the end. To those who already believe I sound perfectlyrational already. For those who do not yet believe you have nothing tolose by hearing me out and everything to gain if you are persuaded bythe evidence so why not take the chance at activating the God givenpowers within you?

I've learned that the Bible has meaning that is layered and redundant because physics are the same at all scales,sub-quantum, quantum, atomic, molecular, biologic (organic andinorganic), cosmological and universal. The microcosm and the macrocosmare a reflection of one another, what some would call the face of Godmirrored back lovingly back at self as when Narcissist (matter) wascreated to stare lovingly into the reflection of love on the dark watersof the deep (the Dirac sea of anti-matter).

Every scale mirrors the one before and after it as if positioned between mirrors. Ina mirror things are reversed, in physics matter and anti-matter havereverse properties. Matter (electron and proton) is one part positiveand one part negative ion monopoles, each emits light in exchange forharmonic phonon absorption. Anti-matter is one part positive and onepart negative and emits harmonic frequencies in exchange for lightabsorption.

The serpent of the Bible is in reality the subtle transverse wave of phonon magnetic fields (photon magnetic fieldsare far more excited and energetic and as such hotter) which are colddark matter with cool energy (1,000 degrees Kelvin at most), themediators of darkness and our contracted awareness of reality. Phononsemit radio frequencies that sound like a white noise hiss, that is whythe etymology of the serpent in Hebrew is "hisser." Snakes move intransverse waves as well. It is clear that the story of creation is inreality the story of the physics of creation and and explanation of thecauses of human conditions experienced on Earth as result of dark matterimposed intellectual and spiritual blindness. In and of themselvesphonons are essential for creation to have contrast and form and as suchno evil really exists. It is merely our ability to imagine evil thatimposes evil conditions where none otherwise would exists, our mindshave that kind of creative power!!!

We are leaving dark matter/dark energy space now. NASA presumes new measurements that show astartling absence of dark matter and dark energy indicates that earlierstudies indicating their presence were in error. No error was made, itis simply true that we are entering a region of the cosmos that hashigher resonant energies so as to cause phonons (black body radiation)to increase in harmonic frequency amplitude such that more matter emitslight rather than absorbs it. Indeed all the bodies of our solar systemreflect more light than they absorb now, even Pluto is bright andreflective as far from the Sun as it is [1]

The universe we perceive is in every way a holographic projection that isprogrammed and operated by information distributed in the aether, adiamond crystal lattice with the properties of a liquid crystalsuper-fluid. The aether is a sea of electromagnetic forces physicistsproperly model in terms of fluid dynamics. Indeed the information in theaether's electrical grid provides the reference energy longitudinalwave of information that is crossed at angles by other longitudinalwaves making pixel points for our observation and experience of a 3-Denvironment (think holodeck on Star Trek). Our DNA is a holographicgrating device as well (per Peter Mecer et al [CAYSE conference: DNAWave Bio-computer]), The interference beam propagated by our DNAentangles with aether environment source information beams to cause ourown 3-D manifestation within this 3-D universe, the interplay setting upconditions unique to each of us yet shared.

Scientists reading the above understand I have just described the mechanics of quantumholography (quantum entanglements and the necessary quantum computingfor a construct as complex and sophisticated as our universe) andidentified the aether supercomputer that operates the hologram of spaceand its analog DNA that operates the hologram of self, the bio-machine.The source of these two machines is universal mind which designed andprogrammed all with constructive information. I contend that we allshare in universal mind as both creator and created orders of reality,we are our own reflection and our own programmers, at least that is whatif feels like once you connect to universal mind. I offer that such asensation of having always existed may merely be the result of lookingat reality through the eyes of a being far more ancient than ourselves.In any case we are easily equal to our creator(s) in every way just asJesus taught (John 10:32 where he quoted Psalms 82), equal inintelligence and power, or at least we will be when fully conscious andout from under the influence of darkness.

Now that I have direct awareness of universal mind I can assure you we can have awareness ofboth pre and post wave conditions. We can enter the singularity of onemind with no thought and leave it again for the multiplicity of complexwave forms with many orders of reality and complex experiences. Creationseems technologically artificial to us when we peer at its cogwheels,programming and functions because all of it is identical to modernelectronics if only we were sucesful in quantum computing.

We are cybernetic devices, carbon based quantum computing housings created forthe purpose of conscious experiences for universal mind within aholographic "reality." We are at play in the fields of Prime Creator asco-creators in our own and shared realities and as such masters of thiscreation and authors of our own experiences yet interdependent on oneanother in the collective mind of shared reality. The beauty ofautomation is free will and independence, the beauty of a collectiveexperience is interdependence and the glorious experience of assistingone another to our higher selves once we have realized who and what wereally are, above the housing and programming that merely maintained usuntil this time of our awakening.

We have always had the ability to alter the conditions of our lives through thoughts as well asactions. We are able to manipulate what is in our "world," the people,places and things in our lives with our intentions and expectations. Ourminds are powerful energy transforming machines in that ourexpectations and beliefs, whether for good or ill, prosperity orpoverty, success or failure, whatever it is that we expect or believe isour lot in life that is what manifests for us to experience, always hasbeen.

Simple experience will confirm the relationship between intention, expectation, belief and experienced conditions. Negativepeople tend toward unhappy conditions of want, want of safety, want ofbetter health, want of more money, want of more love, want of a betterjob/boss, want of a better home, etc... Some are content with thecondition of want because they expect it. Some are content to complainabout the conditions of their lives but take no affirmative action tochange their conditions, expectations, beliefs or intentions. The ideaof helplessness is a kind of insanity in that one must deny thepossibility of control in spite of the obvious correlation betweenexpectation, belief and experience.

This is not to say that we invite our own suffering, we are subject to the will of other beings aspowerful as we, some far more so because they have existed longer andare far more experienced in the use of mind over matter. We are made tohave mastery over physics for the creation of any condition we canimagine to enjoy, we already possess mind over matter control overcreation in the absolute, we just have not recognized this truth up torecent years. If conditions arise that you do not like then do notaccept them as unavoidable or out of your control, endeavor to focus onwhat conditions would please you more and make those manifest throughpositive expectation and actions consistent with the end vision of yourdesired state or condition, it is that simple.

Deep in your mind you know personal power is true, you know positive people have happyconditions, negative people have unhappy conditions. Positive ornegative are functions of awareness, those who know their attitudesaffect outcomes remain positive, those who have yet to see the truthexperience often times seemingly random and often unhappy conditionsover and over again failing to take power over the conditions of theirlives through active mental intervention by way of an attitudeadjustments in expectations and beliefs.


The physical universe is constructed of the substance of light and thesubstance of dark but before light (photons) and dark (phonon) wereformed the substance-less One existed as consciousness alone. Neitherformed nor material, consciousness WAS without motion.Motion was born when consciousness changed its condition of stillness.Since the thought that interrupted the eternal peace of the universalOne substance and form were born. The first order of matter is plasmaions which comprise the four constituent materials of atomic nuclei(electron, proton, positron, anti-proton).

Motion is the cause of all matter which was preceded by a single disruptive thought thatdisturbed eternal peace forever afterward. Motion has varying degrees ofexcitement or amplitudes that vibrates the once still aether causingfriction that we can measure as thermal (heat) energy. In the absence ofmotion the Prime source of all that is was absent of energy output ofany kind and as such at absolute zero. Since magnetic force is strongestwhere thermal energy is lowest it is safe to say that the potentialenergy of the singularity was immense! Since a diamond crystal offerszero resistance (impedance) any vibration in it would permeate all of itin endless motion. The universe now has a great range of thermalconditions ranging from just a little less than 3 degress Kelvin tomillions of Kelvins in energy output.


The Hebrew alef, our a, is more than a mere metaphor for the beginning ofthe universe. The beginning of all that we know was a concussive forcethat tried to go inward on the singularity of original Prime self. Theeternal One had an intention that caused an event that had the sameeffect in the super-solid aether of the universe as it does in ourthroats when we speak any sound that begins with a glottal stop (a, e,i, o, and consonants sounded with voice box closed at the front of thesound, open at the back of the sound). The birth of concussion in thestillness of Universal consciousness was the birth of the Father God andSon of God called the beginning Light and concomitant Word in theBible, these are but metaphors of the physics of creation. Photons andphonons are the physical carriers of light and sound, they are thebuilding blocks of all matter.

Because it is not possible to go inward on a singularity the energy exerted to do so could only build andbuild until it ricocheted away from center which forced the expansionof the singularity which created space. The frequency at which thericochet reverberates is the dimension we call time though the idea oftime is an observer dependant experience with no real physical propertyor dimension. Time is observer dependant because the speed of the energyof motion in the universe is vastly different from scale to scale andseems to change with relative motion. If we could not see things movefast or slow as compared to our positions we would not have an awarenessof time dilation or contraction, each is merely an artifact of oursenses and not a real quality of the universe.

Consciousness changed in the advent of creation. The One that became many beganmultiplying against a condition that has no boundaries becausemotionlessness has no need or knowledge of physical limits. There is nosuch thing as physical matter in absolute stillness, stillness wouldmean the annihilation of space, matter and time but not consciousness.The eternal One is limitless, timeless and without form, it is nothingbut awareness itself with nothing more but a single dimension of emotionwhich is love. When love went inward it did so because alone was notgratifying and love alone has no object to love it back. The desire forreflection of self added love to love and the universe was born in aflash of light, the substance of positive love energy.

Each of us is a new love born in the intention of love for the purpose of knowing,sending and receiving love, the Holy Trinity of creation. Materialexistence is born of the Prime Creator in Its own awareness orknowledgeable thought on the want or wonder of the condition of more.The want of more created the condition of suffering in consciousnesswhere only serenity and joy had existed before.

Contrast by way of the reflection of awareness on more awareness caused something magicalto happen, the self of the Prime Creator became self-aware, sentient.Because there is nothing but eternity as first condition of the PrimeUniversal One, the alpha, the alef, the first cause of materialexistence could exist and exist forever. This means that our verysentience is proof we are eternal beings already. We do not earn areward we do not give ourselves. In John 10:34 Jesus quoted Psalm 82:6wherein we are taught that we human beings are Gods made of God stuff(substance with motion, formed) with the very consciousness and powersof God

The rise to sentience is the goal of all living things from photon to phonon. Yes, matter knows it exists but not all matter isself aware. Matter only knows the desire for more, the condition ofwant. Matter will either join with other matter to know the condition ofmore or it may replicate to know the condition of more. Our life cycle,all life cycles make use of both schemes for knowing the condition ofmore by resolving the condition of want through bonding and/orreplication.

At the beginning of time consciousness moved from awareness to self awareness. Beings born of the subdivision of the Oneare lesser than the One and as such are less aware of all things in theuniverse than the One is. The selfless condition that existed beforecreation was not sentient consciousness and as such could not know italready knew the fullness of all things and so was capable of aseemingly irrational thought on the idea of more. How can the idea ofmore occur to all to the One that is all things and nothing at the sametime? The seemingly laughable paradoxical thought, even if regretted orregrettable touched off the cascade of a runaway effect that cannot beretracted. Absolute stillness in the universe is now the impossiblecondition whereas before it was the only condition of existence. Onlyminds can go still now, matter must remain in motion to exist.

Owing to the laws of attraction that drive matter to bond matter like plasmaions and even people always find like kind constituents to collect, bondand flow with. The attraction of love to love, self to self, kind tokind causes the condition of current flow in the universe. The Biblecalls electrical current in the aether the Holy Spirit, in reality theHoly Spirit is electricity and we model its physical properties in termsof fluid dynamics.

Light and sound are the substance and form of all things. Electrical wave fronts cross harmonic wave fronts andinterfere or entangle with one another (sine and cosine wave forms).Electrical current is either in the positive (northward-upwarddirection) or negative (in the downward or southward direction),harmonic frequency is in either the left handed or right handed spindirections. We call harmonic frequency magnetism in the sciences whichonly serves to cloud the poetic reality and the true power contained inharmonic energy (anti-gravity, alchemy & free energy are allrealized under harmonic scientific experiments [think microwaves andacoustics]).

The interference of sound upon light is cause for the fractal patterns in the construction of matter. Light and sound arealways linearly crossing one another but owing to torque on one anothermatter builds in both Euclidean and Pythagorean geometries. In order tohave an unbroken line evolve in otherwise fractal space specialshielding conditions must be met by way of allowing spheres to form.Nature allows for non-linear buildup of matter into spheres by merginglayers of like plasma through acoustical (magnetic) attraction.

Plasma always has an inverse partner that has opposite charge and magnetichandedness in order to be coherent in nature thus plasma bubbles arealways in the form of a double layer either positive with either left orright spin or negative with left or right spin on the outside with theinverse property on the inside boundary. The beauty of a double layer isthat materials inside such a bubble is 100% shielded from conditionsoutside the bubble. Outside a plasma bubble the forces of nature crosseach other and cause symmetry breaking fractals to form. Inside a plasmabubble symmetry breaking forces are not felt and as such linearconstructs such as DNA may form unmolested by the symmetry breakingforces of nature outside.

Owing to electrical stress there is an upper limit as to how fast an object can grow and an upper limit on howfast an object can vibrate before it explodes its outer layer. Evolutionrequires adaptation of both conscious and material existence. Livingtissue frozen to quickly to adapt to the expansion of water moleculeswill explode its cellular walls. Inverse to freezing is exciting/heatingmatter too quickly for it to adapt. In heat destruction the matter thatonce comprised an entity explodes after breaching an electricalthreshold too great for the body's surface area to accommodate.

In exploding outward matter can spread so far from center such that itsconstituent ions become equalized in space, we call this condition freeion plasma. Thus plasma is the first order of matter and the final stateof matter that both begins and ends in conscious life in the universe.The beginning condition and the end condition of existence are thusidentical to one another. To say "I am the alpha and omega" is really tosay matter the same in the beginning as in the end of material life.The universe started in a concussive explosion that resulted in ionformation of the two photon and two phonon producing types. Matter tendstoward ending up as it begins, explosion and renewal, assemblage anddisassembly so that what is old can be made new again.

Taking the physics back to the principles of the Bible for a moment, the readermust understand that human emotions are mediated by electromagneticforces. Indeed emotions can be measured on our skin by way of changes inelectrical conductance that correspond to changes in emotional states.Positive and negative emotions are in reality electrical polarity withinour body translated by your mind/spirit. How good or bad you feel is afunction of what energy you are channeling in your body and mind. Youhave absolute control over what feelings you wish to express. Positivewell being or negative illness, it is all yours to choose. The way tocontrol your spiritual/emotional expression is to control your thoughtsand feelings. Fear is born of ignorance, it is a consequence ofbelieving that you are a victim of anything outside yourself. Fear anddoubt are causes of illness. Conversely faith and confidence are causefor vibrant health and happy conditions.

There is no power greater than your own, there are only powers equal to your own. If you do notyet know your own power than you believe in powerlessness but this isjust a perception. As long as you hold this misperception you can betaken advantage of. Until you are strong in your own vision of who andwhat you REALLY are you need help from those mature in the spirit. Youhave help all around you, evoke it daily. You are never alone and farfrom helpless.

Your mind is NOT a private place, never has been. This is good in terms of forming empathy but bad in terms of beingplayed by crafty beings with no care for your well being. Many use youfor selfish gain but there are others who care for your success and waitin joyful anticipation for your awakening. In this current age praydaily that you not be confused or fooled by misinformation and lies. TheInternet is full of truth and lies but even the lies reveal hiddentruth. It is as if the liars are bound by some kind of code ofdisclosure. It is my aim to help you cut through the maze somewhat, I amstill very limited myself however. Do not follow me, just hear me andthen find your gut reality and follow that.

When like energy frequencies combine with like they strengthen one another, potentiateone another and increase in field strength, this is the way to yourstrength. The emotion love is a positively charged and attractivecondition with higher energy and is a consequence of the substance wecall light/photon. Darkness/phonons have mirror properties oflight/photons in that they are negatively charged, these are cause forunloving emotions that engender competition, strife, hate and otherundesirable emotions. We are told the forces of negativity and/or evilare weaker than the inverse, indeed the physics bear this out. Positivespace is more resistive to insult. Space craft that approach Earth fromabove the equator where our positive pole dominates cannot reachapproach speeds as high as craft approaching the planet from below theequator. An excited magnetic field is a more resistive and protectiveone so stay positive for spiritual empowerment. Negative people aremagnetically-harmonically weak and far more easily penetrated byboundary violations.

The forces of light are far more powerful than the forces of darkness and as such darkness has no hold over youand you have no reason to fear anyone with an evil intentions. There isno evil power so great you cannot destroy it in the light of love. Knowthis, since light has such greater range it can cancel out darkness andstill have plenty of force left over. In addition, a phonon can bemodulated deliberately to increase its frequency until it emits lightand joins light as a force in the universe. That is what is physicallyhappening in the cosmos, human experience always matches the cycles ofthe cosmos (NPA 2010).

Darkness, the emotions it causes and the intentions it engenders are nothing compared to those in the love andlight of Prime Creator, take your power by walking in unconditional loveeven toward the forces the evil knowing it cannot resist your love,therein lies the success of us all to realize our full potential in thisuniverse we co-create unconsciously though our DNA does know (and soonwill inform your understanding of the truth).


So what is this age we live in where metaphysical mastery is becoming morecommon in our population? There are only two ages known to our solarsystem but those two have two subsets within them. These ages are causedby our solar systems' oscillation up and down the galactic equatorialplane or ecliptic. The time in the northern ecliptic is the age ofpeace, love and abundance in the positive flow of the North, whatreligions call heaven and paradise.

Below the ecliptic magnetic polarity is negative and is cause for racial hatred, competition,domination and suffering where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth,the conditions of hell by all accounts. The ages above and below theecliptic manifest in ages of spiritual enlightenment and spiritualdarkness as humans move from loving cooperation to barbaric competitionand back again in a 24,000 year cycle according to most traditions. Theconditions of either age are a function of the electromagnetic forces ofour cosmology, which is why cosmology is the basis of all ancient worldreligions and mythologies including the Bible.

The physical changes of the planets in the solar system have been a subject of greatconfusion and debate (all planets are warming and changing, not just theearth) [1, 2, 3, 4]. Planetary warming is part of the Sun's ownelectrical activity [1] but currently the Sun is being affected by thegalaxy's energy field, not just its own. In addition we have anotherspoiler in the neighborhood disturbing the electromagnetic environment,exacerbating the intensity of earthquakes, weather and volcanism theplanet over.

This spoiler is known by many names in antiquity, the Destroyer, the Red Dragon, Nemesis, Nibiru and so on. It is known as a10th planet in our solar system though it really belongs to what NASAcalls a failed star system outside our own (a brown dwarf is not failed,it is merely a star with a phonon outer layer and photon inner layerinverse to stars like our Sun. Brown dwarfs are sufficiently radiant tosupport life on its planets. The famed Nibiru is supposed to be the mostouter planet in a sister system of our Sun [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

To illustrate the correctness of the physics I have proposed about theweakness of a negative field in south polar zones of cosmic (and atomic)bodies as compared to the northern positive regions on the same bodies Iwill present a few links. First there is the known phenomena that spacecraft on approach to Earth below our equator experience less resistanceand so reach speeds much greater than those north of the equator [1].

As the Pioneer spacecraft reach the edge of the outer solar environmentthey are "feeling" the pull of the galactic North which is speeding themup [2] though NASA scientists do not yet understand that the strongmagnetic field of the North is contributing to this "anomaly." (seemagnetic inverse physics 1, 2, 3).

Our solar system has been in the southern region of the Milky Way's energy stream where electricalcharge is negative and magnetic force is weak for 12,000 years. In aweak magnetic field matter is less dense with outer layers more defuse(thus the Sun's corona is so spread out).

Over the last 15 years the magnetic fields on all the planets has intensified and matter hasclamped down to become more dense [1]. As we enter the higher energyfield of the north the planets themselves warm and change in atmosphericchemical composition as frozen gases are liberated, the planets arealso predictably brighter [2]. These changes owe to positive polaritywith concomitant higher frequency energy of the galactic north and itsstronger magnetic field. Where magnetic force is strong thermal energyis high and more matter emit light than absorb it. In time outer spacewill not hide matter in darkness. Structures normally invisible to uswill be visible.

If theory holds that nature is the same at all scales then the mean distance between objects like the planets willbegin to close in tighter around the Sun in early 2013. Indeed allplanets in the solar system are warming up at an ever increasing rate aswe enter the intense magnetic field of the galactic north, globalwarming is not our fault (1). Earth has a great deal of methane gasfrozen under the sea, already it is melting and bubbling up [1, 2, 3].

Chemical composition of atmospheres solar system wide are changing as brightnessincreases (1, 2, 3) . Undoubtedly Earth's oceans will once again burpup the methane layer held beneath it by our now nearly defunct magneticfield [1, 2]. As methane increases the planet will warm even further butthis will be a good thing (though the smell of methane won't bepleasant and if too much is released can be deadly). The reason thatglobal warming will be an advantage is that after we cross over theupper limit of the galactic plane the Sun's corona will contractconsiderably and the star will appear dark red rather than brightyellow-white (just as predicted in the Bible).

The reason for the contracted coronal layer owes to the stronger magnetic field that willconstrain it closer to the core as is happening to the planets already.Thermal energy is lower where magnetic force is strong and higher wheremagnetic force is weak. Earth's magnetic field is very weakened rightnow and has a huge gaping hole in it [1]. Earth's magnetic field isembattled with the Sun, galaxy and the 10th planet's magnetic fields forgreatly disturbed conditions (Kelvin-Helmholz instabilities, 1, 2).

Side note for physics fans: To understand the relationship between chargeand magnetic force one must compare the properties of photons withphonons in light of black body physics. The inverse relationshipsbetween electrical charge, magnetic force, luminosity and thermal outputare apparent in that simple lesson in physics.

Electronic motion within the aether cause thermal radiation in vectors around potentialwells in the universal lattice keeping space from absolute zerotemperature. The photon-phonon ratio is 50/50 keeping space at zeropoint average electrical potential as well.

Jupiter is experiencing apparent magnetic slowdown (1).

The worst of conditions is to be completely cut off from the positiveenergy of the North where enlightenment and connection to the Loveenergy of the Creator abound. The solar system is entering a physicalregion in space that is pervasive in positive energy but before we enterthat space there is a back pressure that builds as our heliospherepushes against the new and contrary space. Negative, counter clockwisespinning space is in battle with positive clockwise spinning space allaround us right now, the effects will be dramatic at times (quakes,solar storms, volcanism, etc...).

The added pressure in the solar system is seen in the intensifying effects of planetary warmingthroughout the solar system as well as in the polarizing effects ofpeoples who feel an ever increasing sense of the need to fight forrights, fight for good, fight for freedom against the opposing pressureof a New World Order that seeks to oppress the many in favor of anOligarchy that favors only a few.

Jupiter recently has chosen the northern positive polarity for itself and as such lost all its southernstorms. Those who claim to know the moods of the planets should notethat the electrical field and therefore mood of Jupiter is no longerbalanced between poles. Jupiter has made itself a target of negativepoled bodies and as such a target for electrical entities that will seekto equalize or neutralize it. As on earth the great equalizer betweenpolarities at odds with one another is the thunder bolt. Before 2013 donot be surprised if Jupiter does electrical battle with the Sun orneighboring planets. This has happened before in human memory as aptlydescribed and illustrated by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill intheir book and DVD The Thunderbolts of the Gods.

Before we get where we are going we have to contend with the emotional andpsychological conditions of our time, namely the games being played bythe powers that be which they devised to dominate the world in anidiotic quest of the ego utterly cut off from spiritual enlightenment.

Plans to exploit our fears of an alien invasion and fears of being leftbehind out of the "rapture" have been discovered and are easilyresearchable under the terms Project Enoch and Project Blue Beam perProject Camelot, a whistle blowing research agency in the UK. There isplenty of silliness on both sides as we leave our less enlightened past,hopefully I can help demystify some of the issues before us so that allknow not to fear and not to fall into the trap of being lured off thisplanet or into a vortex that can only serve to scramble your pattern anddestroy your memory which is held in your DNA.

Keep in mind always that this is our world and that our destiny is to rise in energyuntil our frequency is consistent with light emission. It will take along time to evolve that far, this is just the beginning as we prepareto leave dark, negative space and enter the light of the North. Therewill be many thousands of years to integrate rising cosmic radiation aswe travel into the ever more intense vibrations of the North. Ourspecies will evolve in keeping with the changes in our new electricaland magnetic environment. People like me are just a little early to thenew phenotype where one can generate intense heat on their skin, freezelocal space and cause liquids to solidify at will (an effect ofincreasing magnetic attraction within the vector of space I am in). WhenI do such things electronics and dogs make all kinds of noise, I andothers with me can hear the radio hiss and feel the frosty particulatesof dark matter when I freeze space in this manner. I have no doubt thatsuch abilities will have survival advantages in the new space we areheaded into and that all humans will have these capabilities and more.

Let no one convince you that low vibrations around 33 cycles per second aresome kind of spiritual goal and let no one coax you into a vortex or"star gate" of any kind. These ploys are meant to keep you from yourdestiny. The dark ones do not want us to rise above them and fill theInternet with faulty notions about destiny, magic and what you should dofor "enlightenment." Do not be fooled, light is love and of highintensity, no call for less energetics is in your best spiritualinterest. Follow that still small voice in you, it will never lie toyou.

Pre-sales of The Next Paradigm Shift are available now and includes the first 32 pages of material (16 MS Word pages). Click thefollowing link to purchase.

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  • ah sorry i must have it confused somewhere i made no book this is an excerpt of someone i just cut and pasted it on here. this is wild collens statement not mine.....
    • Thanks for all the info, Jason. I saw she was mentioned in the past by several site members within their blogs but never had a chance to read her posts or watch her videos. But I did yesterday after you posted her links. She introduces some very intriguing concepts that I've been pondering off and on since reading her thoughts. Lots of Love!
  • This is fascinating, Jason. I am looking forward to reading your book...I will check back later when links are up...this information in itself is an awakening for me...I do understand the concepts spoken of here, but for some reason was never able to put quite put my finger on how to connect their dots...thank-you for threading them together for me!!! I'm kinda wowed right now...
    • Consult

      Colleen will consult on physics, human-alien affairs and spiritual experiences with the Creator Gods. Call (888) 626-7386 ext 67362 to speak with her.
  • i forgot that this segment was brought to you by

    • Consult

      Colleen will consult on physics, human-alien affairs and spiritual experiences with the Creator Gods. Call (888) 626-7386 ext 67362 to speak with her.
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"We all see the manner in which the western elites, seek to place Red China on a global pedestal, as an exemplar of ordered credit scores, disciplined work force, heavy manufacturing, et al...

However, anyone naively inspired by…"
11 hours ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Greta Thunberg's Alarmist Tactics Suit Elite Agendas
"As we on ACC mostly realise, the dark elites seek to promote the use of EVs on a mass scale....However, I'm optimistic that people are now realising that this promotion is based upon the fakery of "climate emergency"...Moreover, rather than saving…"
11 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"As we on ACC mostly realise, the dark elites seek to promote the use of EVs on a mass scale....However, I'm optimistic that people are now realising that this promotion is based upon the fakery of "climate emergency"...Moreover, rather than saving…"
11 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"I would always recommend a very trustworthy supplier of gold and silver bullion. Anything from China should always be avoided....My tried and trusted favourite bullion merchants, are Baird & Co of London....
"Baird & Co. is one of the UK’s leading…"
11 hours ago

The Plejaren And The Plejaren Solar Systems

Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be one of the most talked about civilizations in our Galaxy The Plejaren which as we know are the Humans Billy Meier has been in contact with for most of his life. All info here comes from Sheldan Nidles book…

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Ashtar Command Global Update!

Happy Friday to You! I have just received the new 'Position of the Fleet' AC diagram…also, the new, explosive Ashtar Command Global Update is coming up!   …

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