What lies beyond our current stage of human evolution?

How does this connect to what Jesus, Buddha and other great avatars and mystics have revealed about our higher potential?
And how do we begin to translate the truth of Oneness into new forms of wholeness, in community and social organization?
If you are curious about these questions and what they reveal about your own evolutionary journey, we have an important call event for you
In this special call event, we will share the leading edge of what our beginning to understand about our further evolution as humans, which requires integration of all levels of our being, including the universal, non-local “light body.”
We have started to experience this integration through the practice of an evolutionary “pod” formation with a small group of committed allies. This pod formation is deeper than we have ever experienced, where we feel that each individual’s essence and soul’s purpose connect and cocreate on the inner plane with such brilliance and revelation that it feels as though the “pod” is forming a new membrane of intelligence, like a multi-human whole, far greater than the sum of its parts. We want to share this experience as widely as she can.
Whereas many mystical teachers emphasize the individual seeker’s felt sense of union with God, we have been learning at a deeper level what happens in a field of communion where two or more are gathered in a state of resonance, integrating the Impulse of Evolution, or Spirit-in-action. within themselves and together as a micro-whole being or system.
This state creates a field in which we can incarnate higher aspects of ourselves.
When Jesus’ disciples experienced the Pentecost and began speaking in tongues with each other, we believe that they entered en masse into such a state of holy resonance that then resulted in remarkable transformations of their being, inspiring the rest of their teaching mission.
This state of heightened potential gives us glimpses of where we are going next on our evolutionary journey, where we literally activate a new level of embodiment – something that has been chronicled in detail with many Eastern teachers and masters as well. Sometimes called the Rainbow Body, this is an elevated form of the human body, where we start to incarnate higher frequencies of light.
This state requires releasing the resistance, judgment and fear that prevent its natural unfolding...the shift from ego to essence. It also seems to require a full balancing of masculine and feminine energies and a loving integration of all levels of our being.
Our experiences and insights into what is beginning to birth in her are quite remarkable and illuminate our own journey into the next level of expressing our divinity.
Some see the process of integration as incarnating Christ consciousness, some call it becoming the Divine Human, but perhaps it is most accurate to think of it as a “new normal” for those of us who want to be pioneers and begin to live in a new way, fully connected with our divine potential.
What is clear is that integrating aspects of this higher octave of our being HAS been demonstrated by historical mystics and that we are getting closer to being able to replicate this in a wider way.
Our detailed chronicling of our own process of metamorphosis – which has led us to feel “newborn” – offers us a remarkable window into the evolutionary journey for all of us, as well as powerful new ways to open to spiritual illumination.
Join us for our latest insights into the human evolutionary frontier, which can inspire new possibilities for your own evolution.
Pls stay with us at:
http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/group/celestial-discipline http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/group/spiritual-hierarchy
CELESTIAL DISCIPLINE: http://lightworkers.org/group/188794/family-light
Master Your Destiny - Light Age Healing: http://www.facebook.com/groups/mydes
FAMILY OF LIGHT: http://www.facebook.com/groups/keywealth
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