
~Stand Strong Ashtar Massive... in the Knowing that you were born to help manifest the seemingly impossible! The challenges of the current timeline are best expressed in the eternal dance of the ‘yang’ & ‘yin.’ We are constantly reminded of this on ACC with the ongoing back-beat of the ‘Light’ verses the ‘Darkness'. What does the ebb & flow of this interplay truly mean for Humanity as we continue into 2014? I would say everything... or nothing; depending on your perspective. It is true that the stories playing out behind the fading veils of duality cannot be contained by extreme polarities, or by the limitations of words like ‘good’ & ‘evil’. Yet, in many ways, it would seem that one of Humanities most prominent shadows has been our apparent psychological need (albeit without full 12-strand DNA activation) to coral each other into one camp or another, without acknowledging our tremendous capacity for change, or to simultaneously hold 'seemingly' conflicting concepts or beliefs, as true. It almost feels as if we spend so much time projecting our ‘stories’ onto one another, that we are loosing sight of the critical juncture we find ourselves at in the 'Multidimensional-Game' we call Life. & make no mistake about it, while it is a 'game'... it would be a critical misstep to underestimate the stakes. From where I stand... the Light must win! Pure and simple. Yes, the energies between yang & yin are constantly oscillating, and 'one' can clearly see that they can’t exist without each other. You can’t have the crest of the wave, without the trough. Our capacity to truly understand the intricacies of ‘Love’ & ‘Compassion’ are a direct result of our relationship to ‘Evil’ & ‘Depraved’ mentalities. Nonetheless, I am beyond convinced, that we find ourselves at a unique point in the 'time space continuum', where the apparently  predictable dynamics of yang & yin are destined to change for ‘good’...if you know what I mean ;-) The dangerous core of the 'illusion' that Humanity is mistakingly feeding into (most aren’t comfortable acknowledging it on a conscious level yet) is: ‘The Darkness might win!'... Again, don’t mistake this for business as usual scenarios... you know, the: ‘‘Evil is winning now, but Good will have it’s day” broken record. I’m talking about something far more definitive than that. Humanity is approaching a Singularity... the EschatonThe cycle of reincarnation has ended! ‘Black might win’ is about the difference between *Being* & ‘Non-being.’ Something Humanity has toyed with for far too long, without really allowing the finality of the latter scenario to saturate the depths of our Souls. If you let yourself process the difference between these two potentialities, you’ll intuitively 'know' I’m not f**king around. These are serious times indeed. From the perspective of the impending catastrophes facing the Gaian-Matrix alone... it borders on foolish, to think our Planet has faced destructive energies in it's past uniquely like this ... ever! Not even during the fall of Atlantis. I'm referring to a situation that is 'intended' (by the Dark Cabal) to surpass an 'Extinction Level Event'. The shadows cast by Archontic/Annunaki control are not a fantasy! Through a 3D lens, they are quite 'real' & continue to hold the masses in mental bondage... & don't doubt for a second that they're not 'playing to win' by 'any means necessary'. Including the amplification of the notion that: 'Humanity is not ready!' A corrosive projection that also goes back to the ancient world. It's imply not true ACC... in fact, nothing could be further from the truth! In every sense of the word, Each & everyone of you was born 'ready'.  R E M E M B E R ?  I’m NOT convinced Humanity is going to get another shot at this... are you? The unique variables of this current paradigm are so rare, that many Intergalactic-Civilizations have gathered to take part... to bear witness & 'experience' something of such grand magnitude, that NO 'ONE' knows exactly how it is going to play out. We are biophysical extensions of the Gaian-Mind... Kings & Queens of an ancient lineage, taking part in an experiment that has reached the finish line. We will Ascend together as ONE... or not at all! We will NOT be sorted to different planets for the naughty and the nice. For me, ‘Anchoring the Light’ is about staying rooted in the INTENT to help manifest our Birthrights... to reclaim Unity-Consciousness as our natural 'state of being'. We are entering a purely 'experiential' phase of our collective-remembering, that transcends the turbulence of remaining global conflicts... inner & outer. Even the word 'Ascension', is merely a kind of Multidimensional pointer to far bigger Works that are fully in play... & transcend the limitations of the intellect. Words just don't do it justice... again, it has to be experienced. So, whether 'one' chooses to believe we are ready, or not... It's ALL happening right Now!!! Regardless of individual thinking... which will be instantly rightsized by the magnitude of our collective transition back into our Hearts. & while it would be nice to have the GFL choose to officially disclose their presence & technology, it simply doesn’t hold a candle to what we are set to accomplish ourselves. They were right sized as 'co-creators' long ago, and should be respected as such. Nothing more... nothing less. They are not 'Creator-Gods'!... they are our Galactic Brethren & Sistren, but their ‘behind the scenes’ involvement is their loss, it doesn’t have to be ours. The GFL are well past the ‘suit up & show up’ date. Period! Does this make me any less excited by the notion of ‘First Contact’? Absolutely not. But I stopped counting on it long ago as an essential component of our evolution... of our Collective-Ascension. I, like countless others of our unacknowledged fellows, came here to bust open the seal of the 'Timeloop' once & for ALL!... for the greater Good. To present the Ascension of Humanity & the Gaian Matrix to the Omniverse. 'Extreme-Optimism' in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, isn't a weakness... far from it... it's a Strength! Never underestimate the 'Power of Intent'... it's a Frequency that can change everything in the blink of an eye. Akin to the esoteric truths discovered in Dr. Masaru Emoto's water experiments. It's these frequencies of 'Love & Optimism' that created this 'reality' in the first place. If you weren't ready to fulfill your 'role', you wouldn't be here... in this moment... on our Planet! & whether you real'eyes' it on a Conscious level, or not... there are aspects of your  b e i n g  already deeply involved in manifesting these Works. Ascension simply can't be thwarted by the limitations of our beliefs... it's enmeshed with who we really are. & again... Its ALL happening right Now! Always has been. We stand on the cusp of a 'Return to Our Belonging'. ~InLight555, Stick ;-)


“Chaos is what we've lost touch with. This is why it is given a bad name. It is feared by the dominant archetype of our world, which is Ego, which clenches because its existence is defined in terms of control.”... “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.” ~Terence McKenna

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  • You're right, Traxiss...ultimately the only control we have is over ourselves. We have a choice in all things we do. It does upset people when we do not conform to their way of thinking when we decide to 'go with our own flow' [I love that] but that's alright...we just march to the beat of a different drum. More and more people are thinking this way and eventually most people will so you won't feel alone much longer and you're in good company here on ACC. ;)

  • :-)

  • Very well written post, Stick and the message is right on....love it. We are here for a purpose and if that's just to radiate love out to the masses that's good enough and the new change coming will happen...it cannot be stopped.


    • ~Thank you for  b e i n g  You Avatar. In many ways, we've been conditioned to place far too much value on the currency of our thinking. Humanity has invested a tremendous amount of energy into the lie that we are the highest living expression on the Gain Matrix... we often forget that we are also taking part in biophysical-processes that transcend the mind of the individual. There is a Collective-Biorhythm that is reconnecting us to Source... to Union with our Higher-Selves... to Unity-Consciousness. Sometimes, an easy way to affirm this esoteric truth with those still clinging to fear based potentialities is, to remind them that when they breathe, for example, they don't need to 'think', in order for their body to 'know', what to do. In fact, the majority of their Body/Consciousness, is functioning on millions of levels that have nothing to do with their will/intellect. We're  b e i n g  re-rooted in who we really are... & are in the Divine-Process of letting go of the illusion of control. ~TemetNosce247  



      • 8109147696?profile=originalAnd thank you, Stick. ;) Yes, we're becoming the new humans...homo-luminous. Exciting times we're living in.

        • 8110824274?profile=original

          Homo Luninous: The New Human

          by Alberto Villoldo

          ~Many prophesies in the indigenous world speak of this time in human history as a period of great transformation. In the medicine tradition of the Inca, legend tells of a great angel who looked into the future and saw that humanity would face an enormous task at the beginning of the 21st century. Extenuating circumstances in an extremely difficult and challenging time would require extraordinary effort to bring about peace and heal the heart of the world. Who would like to volunteer? the angel asked. Knowing we could make a difference, we jumped up and said, Me!

          The legend reminds brings to mind a scene in The Lord of the Rings when the dwarf says, No chance of success, certain death ahead? What are we waiting for! Of course, our odds are better than those faced by the dwarf, but the problems humanity is facing are huge. It is no longer a matter of global warming or carbon emissions, but the possible collapse of the entire climate system a catastrophe beyond imagination. At the human level, the distribution of water is a huge problem. Who owns the water? Can private interests own the water? And how do we distribute water to places that dont have it? The problems we face are vast and overwhelming. But the problem the Earth is facing is simple: do away with the parasite affecting it. The Earth has an immune system that recognizes what is toxic and will do what is necessary to eliminate it.

          The indigenous peoples have a body of prophesy that says up to two-thirds of humanity will be eradicated in the next decade, between now and 2012. There is to be a tremendous culling of humanity because the earth can no longer sustain this parasite humanity has become. But every crisis brings with it a marvelous opportunity and this is why we stood up and said, Me! Our work is to find new solutions, to develop sustainable ecological practices in commerce, business, and medicine. This is what we came to do.

          I see the main problem as a spiritual one. Not resource problems, but the problems centered around human beliefs, the troublesome elements founded in our mythology. Our problematic mythology is collapsing all around us. It is a mythology that is predatory, that is abusive, that reaps the cream of the earth timber, water, topsoil and passes the furtive costs onto future generations. These greedy, rapacious paradigms that pose humans as a dominator over nature are no longer sustainable.

          One day, I was walking with a medicine woman and her husband deep in the Amazon. Alberto, go across the clearing, they said. Go back into the rainforest and see what happens. So I turned and went back into the forest. From all around me, the forest was full of song. The sounds of the macaws and the monkeys and the parrots from all about were as an orchestra. First step, second step, third step, and then, everything stopped. The shamans came up to me and said, See? They know that youve been kicked out of the garden. They know that you dont belong here...

          It took ten years of study with the indigenous people before I was able to walk through the rainforest and have it continue singing. No longer did the forest recognize me as someone who did not belong. I belonged in the garden again.

          This reveals a great deal about our mythology. Mythology creates our beliefs and those beliefs inform our reality. In the west, we have the only mythology on the planet in which we are kicked out of the garden. Nobody else was cast out of the garden. The aborigines were not kicked out, the sub-Saharan Africans were not kicked out, the indigenous Americans were not kicked out. These peoples were given the garden. They were the stewards and caretakers of the garden. We, on the other hand, were not only cast out, but as we were being cast out, a voice said, And cursed is the earth because of you, pointing to the woman. And to the man, condemning him to a life of hard work, With the sweat of your brow you will take your fruit from the earth and the earth shall produce thorns and thistles for you...

          From the beginning, we have a hostile relationship with the feminine, with the earth itself. And if we look still deeper, even before we were cast out of the garden, we learned on the seventh day of creation that all of the food on the planet belongs to us. The animals and the trees and the flowers were created for our pleasure and for our feeding as humans. Instead of putting us in a position of stewardship with all life on the planet, it puts us in the position of the consumer. The assumption is that all of the food on the earth belongs to humans. It doesnt. The food on the earth belongs to all living beings on the earth...

          The paradigms of the west are the paradigms of the masculine. This is at the core of the problem. We have to break free of this mythology that sees the earth as ours to consume and sees the feminine as damned. These mythologies express themselves in our economic, political, social, and educational systems. Even our medical practices are, by their very nature, hostile and aggressive. These paradigms hold that all the food and resources on the planet belong to us. Not to the other animals, not to the plants; it all belongs to us. We can rape, loot and pillage, we can spoil the earth and postpone the price of clean-up to future generations. We have been in the grip of a mythology that has exhausted itself. Our economy, our political system, education, and even our relationship paradigms all show signs of collapse. The old mythology has taken us as far as it can.

          Now we must look for mythologies of sustainability, of collaborative relationships with the earth. This new mythology has yet to emerge, but we have the traditions of the Earth Peoples to provide us with models of the kind of world our childrens children can truly inhabit. The Earth People have an animistic relationship with all of life. Animism is practiced by people who believe they can speak to the rivers and to the trees and to the canyons and to the mountains and to God. This is what we were able to do before we were cast out of the garden. We were still in relationship with Spirit and with the natural world. Spirit is actually talking to us all the time. But we, in the west, dont open our ears to hear. If we are to find that self that still walks with beauty on the earth, that speaks to the rivers and to the trees and to God, and to whom the rivers and the trees and the voice of spirit talks back, we need a great kind of soul retrieval...

          The shaman believes that we live in a benign universe. Evil exists, but only in the human heart. We live in a collaborative, benign universe that will actually go out of its way to conspire on our behalf. But you have to be in proper relationship with it. In the medicine traditions, the shaman sees no difference between being killed by a microbe or killed by a jaguar. To us, one of them is an illness, and one is an accident, Poor boy, he went to the river at dusk, and got eaten up. For the shaman, these two are identical. You have to be in proper relationship with microbes and with jaguars, otherwise they both begin to look at you as lunch. When youre not in proper relationship, the universe turns predatory. It begins to stalk you. When we come out of proper relationship, the universe becomes adversarial we hit obstacle after obstacle but when we are in proper relationship, it conspires on our behalf. The most unlikely possibilities line up to make things work for us. This is an essential aspect of the healing process in the medicine way: to come into proper relationship. Not to medicate, to treat, to intervene, but to come into proper relationship through an energetic process...

          The shamans discovered that time runs in figure 8s, that it loops in wormholes back and forth. The way we can know that is by breaking free of the grip time and experiencing infinity. The core healing practice of the medicine way the illumination process happens outside time, in infinity. It happens when we access a self that never entered the stream of time, that cannot be affected by disease, that cannot be touched by ill health. Once having made contact with the infinite, we can re-inform who we are today. We can grow bodies that age differently, that heal differently, that die differently...

          To go from victim to hero we go into the feminine, into the earth, the mother, the great one. There is no way to make a personal journey without embracing the greater journey of the planet. The heroic stories are the stories of accepting that call to the heros journey, accepting the calling to a destiny. While we all have a future, only a few have a destiny. A destiny is something you must make yourself available to by saying yes to life, yes to God, yes to your own growth, your own spirit.

          The nature of the dialog that the shaman has with nature is one of life speaking to life, life connecting with life, life responding to a call and responding to life, to us. We call on four great archetypes: the serpent; the jaguar; the hummingbird; and the condor, the eagle in the east. These are the four organizing principles in the medicine tradition. They are known by different names among the Hopi, among the Shoshoni, among the Navajo, the Maya and the Inca. The important thing is not what you call it, not whether its the jaguar in the west or the buffalo the important thing is that when you call it, it comes. That is the shamans agreement with spirit. Our agreement with spirit, that each and every one of us has made, is that when you call, spirit comes. Not 60% of the time, not 90% of the time, but 100% of the time...

          Through this great transformation, a new human is emerging on the earth. I call this new human homo luminous. Shamanic traditions understand that evolution happens within generations. In the west, we believe evolution happens in between generations: maybe your children will be smarter and more handsome, maybe the indigo children will climb to the next rung on the evolutionary ladder. The shaman understands that evolution happens within generations. It is for us to take that quantum leap into who we are becoming. We can become homo luminous in our lifetime. This is our greatest task: to take that quantum leap individually because as we do it for ourselves, we do it for the entire planet. Each and every one of us, when we choose truth, when we choose life, when we choose light, we are transforming the world.

          read entire essay at: http://realitysandwich.com/1428/homo_luminous_the_new_human/

          • No matter which route we choose... The Tribes are Gathering... The Circle is Growing

            & we're ALL Invited... Every'one' has a voice in the Choir :-)



            Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.” ... “You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of Consciousness.” ~Terence McKenna


  • Stay with the thoughts posted by Feather Winger and Michael and absolutely do the shamanic dance in the waterfall. Our love moves mountains, water, wind, fragrant earth and each other always, but especially right now.
    Born Free and Born Ready
    • Born Free & Born Ready... Love it! ;-)

    • Marvelous, Malechite... We may wish to do some dancing, singing, laughing, playing, praying, envisioning, prancing, or "stancing"... but when we also focus on Love and "togetherness" at the same time... our "strengths" will be magnificently magnified. : )

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