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January 1, 2025
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"Start the New Year with this powerful FREE session from Bryan....clearing the past and being open to all the new possibilities in 2025! Click on this link....…
Floating above my house in NJ -Qoute from Drexk;
The craft below is not strictly orb-shaped, but rather a rhombus diamond shape and the occupants are Tau Cetians, who are sentient ET members of the GFL, and are similar to bears on…
...To Be Honest Its All A Bunch Of Shite To Me......But Then You Have To Have My Strange Mind.......To Appreciate Days Folks..................:)
Hey hey hey! Number one on the spotlight again! Wow, I amaze me.
If anyone out here has bothered to read my replys on this "Obama, good or bad?" matter, they would know that I always state that I "may be wrong" in my assertion of the possibility that Mr. Obama is actually a good guy under unimaginal pressures. That is why I decided to post this article. it "resonates" with such a scenario's likelyhood.
That is the main difference between my position and that of the crew of Obama-bashers. You guys have closed the case on this matter and set yourselves up as the only truth holding ones with "God on your side". History is full of that kind of thinking and the wars it has spawned.
Again, I may be mistaken, but I get the feeling that some of you Obama-bashers were crapping in your diapers when I was marching in protests against war and racism.
Drex, I'll say it here: I can't believe a thing you claim to know or be in light of the things I've read written by your hand.
Again, I may be wrong, but I really doubt it.
I guess it is just human nature to be uncomfortable in a state of unknowing for certain or holding one's mind from making conclusions.
"Hey Hey Hey" makes "horse feces, horse feces, horse feces."
Phylos, TO HECK WITH YOUR CLAIM THAT OBAMA IS UNDER "unimarginal pressure." HE CAN GET UP AND SAY "enough is enough" ANYTIME HE WANTS, AS DID ANDREW JACKSON, AS DID ABRAHAM LINCOLN, AND AS DID JACK KENNEDY. Obama is the son of a C.I.A. snitch (who was masquerading as a born-again muslim "hippie") who worked for an Indonesian dictator in the late '60's and early seventies. Obama's grandmother was a C.I.A. asset also, and she worked in a C.I.A. front that was a Hawaiian bank that laundered money to east Asian dictators.
The C.I.A. are guardian protectors of the Rothschild banking system, and Obama was an Arab interpreter in Afghanistan (with the fighting involving the old Soviet Union) and was a trained government criminal who was probably not joking when he publicly stated "I am really good at killing people." He was taught communist virtues at an early age, and may be implementing such virtues in a similar small way at this time while he allows the banks to loot the United States via bailouts and dragging the country into yet another world war that they can finance and profit off of, all because of a failing currency called the dollar. ALL FIAT CURRENCIES FAIL, AND OBAMA IS SIDING WITH THE BANKS THAT SUPPORT THIS TOILET PAPER (i.e. the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and similar criminals the C.I.A. was originally designed for in order to protect, because the dollar was the world's currency was the #1 priority after WWII).
And thus this mess being protected by Obama is all because of a private central banking note of indebtedness issued to U.S. government prostitutes called "the dollar," Obama is anything but under pressure, he is working with this scum.
The real current situation and explanation:
The future situation and future lecture:
Honestly now, did you click the link and actually read the article or is this just a knee-jerk to my appeal for a little open-mindedness? Like I said, you bama-bashers have God on your side and history shows what that kind of attitude has brought to our world.
I don't have God on my side. You "believe" that I "believe" that I have God on my side
I have the facts and history on my side.
You are revealing nothing but whining and art of words, without any facts.
Ok, perhaps you haven't claimed to represent a faction carrying heaven's mandate, that was Drex. I haven,t staked claim to any "facts", just possibilities offered and mitigated in light of my limited knowledge. Art of words, I will gladly confess to and I do appreciate anyone's freely given attention to my art. So, again, did you actually read the article and give it some consideration? I can consider and understand how someone could form and hold a very negative opinion of any sitting president for any number of reasons. Can you consider the possibilities outside of your conclusions?
Here's how we can get properly portray President Obama's portrait on U.S. currency:
I'm guessing with the exception of AO no one else on this thread actually read the article. I'm beginning to think they are part of the SSG.
What could possibly make you think that? ;)
All they seem to want to do is to overthrow democracy, abolish all procedural law and install a "one world, one currency and one faith" global dictatorship. That's not so bad now is it? ;)
Albeit, it does sound a lot like the prophesied 7 year reign of the Antichrist actually, but I'm sure that that feeling is just some internal paranoid delusion thingy in my own head that can easily be cured by a blue pill or a couple of electric shocks to just the right parts of the brain. ;D
I've always said they're indistinguishable from the people they claim to hate....especially with the greed part of the equation. They cannot wait to take money away from others and give it to themselves. LOL
Pass around those blue pills. ;)