...from the Greatest Being who ensouls the center of the Wheel of Creation to the Least Being who ensouls the tiniest particle of matter.
Solar system suns or gods represent the fifth principle or level of Creation just as Leo(ruled by the Sun) is the fifth sign of the zodiac. Planetary (inner)suns represent the fourth principle and the fourth sign -Cancer. The third principle is lunar or Geminian, and so on. Virgo or the sixth principle would be super-solar in nature. In this way, moons grow into planets, planets into suns, and suns into super-suns, and so on. Our Moon, for example, provided it is not destroyed, will one day become a full-fledged planet, and Jupiter a full-fledged Sun. This is possible when one realizes that the inner solar centers of all material bodies grow and expand with time and can melt and reshape or resize its shell or body.
Where do human beings fit into all this, and what principle do they represent? Humans are tiny universes themselves. Each of our cells can be likened to a galaxy, our molecules to star groups, our atoms to suns, and our electrons to planets. We can say that humans and all organic life are the dynamic midway products between the macro and micro universes. The human form is under the astrological rulership of the sign Virgo, the sixth sign, which is almost midway in the zodiac. Six is the number of man, but he is created only half finished. We must develop the remaining half(Libra to Pisces) ourselves. That is why we are on the Libran planet of the solar system; so we can become concious of OTHERS and RELATIONSHIPS, which is the key to developing or finishing the second half of our being or potential. Those who master relationships will "ascend(ant)" and go on to Pluto or the 8th level, and so on. We must master all of the planets and their lessons before we can go on to other more developed parts of our universe. Most average twelve lives per planet with a different ascendant in each life. If you are presently a Scorpio rising, for example, there is a good liklihood that you had Libra rising in your past life and will have Sagittarius rising in your next.
In The Soul-Whence and Wither by Hazrat Inayat Khan, it is stated that angels become human, and humans become planets and stars. It also says that the Sun is a God and that each ray emanating from this God is literally a seed-soul. In other words we all started as solar rays or angels before incarnating in the various kingdoms of matter and that our ultimate destiny is also to become a sun or solar being. So those moons and planets and stars or suns are the actual bodies of literal gods! And just as their is a hierarchy of cosmic bodies in our universe or cosmos, so there is also a hierarchy of Gods! The Gods literally influence us via the planets and this influence is called astrology!
The actual god essence or spirit of any planetary body is its inner central sun. If our solar system Sun is the Father, then our earthly planetary inner central sun is the Christ itself, and the Father has twelve sons or "suns". In A Mansion is Built For You in Paradise, by the late Thedore Fitch, Earth's inner central sun is literally described as the Christ essence itself, which periodically incarnates as an avatar or saviour of humanity. In astrology, this inner central sun has its influence via the Midheaven in our horoscope. The sign your Midheaven is in is probably a key indicator to how you can develop your spirituality or Christ self. The Christ, Krishna, or Buddha essence, also known as chi, prana, or the Holy Spirit, are all one and the same.
The Earth's inner central sun is humanity's Oversoul. We begin as spiritual rays from our solar system sun and are attracted to and absorbed by one of the inner central suns of one of the planets which we feel will best begin the lessons we need to evolve or develop. From the inner central sun we proceed further as soul rays to incarnate as organic life in the material realm. At deartgh we leave our bodies and return to the central sun and decide whether we wish to reincarnate, or remain, or go further out. The inner central sun is the GRAND STATION of INCOMING and OUTGOING souls; it is the LIGHT at the end of the TUNNEL (Earth's shell).
All solar bodies are centrally located and heavenly or godly in nature, from the center of Creation to the center of the tiniest particle of matter. There are probably twelve levels or categories of Suns or Heavens each separated by a factor of at least 1000. Our solar system sun, for example, is over 800,000 miles in diameter, whereas the Earths inner sun is almost 700 miles in diameter, or smaller by a factor of over 1100 times. The next level down would be a heaven or solar body over half a mile wide, and so on. The solar center or chakra near the human heart is only a few inches across but can grow or expand without limitation. This center is the God or Heaven within you which feeds off greater centers and which also sustains smaller ones. Life is an interdependant chain or pyramid of suns or heavens.
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Sorry for the Typos I didn't write it haha :D